Ship For World Youth Program Japan SWY24 Guideline

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Guideline for the 24th Ship for World Youth Program SWY24

April 28, 2011 Director General for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing Cabinet Office, Government of Japan 1. Purpose The purpose of the Ship for World Youth program is to broaden the global view of the Japanese youth, to promote mutual understanding and friendship between Japanese and foreign youth as well as to cultivate the spirit of international cooperation and the competence to practice it, and furthermore to foster the youths with capability of showing leadership in various area of international society. In addition, this program aims at establishing networks and promoting joint activities among youth around the world through providing, as the concrete and practical opportunity, the cohabitation and the joint activity on the board of the Ship for World Youth, which is the epitome of international society with wide variety of cultures and ideas, to make a visible international contribution from the perspective of human resource development. 2. Outline A. Schedule Refer to the Attachment 1 for the schedule of the 24th Ship for World Youth program. B. Activities in Japan The participating youth shall partake in the following activities according to the schedule decided by the Director General for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing of the Cabinet Office (hereinafter, Director-General). (1) Orientation concerning the general information of Japan as well as its youth administration and activities (2) Exchange of views among the participating youth (3) Visit to youth-related facilities, cultural facilities, industrial facilities, etc. (4) Homestay (excluding the Japanese participating youth) (5) Preliminary Training Session and Post-program Training Session (only for the Japanese participating youth), and Pre-departure Training Session. These training sessions are implemented based on the operating procedures separately established. Refer to attachment 2 for the Preliminary Training Session and Post-program Training Session, attachment 1 for the Pre-departure Training Session. C. Activities on board The participating youth shall partake in the following activities according to the schedule decided by the Director-General. (1) Course Discussion (studies and discussions on the common issues from a global view point) (2) PY Seminar (seminars conducted by the Participating Youth) (3) National Presentation (4) Club Activities (5) Sports and Recreational Activities (6) Group Activities (7) Others (maritime exercise, etc.)

D. Activities in the countries to be visited In the countries to be visited, the participating youth shall partake in the following activities according to the schedule that the Director-General decides, taking into consideration consistency with the activities on board. (1) Courtesy calls (2) Visit to youth-related facilities, cultural facilities, industrial facilities, etc. (3) Exchanges with youths of the countries to be visited (4) Other appropriate activities deemed by the governments of the respective countries to be visited. (This will be possible only if the time allowed. The governments of the respective countries shall In addition, operate the activities according to the schedule of the port of call.) The governments of countries to be visited operate the activities according to the schedule. orderly as a group except free time. E. Working languages English and Japanese are to be used as the working languages of the program. 3. Organization The Ship for World Youth program shall be organized with the following members: 1 Administrator, 1 Deputy Administrator, approximately 25 administrative staff and related staff members, approximately 8 advisors, participating youth from Japan and from overseas. A. Administrator and other staff members (1) The Administrator shall represent the Government of Japan and command the operation of this program. (2) The Deputy Administrator shall assist the Administrator and carry out the duties in his/her place in case of his/her absence. (3) The administrative staff members shall receive orders from the Administrator and manage the matters concerning the implementation of the program. (4) The Administrator, the Deputy Administrator and the administrative staff members are appointed by Director-General B. Advisors (1) The advisors shall share their responsibilities in educating and guiding the participating youth along the purpose of the program. (2) One of the advisors shall be appointed as the Chief Advisor, and he/she shall supervise the duties of the advisors. (3) Director-General shall commission those who are capable of carrying out the mission under 3-B-(1) as advisors. C. Participating youth During this program, the participating youth shall collaborate together and take part in the activities mentioned in 2-B, C, and D. Participating countries and the number of the participating youth are shown in the attachment 3. (1) National Delegation Leader There shall be one National Delegation Leader (hereinafter, NL) from each delegation. addition to the NL. For the Japanese delegation, there shall be one Sub-National Delegation Leader (hereinafter, SNL) in The NLs shall represent and lead own delegation, and organize the NL the participating youth shall act according to the schedule decided by the Director-General, and act


The NLs shall discuss and decide the fundamental matters concerning life and activities SNL supports NL and performs the

on board, according to the request from Administrator. above-described role. (2) Assistant National Delegation Leader

There shall be two Assistant National Delegation Leaders (hereinafter, ANL) from each delegation (as a principle, one male and one female). (3) Letter Group As a basic unit for the activities, 13 groups shall be organized with members from various countries. Each group will have one Group Leader and three Assistant Group Leaders (one non-Japanese participant and two Japanese participants). (a) Group Leader (GL) Each NL shall assume the role of GL. (b) Assistant Group Leader (AGL) The participating youth of each group shall elect their AGLs, who will act as liaison persons for the group activities. 4. Selection A. Japanese Participating Youth The Director-General shall decide the Japanese participating youth (except the NL and SNL) from among those recommended and screened by the Prefectural Governors (if the Youth Affairs Agency is under the Board of Education or the Education Agency, head of the Education Agency) or Superintendents and Directors of youth organizations. B. Japanese NL and SNL The Director-General shall appoint and commission Japanese NL and SNL in accordance with the criteria listed on attachment 4. C. Overseas Participating Youth and NLs The Director-General shall designate the overseas participating youth and NLs of respective countries with the cooperation by the governments of and the Japanese Embassies in the respective participating countries in accordance with the Outline for Recruitment and Selection of the Overseas Participating Youth. 5. Disqualification and Measures to be Taken The Director-General (the Administrator, during the cruise) may disqualify a participating youth anytime during the program when he/she falls under any of the below-mentioned A to C. Participating youth who is disqualified must return to respective countries as soon as possible. A. When the Director-General made a judgment that he/she behaved unsuitably as a member of the program, or had a certain difficulty to continue his/her participation. B. He/She expressed intention to withdraw from the program owing to unavoidable reasons. C. The government of his/her country expressed intention to withdraw the participant from the program. 6. Hosting Conferences and Meetings The Government of Japan will host the following conferences A to D in order to operate the activities mentioned in items 2-B, C, and D. Conference E will be hosted to support constructing and strengthening He/She shall lead own group. ANLs shall assist and share responsibilities with NL, and act on behalf of NL in case of his/her absence.

the network of ex-participating youth of the SWY program, and to further activate post-program activities. Refer to attachment 5 for the itinerary. A. Conference on the 24th Ship for World Youth Program by Government Officials In-Charge The government officials in charge of organizing port of call activities in the countries to be visited are invited to Japan to discuss and share opinions for the smooth operation of the program. B. Advisors Meeting For the smooth and productive operation of the program, the Cabinet Office staff-in-charge and the advisors hold a meeting, focusing their dialogue on the program objectives and its operation to ensure that everyone had a common understanding. C. NL Meeting In order to operate smooth and productive activities for the participating youth, the Cabinet Office staff-in-charge and the NLs of the respective participating countries hold a meeting to deepen their understanding towards the objectives of the program, and discuss about the implementation procedures of their activities. D. Meeting with Prefectural Government Staff-in-Charge for the Local Program In order to organize homestay activity during the Local Program in Japan, the Cabinet Office staff-in-charge and the prefectural government staff-in-charge hold a meeting to discuss and share opinions for the smooth and productive operation of the program. E. Tokyo Conference for the Ex-Participating Youth of the Ship for World Youth Program In order to assist the activities of the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association and to develop the alumni network further, representatives of the former participating youth of the Ship for World Youth program hold a conference to discuss about promoting social contribution activities and strengthening their network, and furthermore, to promote post-program activities using the international network. 7. Embarkation and Returning Home A. Japanese participating youth embark on the ship at Yokohama and disembark at Tokyo after all the days on board have been completed. B. Overseas participating youth shall assemble in Tokyo by airplane from their respective countries and embark on the ship at Yokohama with the Japanese participating youth. They disembark at Tokyo once all the days on board have been completed and fly back to their respective countries from Tokyo. 8. Reports to be Submitted The Administrator, the advisors, and the NL of each country must submit reports on the activities to the Cabinet Office of the Japanese Government by the designated deadline. 9. Responsibilities for the Safety Measures A. Safety measures on board (1) The Government of Japan shall give utmost priority to securing the safety of the participating youth. The Government of Japan shall instruct the shipping authority to cruise safely. (2) The NLs shall pay particular attention to the safety of the participating youth when discussing or making decisions at the NL Meeting. safety within the program. B. Safety measures in the countries to be visited The NLs are responsible for instructing their own delegations to be on schedule and to observe all other rules of safety in order to secure general

The respective governments shall give sufficient consideration to the safety of the participating youth at the time of planning the places to visit and schedule of activities in countries to be visited. should not be tight. C. Cooperation to ensure safety during activities in the countries to be visited The respective governments and the Government of Japan shall establish close liaison between each other to ensure smooth operation of activities in the countries to be visited and the safety of the participating youth. D. Safety precautions for the participating youth for the transportation in the countries to be visited The respective governments and the Government of Japan shall give sufficient direction to the agencies that provide transportation and shall closely cooperate in taking all necessary measures according to the circumstances of the respective countries traffic situation. 10. Emergency Procedures A. The liaison system In case of a serious accident in the countries to be visited (except the accident which took place on board), the relevant governments shall promptly contact the Government of Japan and the embassies of participating countries. B. Investigation of the cause In case of a serious accident in the countries to be visited (except the accident which took place on board), the relevant governments shall investigate the cause of the accident and issue an accident report promptly. The Government of Japan shall issue a report for accidents that occurred in other situations. shall be sent out to the Government of Japan and the respective participating governments. 11. Expenses A. The Government of Japan shall bear the cost to operate the Ship for World Youth program, excluding the items B and C mentioned below. B. Expenses borne by the Japanese Participating Youth (1) Meals during the cruise and part of charter fee of the ship that is indicated separately. condition does not apply to the NL and the SNL. (2) Accommodation fee and meals during the Preliminary Training Session and Pre-departure Training Session. Note: this condition does not apply to the NL and the SNL. (3) Traveling expenses in order to attend the Preliminary Training Session, and the Post-program Training Session. Note: this condition does not apply to the NL and the SNL. (4) Residents of Tokyo 23 wards shall bear the traveling expense in order to attend the Pre-departure Training Session and Post-program Training Session. Note: this condition does not apply to the N L and the SNL. (5) Fees for issuing passport, obtaining visas, vaccination, travel insurance, etc. (6) Any medical treatment and hospitalization fee incurred during the program (7) Personal expenses and other incidental charges C. Expenses borne by the Overseas Participating Youth (1) Any medical treatment and hospitalization fee from the time he/she left home until returning home that will not be covered by the insurance (2) Transportation fee from home to the nearest international airport Note: this The report In other cases, the Government of Japan shall be the focal point for the distribution of information and contact the governments of all participating countries promptly. The schedule

(3) Fees for issuing passport, obtaining visas (visa fee to Japan will be waived), vaccination, etc. (4) Excess baggage fee for the flights coming to and leaving from Japan (5) Shipping cost of extra/unaccompanied baggage (postage, customs fee and duties, tax, etc.) (6) Personal expenses and other incidental charges D. Expenses that disqualified participating youth must bear (1) In principle, those who are disqualified from the program for the reasons mentioned above in the item 5 must bear their own expenses for returning home. (2) However, there may be an exception where the Japanese Government may bear some or all of the cost for returning home such as (a) death or critical condition of the concerned participants immediate family such as spouse, parents, children, brothers, sisters, or (b) the concerned participants illness or injury does not allow him/her to continue the program, or Administrator affirmed the participants unavoidable reasons to return home. 12. Liability for Treatment in Case of Sickness, Injury, or Accident The Government of Japan will not be liable for any medical treatment except the treatments by the ship doctor during the cruise of the program. indemnity and casualty insurance. Therefore, the participating youth should subscribe to travel However, for the overseas participating youth, the Japanese (c) the

Government will bear the cost for the indemnity and casualty insurance. Emergency drill will be conducted as an accident prevention measure on board. 13. Special Measures in Case of Emergency In order to prioritize participating youths safety and protection at a crisis point or an emergent situation, the Government of Japan has an authority to change or cancel the schedule. 14. Others A. The airline ticket to Japan for the overseas participating youth will be distributed to each participant through the Japanese Embassies prior to departure. individually at the time of departure for returning. B. The Director-General shall designate the flights coming to and leaving from Japan. Participating youth must not change the flights and dates of arriving to and departing from Japan. C. The Government of Japan shall request that the governments of each participating country encourage participating youth to get influenza vaccines. The returning airline ticket from Japan to the international airport nearest to the residence of the respective participating youth shall be distributed

Attachment 1

Itinerary of the 24th Ship for World Youth Program

1. Itinerary from the Arrival Day of the Overseas Participating Youth
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 OPY: Orientation, Welcome Reception OPY: Local Program (Yamagata Pref., Yamanashi Pref. Fukui Pref. Wakayama Pref. Tokushima Pref. and Okinawa Pref. ) Day 4 January 21 (Sat) OPY: Local Program and homestay (homestay) Day 5 January 22 (Sun) OPY: Local Program and homestay (Discussion with local youth, Homestay) JPY: Pre-departure Training Session Day 6 January 23 (Mon) OPY: Local Program, return back to Tokyo to join Pre-departure Training Session JPY: Pre-departure Training Session Day 7 January 24 (Tue) Pre-departure Training Session Day 8 January 25 (Wed) Pre-departure Training Session Day 9 January 26 (Thu) Pre-departure Training Session Day 10 January 27 (Fri) Pre-departure Training Session Day 11 January 28 (Sat) Pre-departure Training Session Day 12 January 29 (Sun) Pre-departure Training Session Day 13 January 30 (Mon) Transfer to Yokohama, embark the ship Notes: OPY stands for overseas participating youth, JPY stands for Japanese participating youth Audience with H.I.H. the Crown Prince, courtesy call on the Prime Minister, Institutional Visit, and Tokyo City Tour are scheduled. The schedule is subject to change due to various conditions. Year 2012 January 18 (Wed) January 19 (Thu) January 20 (Fri) Arrival of the overseas participating youth (OPY)

2. Itinerary from the Departure Ceremony to Disembarkation

Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Day 46 Day 47 Day 48 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) January 31 (Tue) February 1 (Wed) February 2 (Thu) February 3 (Fri) February 4 (Sat) February 5 (Sun) February 6(Mon) February 7 (Tue) February 8 (Wed) February 9 (Thu) February 10 (Fri) February 11 (Sat) February 12 (Sun) February 13 (Mon) February 14 (Tue) February 15 (Wed) February 16 (Thu) February 17 (Fri) February 18 (Sat) February 19 (Sun) February 20 (Mon) February 21 (Tue) February 22 (Wed) February 23 (Thu) February 24 (Fri) February 25 (Sat) February 26 (Sun) February 27 (Mon) February 28 (Tue) February 29 (Wed) March 1 (Thu) March 2 (Fri) March 3 (Sat) March 4 (Sun) March 5 (Mon) Departure Ceremony / Departure from Yokohama Port Sailing day 1 Sailing day 2 Sailing day 3 Sailing day 4 Sailing day 5 Sailing day 6 Arrive Singapore (Singapore) refuel and water supply Depart Singapore(Singapore) refuel and water supply Sailing day 7 Sailing day 8 Sailing day 9 Arrive Chennai (India) Port of call activities (Chennai) 1 Port of call activities (Chennai) 2 Port of call activities (Chennai) 3 Depart Chennai (India) Sailing day 10 Arrive Colombo(Sri Lanka) Port of call activities (Colombo) 1 Port of call activities (Colombo) 2 Port of call activities (Colombo) 3 Port of call activities (Colombo) 4 Depart Colombo (Sri Lanka) Sailing day 11 Sailing day 12 Sailing day 13 Arrive Port Singapore (Singapore) refuel and water supply Depart Port Singapore(Singapore) refuel and water supply Sailing day 14 Sailing day 15 Sailing day 16 Sailing day 17 Sailing day 18 Sailing day 19 Arrive Naha (Japan) refueling and water supply, Depart Naha Sailing day 20 Sailing day 21 Arrive Tokyo (Japan) disembarkation

Note, the schedule is subject to change due to various conditions.

Attachment 2

Preliminary Training Session for Japanese Participating Youth of the 24th Ship for World Youth Program SWY24
Tentative Schedule Date Year 2011 Sept. 18 (Sun) Sept. 19 (Mon) Sept. 20 (Tue) Sept. 21 (Wed) Sept. 22 (Thu) Sept. 23 (Fri) Time Afternoon Orientation All day All day All day All day All day Training Training Training Training Training Itinerary Accommodation Training Center in Tokyo Training Center in Tokyo Training Center in Tokyo Training Center in Tokyo Training Center in Tokyo

Post-program Training Session for Japanese Participating Youth of the 24th Ship for World Youth Program SWY24
Tentative Schedule Date Year 2012 Mar. 5 (Wed) Mar. 6 (Thu) Time Afternoon Training Morning Training Itinerary Accommodation Training Center in Tokyo

Note: The schedules are subject to change due to various conditions.

Attachment 3 Participating Countries and the umber of the Participating Youth Number of the Participating Youth *1 140

Participating Countries Japan

Kingdom of Bahrain Federative Republic of Brazil Canada Arab Republic of Egypt India New Zealand 132 Republic of Peru Russian Federation (11 participants from each country) Spain Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Republic of Turkey Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (12 countries) *2 Total 272


The number of the participating youth includes one National Delegation Leader of each country. The participating countries and the number of participants from each country are subject to change by various conditions.


The countries to be visited are as follows: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Colombo), India (Chennai)

Attachment 4 1. The Qualifications for Japanese Participating Youth a) Must hold a Japanese nationality and 18-30 years of age as of April 1, 2011 (i.e. born after April 2, 1980 and after April 1, 1993). b) Must have active involvement actively in international exchange or youth activities locally, professionally or through school or youth organizations, and who can be expected to continue to remain committed to such involvement upon returning from the ship. c) Must be physically and mentally fit to be able to endure the long cruise, can follow a regimented program, and have the discipline to live harmoniously in a large group. d) Possesses considerable knowledge or skill in areas such as Japanese society, culture, sports, etc. e) Must be able to show appreciation and understanding of the countries to be visited. f) Must have sufficient command of English to participate smoothly in activities on-board and at the ports of call. g) Must be able to participate in the whole program including the Preliminary Training Session, Pre-departure Training Session, Post-program Training Session and on board program. 2. The Qualifications for the Japanese National Delegation Leader and Sub-National Delegation Leader a) Preferably in their thirties; b) Capable of performing the expected duties and responsibilities, such as taking the leadership of his/her delegation, participating in various activities as leaders of mixed nationality groups, which are basic units for activities on board as well as in the countries to be visited, and taking a role as a member of the National Delegation Leader meeting in discussing and deciding the fundamental matters related to on-board and ports of call activities; c) Preferably with experience of the Ship for World Youth program as a participating youth.


Attachment 5 1. Conference of Government/Semi-Government Officials In-Charge (Tentative) Date Time Itinerary Accommodation Year 2011 Arrival in Japan June 15 (Wed) Hotel in Tokyo June 16 (Thu) All day Conference Hotel in Tokyo June 17 (Fri) All day Conference Hotel in Tokyo June 18 (Sat) Departure from Japan The Tokyo Conference for the Ex-Participating Youth of the SWY Program (Tentative) 2. Advisors Meeting (Tentative) Date Time Year 2011 Aug. 3 (Wed) Aug. 4 (Thu) All day Aug. 5 (Fri) All day Aug. 6 (Sat)

Itinerary Arrival in Japan Meeting Meeting Departure from Japan

Accommodation Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo

3. National Delegation Leaders Meeting (Tentative) Date Time Itinerary Year 2011 Arrival in Japan Nov. 7 (Mon) Nov. 8 (Tue) All day Meeting Nov. 9 (Wed) All day Meeting Nov. 10 (Thu) All day Meeting Nov. 11 (Fri) All day Meeting Nov. 12 (Sat) Departure from Japan

Accommodation Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo

4. Meeting with Prefectural Government Staff-in-Charge for the Local Program (Tentative) November 18, 2011 5. The Tokyo Conference for the Ex-Participating Youth of the SWY Program (Tentative) Date Time Itinerary Accommodation Year 2011 Arrival in Japan (1) Hotel in Tokyo (2) All day Meeting Hotel in Tokyo Hotel in Tokyo (3) All day Meeting Hotel in Tokyo (4) All day Meeting Hotel in Tokyo (5) All day Meeting (6) Departure from Japan

Note: These schedules are subject to change due to various conditions.


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