Assignment 2 - Noman Sahibzada

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Noman Sahibzada

ID: SA210078 Assignment 2 Due date: 3/19/2022

My style of behavior according to DISA model

The DISA model, similar to DISC model which is the work of famous psychologist William
Marston in 1920s is a popular, easy and standardized way of assessing a person’s behavioral
style and preferences.
The DISA model classifies peoples’ behaviors into four types (Dominance, Initiative, steadiness,
analyzing) and it looks at the peoples’ preferences on two scales; Task oriented and human
After completing the DISA questionnaire I realized I have more of dominant behavior. Which
means my traits includes; motivated to solve problems and reach the goals, preferring direct
answers, diversity of tasks and independence in work. Furthermore, the core traits of dominant
behavior suggest that I like to be my own boss, I know what I want and I like to set my own
My strengths as a person with a dominant behavior are that I like to take the lead, initiate things
and keep it moving, aim on quick result, decisiveness, accepting challenges and good ability to
tackle problems right away.
My weaknesses on the other hand, includes, not being sensitive against others feelings, overlooks
risks and warnings, putting high demand on others, causing problems in teams, neglect details
and exaggerates control of others.
The ideal environment for me would be a strong and influential function, new and varied tasks,
freedom, direct answers and little discussions, challenges and prestige, little control and
supervision and always look for opportunities to gain success.
The type of people that I like to work with are the ones who like to do routine jobs, are analyzing
and act carefully, take details and facts into account, calculate risks, consider basics and prepare
good decisions.
In the case of treating others, I should give direct answers, tell what has to be done, offer
alternatives, explain logic of proceedings, base opinions on objective facts and keep things short.
On the contrary, I should avoid showing indecisiveness, talk about problems instead of showing
solutions, exaggerate friendliness, generalizations, too much talk and details and unfounded
statements while treating others.
While communicating it is important to know your behavioral style and of others. Based on my
dominant type behavior; when communicating with the type of people similar to me, I should
just be myself, not be arrogant and too self-confident. However, when communicating with
people who have different type of behavioral style, such as, initiatives, analyzers and steady, I
Noman Sahibzada
ID: SA210078 Assignment 2 Due date: 3/19/2022

should be more friendly than usual, be open and chat more, be a little slower than usual and less
demanding, give facts and details in answering questions and not be quick and demanding.
To conclude, this exercise helped me to understand myself in ways of what I am, what I am not
and how I should be behaving with others. In area of business which I am interested in, it is very
important to communicate and understand your audience. Knowing about your personality and
trying to understand others will defiantly help in the success of many situations.


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