DARK SUN For Basic Roleplaying House Rules (Sept. 10, 2011)

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DARK SUN for Basic Roleplaying

______________________________________________________________________________ _________________ HOUSE RULES: -Alignment -Armor Locations -Athasian Weapons in BRP -Bennies -Character Creation -Core Characteristics Changes -Defiling and Preserving Magic -ENC levels -Fatigue Levels -Healing -Item Slots -Masterwork Items and Craftsmanship -POW and Mana Points -Skill Category Bonuses SETTING: -Primordials -Races ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________
[house rules and setting fluff - revised September 10, 2011]

Alignment (AL) should be determined by a character's actions, and not the other way around. Alignment will be abstractly palpable like POW, because it may affect your class features. AL may also affect what kinds of psionic/magic items you can use, and which of those items affect you (weapons that deal extra damage to evil creatures, for example). Some creatures and magic can also detect what alignment you are. Every character has two alignment sections: moral and ethic. On the moral scale, there's good, neutral, and evil. And on the ethic scale, there's law, neutral, and chaos. A creature must have an intelligence of at least 3 to be able to shift alignment. Animals and non-intelligent creatures, like mindless undead, are typically neutral (or in the latter case, automatons and reflections of their master). When you gain alignment points, you also deduct the same amount of points from the other two related alignment pools. So, if you commit to an evil action and gain 2 points (a moderate AL shift), you must deduct 2 points from both good and neutral.

Begin play with 20 points in the two corresponding alignment pools that represent your character (and 10 in the rest).

Moral scale

Good = Implies altruism, respect for life, and a concern for the dignity of living beings. You help others and uphold virtue, although you need not be sacrificial and neglect your own diginity. Evil = Implies self-centeredness at the expense of and disrespect for others. You take some sort of action to advance yourself at the inconvenience, harm, oppression, or death of someone else. Neutral = Welfare of yourself and those close to you is paramount, but not through causing suffering in others. You may help strangers to advance yourself, although this need not be apparent to anyone but you.

Ethic scale

Law = Implies honor, integrity, reliability, loyalty to authority/discipline. Collectivistic. Chaos = Implies freedom, adaptibility, spontaneity, subject to whims. Individualistic. Neutral = Implies responsibility without obligation, and freedom without detachment. The identity of an ethical neutral is important, but it does not inherently override being bound to a group or objective code. Here are some example actions/behaviors that would possibly shift a character's alignment, by severity and type: Minor (1 AL point) -- Being truthful when it could negatively affect how others perceive and treat you (law) -- Fighting dirty when your opponent does (ethical neutral) -- Cheating in gambling (chaos) -- Providing for a stranger without expecting payment (good) -- Help one who helps you, but hurt them back as soon as they hurt you (moral neutral) -- Going out of your way to annoy/inconvenience/cause suffering for someone (evil) Moderate (2 AL points) -- Complete a contract that turns out to cause heavy inconvenience for you (law) -- Negotiating to change a significant agreement after you gave your bond (ethical neutral) -- Abandoning a contract altogether when things don't play out as you'd like (chaos) -- Uphold your moral values and virtues when they hinder an important goal (good) -- Not providing aid to the needy unless a service is provided to you (moral neutral) -- Knowingly take sustenance from a person or group who needs it (evil)

Severe (3+ AL points) -- Continuing to fight honorably in the face of probable death (law) -- Covertly work against someone when it benefits you and/or others, all while still appearing loyal to that same individual (ethical neutral) -- Refuse to honor a high-ranking member of society in their presence (chaos) -- Risk your own life to save another's (good) -- Leaving someone behind when your life is in obvious danger (moral neutral) -- Commit cold-blooded murder (evil) ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Example: Bill, a lawful neutral mercenary, is paid to guard and strictly maintain a small post on the outskirts of the city. Bill has no problem attending to it dutibly. One day, he spots a woman in the distance who appears to be in very bad shape, struggling to make it to the city. He considers remaining at his post, but the woman looks strangely like his deceased wife, whom he had lost years ago due to illness. Seeming to strike a chord within him, Bill decides he's going to abandon his post and see what he can do to help the woman. He does not first ask his superior permission if he can leave (neutral ethic) and he decides not to remain at his post and carry out his job (lawful ethic). He simply goes off by himself and when he confronts the woman, she collapses in front of him. Bill then decides that he will carry her into town, so that she can get help and rest safely. The GM considers Bill's actions to be a minor good (for helping the woman selflessly) and a minor chaos (for going against his orders without asking permission). So, Bill is awarded 1 point in both good and chaos. Bill must then deduct 1 point from neutral on both axis, as well as evil and law. ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________

Armor Locations
Armor by location allows a character to customize his or her armor piece by piece, for specific purposes. Normally, a character's armor is very abstract; each suit of armor weighs the same in ENC and gives the same AP value. In Athas, it's not wise to wear full suits of armor all the time, because of the heat. Gladiators especially utilize armor locations (when they can), because some matches require certain levels of armor, while others do not. For finesse characters like monks and rogues, wearing certain pieces of armor would limit or nullify their abilities. Arcane casters risk spell failure when they wear certain pieces of armor. Armor locations allow these characters to protect themselves without restricting their gestures as much. Head: Skull caps, full helms, crowns, hats, helms with aventail, etc. Restricts all perception skills. Arms: Rerebraces (upper arm), vambraces (forearm), bracers, gauntlets, gloves, etc. Restricts all Manipulation skills, as well as Climb and Swim. Torso: Cuirasses, corselets, lamellar, brigandine, breastplates, backplates, vestments, pauldrons, neckguards, etc. Restricts all Physical skills but Ride

and Throw. Abdomen: As torso, but including girdles and ab/lower back pieces. Restricts Dodge, Hide, and Ride. Legs: Cuisses and tassets (thigh), greaves (calf and ankle), poleyns (knee), etc. Restricts all Physical skills except Ride and Throw. Feet: Boots. Restricts Stealth and Swim. Each piece has an AP equal to its full counterpart. You may layer armor, but the ENC of the two pieces stack, as well as the skill penalties. Movement restriction penalties do not stack. Whenever an attack hits your character, a d20 is rolled. This result determines where the attack lands. Depending on how you suit your character, this could land in a protected, better protected, or unprotected area. Some areas are more crucial than others, and some areas are struck more often than others (this also depends on if the attacker is using melee or missile weapons).

Athasian Weapons in BRP

None of these weapons are considered made of the default material, iron. Most of these weapons are made of wood, bone, or obsidian. Beside HP, the default material is listed. weapon group base dmg. special size/range HP ______________________________________________________________________________ ______ Alhulak Flail 10 1d6 Crush M 7 (b) Bard's Prong Dagger 15 1d4+1 Impale S 12 (o) Cahulaks Flail 05 1d6 Crush M 10 (b) Carrikal Axe 10 1d10 Bleed M 15 (b) Chatkchah Missile 10 1d3 Impale 20 5 (b) Datchi Club Club 25 1d8+2 Crush M 25 (w) Dragon's Paw Polearm 15 1d10 Impale L 20 (w) Forearm Axe Axe 10 1d6 Bleed S 15 (b) Gouge Polearm 15 1d10 Impale M 15 (b) Gythka Polearm 15 2d4+1 Impale L 15 (o) Impaler Hammer 10 1d8+2 Impale M 12 (b) Lotulis Polearm 15 1d10+1 Impale L 15 (o) Master's Whip Whip 05 1d4 Entangle L 4 Puchik Dagger 20 1d4+1 Impale

S 15 (b) Quabone Mace 25 1d4 Impale M 12 (b) Singing StickClub 25 1d6 Crush M 10 (w) Tortoise Blade Dagger 25 1d4 Impale S 20 (b) Trikal Polearm 15 1d10+2 Bleed L 25 (o) Widow's Knife Dagger/Missile 15 1d4/1d3 Impale S/20 10 (o) Wrist Razor Dagger 25 1d3+2 Impale S 10 (o)

Every player receives three bennies at the beginning of the campaign. You may spend a benny to: Re-roll a failed skill check (not a fumble) Soak a normal wound (requires a stamina check) Re-roll a failed EXP check You recover one benny after you rest fully. You cannot gain two bennies by resting twice in a row.

Character Creation
Follow character creation in the BRP core rulebook except:

1.Use Point-buy for core characteristics. 32 points. All characteristics

start at 8. Scores 9-14 cost 1 point each, 15-16 cost 2 points each, and 17-18 cost 3 points each. Also, you can get points back for deducting scores below 8: 7-6 grants 1 point each, 5-4 grants 2 points each, and 3 grants 3 points. You may also simply use a preset array; Elite: [17, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8], Balanced strengths: [15, 15, 14, 13, 11, 10], or Min./Max.: [18, 15, 13, 10, 9, 8]. These scores are not factoring in racial modifiers, of course. 2.Choose a broad class. Your character doesn't have to explicitly have his or her concept based on the core classes listed below. These are merely for determining class features. Determine first the concept, and then see which class the concept fits best. 3.Equipment. Your character's equipment and money will be based on the current power level of the campaign and party, and also where and when your character enters the campaign.

Core Characteristics Changes

D&D characteristic line up: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (see the notes on Intelligence vs. Wisdom).

5.Will is derived from WIS. Will(power) is figured like any other

characteristic roll (WIS x 5). Will represents your character's discipline, ability to resist/cope with certain things, and to remain stoic in dire/horrific situations. A will roll might enable a character to carry on when his or her physical body is weary and broken (at DM discretion). Any rules entry that would have you make a derived characteristic roll to concentrate/focus or resist distraction is now replaced by Will. Such as Aimed attacks (page 212). 6.POW is determined with INT, WIS and CHA. Average all three of your mental scores. The result adds a modifier to your POW roll (2d6). 7 or less (+1), 8-9 (+2), 10-11 (+3), 12-13 (+4), 14-15 (+5), 16+ (+6). If you begin play with an experienced character, your base POW might receive an increase or increases (based on the power level of the campaign). Generally, this is +1d3 POW per increase. 7.APP and EDU are not used. Appearance has been replaced by Charisma. I was throwing around the idea of using Appearance as a side dish but it would have no real mechanical effect so physical appearance is purely descriptive (but perhaps reasonably a by-product of your CHA and physical scores, though not necessarily). 8.New Intelligence Scale. The INT scale in BRP will now be more akin to a traditional AD&D INT scale. More importantly, this scale is also consistent with every other characteristic's scale, where 3 would be the absolute lowest score a playable character could have, 9-11 being (human) average, and 18 being the natural apex for most PC's (racial edges, intense discipline, and supernatural advantages aside). INT score Rating ________________________________________________ 0 Non-intelligent or non-ratable 1-2 Typical animal intelligence 3-5 Semi-intelligent 6-8 Low intelligence 9-11 Average (human) intelligence 12-13 Very intelligent 14-15 Highly intelligent 16-17 Exceptionally intelligent 18 Genius 19-20 Supra-genius 21+ Ultra intelligence (alien to most creatures)

Defiling and Preserving

By default, arcanists cast preserving magic. A preserver powers his spells from himself alone, and spells function normally. However, a preserver may be tempted to use defiling magic. Defiling magic is harshly channeled through other living things, and is the reason Athas is so barren and scorched today. Defiling magic

Is easy and potent. Defiling adds +10% to casting roll. Adds +2

damage. Makes the target's resistance rolls take a -10%/-2 penalty. Harms living things. Any living thing within 1/2 caster's POW in meters, and the path of the spell rolls Stamina. If the stamina roll fails, the creature takes 1d3 damage (2d3 on a fumble). This generally withers and kills most plants and fungi soon after if not immediately. The area widens, and begins to exude a faint necrotic aura for some time, depending on how powerful the spell was that was cast. The area takes on a barren appearance. It can take millenia for plant life to return to a defiled area. Spoils the caster over time. Casters who are addicted to defiling tend to appear strange, withered or dessicate. They're also more prone to irritability, anger, and other unpleasant behavior. A truly addicted defiler becomes so warped by his disease that he lets selfishness guide him, losing the trust of others. Is highly illegal in most civilized areas. Some settlements, such as Altaruk, detect and test arcanists at the gates before allowing them entrance. In all of the city-states, defiling magic that is used by nontemplars or royal defilers is punishable by lengthy imprisonment or even death. Stages of defiling addiction 9.+2 POW, -2 CHA (temporary). Caster must now succeed a Will roll to cast non-defiling magic. Caster enters stage 1 when he defiles a number of times equal to 1/2 WIS and then fails a Will roll. 10.+1 POW, -2 CHA (temporary). Caster's Will rolls to cast non-defiling magic are now difficult. Caster enters stage 2 when he defiles a number of times equal to WIS and then fails a Will roll. 11.+0 POW, -2 CHA (permanent). Caster automatically defiles when he casts. Caster enters stage 3 when he defiles a number of times equal to WIS and then fails a Will roll. To recover from this defiling disease, a creature must refrain from defiling. Once per day a caster has not defiled, he must make a CON roll. Stage 1 takes 2 CON rolls. Stage 2 takes 1 difficult CON roll and 4 normal CON rolls. Stage 3 takes 3 difficult CON rolls and 8 normal CON rolls. There are ways to help this along, with assistance from the right apothecary or medicine. Some higher templars are able to avoid the negative affects of defiling altogether.

Encumbrance Levels
1 ENC = 1/6 of a SIZ point. ENC isn't measured so much by absolute weight than it is by how difficult an item is to handle/carry. note: MAX load doesn't represent the maximum weight your character can lift, but simply the max. weight he can carry and still move and fight with.

Unloaded (up to 0.5 x STR). Light Load (up to 1.0 x STR).

Moderate Load (up to 1.5 x STR) Heavy Load (up to 2.0 x STR). 3/4 MOV - round down. Extreme Load (up to 2.5 x STR). 1/2 MOV. Maximum Load (up to 3 x STR). 1/4 MOV.

Fatigue Levels
Characters must make stamina rolls after doing strenuous activity or enduring certain circumstances and elements. If a character gains a fatigue level, his skills are penalized. As one's fatigue level increases, so does the length of recovery time. Round MOV penalties down. Fatigue levels are:

Winded (-5%) Tired (-10%) Languished (-20%; 3/4 MOV) Exhausted (Difficult; 1/2 MOV) Collapsed (Impossible) Unconscious (No Actions)

Since characters in our campaign have twice as many hit points, they should also heal at twice the rate. Characters naturally heal 1/2 CON in HP a week, instead of 1d3. This healing process begins the first time you take a full rest. The only exception is if your character suffered a major wound. In this case, you heal up to 1/2 your HP, after that, your character heals at a rate of 1d3 HP a week. This represents a major wound's impact, and length of time it takes to recover from one.

Item Slots
For magic/psionic items, item slots are used. This is mainly for show, so you know exactly what your character is wearing at all times. Item slots are also implemented to eliminate unruly stacking of items (i.e.: wearing more than one magic amulet). You can also place mundane items in these slots, such as a black hooded cloak in the shoulders spot, or Balician sandals in the feet slot.

Non-Metal Materials and Craftmanship

Iron is very rare, and smiths who know how to forge iron into tools are even rarer. So, inferior materials are used in iron's place. These materials may be lighter, not as sturdy, and so on. If the material reduces listed HP or weight of a 'non-athasian' armor/weapon, round up if the result doesn't yield a whole number. Material HP weight notes

______________________________________________________________ Bone 0.5 0.5 Crystal, psion 0.9 0.8 +20% to enchant with psionics Flint 0.7 0.8 Obsidian 0.6 0.5 Obsidian, Blood 0.9 0.5 also called deep obsidian Stone, common 1.5 1.5 Wood 0.5 0.75 Wood, Agafari 0.8 0.6 has a slight bluish hue Metal HP weight notes ______________________________________________________________ Adamantium 4.0 1.5 STR requirement +2, 4/magic Bronze 0.85 --Mithral 2.0 0.5 DR 2/Adamantium magic Steel 1.25 ---

DR or

Masterwork Items
A good craftsman can create tools, weapons, and armor that handle better and last longer. Generally, masterwork items cost and sell 200-500 more CPs than its mundane counterpart. This price depends on when and where a deal is taking place, and who the craftsman and/or seller is. Masterwork: Any item of superior quality. For tools, this may provide a small % bonus to a related skill (usually 5%). For armor, the masterwork quality reduces ENC by 1/5, and skill penalties when wearing the armor by 1/5%. Masterwork weapons gain +1/5 HP and +1 to damage rolls.

POW and Mana Points

Characters and NPCs will now possess POW and mana points (MP). Normally, a creature would draw upon their POW to fuel their powers. With MP, creatures now draw upon a separate pool, which is equal to their POW. Unlike power points, MP can be depleted without causing a creature to go unconcious. Powers that attack or drain POW points still function normally. However, there are powers that specifically drain MP.

Skill Category Bonuses

Each skill category will receive small bonuses based on your core characteristics. Because I've added wisdom and charisma, the primary and secondary attributes will need to be changed. Use the same table on page 31 for your bonuses/penalties, but use my revised skill-attribute list to determine where those values go:

Category Combat skills Communication skills Manipulation skills Mental skills Perception skills Physical skills



______________________________________________________________________________ __________________

Below are the (known) primordials, and their domains. The domains Granted by the Sorcerer-kings can be found on page 20 in the 3.5 Dark Sun Campaign pdf. Herumar Domains: Air, Chaos, Evil, Sand, Wrath Located deep in the Endless Sand Dunes, Herumar resembles a collossal seven-headed hydra. Herumar is served by a cult of vicious elemental worshippers. He is known for his breath that gives rise to immense sand storms. Iox-Cavaka Domains: Earth, Evil, Ocean, Plant, Renewal Said to be either living deep beneath the earth, or is the earth itself, IoxCavaka has no known true form. Since the Age of Kings began and the surface of Athas was scourged, Iox-Cavaka went mad. Its followers are very adamant on pleasing their master (or face an untimely doom). This means strongly opposing defiling magic and restoring Athas by any means. Kol-Tukulg Domains: Bestial, Evil, Fate, Fire Residing within a volcano of the same name deep inside the Forest Ridge, Kol-Tukulg is trapped by an ancient and weakening primal ward. He still fumes from the mountain, and halfling tribes deliver him sacrifices when the volcano is seeping with rage. Ul-Athra Domains: Blight, Chaos, Evil, Sand, Thirst Resembled an abberrant sand-kraken or serpent who lived within the Sea of Silt; Ul-Athra is apparently dead. However, its clerics still receive their powers, silt still behaves strangely, and silt horrors still thrive on Athas... Verouna Domains: Cavern, Chaos, Cold, Ooze, Water

Her followers say Varoun took the form of a gargantuan water elemental made of both violent rapids and still water. Varoun no longer resides on the material plane; she fled Athas when most of the bodies of water ran dry. She seethes and plots near the border between the elemental planes of Water and Rain. Her followers are few, since it's very difficult for the common priest to reach her. These priests are very conservative of water, and dream of a world where lakes and oceans color the earth. It is said that there are portals to her domain deep inside the subterranea of Athas.


Each racial psionic power that is granted as a racial trait assumes the PC has learned to use his or her innate psychic abilities. Each power starts at a base % of POW x 1.

Afidae are a strange and uncommon race of people, of truly outside origin. Bright and psionically adept, the afidae have great potential in the harsh world of Athas. However, their race has had to toil through keeping a discernable presence throughout this world, and have failed to secure notable influence within the city-states. For their alien heritage and unique ability to change their physical form, they are often eyed as closely as elves. Afidae are usually treated with ambiguity at best, and bigotry and persecution at worst. Personality: Afidae are always mindful of their stature within any given environment, particularly the social and political environments of established societies. An afidae who learns to find a way around social hindrances and the ever-present xenophobic nature of most Athasians learns to attain power and comfort in a hostile world. Afidae are deliberate but secretive; they do not feel it is advantageous to call attention to their desire to become prosperous. Like most Athasians, afidae place a lot of value on surviving, and thus there aren't a lot of especially moral afidae. They do care greatly about their own families, tribes, and monasteries, and those who treat them with respect. Physical description: Afidae are slightly taller than humans on average, and weigh about as much (with females being slightly shorter and smaller). Their bodies are also similar, except there is no presence of hair. Skin tones range from ivory with red undertones to nearly true black with dark violet undertones. Their eyes tend to contrast their skin, being nearly all white or all black. There may be a hint of diffused color behind them, usually red, violet, or blue, but occasionally green or yellow. Male and female afidae dress very differently. Males typically favor pragmatic and simple clothes, while females tend to dress evocatively, with ornate clothing and accessories (reflecting their wealth and environment). Females who travel and adventure are rare, and those that do tend to tone themselves down to a more practical level. Females also tend to look hyperfeminine, and their beauty is both striking as it is admirable. Afidae never quite adapated fully to the harsh desert world of Athas, and

tend to be more prone to sun sickness. One very valuable capability that afidae possess is the psionic power to alter their form at will. Afidae have been known to use this ability to confuse predators, and provide a better face for brief encounters with racist athasians. History: The history of the afidae is not widely known, and most afidae don't even know to pass it on to their kin. The truth is that this strange and scattered race were once part of a civilization on Ral, the closer, and greener moon of Athas. The afidae of Ral were a highly advanced race, extremely adept at using the mind to create wonderous things. Long ago, the afidae created the moongates; psionic portals that linked the moons of Ral and Guthay to Athas. Afidaen psychonauts began to use the moongates, and travelled to both Guthay and Athas in small numbers (usually in monastic groups). At the end of the Green Age, before Rajaat's Cleansing Wars, the moongates malfunctioned and sealed off the portals between the moons and Athas. The reason for this is still unknown. However, a few scholars and historians believe that the moongates were broken around the same time that the Astral Sea was sundered and arcane magic was introduced into the world, drawing a plausible connection between the events. The afidae of Athas became permanently separated from their homeworld and kin, and additionally had to suffer through the Red Age of vast defilement of the world. Today, there are few moongates left intact, and none of them are usable (just empty doorways to the ancient past of the Afidae). Afidae have few communities on Athas, and most have a innate desire to establish a firm foothold in the Tablelands. Relations: Afidae are scarcely relatable to anyone, unless working as a team to accomplish a collective goal. Other races see them as outsiders, and are less prone to form relationships with Afidae in general. Afidaen lands: Like elves, the afidae tend to live in tribes outside of the city-states. Unlike elves, these tribes rarely move around much, and often live below surface in subterranean villages, where they may avoid the sun and harsh elements. These villages are quite well-constructed, often with strange architechtural designs and efficient ventilation systems. Afidae live by houses, which are typically joined together by some communal market, monastery, or other mutual establishment. Religion: If there is any sort of supernatural discipline prevalent in afidaen, it is the Way. Psionics come naturally to afidae even more so than any other race. This is also due to the fact that afidaen monasteries are the largest and best psionic academies on Athas. Afidaen psions are likely the most skilled teachers in all of the Tablelands. Adventurers: An afidae who adventures likely does so for power or favor. To them, wealth and companionship with others are not just seen as a positive end, but a means to securing their own futures. Afidae who know their race's history may seek their homeland of Ral, and a possible way to return to this ideal world. Alignment: Usually neutral (moral) Languages: Afidaen and Common. Bonus: Elven, Terran +2 INT +2 WIS

-2 CON SIZ: 2d6+4 MOV: 10

Low-light Vision: Afidae can see just as well in low-lit conditions, such
as by candle light or moon light.

Shapeshift: Afidae can psionically alter their physical appearance at will.

This racial ability functions identically to the sorcery power Liken Shape (page 131), except the afidae can only imitate humanoids. It only takes one round for the effect to take place. Afidae can imitate a specific individual by making a successful Idea roll (Easy if the afidae is very familiar with the person, Difficult if the afidae has only fleetingly seen or has barely been in the presence of the person, Impossible (01%) if the Afidae has never seen the individual). Psionic Resistance: Afidae have AP 2 against psionic attacks that deal damage. In addition, afidae receive +10% on resistance rolls vs. psionic attacks. Detect Psionics: Afidae can see and feel psionic energy. All afidae have the ability to use Detect Psionics, a power nearly identical to Aura Detection, except it can also be used on objects. It costs 2 MP to activate, instead of 1.

Alignment: Mostly evil Languages: Undercommon and Elven. Bonus: Aklo, Common, Drow Sign Language +2 DEX +2 CHA -2 CON SIZ: 2d6+4 MOV: 10

Darkvision: Drow possess Darkvision 120 ft. This vision is in muted

color. Light Blindness: Drow are blinded for 1 round when exposed to bright light unless they make a Will roll. Drow are always dazzled in bright light, even if they succeed their Will roll. Drow Immunities: Drow are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +20% racial bonus to Will rolls against enchantment spells. Drow do not sleep; instead, they enter a semi-aware trance. A full rest is 4 hours. During this time, a drow only suffers -20% to perception checks. Spell Resistance: After living in the Dead Lands for thousands of years, the drow became resistant to this densely corrupted area. Drow have an AP 2 against magic, and receive +10% on resistance rolls vs. magic. Disrupt Undead: The Dead Lands are ridden with many types of undead. The isolated drow have mastered this necromantic cantrip to better protect themselves from these creatures.

Disrupt Undead Range: POW x3 feet Duration: instant MP per level: 3 You project a ray of positive energy that damages undead creatures. This ray bypasses armor and deals 1d6 damage per level. This power cannot be used to heal the living.

Alignment: Usually lawful Languages: Dwarven and Common. Bonus: Terran +2 CON +2 WIS -2 CHA SIZ: 1d4+4 MOV: 8

Psionic Resistance: A dwarf's POW is effectively +2 when it comes to

POW vs. POW resistance checks regarding resisting psionic powers. Focus: Dwarves have single-minded goals, and will often stop at nothing to achieve their focus. Their psionic resistance modifier doubles to +4 when under the circumstance of directly pursuing/involving the dwarf's focus. Skills made to talk a dwarf out of pursuing their focus are difficult, at best. Dwarven Blood: Dwarves receive a +20% bonus to Stamina to resist the effects of venom and poison. Less Encumbered: Dwarves are not typically slowed down by carrying lots of weight, which is one of the reasons why slavers tend to like having them at the crack of their whips. Dwarves don't take a MOV penalty for carrying a heavy load, and extreme and maximum loads reduce their MOV by 1/2 what they normally would. Vigor: Dwarves are naturally endowed with the ability to use the psychometabolic power Vigor to temporarily increase toughness. Vigor Range: self Duration: 1 full turn (10 min.) per MP spent MP: 1 per 2 temporary HP Vigor grants temporary hit points which are lost when the duration ends. To create 8 temporary HP for 10 minutes would cost 6 MP.

Alignment: Usually chaotic Languages: Elven and Common. Bonus: Gith, Pterran +2 DEX +2 INT -2 WIS

SIZ: 2d6+6 MOV: 12

Low-light Vision: Elves can see just as well in low-lit conditions, such as

by candle light or moon light. Alert: Elves receive a +20% racial bonus to Spot and Listen rolls. Endurance Runner: Elves receive a +25% racial bonus to Stamina rolls made to avoid fatigue from running for long periods of time. Elven Discernment: Noticing what is out of place is heightened in elves. In addition to being alert, elves also receive an effective +4 POW to resistance rolls vs. illusion powers and their effects. Conceal Thoughts: Elves are naturally endowed with the ability to shield their minds from prying telepathy. Conceal Thoughts is a power nearly identical to Mind Shield (pg. 119), except that it only blocks out attempts to read the mind (not attack or control it).

Alignment: Usually good Languages: Common. Bonus: Dwarven, Giant +4 STR +2 CON -2 DEX -2 INT SIZ: 18+1d6 MOV: 10

Giant: Goliath have the giant subtype. This affects what powers and
certain enchanted items affect them. as by candle light or moon light.

Low-light Vision: Goliath can see just as well in low-lit conditions, such Fire Acclimated: All goliaths have a natural resistance to fire and hightemperatures. They absorb fire damage, and are treated as having 4 AP when it comes to fire. Goliaths receive +20% to stamina rolls made to resist the effects of heat. Stomp: Goliaths are naturally able to create psionic shockwaves upon striking an object. Stomp Range: self and 20 ft. x 10 ft. cone-shaped spread Duration: instant MP: 1 You create a shockwave that damages targets and knocks weak creatures prone. All targets in the area must make an Agility roll or fall prone. If used directly on a creature, this power inflicts an additional +2 damage. Your attack also gains knockback for special successes when using this power for unarmed attacks.


or perethel to elves and other races. Also, "i'aica" (derogatory) Alignment: Any Languages: Common. Bonus: Any +2 DEX SIZ: 2d6+6 MOV: 10

Alert: Half-elves receive a +10% racial bonus to Spot and Listen rolls. Half-Elven Discernment: Noticing what is out of place is heightened in
half-elves. In addition to being alert, half-elves also receive an effective +2 POW to resistance rolls vs. illusion powers and their effects. Danger Sense: Half-elves posses the psionic ability to detect threatening situations before they happen. Half-elves have the Danger Sense power. Psionic Charm: Possibly manifesting after thousands of years of being an in-between race, half-elves have a supernatural ability to ease hostility and charm other humanoids. This power functions as the Charm spell (page 100 of Classic Fantasy).


or hin. Elves call them perians. "Pect" is sometimes used by other races. Alignment: Usually evil, usually lawful Languages: Halfling. Bonus: Common, Pterran, Aarakocran +2 DEX +2 WIS -2 STR SIZ: 1d3+3 MOV: 6

Athletic: Halflings receive +20% to Climb, Jump and Stealth checks. A

halfling may also make a running jump from a standing position.

Small: Halflings get a +10% racial bonus to Dodge larger creatures.

Halflings also receive a +20% racial bonus to Hide. Fearless: Halflings receive a +25% to Will rolls made to avoid the negative effects of fear. Lucky: Halflings begin play with four bennies instead of three. They also recover one benny every 12 hours, even if they have not slept. Missive: Halflings can communicate telepathically with any creature within range. Missive Range: radius of POW x 3 (ft.) Duration: instant MP: 1 Missive allows a halfling to relay a message to one creature. If the creature cannot understand the language that's used to relay the message, it "hears" jibberish.

Alignment: Any Languages: Common. Bonus: Any (except secret languages) +2 to any ability score SIZ: 2d6+6 MOV: 10

Inborn Power: Humans are naturally inclined to be powerful. They gain

+2 to POW. Versatile: Highly adaptable and generally skilled, humans gain 50 extra skill points at creation. Alter Environment: Humans are able to control and alter their surroundings with a few well-placed thoughts. A human may select one of the following psionic powers: Control Light Range: radius of POW x 3 (ft.) Duration: 1 min. per additional MP spent MP: 1 Control light can suddenly or gradually increase/decrease the ambient lighting in an area equal to POW x 5 in cubic feet. Create Sound Range: POW x 3 (ft.) Duration: 1 round per additional MP spent MP: 1 Create sound allows a manifestation of sound of the creator's design. Complex sounds (such as mimicking a conversation) makes the roll difficult. Creating a simple 'bang' sound is easy. Far Hand Range: POW x 3 (ft.) Duration: 1 round per additional MP spent MP: depends on object's ENC (see below) Far Hand may be used to manipulate an object of 2 ENC/MP spent. You may move the object around in 3-dimensional space at a speed of MOV 6. Throwing the object in any direction in a forceful manner costs twice the activation MP.

Alignment: Usually neutral (moral) Languages: Common. Bonus: Any (usually their slave-master's language). +2 STR +2 CON -2 CHA

SIZ: 2d6+6 MOV: 10

Hardy: Muls only need half the sleep humans do to become fully rested
(4 hours). Tireless: Muls receive a +20% racial bonus to Stamina rolls made to avoid fatigue from exertion. Fast Healing: Muls are bred to be extremely tough, but they're also quicker to recover. They heal at a rate of 1 HP every 12 hours (instead of 1d3 per week). This is assuming that the mul gets a full rest every day. Offensive Prescience: Bred for battle, an enslaved mul faces dangerous adversaries almost daily. Over time, muls have become more in tune with the flow of combat and can have brief moments of psionic precognition. Offensive Prescience Range: self Duration: Instant MP: 1 You may catch a glimpse into the immediate future, typically during a fight. This power functions identically to precognition (page 119), except you may only 'see' into the next combat round. Success grants the mul a better chance to aim an attack, adding +2 damage to any successful hit. Special successes grant +4 to damage, and Critical successes grant fine clarity, and +25% to the following attack roll(s) plus the added +4 damage.

Alignment: Mostly evil Languages: Common and Infernal or Abyssal. Bonus: Any +2 DEX +2 INT -2 CHA SIZ: 2d6+6 MOV: 10

Darkvision: Tieflings possess Darkvision 60 ft. This vision is in black and

white. Outsider's Gifts: Notoriously good at being persuasive, Tieflings receive +20% to Persuade and Fast Talk rolls. Inborn Resistance: Protection provided by their ancient outsider's ties grants them cold, electricity, and fire resistance 4. Corrupting Touch: Tiefings can harm creatures simply by touching them. Corrupting Touch Range: touch

Duration: 1 full turn (10 min.) MP per level: 3 Corrupting touch deals 1d4 damage per level to the target (ignores armor). If the attack is a critical, the target is also shaken for 1d4 rounds. This power is considered magic, not psionics.

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