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Economic growth and biomass energy

Melike E. Bildirici*
Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz Campus, Istanbul, Turkey

article info abstract

Article history: This paper investigates the short-run and long-run causality analysis between biomass
Received 15 December 2011 energy consumption and economic growth in the selected 10 developing and emerging
Received in revised form countries by using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag bounds testing (ARDL) approach of
14 September 2012 cointegration and error correction models. It covers annual data from 1980 to 2009. The
Accepted 18 September 2012 cointegration test results show that there is cointegration between the biomass energy
Available online 8 December 2012 consumption and the economic growth in nine of the ten countries (Argentina, Bolivia,
Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru). The cointe-
Keywords: gration test results show that there is no cointegration between the biomass energy
Biomass energy consumption consumption and the economic growth in one of the ten countries (Paraguay).
Economic growth ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Short-run causality
Long-run causality

1. Introduction energy is attracting growing interest around the world [3].

Modern biomass energy is an alternative for reducing foreign
Biomass energy may be consumed either directly or indirectly. oil dependency because it is renewable, abundant and can be
Direct consumption is the traditional consumption of biomass produced everywhere [4]. Moreover, biomass energy can be
energy and involves the process of combustion as cooking, converted to useful thermal energy, electricity and fuels for
space heating, and industrial processes. Indirect consumption power by means of transferring [5]. In developing countries,
and/or modern consumption are the more advanced processes modern biomass energy can provide a basis for rural employ-
of converting biomass into secondary energy [1]. As the ment and income. Since biomass production is labor intensive,
economy progresses, commercial energy consumption and feedstock production could be an important source of both
electricity consumption become predominant and traditional primary employment and supplemental income in rural areas
biomass energy consumption decreases. During the period of [1]. Socio-economic benefits of biomass energy consumption
rapid urbanization combined with industrialization and can be identified as a significant driving force in increasing the
economic development, the energy transition from traditional share of bioenergy in the total energy supply.
biomass energy consumption to commercial fossil fuels The economic impacts of biomass energy production and
energy consumption accelerated and a higher penetration of consumption are generally analyzed for three socio-economic
commercial fossil fuels in countries caused a decline in the indicators: gross output, value-added and employment [6]. In
share of traditional biomass energy consumption [2]. In addi- evaluating the economic impacts, inputeoutput (IeO) models
tion to the effects of industrialization, the 1974 and 1979 oil are generally used. IeO models developed multipliers that
crises, led to an “energy transition” away from modern fossil estimate the relationship between the initial effect of
fuels toward modern biomass energy. Such modern biomass a change in demand and the total effects of that change. In

* Tel.: þ90 212 3832527.

E-mail address:
0961-9534/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
20 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 9 e2 4

these models, output is the total value of production and supported in cases when an increase in economic growth
value-added is measured as total output minus variable costs causes an increase in energy consumption. Third, the growth
and employment, which includes the number of full- and hypothesis suggests the unidirectional causality running from
part-time jobs in the sector [7]. Hjerpe [8], Gan and Smith [6], energy consumption to GDP. The growth hypothesis postu-
and Grebner [9] show that models have demonstrated lates that energy consumption has played a vital role in
the multiplicative effects of bioenergy in various regions of the economic growth both directly and indirectly. Since an
U.S. increase in energy consumption has a positive impact on
The aim of this study is to estimate the relationship economic growth, energy conservation-oriented policies that
between biomass energy consumption and economic growth reduce energy consumption can impact economic growth.
by ARDL method in the following countries: Argentina, Fourth, the feedback hypothesis accepts the existence of a bi-
Bolivia, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, Nicaragua, directional causality between GDP and energy consumption.
Panama, Paraguay and Peru. This study can be defined as The feedback hypothesis determines the interdependent
complementary to the previous papers in the context of relationship between energy consumption and economic
energy economics. However, it differs from the existing liter- growth, whereby each serves as complement to the other [18].
ature of energy economics in some aspects. First, to distin- For America, with the exception of the United States, the
guish it from the previous works, it employs biomass energy research on the causal relationship between energy
consumption. Second, it is the first study in the literature that consumption and GDP is relatively sparse. Nachane et al. [19]
analyzes the causal relationship between biomass energy find support for the growth hypothesis in Guatemala. Murray
consumption and economic growth for the analyzed and Nan [20] identify unidirectional causality from real GDP to
countries. electricity consumption for Colombia. Cheng [21] shows
In perspectives of this paper, knowledge of the direction of evidence of unidirectional causality from energy consumption
causality between biomass energy consumption and to real GDP for Brazil and the neutrality hypothesis, absence of
economic growth is important to determine appropriate causality between energy consumption and real GDP for
energy policies. Venezuela. Huang B.N. [22], in an 82-country panel that
In the second section of the study, causality literature will includes Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,
be presented. Econometric theory is identified in the third Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, determined for the
section. The fourth section consists of the empirical results, low-income panel the absence of causality between energy
while the last section includes conclusions and policy consumption and real GDP, whereas unidirectional causality
implications. from real GDP to energy consumption was found for the
middle- and high-income panels. Chontanawat et al. [23]
found unidirectional causality from energy consumption to
2. The literature of energy consumption and real GDP for Chile, Colombia and Uruguay, and unidirectional
economic growth causality from real GDP to energy consumption for Boliva,
Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Squalli [24] reveals evidence of
Rasche and Tatom [10], Kraft and Kraft [11], Berndt [12], unidirectional causality from electricity consumption to real
Akarca and Long [13] and even Proops [14], Yu and Hwang [15], GDP in Venezuela. Apergis and Payne [25] determined both
Yu and Choi [16], and Erol and Yu [17] were among the first short-run and long-run causality from energy consumption to
researchers to examine the relation between GDP and energy economic growth in Central America. They found evidence of
consumption in the framework of energy economy. Many bi-directional causality between energy consumption and real
papers analyzed the relationship between energy consump- output. Apergis and Payne [26] examined the relationship
tion and economic growth in pursuit of these pioneering between energy consumption and economic growth for
studies. Depending on developments in econometrics tech- a panel of nine South American countries over the period 1980
niques, the Granger causality test and Tado Yamamoto test to 2005 within a multivariate framework. The Granger
were applied following Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and causality results indicate both short-run and long-run
cointegration methods: the JohanseneJuselius procedure, the causality from energy consumption to economic growth,
Engle-Granger procedure and the ARDL model. Different which supports the growth hypothesis. Seung-Hoon Y. and
results on direction of causality allowed for four hypotheses: So-Yoon K. [27] investigated the causal relationship between
1) the “neutrality hypothesis”; 2) the “conservation hypoth- electricity consumption and economic growth among seven
esis”; 3) the “growth hypothesis” and 4) the “feedback South American countries, namely Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
hypothesis”. Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela, for the period
The neutrality hypothesis postulates that causality 1975e2006. Their results indicated that the causal nexus
between GDP and energy consumption does not exist. Energy between electricity consumption and economic growth varies
consumption is a relatively small component of overall output across countries. There is a unidirectional, short-run causality
and thus will have little or no impact on economic growth. from electricity consumption to real GDP for Argentina, Brazil,
Second, the conservation hypothesis determines the unidi- Chile, Columbia and Ecuador. In Venezuela, there is a bi-
rectional causality running from GDP to energy consumption. directional causality between electricity consumption and
Energy conservation policies, such as efficiency improvement economic growth. However, no causal relationships exist
measures and demand management policies, designed to in Peru.
reduce energy consumption and waste may not have an In recent years, the causal relationship between renewable
adverse impact on economic growth. These hypotheses are energy consumption and economic growth was investigated
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 9 e2 4 21

for Central America. Apergis and Payne [25] studied the rela- relationships between biomass energy consumption and real
tionship between renewable energy consumption and GDP for GDP may follows as:
a panel of six Central American countries over the period
1980e2006. They indicated bi-directional causality between X
m X
renewable energy consumption and GDP in both the short-run Dpy ¼ A10 þ B1i Dpyti þ f1i Dbctj þ d11 pyt1 þ d12 bct1 þ ε1t
i¼1 j¼0
and long-run. Apergis et al. [28] analyzed the causal relation-
ship between CO2 emissions, nuclear energy consumption, (1)
renewable energy consumption and GDP in a group of devel-
oped and developing countries for the period 1984e2007 by X
m X
a panel error correction model. Dbc ¼ A20 þ B2i Dbcti þ f2i Dpytj þ u21 bct1 þ u22 pyt1 þ ε2t
i¼1 j¼0
This paper analyzes the causal relationship between
biomass energy and economic growth. (2)

where D and ε1t are the first difference operator and the white
noise term.
3. Data and methodology
The null hypothesis of no cointegration among the vari-
ables in Eq. (1) are H0:d11 ¼ d12 ¼ 0 against the alternative
3.1. Data
hypothesis H1:d11 s d12 s 0. In Eq. (2) the null hypothesis of no
cointegration is H0:u21 ¼ u22 ¼ 0 against the alternative
In this study, the relationship between biomass energy
hypothesis H1:u21 s u22 s 0. The bounds testing procedure is
consumption and economic growth was analyzed using the
based on the joint F-statistic or Wald statistic that tests the
ARDL method in Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Sal-
null hypothesis of no cointegration. If the calculated
vador, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru. bc
F-statistics are below the upper CV, we cannot reject the null
represents the biomass energy consumption log (bct), and py
hypothesis of no cointegration. One set of critical values
represents the logarithm of real GDP. Data were taken from
assumes that all variables in the ARDL model are I(0), while
World Bank, the International Energy Agency. Data covers the
the other is calculated on the assumption that the variables
1980e2009 period, with the exception of the data for
are I(1). Thus, rather than using standard critical F-statistic
Argentina, which covers 1980e2005.
values, the upper (for I(1)) and lower (for I(0)) bounds of the
F-statistics presented by Pesaran et al. [37] are used. If the
3.2. Methodology F-statistic is lower than the lower bounds value, then the null
hypothesis of no cointegration cannot be rejected. If the
Engle and Granger’s [29] two-step cointegration methods, computed test statistic exceeds the upper critical bounds
which are based on the analysis of residuals, and Johansen’s value, then the H0 hypothesis is rejected. The appropriate lag
[30] maximum likelihood reduced rank methods have been structure is determined using Akaike Information Criterion
used intensively to determine the relationship between (AIC), Schwarz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) and/or Bayesian
energy consumption and economic growth. However, criti- Information Criterion (BIC). Estimations are completed using
cisms of these method make the results questionable. Harris an ordinary least squares procedure with White’s test for
[31] and Rahbek and Mosconi [32] emphasized the statistical cross-sectional heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors
deficiencies in those models. Huang and Yang [33] determined and covariance matrix.
that the Johansen procedure is very sensitive to assumptions. ARDL tests provide information about a long-run rela-
Ahking [34] and Hjelm and Johansson [35] showed that the tionship between variables, but no information about the
results of Johansen tests are sensitive to the choice of deter- direction of causality between variables. It is important to
ministic components. assess how biomass energy consumption and economic
These problems are eliminated with the ARDL method growth affect one another. This can be achieved with the
developed by Pesaran et al. [36]. The ARDL method allows for ARDL procedure by completing separate estimations of Dbct
the simultaneous estimation of the short-run and long-run and Dpyt as dependent variables.
components within a error correction model. Johansen coin- The following error correction model based on the two-
tegration techniques require that all the variables in the step procedure for Granger causality is used. The advantage of
system must be of equal order of integration. The ARDL is using an error correction term to test for causality is that it
applied irrespective of whether underlying regressors are allows testing for short-run causality through the lagged
purely I(0), purely I(1) or mutually cointegrated and thus difference explanatory variables and for long-run causality
requiring no unit root pre-testing. On the other hand, the through the lagged ECMt1 term. A statistically significant
ARDL procedure is a statistically more significant method to ECMt-1 determines long-run causality running from indepen-
determine the cointegration relation in small samples. The dent variables toward the dependent variable [38]. According
ARDL also allow for the variables to have different optimal to Narayan and Smyth [39], after estimating the long-run
lags. Finally, the ARDL procedure employs only a single model in order to obtain the estimated residuals, the next
reduced-form equation; however, the conventional cointe- step is to employ the following error correction based on
gration technicals estimate the long-run relationship within Granger causality model.
a context of system equations [37]. The ARDL model for the The Error Correction model used to analyze relationships
standard log-linear functional specification of long-run between the variables was constructed as follows:
22 b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 9 e2 4

m X
n cointegration at 1% and 5% significance levels or better
Dpy ¼ a0 þ bi Dpyti þ fi Dbctj þ 21 ECMt1 þ e1t (3) between biomass energy consumption and economic growth
i¼1 j¼0
for nine (9) countries. This simply means that the computed F-
statistics for these models are above the upper bound critical
p X
Dbc ¼ a0 wi Dpyti þ qi Dbctj þ 22 ECMt1 þ e2t (4) value. It was determined to Fy ( pyjbc) for all countries:
i¼0 j¼1 Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica,
Nicaragua, Panama and Peru.
where residuals et are independently and normally The long-run elasticities and some diagnostic checks for
distributed with zero mean and constant variance and the underlying ARDL model are displayed in Table 1.
ECMt1 is the error correction term resulting from the long-
run equilibrium relationship, and b, f, q, w are parameters 4.1. Granger causality results
to be estimated. 2 is a parameter indicating the speed
of adjustment to the equilibrium level after a shock. It According to the ARDL results, a long-run relationship exists
shows how quickly variables converge to equilibrium and it between biomass energy consumption and GDP for countries.
must have a statistically significant coefficient with A causality relationship must exist by definition in at least
a negative sign. one direction, it is used Granger causality test by incorpo-
The Error Correction model should be a starting point for rating the error correction term It is estimated to examine the
the causality analysis. Granger causality can be examined in possible short-run and long-run causality between these
three ways [40]: (1) Short-run or weak Granger causalities are variables. The causality relationships between biomass
detected by testing H0:fi ¼ 0 and H0:wi ¼ 0 in Eqs. (3) and (4). (2) energy consumption and economic growth are summarized
Long-run Granger causalities are represented by the ECMs in in Table 2.
equations. The coefficients of the ECMs represent how fast The ECMs in Table 2 indicate that there exists a mechanism
deviations from the long-run equilibrium are eliminated to correct the disequilibrium between economic growth and
following changes in each variable. Long-run causalities are biomass energy consumption. The error correction term was
examined by testing H0: 21¼ 0 and H0: 22¼ 0. (3) Strong Granger negatively and statistically significant, showing a speed of
causalities are detected by testing H0:fi ¼ 21¼ 0 and H0:wi¼ 22¼ 0 adjustment ranging from 16 to 65% within one year of any
in Eqs. (3) and (4). disequilibrium toward a long-run equilibrium state. The error
correction term is statistically significant with a relatively
slow speed of adjustment toward equilibrium. If the coeffi-
4. Empirical results cient of the error correction term is smaller than 1, then the
system is equilibrating by fluctuating, and this fluctuating will
Lag length supplying the smallest critical value is determined decrease in each term before providing the transition to
as the lag length of the model by using Akaike Information equilibrium.
Criteria. Models were determined after applying the LM test to The short-run and long-run Granger causality tests reveal
all possible models. several interesting results. The causality test results (see Table
According to the computed F-statistics for Paraguay, we do 2) for Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
not have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis of no Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru are as follows:
cointegration at 1% and 5% significance levels between There is evidence of unidirectional Granger causality from
biomass energy consumption and economic growth. We have biomass energy consumption to GDP in Argentina, Bolivia,
enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis of no Cuba, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru, and

Table 1 e The results of ARDL test.

Bounds testing for cointegration Long-run coefficients

Fy(pyjbc) Fbc(bcjpy) c bc R2(LM)

Argentina 5.02516 0.1258 0.1178 (1.907) 0.2358 (2.003) 0.76

Bolivia 16.460 0.19519 0.35571(3.57) 0.7860
Cuba 4.9749 1.7102 1.1822 (2.512) 1.23128 (2.318) 0.51
Costa Rica 8.905 2.7841 2.353 (2.0825) 0.5548
El Salvador 14.0660 0.32939 0.59516 (3.8270) 1.85252 (2.4563) 0.61105
Jamaica 4.8820 1.7905 0.28962 (0.83384) 0.169921 (4.4258) 0.54008
Nicaragua 5.3282 0.22813 0.15038 (2.96) 0.1308 (1.7896) 0.5789
Panama 5.9838 0.94999 0.5878 (2.9231) 0.391248 0.5048
Paraguay 0.03298 1.9239
Peru 5.9164 0.96622 0.11238 (3.6818) 0.77145 (19.1853) 0.50248

It is given t value and probabilities in paranthesis, The F-statistic is non-standard and is tabulated in Pesaran et al. (2001). Due to the small size,
a maximum lag structure of one (m ¼ 1) was considered for the ARDL in Eq. (1). The appropriate lag structures were selected according to the
Schwartz criteria (see Pesaran and Pesaran (1997) and Enders (2004)). The results indicate one lag was appropriate for most countries.
b i o m a s s a n d b i o e n e r g y 5 0 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 9 e2 4 23

Table 2 e Granger causality and error correction term.

ECM term Dbc / Dpy ECM / Dpy Dbc, ECM / Dpy
Dpy / Dbcc ECM / Dbcb Dpy, ECM / Dbca

Argentina 0.2451(2.77) 9.24365 55.4856 123.456

1.14256 71.9559 245.789
Bolivia 0.1550(2.47) 12.6509 109.4885 210.896
2.058 103.2788 195.567
Cuba 0.41632(3.001) 89.8820 90.0843 93.2003
0.64210 0.40444 1.6365
Costa Rica 0.32113 (2.1728) 8.7248 23.5907 389.0349
1.7901 0.4578 377.2396
El Salvador 0.4480 (4.5046) 6.3087 8.3130 6.5474
6.3266 3.9728 0.44144
Jamaica 0.52350 (2.7838) 6.6991 15.9110 5.8268
0.051691 3.2599 0.78556
Nicaragua 0.5599 (3.05) 44.6447 43.9365 43.5086
2.2771 44.9593 24.9613
Panama 0.65124 (2.896) 39.0888 15.8420 38.5813
1.0150 0.8513 41.5013
Peru 0.63613 (3.00128) 58.862 2.3825 41.0947
2.2730 2.8966 61.9195

a Strong causality.
b Long-run causality.
c Short-run causality.

there is bi-directional causality from biomass energy demand. In the countries studied, there is a unidirectional
consumption to GDP for El Salvador. Furthermore, the long- relationship from biomass energy consumption to GDP, which
run causality results indicate that there is bi-directional means that biomass energy consumption acts as a stimulus to
causality for Argentina, Bolivia and Nicaragua, and unidirec- economic growth. With these findings, energy policies aimed
tional causality for Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador Jamaica and at improving energy infrastructure and increasing energy
Panama. According to long-run causality results, any causal supply are the appropriate options for these countries since
relationships within the dynamic error correction model for biomass energy consumption increases the income level. The
Peru cannot be estimated. Finally, a strong causality result unidirectional causality runs from economic growth to
shows bi-directional causality for Argentina, Bolivia, Costa biomass energy consumption. It suggests that the policy of
Rica, Nicaragua, Panama and Peru. The strong causality test conserving biomass energy consumption may be imple-
results for Jamaica and El Salvador are disputable. mented with little or no adverse effect on economic growth.
As a result, no cointegration is found in one out of the ten Biomass energy delivers energy in all forms that people
countries studied in this paper. A cointegration and causal need. Biomass energy is a stimulus for economic growth and
relationship is found in nine countries. Thus, we may contributes to poverty reduction in developing countries
conclude that there is a relationship between biomass energy because it meets energy needs at all times and for all coun-
consumption and economic growth in most of the analyzed tries, without expensive conversion devices.

5. Conclusion

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