Techfactors Training and Seminar - Narrative

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Reflection Paper
Florian M. Ecalner

According to the Mark Van Doren “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”
This quote is somehow related to the training that we the teachers had attended on August 5 of
this year. The Techfactors team gives us an opportunity to learn innovation and discovery in
teaching for this coming school year.

Sir Emiliano T. Hudtohan discussed the “Teacher Agency in Relation to Antifragility”.

Knowing the topic, I am a bit confused of the terms because I personally not aware of them not
until Sir Emil discussed it to us. The word that this seminar highlighted was the “Teacher
Agency”-an individual capacity for autonomous social actions. As simple it implies that when
we say teacher agency, this has something to do with the teachers’ actions to realize changes, and
essential quality. I also learn that teacher agency is important, because this role of teachers is
capable of knowing how big the responsibility is, to the learners. Teachers are one key
individuals for learners’ self-development such as the action, learning, and students are being
highlighted in this topic.

The second term that has been highlighted is “Antifragility” which means a property of
systems in which they increase in capability to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility,
noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures. What I stock into me when Sir Emil discussed this
term was the antifragility is an individual who is weak and fragile yet, after meeting those
challenges, that individual can be able to work and make it through once again because it implies
more to gain than to lose.

Altogether, this training seminar provided us an intensive information about essential

qualities of a teacher. This is to fully understand what to be in the future as an effective and
innovative teacher that a learners’ needs.

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