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Name: Bernardo Blanca ID: 177412

Denisse Alvarado 176907

Andrea Pérez Báez 177838
Sharish Ruiz Arano 178385

My ideas Working with the problem

Our ideas started with adding those

three consecutive numbers and then Procedure:
experimenting with four consecutive
numbers and see if we could find any 77+78+79= 234
pattern that may represent the answer
on why we get the result we got
x+(x+1)+(x+2)= divisible
 What characteristics does that 3
sum have? 
A= The result of every add is divisible on
 Can you see a pattern? 
A= When the addition starts with an even
number, the result of that operation will
42+43+44= 129
be an odd number and vice versa.
 Can you write the result for any 123+124+125=372
three consecutive numbers?
A= 22+23+24=69 
 If instead of adding three
consecutive numbers, I add four,
what happens?
A= The result is divisible on 2
 Is there a similar pattern?
A= Yes,  My Results
 Why? 
A= Because at first if we added three Further Questions
consecutive numbers the final result
would be divisible by 3. And if we added
four consecutive numbers then the result Why the number of numbers determine
would be divisible by 2. whether the final result is even or odd and
how can we predict the answer if every
time we want to add more consecutive
numbers the number of numbers added
change and so would the answer?
How do I feel?

Berni: I had a confusing start but got better at understanding the patterns like
the odd, and even patterns eventually.

Sharish: I think I wouldn’t be able to get the answer alone, my team was very
quick and they took the time to explain the solution to me that’s why I felt
thankful during the time spend working on this problem

Denisse: I felt great, because the problem was easy to solve and with my team,
we found some similarities and patterns, this was like a relief after the last one

Andy: I think I could find a relationship with a similar previous problem in which
a pattern showed every time we added a number +1. I felt something similar
happened here and I felt excited to discover what was it.

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