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Parcial viernes 25

1- Presentación del alumno (simulacion de entrevista de trabajo: expresar sus habilidades

en el campo laboral)
2- Interaccion en situaciones relacionadas a su campo laboral estudiadas en la cursada
(a trade fair, a bank, a shop, a company, a hotel
3- Presentación de un lugar turístico de argentina (simulación de brochure)

Describing job skills

+infinitive + ing or noun

I can make people relax I enjoy meeting new people

I know how to use computers I like working independently/ in a group
I am willing to work long hours I am good at languages
I am able to do more than one thing at the I feel confident about dealing with money
same time

Skills/ personal traits/ highlights

Communication skills
Flexible Multitasking
Stress managment Customer service
Courtesy Profesional appearence
Computer literacy Friendliness
Organized Problem solving teamwork
Disciplined Mbitious
Persistent honest

What are your weaknesses?

I am obsesiion with the perfection

I ten to supervising all

It has beed dificult for me to work with certain personalities

I have experience in…

I worked in…

possible questions in the interview

What about your skills? Do you suit the job?
Where will you able to work?

What will you able to do?

Does this candidate suit the previous ad?

Are you good at working in customer service Jobs?

What are your weaknesses? (Debilidades)

What are your personal traits?

What do you to ensure guests feel welcome while waiting?

How do you prioritize tasks?

Make suggestions
It make a bad impression if you… (inf)

Why don´t you… (inf)?

It Isn´t a better idea to… (inf)

You should… (inf)

My skills at….

Front desk Clerk - hotel

I know how answer the phone politely

I can dress and make up appropiately

I am wiling to travel abroad
I am wiling to work during the night
I´m courteous and friendly
I enjoy working at front desk Clerk
I good at clerical duties
I have a customer-oriented approach
I am good at customer service
I know how to make checks in and checks out
I know how to make reservations
I know how to give a good first impression for the company
I am able to recomend accomodation
I able to give recomendations
I am good at languages
I can manage diferent situations
Im pacient
I am good dealing with complaint

At the restaurant
I can help customer choose the right product
I wont arrive late
I am multitasking
I am able to solve conflicts
I feel confident about handle money
I am wiling to work during the night
I have a customer-oriented approach
I enjoy working in group
I know how to use a cash register

On the phone “imagine you are working as a recepcionist in a company. The

telephone rings..

1. How do you answer? (me presentoa mi y la compañia)

I will use a cheerful tone of voice, I will identify my self and my company
2. The person the caller wants isnt available.. what options do you offer? (dejar un
mensaje por ejemplo o llamar en otro momento)
3. What information do you need to ask the caller? I willl be prepared with a notepad and
pen, i will ask for a name, get correct spelling of name, ask for company name/ tel
number and the message.
4. If you are on the pone with an important customer and another important customer
walks in, what do you do? I will polite and Ill said “ could you waite for a second? Ill be
glad to help you in a minute sr
5. I wont live people on hold too long
6. Ill answer the pone politely and on time
7. I enjoy learning new habilities
8. I know how o use computers
9. Ill dress and make up appropiately

At the airport
 Positive
 Attitude
 cooperating
 verbal communication
 empathising
 respecting
 attention to detail
 be polite, concise, resolutive, an active listener

skills at the airport:

greet passengers (welcome/ good morning/ how can i help you?)

verify passengers identy (can i see your Passport please)

hand over Passport and printed boarding pass (here you are)

idicate boarding time and gate (you plane departures at… from gates..)

reassing seat (do you preffer an aisle seat? / I can offer you the xx seat )

inform when the lluggage has exceded the máximum weight/number of bags

sell last minute upgrades

request IDs (can i see you r ID/ can I have your ID?)

“you work for norwegian airlines. Passengers lost their flight due to lack of confirmation. You
offer them a nonstop flight in 4 hours”

I am good comunicator

I can make people feel comfortable

Im empathy for hándicap people

I know how keep calm facing a problema

I am good at organizing

I am able to be pacient with annyed persons

I´m able to deal with complaints and give accurate information

Buying a plane ticket

Helping visitors (usar para el brochure)

Posible questions

Where can I rent a car? How much it cost? It is secure?

What places can i visit?

could you recomrn mr an economy hotel?

What are the activities can i do there?

They will ask me for the vaccination card?

Have I use a mask in the theater?

Whats abou the Covid protocol? Snd the resticcion? It necesary?

SMALL TALKS “break the ice”

• Finding connection with the person you are talking to.

• Listen carefully to the information people share with you in a conversation and try to
follow with a question to find out more

• When someone asks a question, offer a Little more information than they asked for.

• As son as you find a topic con which you both have plenty to say, you´ll be off to a
good start

Weather, current news, sports, ente workrtainment, food, life


1. Introduce yourself a) respond

2. Offer hospitality (coat, umbrela, somethin to drink) b) respond

3. Ask a small talk question c) respond. Ask a follow-up question

4. Respond. Ask another small talk question d)respond (reapet as long as


5. …

6. Stop the conversation and say goodbye e) thank and say goodbye



3) brochure travel agency

Travel agent customer

Hello/ good morning/ welcome Hi/Hello/ good morning
How may I help you? I would like to travel
How can I help you? I´d like to go abroad
I would like a package
Where do you like to go? I like to go to…
When are you planning to travel? I like to travel in…
How many days? I´m thinking travel in
Roun about one week
Round about three days
From xx to xx
Hoy many people travel with? I will travel alone
I´ll travel with my family/ wife/ girlfriend
How much do you planning spend? I´m ready to spend …
What is you Budget? I can spend..
Have you ever travelled? I have been in…
Where dis you go I have gone to..
(experience) I have visited…
What do you like doing I like + ing
I enjoy + ing
What about? (destination suggested)
We can offer you…
We have a package for..

Which is the most visited place?

 You cant miss any place

 Where can i drink a beer/ dance/ see a film…?
 Describe places to eat
 what can do there?
 How the places looks?
 Why should people visit it?
 How can i get there?
 Some history about the place?
 Where can i stay?
 Are there any event / festivals?

This place has got…

In this place there is/ there are
In this place people can

Mendoza is located in the west of argentina next to the Andes mountain range

The climate is warm and dry. The summer is very hot and in Winter Its snows.

Mendoza is known as the national capital of wine.

Yo can stay in Termas de caucheta with hot springs, spa and buffet

Surrounded by the Andes mountain range and the Mendoza river

Yo can visit the nice and quite town

Visit wineries



High mountain walk

majestic landscapes

Mendoza International Wine Capital chosen as one of the 21 most wonderful cities in the
world the city as a whole is an attraction in itself founded in 1561 its gastronomy plays a
fundamental role and has a dynamic artistic and cultural activity

The main natural feature is the famous and majestic Cerro Aconcagua with 6962 meters high,
the highest in America. Secondly, you will be in love with de beautiful lakes.

If you visit mendoza You should go to (built attractions) the pinturesque Plaza San Martin,
ubicated in the center of mendoza. It have a figure of San martin in the midle.

The most importan and popular event in medoza is the “fiesta de la vedimia” (the harvest

Yo dont need a pcr to go to mendoza but you must wae use a mask. There are no time
restriction of circulations

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