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Natural Resources Research, Vol. 28, No.

4, October 2019 ( 2019)

Original Paper

Does Resource Curse Really Exist in Precious Metal

Producer Countries?

1,3 2
Melike E. Bildirici and Seyit M. Gokmenoglu

Received 21 October 2018; accepted 18 February 2019

Published online: 4 March 2019

In this study, the relationship between precious metal production and economic growth is
examined for the countries producing them the most, namely Australia, Canada, Mexico,
Philippines, Peru, South Africa and USA, for the period 1963–2016 by using Markov
switching-vector error correcting models and impulse–response functions. All economies
under examination in this study are well described by Markov switching intercept
heteroscedasticity-vector error correction models. We detect both estimated intercepts and
variances differ across regimes. According to results, the effect of precious metal production
on economic growth is various. As a whole, there is a long-run relationship between each
precious metal production and economic growth. In the short run, whereas gold production
has a negative effect on USAs and Canadas economies, which supports resource curse, it
has positive one on South Africas. The effect of silver production on economic growth of
Australia and Peru is negative, but it is positive for Canada and South Africa. While copper
production has a positive effect on the economic growth of Australia and South Africa, we
find supporting evidence for resource curse for Canada, Peru and USA. We also find
insignificant correlation between any precious metals and economic growth for Mexico and
KEY WORDS: Dutch disease, Economic growth, MS-VEC, Precious metals, Resource curse.

INTRODUCTION Australia, Canada and Botswana. However, it can

be observed that many natural resource-rich coun-
Is it a good chance having a resource abundance tries, particularly in Africa, Middle East and South
or not? What is the influence of the natural resource America, perform worse economic performance
abundance on economic growth? In the literature, relative to the resource-poor countries in the same
several empirical studies seek an answer to this economic development level. This phenomenon is
question. At first glance, having natural resource known as resource curse. It simply describes the
abundance seems a blessing and a good opportunity failure to benefit from natural resource revenues for
for start-up. Some countries use this unique oppor- sustained growth, but there is no consensus in the
tunity to enhance their welfare such as Norway, literature whether the curse really exists. In the last
two decades, while about 40% of econometric
Department of Economics, Yıldız Technical University, Davut-
studies support resource curse, 20% of those studies
pasa/Istanbul, Turkey. suggest natural resources have a positive impact on
Institute of Social Sciences, Yıldız Technical University, Davut- economic growth and the rest found insignificant
pasa/Istanbul, Turkey. results (Havranek et al. 2016). The contrasting
To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: findings of previous studies stem from the indicators

1520-7439/19/1000-1403/0  2019 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
1404 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

that were used for resource richness, the type of Secondly, to distinguish between types of resources,
resources, the countries analyzed, the econometric we focused only on precious metals. The countries
method and the period covered. with the highest production levels of precious metals
The first empirical study supporting resource as of 2016 are included for the analysis. When
curse was conducted by Sachs and Warner (1995). selecting countries we excluded those with inade-
They used the ratio of primary product exports to quate data for the analysis. Three of the countries
GDP in the initial year as a measure of resource under study are developed ones, and four of them
richness. Many researchers adopted this method and are developing ones. These properties of the coun-
used this indicator for resource richness (e.g., Leite tries also enable us to determine whether the effect
and Weidman 1999; Sala-i-Martin and Subramanian of resource abundance on the economic growth
2003; Mehlum et al. 2006; Brunnschweiler and Bulte differs according to the developmental level of the
2008; Kim and Lin 2017). The share of mineral countries. Finally, as the salient feature of the study,
production in GDP, the share of primary product unlike other studies on this field, we use Markov
exports in total exports, land per capita were also switching-vector error correcting (MS-VEC) models
firstly used by Sachs and Warner (1995), and then to investigate the relationship.
some other studies utilized them. Gylfason (2001), The second section discusses briefly the litera-
Stijns (2006), Cockx and Francken (2014) used the ture on natural resource richness and economic
share of natural capital in total capital as a proxy for growth. In the third section, data description and
resource richness. Total natural capital and subsoil econometric methods are presented. The fourth
wealth per capita were used by Brunnschweiler section covers results of the analysis. Finally, the last
(2008), oil income per capita was used by Wigley section presents conclusions and economic policy
(2017) and Damette and Seghir (2018), oil and gas implications.
value per capita were used by OConnor et al.
(2018). Arezki and Ploeg (2011) employed natural
capital stock. Some studies like Atkinson and LITERATURE AND CHANNELS
Hamilton (2003), Collier and Hoeffler (2009), TO RESOURCE CURSE
Bhattacharyya and Hodler (2010) and De Soysa and
Gizelis (2013) employed the share of natural rents in To economize on space we introduce main
GDP. Arezki and Brückner (2011), Antonakakis arguments and studies in this section. Readers are
et al. (2017) and Arin and Braunfels (2018) used oil referred to Frankel (2010), Deacon (2011) and Ste-
rents, and Amiri et al. (2018) used natural resource vens (2015) for detailed literature survey. The
rents. While Cavalcanti et al. (2011) employed the Economist, published in 1977, drew attention to the
real value of oil production for natural resource decline of the Netherlands manufacturing sector
abundance, Smith (2015) measured it with natural after the discovery of natural gas resources in 1960s
resource production data. and coined this event as Dutch Disease. Dutch
The outcomes of the studies on resource rich- Disease claimed that a boom in natural resources
ness and economic growth are also diverse in terms attracted foreign currency into the economy giving
of economic analysis method conducted. If countries rise to appreciation of the local currency, drawing
have similar natural resources but the outcome is capital and labor force to resource and service sec-
not same, what makes the difference? At this point, tors (Corden 1984). Both of these crowd out the
there are several channels used to explain the curse, manufacturing sector and make it uncompetitive,
and the most emphasized one is institutional quality hindering sustainable economic growth. It was firstly
in a country. However, in this article, our focus is on formalized by Corden and Neary (1982). Gelb
the direct effect of resource abundance on economic (1988) analyzed the impact of oil revenues on eco-
growth, not on the transmission channel of the ef- nomic growth especially in developing countries and
fect. We therefore did not take into consideration found negative relationship between them and term
transmission channels in analyzing the relationship. the negative relationship as resource curse. Auty
In this article, we aim to contribute to the lit- (1993) popularized the term in his sensational study
erature in the following ways. Firstly, we proxy re- that found mineral-rich countries, like the oil-rich
source richness with production data. To the best of ones, have slower growth rate compared with those
our knowledge, only Stijns (2005) and Smith (2015) lacking in resource richness in the same develop-
have used this indicator for resource abundance. ment level. Subsequently, the question whether
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1405

having resource abundance is a curse became very 2016 were included for the analysis. We excluded the
popular in economic growth literature. Sachs and countries with inadequate data for the analysis. We
Warner (1995) were the first to analyze the curse have chosen three developed (Australia, Canada,
empirically. They showed, by using cross-sectional and USA) and four developing countries (Mexico,
data analysis, that countries having high share of Philippines, Peru and South Africa), which have the
primary product exports in GDP in 1971 had lower highest production levels in 2016 for analysis. We
economic growth performance during 1971–1989. have acquired gross domestic production data from
Sachs and Warner (1997) changed the base year to the World Bank database. The variables used in
1970 and got the same result. Likewise, studies by analysis were economic growth, gold production,
Sachs and Warner (2001), Leite and Weidman silver production, copper production symbolized
(1999), Dietz et al. (2007), Ross (2001), Sala-i-Mar- as y, gold, slv and cop, respectively. We have
tin and Subramanian (2003), Mehlum et al. (2006), transformed all data to log ratio to minimize skew-
Moradbeigi and Law (2017) and Damette and Seghir ness as ly ¼ logððyt  yt1 Þ=yt1 Þ, lgold ¼ log
(2018) found supporting results for resource curse. ððgoldt  goldt1 Þ=goldt1 Þ, lslv ¼ logððslvt  slvt1 Þ=
In contrast, studies by Davis (1995), Stijns (2006), slvt1 Þ and lcop ¼ logððcopt  copt1 Þ=copt1 Þ,
Brunnschweiler (2008), Alexeev and Conrad (2011), where t and t1 denote current value and the pre-
Cavalcanti et al. (2011), Cotet and Tsui (2013), vious value of the variables, respectively.
Smith (2015), Havranek et al. (2016), Arin and
Braunfels (2018) and Dobra et al. (2018) claim
natural resources have positive effects on economic Econometric Methods
In addition to Dutch Disease thesis, the re- The empirical literature on resource curse pre-
source curse literature generally suggests three other dominantly depends on cross-sectional regressions,
channels leading to slow economic growth: price which suffer from various problems of endogeneity
volatility, rentier-state and the crowd-out effect. As bias as well as some limitations. They are incapable
for the first channel, Prebisch (1950) and Singer of identifying dynamics and testing the short- and
(1950) argued that mineral and agricultural com- long-run effects of natural resource abundance on
modity prices follow a downward trend in the long economic growth. However, the Markov switching
run relative to those of manufactured and other model used in this study relaxes the constricting
commodities. Ross (2003) indicated that interna- postulation that all observations in a series are
tional prices of primary commodities have fluctuated drawn from a Gaussian distribution with constant
more compared to those of manufactured ones over mean and variances in the period. In this article,
the past century. If a country mainly relies on nat- empirical results were evaluated in three stages.
ural resource export revenues, the volatility created In the first stage, the unit root tests were applied
by the fluctuations in prices of these resources in the to decide whether variables are integrated of order
world market and the sudden and sharp decreases in one (I(1)). If they are, we checked in the second
the terms of trade can cause economic shocks. The stage if there is any co-integration relationship be-
unpredictable fluctuations in revenues create tween variables by using the Johansens co-integra-
uncertainty and, in turn, have undoubtedly had a tion test (Johansen 1991, 1995). If we detect co-
negative impact on a resource-dependent countrys integration relationship, we used in the third stage a
economy. two-step estimation method suggested by Krolzig
(1996) for MS-VEC analysis. In the first step, we
obtained the co-integration vector and equilibrium
DATA DESCRIPTION errors by estimating linear vector error correcting
AND ECONOMETRIC METHODS (VEC) model and then in the second step we treated
the equilibrium errors as exogenous variable in
Data Description Markov switching-vector autoregressive (MS-VAR)
model, becoming MS-VEC model. We used the
We have compiled precious metals production expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to esti-
data by using U.S. Geological Survey Minerals mate MS-VEC models, and it yields total regime
Yearbooks issued from 1960 to the present. The numbers, regime durations and probabilities of
countries with the highest production levels as of transition as well as adjustment rate of error cor-
1406 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

recting parameter. We defined the models for each orthogonalized impulse–response functions to
regime as follows. investigate impulse–response relation between pre-
For crisis and/or high volatility regime (regime cious metal productions and economic growth. If we
1): detect a response in economic growth to a change in
n X
n any precious metal productions, we can say the
Dyt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 1Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 1ÞDytk þ a2;k ðst precious metal production causes to economic
k¼1 k¼1 growth.
¼ 1ÞDxtk þ by ðst ¼ 1Þectt1 þ uyt ðst ¼ 1Þ
MS-VEC Analysis
n X
Dxt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 1Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 1ÞDxtk þ a2;k ðst After Hamilton (1989) introduced Markov
k¼1 k¼1 switching models for modeling economic time series
¼ 1ÞDytk þ bx ðst ¼ 1Þectt1 þ uxt ðst ¼ 1Þ with a permanent and a cyclical component, Krolzig
ð2Þ (1997) extended it to vector autoregressive (VAR)
case. Krolzig (1997) also brought in MS-VEC model
For the medium growth and/or the medium
with shifts in the drift dðst Þ and in the equilibrium
volatility regime (regime 2):
mean lðst Þ. The suggested MS(.)-VEC(.) model is:
m X
m  0 
Dyt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 2Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 2ÞDytk þ a2;k ðst Dyt  dðst Þ ¼ a b xt1  lðst Þ  kðt  1Þ
k¼1 k¼1
y Xq
¼ 2ÞDxtk þ by ðst ¼ 2Þectt1 þ ut ðst ¼ 2Þ þ Ck ðDxtk  dðst ÞÞ þ ut ; ut =st
ð3Þ k¼1
 NID 0; ðst Þ :
n X
Dxt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 2Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 2ÞDxtk þ a2;k ðst ð7Þ
k¼1 k¼1 P
¼ 2ÞDytk þ bx ðst ¼ 2Þectt1 þ uxt ðst ¼ 2Þ symbolizes the residual variance in the re-
gimes. lðst Þ defines dependency of the mean l of the
ð4Þ K–dimensional time series vector on the regime
For the high growth and/or low volatility regime variable st .
(regime 3): In the Markov switching intercept
heteroscedasticity-vector error correction (MSIH-
m X
Dyt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 3Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 3ÞDytk þ a2;k ðst VEC) model, I denotes intercept and H denotes
k¼1 k¼1 heteroscedasticity in the residuals. b dðst Þ ¼ 0 is
¼ 3ÞDxtk þ by ðst ¼ 3Þectt1 þ ut ðst ¼ 3Þ E½Dxt jst  ¼ dðst Þ ¼ b? d ðst Þ. xt embraces economic
ð5Þ growth ðyt Þ, gold production ðgoldt Þ, silver produc-
tion ðslvt Þ and copper production ðcopt Þ. The vari-
n X
n ables may have influence on the relationships
Dxt ¼ a0 ðst ¼ 3Þ þ a1;k ðst ¼ 3ÞDxtk þ a2;k ðst between yt ; goldt ; slvt and copt . However, the ef-
k¼1 k¼1 fects can be captured by shifts in the mean or
¼ 3ÞDytk þ bx ðst ¼ 3Þectt1 þ uxt ðst ¼ 3Þ intercept or variance in MS-VEC models. Regime
ð6Þ variable is directed by a Markov chain, expressed by
the transition probabilities pij :
where ectt1 is the error correction term derived   1 
from the co-integration relationship and b is the Pr st fst1 g1i¼1 ; fyt1 gi¼1 ¼ Pr fst jst1 ; qg ð8Þ
adjustment parameter showing how quickly vari- It indicates that situation in period t will depend
ables approximate to the long-run equilibrium. If the on the situation in period t  1. st is presumed to
adjustment parameter is negative and statistically follow an irreducible ergodic M state Markov pro-
significant, we can say that there is an error correc- cess with a transition matrix expressed as (Bildirici
tion mechanism in the model. We also utilized 2012a, b),
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1407

2 3
p11 p12  p1M variables at the 0.05 level. Therefore, we found
6 p21 p22  p2M 7 empirical support for long-run relationship between
6 7
P¼6 .. .. .. 7 ð9Þ precious metal productions and GDP. Because we
4 . .  . 5
detected co-integration in the series, we applied MS-
pM1 pMM  pMM
VEC analysis in the next step.
The Markov chain is ergodic and irreducible; a
two-state Markov chain with transition probabilities
pij with unconditional distribution is showed in the Business Cycle Characteristics
above equations. To estimate the Markov switching
(MS) models, the EM suggested by Hamilton is We estimated MS-VEC models by using EM
employed. In these models, yt is obvious, but the algorithm. The business cycle dates determined by
regime variable is not observable and value of the these models and Economic Cycle Research Insti-
variable could be derived by making use of the real tute (ECRI) are given in Table 2, together with the
values of yt (Bildirici and Gökmenoğlu 2017). This coincidence ratios proposed by Altuğ and Bildirici
inference can be demonstrated as (2010) to assess the achievement of model dating. To
calculate the ratios we compared our estimations by
nit ¼ Pr ½st ¼ ijXt ; h ð10Þ
ECRIs, tolerating maximum two or three diver-
in which i = 1,2; Xt represents information set, and h gences, and calculated the average coincidence as
is the parameter vector to be estimated. 72%.
The conditional log-likelihood can be given as In the study, regime 1 denotes to crisis, regime 2
X symbolizes moderate growth, and regime 3 refers to
log f ðy1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yT jy0 ; hÞ ¼ log f ðyt jXt1 ; hÞ ð11Þ high growth. Regime 1 depicts very clearly the
recessions of 1971, 1974, 1980–1982, 1989–1991 cri-
sis, 1991–1992 and the recent 2008 crisis as a whole.
It is seen overall that the crisis (regime 1) period is
EMPIRICAL RESULTS shorter than the other ones. Furthermore, the esti-
mated models show high persistency for the regimes.
Unit Root Tests and Co-integration Tests Subsequently, it indicates a strong proof for business
cycle asymmetries in the countries under examina-
We applied the augmented Dickey–Fuller tion. The transition probability matrix is also ergodic
(ADF) unit root, Kwiatkowski–Phillips–Schmidt– and cannot be reduced, which confirms stationarity
Shin (KPSS) stationary test and nonlinear Kapetan- of the regime (Hamilton 1990).
ios–Shin–Snell (KSS) (Kapetanios et al. 2003) unit
root test to check whether selected series are inte-
grated of order one or not. The ADF test is not reli- MS-VEC Models and Impulse–Response Functions
able if the sample period has structural breaks, so it
may produce faulty results. To this end, we also em- To determine the number of regimes, linear
ploy KPSS stationary test and nonlinear KSS unit root VEC model was tested against a two-regime MS-
test. According to ADF and KSS unit root test results VEC model. In the same way, we tested two regimes
in Table 1, the existence of a unit root cannot be re- against three regimes. All models were selected
jected at the level for all countries. In contrast, first based on the Akaike information criteria (AIC) and
differences of ly, lgold, lslv and lcop seem to be sta- likelihood ratio (LR) test statistics, and we found
tionary at 5% significance level averagely. According that data could be well described by MSIH-VEC
to the KPSS stationary test results, we can reject the models, in which intercepts and variance change
null hypothesis, indicating that the series is stationary across regimes. In these models, autoregressive
for all variables of all countries at the level, but we can parameters do not change across the regimes, but
accept the null hypothesis when we use the first dif- intercepts and variance of the errors do in each re-
ferences of the variables. Thus, it is evident all vari- gime. Besides, the contemporaneous correlation
ables are I(1) countries. Therefore, we proceeded to matrix of the residuals is regime switching. The
examine co-integration using the Johansen test. From existence of contemporaneous correlation suggests
the test results (Table 1), it is clear that the null taking into consideration the orthogonalized im-
hypothesis of no co-integration can be rejected for all pulse–response functions (IRFs). In this sense, we

Table 1. Unit root test results for the analyzed countries

Variables Australia Canada Mexico Peru


lyt  1.958 0.129*  0.50(C3)  0.98 0.218***  1.50 (C3)  1.917 0.240***  0.98(C3)  1.905 0.144*  2.25(C3)
dlyt  5.923*** 0.102  11.36***(C1)  4.64*** 0.068  9.5***(C1)  5.916*** 0.085  2.45**(C1)  4.549*** 0.078  19.18***(C1)
lcopt  2.137 0.179**  1.85(C1)  2.46 0.186**  1.80 (C1)  3.145 0.274***  2.18(C3)  2.046 0.190**  2.01(C2)
dlcopt  7.621*** 0.099  15.54***(C1)  7.83*** 0.098  10.58***(C1)  5.853*** 0.030  5.79***(C1)  8.194*** 0.070  8.22***(C2)
lgoldt  1.716 0.280***  2.40(C2)  2.38 0.124*  0.15 (C2)  1.749 0.239***  1.63(C3)  1.994 0.168**  1.79(C1)
dlgoldt  3.925*** 0.087  5.15***(C2)  3.218* 0.039  9.23***(C2)  6.611*** 0.051  7.44***(C1)  5.852*** 0.028  19.36***(C1)
lslvt  2.404 0.165**  2.83(C3)  0.698 0.187**  1.41 (C2)  1.732 0.135*  1.17(C1)  2.792 0.158**  2.16(C3)
dlslvt  7.892*** 0.048  7.89***(C1)  6.263*** 0.106  11.48*** (C2)  6.805*** 0.073  14.16***(C1)  9.231*** 0.074  7.489***(C1)

Philippines South Africa USA


lyt  2.039 0.152**  1.17(C3)  2.280 0.153**  1.71(C3)  2.207 0.191**  1.66(C3)
dlyt  4.105*** 0.042  10.15***(C1)  4.456*** 0.040  7.25***(C1)  5.760*** 0.068  18.82***(C1)
lcopt  2.05 0.150**  1.65(C3)  2.340 0.233***  2.50(C2)  2.645 0.196**  1.39(C1)
dlcopt  5.93*** 0.061  9.99***(C1)  7.838*** 0.085  4.12***(C2)  8.130*** 0.053  11.12***(C1)
lgoldt  1.957 0.147**  1.82(C1)  2.062 0.230***  1.02(C1)  1.694 0.122*  1.12(C1)
dlgoldt  7.504*** 0.056  9.25***(C1)  5.141*** 0.079  9.78***(C1)  3.806** 0.045  15.55***(C1)
lslvt  1.838 0.215***  1.18(C2)  .161 0.173**  0.36(C1)
dlslvt  7.613*** 0.098  3.01**(C2)  6.759*** 0.086  8.44***(C1)

Johansen co-integration trace statics

AUST r = 0 44.08*r £ 1 17.13 r £ 2 4.84 PHL r = 0 26.47* r £ 1 8.07 r £ 2 1.01

CAN r = 0 56.83*r £ 1 30.84 r £ 2 13.55 SAF r = 0 69.41* r £ 1 28.55* r £ 2 13.12*
MEX r = 0 53.06*r £ 1 22.80 r £ 2 8.61 USA r = 0 53.24 *r £ 1 20.89 r £ 2 4.78
PER r = 0 48.44*r £ 1 20.76 r £ 2 5.19

ADF and KPSS tests are calculated for intercept + trend assumption. Critical values for ADF test: 1% level:  4.137279, 5% level:  3.495295, 10% level:  3.176618; for KPSS test: 1% level:
0.216, 5% level : 0.146, 10% level : 0.119; for KSS test C(1) 1% level:  2.82, 5% level:  2.22, 10% level:  1.92; C(2) 1% level:  3.48, 5% level:  2.93, 10% level:  2.66; C(3) 1% level:
 3.93, 5% level:  3.40, 10% level:  3.13. Cases 1, 2 and 3 (C1, C2 and C3) represent raw, demeaned and detrended data selections, respectively. 1%, 5% and 10% significance levels are
denoted by ***,**,*, respectively
*denotes rejection of the null hypothesis of no co-integration at the 0.05 level for Johansen co-integration trace statics
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1409

Table 2. Dating analysis (year: quarter)

Australia Canada Mexico Peru

Detected ECRI Detected ECRI Detected ECRI Detected ECRI

1980:1–1982:1 1981:2–1982:4 1963:1–1965:1 1974:2–1975:1 1964:1–1964:1 1982:1–1983:3 1967:1–1969:1 NA

1990:1–1992:1 1990:1–1992:1 1974:1-1975:1 1981:2–1983:2 1966:1–1969:1 1985:4–1986:4 1975:1–1979:1
2008:1–2010:1 2008:1–2009:3 1981:1-1984:1 1990:2–1991:4 1975:1–1975:1 1992:4–1993:4 1979:1–1982:1
2015:1–2015:1 1990:1-1992:1 1982:1–1983:1 1994:4–1995:3 1983:1–1986:1
2008:1-2008:1 1985:1–1986:1 2000:3–2000:4 1998:1–2000:1
1992:1-1995:1 2003:3–2003:4 2004:1–2007:1
2000:1–2000:1 2008:2–2009:2 2009:1–2009:1
2008:1-2009:1 2015:1–2016:1
Coin ± : 2/3 = 66.6% Coin ± : 3/3 = 100% Coin ± : 5/7 = 71.4% Coin ± : NA

Philippines South Africa USA

Detected ECRI Detected ECRI Detected ECRI

1970:1–1971:1 NA 1976:3–1977:4 1967:1–1967:1 1969:4–1970:4

1983:1–1983:1 1981:4–1983:1 1974:1–1975:1 1973:4–1975:1
1997:1–1997:1 1984:4–1986:1 1979:1–1980:1 1980:1–1980:3
1999:1–2000:1 1985:1–1985:1 1986:3–1986:4 1982:1–1982:1 1981:3–1982:4
1997:1–2001:1 1991:2–1991:3 1990:1–1991:1 1990:3–1991:1
2006:1–2008:1 1997:3–1998:2 2001:1–2002:1 2001:1–2001:4
2012:1–2015:1 2007:4–2009:2 2008:1–2010:1 2007:4–2009:2
Coin ± : NA Coin ± : 3/8 = 37% Coin ± : 6/7 = 85%

also generated IRFs that are different for every re- is seen that the coefficient of the error correction
gime. According to the AIC criteria and LR test term for sliver equation is not statistically significant,
statics, we found that the best model for USA and indicating that silver looks like to be weakly
Australia is MSIH(3)-VEC(1) model; for Philip- exogenous. In contrast, for gold and copper equa-
pines is MSIH(3)-VEC(2) model; for Canada, tions they are positive and significant, which means
Mexico, South Africa and Peru is MSIH(2)-VEC(1) there is no adjustment to long-run equilibrium. The
model. The estimated parameters along with the t- results also show that there are differences in the
statistics in the models are presented in Tables 3, 4, amount of variance of the error terms across re-
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The error correction terms are sig- gimes. They are larger in regime 1 than the ones in
nificant in the regressions on average; the variables other regimes, which reflects asymmetry in the
adjust toward the equilibrium. variance of the error terms. When we investigated
The results of analysis for Australia (Table 3) IRFs in Figure 1, we found that if one standard
indicate that regime 1, regime 2 and regime 3 tend to deviation shock is given to the gold production, the
last 2.32, 3.53 and 2.25 years, respectively. Regime 2 response of the economic growth of Australia in
is the most insistent one, and the remaining likeli- regime 1 is always negative but gradually increases
hood in this regime is 0.71 (71%). The computed toward zero for five periods. For copper and silver
probability (Prob(st = 2|st1=1) = 0.19) indicates a productions, there is an instantaneous effect on
low likelihood that a crisis could be followed by a economic growth, and this effect is always positive.
moderate growth regime. When the economy is in In the second regime, one standard deviation shock
crisis, the likelihood of defeating the crisis and to gold, silver and copper production gives rise to
shifting to moderate growth regime is 0.2418 negative effect on economic growth, which taper off
(24.18%), relatively higher than that of passing to to zero after a while. In the third regime, while the
the higher growth regime. However, staying in crisis response of economic growth to one standard devi-
regime is more likely with probability of 0.5693 ation to gold and copper production is positive, it is
(56.93%). In the short run, there is a statistically negative for silver production.
significant positive correlation between GDP and The results of analysis for Canada (Table 4)
copper and negative one between GDP and silver. It indicate that crisis regime is fully consistent with
Table 3. Australia, MSIH(3)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1963–2015)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgdpt dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgdpt dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgdpt

Regime-  0.011  0.007 0.00004 0.030 0.017 0.02 0.016 0.029 0.029 0.039 0.063 0.042
dependent ( 1.14) ( 0.53) (0.003) (2.67)*** (1.36)* (2.40)*** (2.12)** (4.09)*** (4.38)*** (2.57)*** (5.88)*** (3.06)***
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1 0.550  0.169  0.018  0.037
(18.39)*** ( 2.47)*** ( 0.53) ( 0.81)
dlcopt1  0.128  0.038  0.159 0.036
( 2.40)*** ( 0.35) ( 2.54)*** (2.48)***
dlslvt1  0.219  0.058  0.092  0.105
( 5.33)*** ( 2.59)*** ( 1.92)** ( 1.72)**
dlgdpt1 0.006 0.145  0.194 0.128
(0.13) (2.02)** ( 3.44)*** (1.67)**
Error correction
ecmt1 0.229 0.166  0.004  0.254
(3.88)*** (1.64)* (0.06) ( 0.58)
Standard errors
r 0.348 0.243 0.152 0.14 0.063 0.034 0.037 0.031 0.021 0.048 0.036 0.047
Transition Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Durations
Reg. 1 0.5693 0.2418 0.1518 2.32
Reg. 2 0.1952 0.7170 0.0878 3.53
Reg. 3 0.2066 0.2368 0.5567 2.25

Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlcopt dlslvt

Contemporaneous correlations
dlgoldt 1.000 0.483  0.380  0.885 1.000  0.346 0.055  0.254 1.000  0.041  0.95 0.815
dlcopt 0.483 1.000 0.161  0.022  0.346 1.000 0.549  0.165  0.041 1.000  0.026 0.025
dlslvt  0.380 0.161 1.000 0.524 0.055 0.549 1.000  0.372  0.950  0.026 1.000  0.914
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1411


Chi(80) = 81.7186 [0.4256], Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 20.0531 [0.0101] *, Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 118.9703 [0.0949], F(100,205) = 1.1323 [0.2285], Vector hetero-X test:
t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 424.3146, linear system: 357.1591; AIC
criterion:  13.7044, linear system:  12.4292; HQ criterion:  12.7262, linear system:  11.9401; SC criterion:  11.1528, linear system:  11.1534; LR linearity test: 134.3110,
Chi(28) = [0.0000]**, Chi(34) = [0.0000]**, DAVIES = [0.0000]**; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 84.6593 [0.3395]; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 4.4172 [0.8177]; Vector

Chi(200) = 189.5057[0.6917], F(200,175) = 0.7316[0.9838]; VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 77.1958 [0.5681], Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 13.7014[0.0899], Vector hetero
hetero test: Chi(100) = 96.8913[0.5694], F(100,205) = 0.7834[0.9149]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 182.013[0.8144], F(200,175) = 0.6447[0.9987]; PredError: Vector portmanteau(6):
ECRI recession dates. The possibility of staying in
crisis regime while it is in the same regime is 57%
and that of moderate growth regime is 82%, which
show the persistency of regimes. The computed

probability of switching from regime 1 to regime 2

(Prob(st = 2|st1=1)) is = 0.42 which reflects a good
Regime 3

possibility that a crisis is followed by a period of

growth. The results determined by the model show

that regime 1 and regime 2 tend to last 4.11 and


2.64 years, respectively. In the short run, there is a

statistically significant positive correlation between
GDP and silver and negative one between GDP and
copper and gold. As for the error correction coeffi-

test: Chi(100) = 118.1161[0.1043], F(100,205) = 1.0958 [0.2905], Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 190.2369[0.6783], F(200,175) = 0.7096 [0.9905]

cients, it is insignificant for gold, which means it is

weakly exogenous, but for copper and silver equa-
tions they are positive and significant implying no

adjustment to long-run equilibrium. As for the IRFs


in Figure 2, both in the crisis regime and in growth

regimes, one standard deviation change in gold and
copper productions negatively affects economic

growth. In contrast, the response to silver produc-

tion in both regimes is positive for two periods and
Regime 2

then becomes negative.

The estimated model for Mexico (Table 5)
indicates that average duration time for crisis regime

is 2.07 years and likelihood of passing to growth

regime is 0.482 (48.2%). The stickiest regime is the
second one with 3.85 years of duration. Intuitively,
the possibility of remaining in this regime is very

high, 0.74. When the economy is in growth regime,

the possibility of shifting to the crisis regime is 0.26.
The possibility of staying in crisis regime while it is
in the same regime is 51.80% and that of moderate

growth regime is 74%, indicating the persistence of


regimes. The results also show that there is asym-

metry in the amount of variance of the error term as
evidenced in the larger variance in regime 1 com-
pared to those of regime 2 and regime 3. Error

correcting parameters are positive and statistically

Regime 1

significant for gold and copper equations, meaning

there is no adjustment to long-run equilibrium. For

the other equations, error correcting parameters are

negative but insignificant, meaning they are weakly
exogenous. In the short run, there is no significant
correlation between any precious metals and eco-
nomic growth. According to the IRFs in Figure 3, in

the crisis and growth regime, the effect of one

Table 3 continued

standard deviation shock to copper and silver pro-

ductions on economic growth is zero. As for the gold
production in the crisis regime, the same shock has a

positive effect on economic growth for only one

period, and then it becomes negative for two periods

Table 4. Canada, MSIH(2)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1964–2016)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Regime-dependent inter- 0.003 (0.554) 0.011 (4.372)***  0.0007  0.027 0.021 0.022  0.022 0.0009
cepts (0.098) ( 2.688)*** (2.162)** (3.681)*** ( 1.69)** ( 0.055)
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1 0.615 (6.998)***  0.232 0.232 (1.766)** 0.085 (0.577)
( 4.988)***
dlgdpt1  0.261 0.494 (7.197)*** 0.433 (2.285)** 0.398 (1.824)**
( 2.011)**
dlcopt1 0.003 (0.033)  0.128  0.160  0.200 ( 1.183)
( 1.894)** ( 1.077)
dlslvt1 0.204 (3.262)*** 0.076 (2.368)**  0.072 0.091 (0.849)
( 0.785)
Error correction
ecmt1  0.058 ( 0.384) 0.811 (8.674)*** 0.291 (1.065) 1.457 (5.285)***
Standard errors
r 0.026 0.010 0.031 0.048 0.028 0.022 0.037 0.060
Transition prob. Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Durations
Reg. 1 0.57 0.42 4.11
Reg. 2 0.17 0.82 2.64

Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Contemporaneous correlations
dlgoldt 1.000  0.032 0.086  0.314 1.000  0.374  0.420 0.654
dlgdpt  0.032 1.000 0.211 0.444  0.374 1.000 0.128  0.753
dlcopt 0.086 0.211 1.000 0.418  0.420 0.128 1.000 0.126
dlslvt  0.314 0.444 0.418 1.000 0.654  0.753 0.126 1.000

t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 465.7916, linear system:
446.5644; AIC criterion:  15.6902 linear system:  15.5685; HQ criterion:  14.9755 linear system:  15.0824; SC criterion:  13.8315 linear system:  14.3045; LR linearity test:
38.4544 Chi(14) = [0.0004]** Chi(16) = [0.0013]** DAVIES = [0.0125] *; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 96.5578 [0.1002]; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 15.9365
[0.0433] *; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 85.2324 [0.8538] F(100,212) = 0.6631 [0.9895]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 180.5349 [0.8348] F(200,184) = 0.6535 [0.9984];
PredError: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 98.7076 [0.0765]; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 9.9000 [0.2721]; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 111.8634 [0.1964]
F(100,212) = 0.9571 [0.5924]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 208.0339 [0.3337] F(200,184) = 0.8795 [0.8133]; VAR Error: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 86.5375 [0.2892];
Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 17.4060 [0.0261] *; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 102.0327 [0.4247] F(100,212) = 0.8213 [0.8667]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 199.9213
[0.4883] F(200,184) = 0.8144 [0.9225]
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Table 5. Mexico, MSIH(2)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1964–2016)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Regime-dependent inter-  0.051 0.012 (0.45)  0.040 ( 0.26)  0.008 ( 0.73) 0.005 0.065  0.003 0.017
cepts ( 2.29)** (0.34) (2.99)*** ( 0.11) (2.05)**
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1  0.231 ( 1.62)*  0.211 ( 1.06)  0.342  0.028 ( 0.36)
( 1.39)*
dlgdpt1  0.259 0.038 (0.26) 0.160 (0.83)  0.209
( 2.29)** ( 3.49)***
Does Resource Curse Really Exist

dlcopt1 0.034 (2.25)** 0.009 (0.41)  0.035 0.005 (0.69)

( 1.54)*
dlslvt1 0.502 (1.83)**  0.101 ( 0.25) 0.142 (0.31) 0.115 (0.80)
Error correction
ecmt1 0. 222 (2.45)***  0.402*** 0.0002 (1.74)**  0.0001
( 3.53) ( 1.73)**
Standard errors
r 0.060 0.068 0.641 0.033 0.041 0.058 0.062 0.021
Transition prob. Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Durations
Reg. 1 0.5180 0.4820 2.07
Reg. 2 0.2600 0.7400 3.85

Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Contemporaneous correlation
dlgoldt 1.000 0.104  0.064 0.574 1.000  0.440 0.065 0.275
dlgdpt 0.104 1.000  0.043 0.253  0.440 1.000 0.109  0.151
dlcopt  0.064  0.043 1.000  0.172 0.065 0.109 1.000 0.194
dlslvt 0.574 0.253  0.172 1.000 0.275  0.151 0.194 1.000

t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 381.0563, linear system:
318.6951; AIC criterion:  12.0791, linear system:  10.5267; HQ criterion:  11.1152, linear system:  9.8794; SC criterion:  9.5650, linear system:  8.8382; LR linearity test:
124.7226, Chi(20) = [0.0000]**, Chi(22) = [0.0000]**, DAVIES = [0.0000]**; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(125) = 163.1337[0.0124]*; Vector normality test:
Chi(10) = 28.4616[0.0015]**, Vector hetero test: Chi(150) = 129.5747[0.8846], F(150,202) = 0.6329[0.9984], Vector hetero-X test: Chi(300) = 278.3107 [0.8107],
F(300,188) = 0.6587[0.9994]; PredError: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(125) = 204.8597[0.0000]**, Vector normality test: Chi(10) = 239.3380[0.0000]**, Vector hetero test:
Chi(150) = 124.7546 [0.9344], F(150,202) = 0.6074 [0.9993]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(300) = 301.0927[0.4714], F(300,188) = 0.8132[0.9443]; VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(6):
Chi(125) = 191.6879[0.0001]**, Vector normality test: Chi(10) = 231.2960[0.0000]**, Vector hetero test: Chi(150) = 126.0395[0.9230], F(150,202) = 0.6041[0.9994], Vector hetero-
X test: Chi(300) = 320.8604[0.1950], F(300,188) = 0.9294[0.7149]

Table 6. South Africa, MSIH (2)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1981–2016)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt

Regime-dependent  0.016 0.004 (0.697)  0.052 0.004 (0.522)  0.011 0.067  0.025  0.018
intercepts ( 2.960)*** ( 3.351)*** ( 1.728)** (2.872)*** ( 1.512)* ( 2.814)***
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1 0.047 (0.310) 0.210 (2.058)**  1.464 0.454
( 4.754)*** (3.000)***
dlgdpt1  0.130  0.120 ( 1.041)  0.191 0.186
( 2.000)** ( 1.498)* (2.936)***
dlslvt1 0.060 (1.667)* 0.175 (3.051)***  0.157  0.026
( 2.260)** ( 0.734)
dlcopt1 0.015 (2.118)** 0.312 (2.053)** 0.467 (1.912)**  0.057
( 0.475)
Error correction
ecmt1 0.0015 (0.023)  0.581  0.109 ( 0.854) 0.101 (1.561)*
( 5.438)***
Standard errors
r 0.021 0.021 0.067 0.034 0.017 0.077 0.051 0.017
Transition prob. Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Durations
Reg. 1 0.683 0.316 7.05
Reg. 2 0.141 0.858 3.16

Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt

Contemporaneous correlation
dlgoldt 1.000  0.137 0.352  0.150 1.000  0.362  0.343  0.736
dlgdpt  0.137 1.000 0.286 0.422  0.362 1.000  0.625  0.043
dlslvt 0.352 0.286 1.000  0.433  0.343  0.625 1.000 0.789
dlcopt  0.150 0.422  0.433 1.000  0.736  0.043 0.790 1.000

t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 304.9442 linear system:
267.6382; AIC criterion:  14.5682 linear system:  13.3508; HQ criterion:  13.8012 linear system:  12.8292; SC criterion:  12.3463 linear system:  11.8398; LR linearity test:
74.6119 Chi(14) = [0.0000] ** Chi(16) = [0.0000]** DAVIES = [0.0000] **; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(5): Chi(64) = 73.7004 [0.1906]; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 6.4381
[0.5983]; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 80.9224 [0.9189], F(100,83) = 0.4296 [1.0000]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 176.0416 [0.8880], F(200,22) = 0.2450 [1.0000] PredErrors:
Vector portmanteau(5): Chi(64) = 81.9227 [0.0650]; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 9.2365 [0.3227]; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 116.9039 [0.1189], F(100,83) = 0.9635 [0.5727];
Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 218.9425 [0.1706], F(200,22) = 0.7803 [0.8130] VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(5): Chi(64) = 71.7272 [0.2371]; Vector normality test:
Chi(8) = 19.4751 [0.0125] *; Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 92.1586 [0.6992], F(100,83) = 0.5541 [0.9976]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 201.3295 [0.4603], F(200,22) = 0.4071
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1415

and dies out to zero. When the economy is in the higher than regime 3 (0.005). The volatility for
growth regime, the response is negative but gradu- economic growth in regime 1 is 0.046, in regime 2 is
ally rises for nearly three periods and then becomes 0.025 and in regime 3 is 0.022, suggesting that it is
steady. more volatile in regime 1 than in the other regimes.
The results of the analysis for Peru (Table 7) In the short run, there is no statistically significant
indicate that the probability of remaining in regime correlation between GDP and copper and gold. The
1 is 0.519 (51.9%) and the probability of shifting to adjustment speeds of gold production and economic
growth regime is 0.481 (48.1%). The growth regime growth to long-run equilibrium are significantly dif-
of this economy has a tendency to last 2.3 years, and ferent from zero with positive sign, meaning that
the possibility of proceeding to regime 1 from this there is no adjustment. Regarding the IRFs in Fig-
regime is 0.434 (43.4%). The possibility of staying in ure 5, both in the crisis and in moderate growth re-
crisis regime while it is in the same regime is 51.90% gimes, the effect of a unit shock in gold production
and that of moderate growth regime is 56.50%, induces negative effect on economic growth, but that
suggesting the presence of regime persistency. Error of copper production is positive. However, in the
correcting rate for copper equation is negative and high growth regime, both precious metals have a
statistically significant ( 0.166), meaning there is an positive effect on economic growth.
adjustment toward long-run equilibrium. Besides, In Table 6, the results for South Africa show
the error correcting parameters for gold and silver that the probability of remaining in regime 1 is 0.683
production are negative but are not statistically sig- (68.3%). That of regime 2 is 0.858. These suggest
nificant, implying that they are weakly exogenous. In persistence of the regimes, and the most persistent
the short run, there are negative correlations be- one is the second one. The computed probability of
tween silver production and economic growth and shifting to regime 1 while economy is in second re-
copper production and economic growth, meaning gime is 14.1%, indicating how low chance of a crisis
an increase in silver or copper production leads to a may succeed a growth period. While the economy is
decrease in economic growth. The correlation be- in regime 1, the probability of shift to growth regime
tween gold production and economic growth is is 0.316 (31.6%). The results also show that regime 1
positive but not statistically significant. When we tends to last 7.05 years and regime 2 tends to last
analyzed the IRFs in Figure 4, when one standard 3.16 years. In the short run, there is positive and
deviation shock is given to the residual of copper statistically significant correlation between GDP and
and silver productions in the crisis and growth re- all precious metal productions under examination.
gimes, economic growth gives negative response. The speed of adjustment of economic growth to
The response of economic growth to the same shock long-run equilibrium is  0.581, which is signifi-
in the crisis regime is negative at first but converts to cantly different from zero. Although the coefficient
positive after one period. This positive effect pro- of the error correcting term for copper is statistically
ceeds for one period and then disappears to zero. In significant, it has positive sign, meaning there is no
contrast, in the growth regime, the effect of a unit adjustment to long run. As to gold and silver pro-
shock in gold production on economic growth is duction, the error correcting terms are not signifi-
positive and dies away after four periods. cant. There is almost no difference in the volatility
The results of the model, which well describe of standard errors for the gold production equation
the economy of Philippines (Table 8), indicate that in regimes 1 and 2. However, we cannot say the
moderate growth regime has the most duration same thing for the other equations; they differ across
(7.35 years). Probabilities of staying in the same regimes. In regard to the IRFs in Figure 6, in the
regime for all regimes disclose persistency of the crisis regime and growth regime, the effect of one
regimes and define existence of important asymme- standard deviation shock of copper production gives
tries. If the economy is in crisis, the likelihood of rise to positive effect on the economic growth, but
defeating the crisis and shifting to the moderate this effect dies out to zero after two periods. The
growth phase is 0.236 (23.6%), moderately higher effect of one standard deviation change in silver
than that of shifting to the higher growth phase production on economic growth in both regimes is
(12.3%). The variance of the standard errors differs positive for nearly first two periods, then it turns into
across regimes. For example, the volatility in regime negative for one period, and then it becomes zero.
1 of the gold production (0.109) is almost two times The effect of a unit shock in gold production on
higher than that of regime 2 (0.05) and twenty times economic growth in the crisis regime fluctuates

Table 7. Peru, MSIH(2)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1964–2016)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt

Regime-dependent inter- 0.003 (0.12) 0.031 (5.19)***  0.0005 ( 0.05) 0.018 (2.28)** 0.052 0.032 0.036 0.049
cepts (2.731)*** (6.60)*** (13.95)*** (3.91)***
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1 0.105 (0.82) 0.034 (0.98) 0.030 (1.46)*  0.022 ( 0.37)
dlgdpt1  0.077 0.288 (4.51)***  0.104  0.404
( 0.30) ( 2.53)*** ( 3.76)***
dlslvt1  0.338  0.241  0.193 0.055 (0.35)
( 0.89) ( 2.54)*** ( 3.00)***
dlcopt1 0.328 (1.43)*  0.412  0.117  0.101 ( 0.91)
( 6.39)*** ( 2.97)***
Error correction
ecmt1  0.27 ( 1.27) 0.902 (17.27)***  0.015 ( 0.43)  0.166
( 1.83)**
Standard errors
r 0.085 0.023 0.041 0.027 0.068 0.020 0.009 0.053
Transition prob. Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Durations
Reg. 1 0.519 0.481 2.08
Reg. 2 0.434 0.565 2.30

Regime 1 Regime 2

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlslvt dlcopt

Contemporaneous correlation
dlgoldt 1.000  0.312  0.269  0.099 1.000 0.545  0.470  0.226
dlgdpt  0.312 1.000 0.285 0.277 0.545 1.000  0.454  0.015
dlslvt  0.269 0.285 1.000 0.423  0.470  0.454 1.000 0.466
dlcopt  0.099 0.277 0.423 1.000  0.226  0.015 0.466 1.000

t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 412.4801, linear system:
386.4835; AIC criterion:  13.6785, linear system:  13.3013; HQ criterion:  12.9637, linear system:  12.8152; SC criterion:  11.8197, linear system:  12.0373; LR linearity test:
51.993, Chi(14) = [0.0000]**, Chi(16) = [0.0000]**, DAVIES = [0.0001]**; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 108.9550 [0.0174]*; Vector normality test:
Chi(8) = 14.1917 [0.0769], Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 97.2548[0.5591], F(100,212) = 0.8287[0.8554], Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 210.1038[0.2980],
F(200,184) = 0.9611[0.6088]; PredError: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 136.8416[0.0001]**, Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 44.6887[0.0000]**, Vector hetero test:
Chi(100) = 103.8656[0.3757], F(100,212) = 0.9585[0.5891]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(200) = 208.7496[0.3212], F(200,184) = 1.0001[0.5005]; VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(6):
Chi(80) = 129.8519[0.0004]**, Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 31.3909[0.0001]**, Vector hetero test: Chi(100) = 103.9338[0.3739], F(100,212) = 0.9668[0.5696], Vector hetero-X
test: Chi(200) = 205.3730[0.3823], F(200,184) = 0.9623[0.6057]
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Table 8. Philippines, MSIH(3)-VEC(2) model (Estimation sample: 1964–2016)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt

Regime-dependent inter-  0.016 0.0003 (0.03)  0.051 0.025 0.033 0.020 0.032 0.028 0.076
cepts ( 0.60) ( 2.77)*** (2.22)** (5.01)*** (1.83)** (12.88)*** (3.82)*** (2.43)***
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1  0.021 0.001 (0.02)  0.234
( 0.33) ( 2.83)***
dlgoldt2 0.021 (0.41)  0.041  0.09 ( 0.98)
( 0.90)
Does Resource Curse Really Exist

dlgdpt1  0.16 0.171 (1.91)**  0.212

( 1.79)** ( 1.33)**
dlgdpt2  0.082 0.206 (4.01)*** 0.041 (0.28)
( 1.45)*
dlcopt1 0.037 (1.60)* 0.027 (0.80) 0.065 (0.59)
dlcopt2 0.025 (1.50)* 0.047 (1.20) 0.158 (1.62)*
Error correction
ecmt1 0.143 (1.65)* 0.243 (2.42)*** 0.176 (0.95)
Standard errors
r 0.109 0.046 0.070 0.0500 0.025 0.038 0.005 0.022 0.101
Transition prob. Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Durations
Reg. 1 0.640 0.236 0.123 2.77
Reg. 2 0.095 0.864 0.040 7.35
Reg. 3 0.300 0.005 0.659 2.90

Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt

Contemporaneous correlation
dlgoldt 1.000  0.161  0.430 1.000  0.490 0.105 1.000  0.855 0.686
dlgdpt  0.161 1.000  0.478  0.489 1.000 0.178  0.855 1.000  0.923
dlcopt  0.430  0.478 1.000 0.105 0.178 1.000 0.686  0.923 1.000

t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 279.8931, linear system:
228.6430; AIC criterion:  8.5243, linear system:  7.4960; HQ criterion:  7.7523, linear system:  7.0671; SC criterion:  6.5168, linear system:  6.3807; LR linearity test:
102.5002, Chi(18) = [0.0000]**, Chi(24) = [0.0000]**, DAVIES = [0.0000]**; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(36) = 35.9587[0.4706], Vector normality test:
Chi(6) = 1.0555[0.0867], Vector hetero test: Chi(84) = 62.3388 [0.9632], F(84,151) = 0.5116 [0.9996], Vector hetero-X test: Chi(210) = 206.6500[0.5524],
F(210,38) = 0.4789[0.9994]; PredError: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(36) = 43.2576[0.1891], Vector normality test: Chi(6) = 72.4848[0.0000]**, Vector hetero test:
Chi(84) = 63.1078[0.9570], F(84,151) = 0.5727[0.9973], Vector hetero-X test: Chi(210) = 224.3910[0.2360], F(210,38) = 0.6576[0.9653]; VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(6):
Chi(36) = 29.1710[0.7830], Vector normality test: Chi(6) = 57.7954[0.0000]**, Vector hetero test: Chi(84) = 67.2230[0.9099], F(84,151) = 0.6363[0.9883], Vector hetero-X test:
Chi(210) = 224.8563[0.2294], F(210,38) = 0.6059[0.9853]
Table 9. USA, MSIH(3)-VEC(1) model (Estimation sample: 1963–2015)

Variables Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Regime-  0.029 0.003  0.045  0.006  0.026 0.008 0.024  0.010 0.039 0.016 0.048 0.034
depen ( 2.47)*** (1.10) ( 2.31)** ( 0.23) ( 3.21)*** (4.52)*** (2.10)** ( 0.77) (2.04)** (10.43)*** (2.67)*** (1.94)**
Short-run dynamics
dlgoldt1 0.323  0.031 0.204 (2.06)** 0.214
(4.47)*** ( 3.00)*** (1.92)**
dlgdpt1 0.666 0.683 (17.24)***  0.626  0.179
(2.67)*** ( 1.67)** ( 0.41)
dlcopt1  0.103  0.041  0.197 0.111
( 1.22) ( 3.52)*** ( 1.69)** (0.85)
Error correction
ecmt1 0.028  0.039  0.384  0.009
(0.48) ( 4.02)*** ( 3.65)*** ( 0.08)
Standard errors
r 0.030 0.008 0.047 0.073 0.023 0.007 0.022 0.032 0.065 0.004 0.055 0.048
Transition Reg. 1 Reg. 2 Reg. 3 Durations
Reg. 1 0.622 0.200 0.177 2.65
Reg. 2 0.108 0.840 0.051 6.26
Reg. 3 0.089 0.047 0.863 7.32

Regime 1 Regime 2 Regime 3

dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt dlgoldt dlgdpt dlcopt dlslvt

Contemporaneous correlation
dlgoldt 1.000 0.430 0.845 0.957 1.000  0.599 0.209  0.319 1.000  0.286  0.143 0.130
dlgdpt 0.430 1.000 0.472 0.390  0.599 1.000  0.206 0.304  0.286 1.000  0.300 0.560
dlcopt 0.845 0.472 1.000 0.796 0.209  0.206 1.000 0.373  0.143  0.300 1.000 0.463
Bildirici and Gokmenoglu
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1419

Chi(80) = 88.8211[0.2341], F(80,205) = 1.1320[0.2430]; Vector hetero-X test: Chi(140) = 161.0089[0.1080], F(140,222) = 1.2128 [0.0999]; PredError: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 109.9617 [0.0148] *,

Chi(24) = [0.0000]**, DAVIES = [0.0000]**; StdResids: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 124.1004[0.0012] **; Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 8.6642 [0.3714]; Vector hetero test:

Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 27.2167[0.0006] **, Vector hetero test: Chi(80) = 112.1230[0.0104]*, F(80,205) = 1.5884[0.0049]**, Vector hetero-X test: Chi(140) = 212.2522[0.0001]**, F(140,222) = 1.9299
[0.0000]**; VAR Errors: Vector portmanteau(6): Chi(80) = 90.2778[0.2026], Vector normality test: Chi(8) = 17.7360[0.0233]*, Vector hetero test: Chi(80) = 88.8762[0.2328], F(80,205) = 1.1115[0.2751],
t-statistics are given in () parentheses. Significance at 1 percent, 5 percent and 10 percent is denoted with ***, ** and *, respectively. Log-likelihood: 405.2970, linear system: 363.0286; AIC criterion:
 13.5961, linear system:  12.9067; HQ criterion:  12.9528, linear system:  12.6065; SC criterion:  11.9232, linear system:  2.1261; LR linearity test: 84.5366, Chi(18) = [0.0000]**,
between negative and positive values and be-
comes zero after three periods. The same shock
in the gold production in the growth regime has a
negative effect, which tapers off to zero after


three periods.
The estimated model for USA (Table 9)
Regime 3

shows that the economy is well characterized by

three regimes. When the economy is in the crisis

regime, the likelihood of staying in that regime is


62.2%. In contrast, the possibility of passing to

moderate growth regime and high growth regime
is 20% and 17.7%, respectively. The moderate
growth regime of the American economy has a


tendency to last 6.26 years, and the possibility of

proceeding to regime 1 from this regime is low,
0.108 (10.8%). The possibility of proceeding to
the higher growth stage is the lowest one with

0.051 (5.1%) and that of staying in this regime is

0.84 (84%) is the highest one, making this regime
the most persistent one. Ergodic probabilities
determined dominant regime as the third one


with 7.32 years of duration. When the economy is

in this regime, the possibility of shifting to crisis
Regime 2
Table 9. continued

regime is 8.9%, which is higher than for shifting

to moderate growth regime (4.7%). The transition


probabilities of staying in the same regime while

the economy is in a specific regime indicate per-
sistency of the regimes. In the short run, gold and
copper production is negatively correlated with

economic growth. The error correction terms are

negative and significantly different from zero for
Vector hetero-X test: Chi(140) = 176.6585 [0.0195]*, F(140,222) = 1.5170 [0.0028]**

economic growth and copper production equa-

tions, meaning they adjust toward the long-run
equilibrium. However, the error correction coef-

ficients for gold and silver productions are

insignificant, indicating they are weakly exoge-
nous. In respect of the IRFs in Figure 7, the re-
sponse of economic growth to gold production in


the crisis regime is positive but nearly zero; in the

moderate growth regime and the high growth
Regime 1

regime it is negative but nearly zero. One stan-

dard deviation shock to silver production gives


rise to positive response on the economic growth

for all regimes. For the copper production, the
same shock induces negative but nearly zero ef-
fect on the economic growth for the first two


regimes. In the high growth regime, its effect is

negative for two periods and tapers off to zero
after that.
1420 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to AUS_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to AUS_COP
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to AUS_SIL Regime 1: response to orth. shock to AUS_GDP
0.04 0.0010
0.02 0.0005
0.00 0.0000
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to AUS_GOLD Regime 2: response to orth. shock to AUS_COP
0.075 0.04
0.000 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to AUS_SIL Regime 2: response to orth. shock to AUS_GDP
0.03 0.03
0.02 0.02
0.01 0.01
0.00 0.00

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 3: response to orth. shock to AUS_GOLD Regime 3: response to orth. shock to AUS_COP

0.025 AUS_SIL AUS_GDP 0.04

0.000 0.02


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 3: response to orth. shock to AUS_SIL Regime 3: response to orth. shock to AUS_GDP

0.00 0.010


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1. Impulse–response functions for Australia.
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1421

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to CAN_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to CAN_GDP
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to CAN_COP Regime 1: response to orth. shock to CAN_SIL

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 2: response to orth. shock to CAN_GOLD Regime 2: response to orth. shock to CAN_GDP


0.00 -0.02

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to CAN_COP Regime 2: response to orth. shock to CAN_SIL





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 2. Impulse–response functions for Canada.

CONCLUSION study to investigate whether the resource curse

really exists in the precious metal producer coun-
We analyzed the relationship between eco- tries. We detected long-run relationship between
nomic growth and precious metal production in this them by employing the Johansen co-integration test.
1422 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to MEX_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to MEX_GDP

0.00 -0.15


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to MEX_COP Regime 1: response to orth. shock to MEX_SIL

0.75 0.004


0.25 0.002


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 2: response to orth. shock to MEX_GOLD Regime 2: response to orth. shock to MEX_GDP





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to MEX_COP Regime 2: response to orth. shock to MEX_SIL




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3. Impulse–response functions for Mexico.

Then, we employed MS-VEC analysis to the data to VEC models with shift in the intercepts and in the
investigate short-run dynamics, error correcting error variances are well describing the data under
mechanisms and impulse–response relationships in examination. The empirical evidence for the nega-
every state of the economy. We found that MSIH- tive effect of natural resource richness on economic
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1423

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PER_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PER_GDP

0.075 0.02

0.050 0.01



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PER_SIL Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PER_COP

0.02 0.01


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PER_GOLD Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PER_GDP





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PER_SIL Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PER_COP

0.02 0.04

0.01 0.02


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 4. Impulse–response functions for Peru.

growth is mixed. According to the results, it is evi- the short run, generally precious metal abundance
dent that the relationship between precious metal has a negative effect or no effect on economic
productions and economic growth varies across the growth of the economies under examination except
state of the business cycle of the economy. In sum, in copper abundance for Australia, silver abundance
1424 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PHL_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PHL_GDP
PHL_COP 0.025
0.00 -0.025

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to PHL_COP Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PHL_GOLD
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PHL_GDP Regime 2: response to orth. shock to PHL_COP
0.02 0.02

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 3: response to orth. shock to PHL_GOLD

0.050 PHL_COP


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Regime 3: response to orth. shock to PHL_GDP



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Regime 3: response to orth. shock to PHL_COP


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Figure 5. Impulse–response functions for Philippines.

for Canada, all precious metal abundance for South cles of the economies and the type of the precious
Africa. However, the impulse–response function metals but not according to development level. This
analysis suggests that the response of the economic diversity may stem from economic and political
growth to the precious metal production shocks structure of the countries. In particular, institutional
changes according to the countries, the business cy- quality is determinant for economic growth of re-
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1425

Figure 6. Impulse–response functions for South Africa.

source-rich countries. We mean by institutions the natural resources. Besides, if the economy does not
rule of law, democratization and income distribution depend on only natural resources, in this case, pre-
system. Under a weak institutional quality, which cious metal productions, the negative effects can be
generally gives rise to dictatorship, natural resource easily eliminated; otherwise, the negative effects can
richness has a negative effect on human capital, have harmful and lasting effects on the economy.
development of financial institutions and competi- The precious metal producer countries should hence
tiveness of manufacturing sector. Therefore, a strong diversify their economic activity and establish a
institutional infrastructure should be established to strong institutional infrastructure to minimize re-
escape resource curse and get more benefit from source curse effect.
1426 Bildirici and Gokmenoglu

Regime 1: response to orth. shock to USA_GOLD Regime 1: response to orth. shock to USA_GDP
0.050 USA_COP USA_SIL 0.005
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 1: response to orth. shock to USA_COP Regime 1: response to orth. shock to USA_SIL
0.050 0.03
0.000 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to USA_GOLD Regime 2: response to orth. shock to USA_GDP

0.01 0.005
0.00 0.000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 2: response to orth. shock to USA_COP Regime 2: response to orth. shock to USA_SIL
0.01 0.01
0.00 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Regime 3: response to orth. shock to USA_GOLD Regime 3: response to orth. shock to USA_GDP




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Regime 3: response to orth. shock to USA_COP Regime 3: response to orth. shock to USA_SIL

0.04 0.004


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 7. Impulse–response functions for USA.
Does Resource Curse Really Exist 1427

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