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The travel industry will recover, but

what will it look like when it does?

Welcome to Mojoravels, and today we're

counting down our picks for the top 10

travel trends for 2021.

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videos. For this list we're looking at

some of the biggest shifts that we

expect to see in travel in 2021 both in

terms of traveler priorities and the

industry as a whole trends come and go

but following a global health crisis

2021 is shaping up to be a year of big

changes for travel number 10

domestic travel after being made to feel

unsafe going outside in 2020 many

travelers will be left with a lingering

sense of discomfort being out and about

in the world add to that the threat of

being stuck in a foreign country in the

event of a resurgence and you can

understand why many people might prefer

to stick to travel within their own

borders for a little while and why not a

shifting focus towards domestic travel

is a great way to help stimulate the

local economy it's also an opportunity

for travelers to explore their own

backyard before our world got turned

upside down by the pandemic the dominant

mentality of travelers seemed to be the

further and more unfamiliar the better

in 2021 however travelers are going to

finally be getting acquainted with

everything their own country has to


number nine trips inspired by pop

culture while a sizable portion of

travelers may choose to keep it domestic

there are others who are going to be

itching to get out there and see the

world and after months cooped up at home

they've likely got plenty of inspiration

one of the few industries that actually

benefited from the pandemic are

streaming services people have had more

time than ever to consume content new

and old and after being exposed to a

destination through the filter of a

big-budget film or television series the

desire to enter into that environment

for yourself becomes all the stronger

Dubrovnik and Northern Ireland are

likely to be hit with a new wave of Game

of Thrones fans thanks to the hit HBO

miniseries Chernobyl tourism is

similarly likely to spike from beautiful

New Zealand

aka middle-earth to Tony Soprano's New

many such destinations can expect a

boost in tourism number eight offline

tourism don't get us wrong we're feeling

very grateful that the internet exists

imagine having had to weather the

pandemic without it we'd rather not be

that as it may

after spending unprecedented amounts of

time online and many of us having been

glued to our screens working from home

people are in desperate need of a little

break the internet remains absolutely

essential to trip planning but many

travelers are voicing their intention to

make a conscious effort to keep their

smartphone used to a minimum once the

journey has begun Instagram posts can

wait until later after having

experienced a world without travel and

only being able to explore destinations

digitally during the pandemic many

travelers are likely to feel inspired to

really be present and in the moment on

their next trip number 7 old standards

reimagined the travel industry's road to

recovery is likely to be long the

pandemic itself is only the first of

many hurdles that businesses need to

overcome governments green-lighting

travel is all well and good but

companies still need to get creative in

order to attract customers as such

airlines are expected to push in two

directions simultaneously they'll likely

slash prices to fill seats but certain

airlines will also endeavour to make

flying an inherently enjoyable

experience at a premium price of course

imagine an open concept airplane

boasting luxury features like a bar

entertainment spaces and more back to

the future perhaps the biggest change

however will be the rise of River

Cruises cruise lines are going to have a

really hard time attracting passengers

now that their vulnerability to

outbreaks has been highlighted as such

companies are banking on river cruises

as an alternative given that they

present low risk not absolutely but in

comparison to ocean cruises number six

greater consumer protection airlines

hotels cruise lines and tour companies

are all going to be working overtime to

get people traveling in 2021 as we were

saying many business models will need to


but so too will the fine print quite

simply people are going to be much more

hesitant booking a trip now that they

know firsthand just how quickly it can

be taken away from them

countless travellers lost a lot of money

when the pandemic hit in a bid to get

customers to book with them businesses

will likely be offering greater

flexibility when it comes to changing a

travel date or even delaying a trip

indefinitely in the event of unforeseen

circumstances by the same token while

medical insurance has long been a no

brainer you can expect to see a major

increase in the number of travelers who

are willing to pay for trip cancellation

insurance number five multi-generational

travel as much as people missed travel

in 2020 it's safe to say that they

missed their family and friends even

more because elderly people were found

to be particularly vulnerable during the

health crisis many older adults were

unexpectedly cut off from visiting with

their children and grandchildren as

restrictions on social distancing are

relaxed however many families intend to

make up for lost time by taking a trip

all together a family dinner or barbecue

is all well and good the

multi-generational travel is a surefire

way to make lasting memories together

that you'll cherish for years to come of

course families weren't the only ones

cut off from one another during the

pandemic as such industry insiders are

also expecting an increase in group

travel with friends across multiple

demographics number four prioritizing

the well-being of local communities one

of the few good things to come out of

the pandemic has been an increased sense

of community that might seem strange

since social distancing created greater

physical space between us than ever

before but tragedy in crisis unites us

in unexpected ways people have gone out

of their way to help local businesses

and those most affected by the shutdowns

and layoffs even when life quote/unquote

goes back to normal

there's widespread hope that this

newfound sense of interconnectedness

will persist and within the context of

travel there's reason to believe that it

will extend to the communities that

people visit when taking a trip the

pandemic devastated local economies

around the world and experts are

predicting that travelers will be

prioritizing destinations that were hit

hardest expect to be hearing the term

fill on tourism a lot more in the next


years number 3 eco responsible travel

one of the biggest concerns stemming

from the pandemic is that faced with a

more immediate crisis people put

environmental and climate change

concerns on the back burner but the

pandemic has actually proven to be a

double-edged sword in this regard yes

the environment may also take the

backseat to economic recovery but the

obvious environmental improvements we've

seen during the pandemic also hammer

home the connection between decreased

human activity and the health of our

planet it's hard to predict how people

will behave once the crisis is well and

truly behind us but industry insiders

claim that sustainable travel is poised

to be a major priority for travelers

moving forward after seeing such notable

changes stemming from reduced travel

like improved air quality there's

stronger motivation to do it more

responsibly in the future

number 2 social distancing remote

destinations and embracing under tourism

after conditioning ourselves to avoid

unnecessary human contact and large

crowds it's going to be hard to go back

and with concerns about a second wave

many travelers will likely make their

first post pandemic trip one that

includes elements of social distancing

city travel will inevitably resume but

we'll see much higher percentages of

people embracing destinations that

receive relatively few tourists

including wide open natural spaces

travel agents and websites report that

beach destinations in particular are

doing well in terms of advanced bookings

in favor of discount all-inclusive zhh

however travelers are prioritizing more

remote isolated beach communities where

crowds are uncommon after spending so

much time inside nature is expected to

be the big draw national parks African

safaris wilderness tracts expect to be

hearing a lot more about all of the

above in 2021 number one the big bucket

list trip pretty much everybody has a

travel bucket list with multiple

destinations on it but there's almost

always one big trip that exists in a

category all of its own whether because

of cost the complexity of the planning

involved or the time commitment it

requires we tend to put off this trip

taking smaller more manageable journeys

instead well in the way

of the pandemic many people will

eventually be done putting it off

there's nothing like seeing global

travel come to a screeching halt to give

you a dose of perspective and rearrange

your priorities many travelers are going

to decide that the time for that trip of

a lifetime is in the present after all

as we've all had to learn the hard way

the freedom to travel can disappear in

the blink of an eye do you agree with

our picks check out this other recent

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