2021 - CBQEE - Power Quality Assessment in E-Bus Charging Cycle

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Power Quality Assessment in E-Bus Charging Cycle

Jonathan M. Tabora, Carlos Eduardo M.R; Thiago M. Soares, Andreia A. do Nascimento2, Ulisses J. Paixão, Maria Emília de
Lima Tostes, Ubiratan H. Bezerra, Edson Ortiz de Matos, Carminda Célia de Moura
Amazon Energy Efficiency Excellence Center (CEAMAZON)
Norte Energia S.A. (NESA)
Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
Belém, Pará, Brazil
jonathan_mt24@hotmail.com carloseduardo.pa@hotmail.com, thiagosoares@ufpa.br, AndreiaNascimento@norteenergiasa.com.br,
upaixaojr.eng@gmail.com, tostes@ufpa.br, ubiratan.fapespa@gmail.com ortiz@ufpa.br, carminda@ufpa.br,

Abstract— The growth of electric vehicles in Latin America than 77% of the energy from the grid to the wheels, while
represents a challenge in technical terms through the charging internal combustion engines convert only between 12% -30%
infrastructure, but with great ecological and development of the energy stored in the form of gasoline [5, p. 1].
benefits. Latin America shows to be a favorable territory for the
growth and manufacture of electric vehicles EV, in view of the Electric batteries continue to represent the higher cost
large lithium reserves existing in the region. This work analyzes component in EV’s, different technologies such as Lithium
the impact of different recharging power on the power quality iron phosphate (LiFePO4), Lithium-nickel cobalt aluminum
through the recharging of electric buses. The results show that (NCA), Lithium oxide cobalt (LCO), Lithium-nickel-
the individual harmonic content increases according to the manganese-cobalt (NMC), Lithium-manganese spinel (LMO)
recharging power, and especially in the final phase, for high or Lithium titanate (LTO) have been used in EV’s, each with
state of charge (SoC) of the batteries, but also that higher its respective advantages and disadvantages [6].
recharging powers result in lower current total harmonic
distortion rates. Electric batteries can be evaluated in relation to their life
cycle and tolerance values and compared to values defined by
Keywords—Electric bus, power quality, e-bus load shape, the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC) [7], in the
harmonics, case of LiFePo4 batteries, present in the e-buses of this study,
the literature highlights their advantages in relation to life
I. INTRODUCTION cycle, high power capability, stability, low toxicity, high
Electric mobility in Latin America is still in an early stage, discharge, smooth and constant voltage profile, as well as its
but in constant growth, more than 60% of the countries have main disadvantages such as its electronic conductivity which
charging infrastructure for electric vehicles [1], however with is still unsatisfactory, and a low energy density [6], [8], [9].
a predominant dominance of internal combustion engines. Despite the environmental benefits that the insertion of
Despite the increase in electric vehicle sales, they only electric vehicles on a large scale can bring, its impacts on
accounted for 2.5% of global electric vehicle sales. However, power quality must also be analyzed. Studies analyzing the
the implementation of certain policies and incentives such as effects of recharging electric vehicles have been presented in
clean vehicle mandates, vehicle purchase incentives, electrical [10]–[13]. The main impacts found are in the harmonic
vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), as well as electric mobility distortion rate (THD), voltage drop in residential sectors,
strategies and defined emission reduction targets [2, p. 15], [3, detrimental effects on transformers mainly with high power
p. 4]. penetration [14], [15]. This work presents an analysis of the
impact of electric vehicle charging with different current
In Brazil, the transport sector accounted for around 47% output levels on the harmonic content through experimental
of greenhouse gas emissions of total emissions from the measurements developed at the Federal University of Pará.
energy sector in 2019 [4].The introduction and promotion of
EV can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas II. CHARGING INFRAESTRUCTURE
emissions in Brazil. According to [3, p. 9], in 2018, globally
EV emitted approximately 48% less Mt CO2-eq, than the A. CEAMAZON Hybrid System
equivalent in cars with internal combustion engines. Infrastructure for the operation and research of electric
buses is composed of a hybrid system with photovoltaic and
Electrical vehicles also present less components when
diesel generations, storage systems, and local electricity grid,
compared to internal combustion vehicles, which translates
into higher operational efficiencies. An EV converts more as part of the ANEEL research and development project
(R&D) intitled: "Intelligent Efficient Management System
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com financiamento da Norte Energia for Multimodal Electric Mobility", being executed by the
S.A. – NESA, como parte integrante do projeto de P&D ANEEL 07427-
0319/2019 “Sistema Inteligente de Gestão Eficiente de Mobilidade Elétrica
XIV CBQEE-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/SBQEE ©2021 http://sbqee.org.br/sbqee/
Amazon Energy Efficiency Excellence Center - transport of users of UFPA's Guamá Campus, in addition to
CEAMAZON, from the Federal University of Pará, with the installation of recharging infrastructure to supply these
funding from Norte Energia SA - NESA. units. Figure 1 presents the charging infrastructure.
The project foresees the acquisition of two electric buses
and the construction of one electric boat, which will serve the

Fig. 1. CEAMAZON Charging Infraestructure configuration for electric buses.

power of 2x40 kW, at 380 Volts, with a maximum charging

B. Total Harmonic Distortion time of between 4-5 h with type 2 charging connectors of a
Within the area of power quality, harmonics represent an maximum output of 126 A. 324 kWh LiFePO4 Battery Storage
increasingly present disturbance in electrical systems. Large- System.
scale EV penetration must be analyzed according to the type
of electric vehicle, the type of AC/DC converter, as well as the The electric charger output current can be limited
recharging power. The voltage/current total harmonic according to predefined values for EV charging, with impacts
distortion rate can be calculated in accordance with IEEE Std on recharge time. For the study, three output currents were
519-2014, as presented in (1): configured in the electrical charger: 126 A, 63 A and 16.5 A.
Measurements were made in an electrical panel upstream of
the electrical charger using a quality analyzer from the
𝑚𝑎𝑥 2
𝑉ℎ manufacturer HIOKITM, class A, model PW3198, Figure 3
𝑇𝐻𝐷% = ∗ 100 (1) shows a photograph of the measurements.
Where: A. E-bus Charging Power Curve
The type 2 connectors have two communication pins: the
𝑉ℎ is the h voltage harmonic order;
Control Pilot (CP) and the Proximity Pilot (PP) that allow the
𝑉1 is the measured fundamental voltage; start and finalization of the recharging process safely [17], [18,
p. 2]. Figure 2 presents the communication and power process
ℎ𝑚𝑎𝑥 is the higher harmonic order considered. for the AC chargers.
Equation (1) shows that the total harmonic distortion rate
is inversely proportional to the fundamental component of the
voltage/current, so for higher recharge currents in EV, it is
expected a decrease in this parameter, as will be shown in the
results. The next section will show the methodology and
results used in this study to evaluate the harmonic impact of
electric vehicle charging.
Fig. 2. AC electric charger operation [18, p. 2].
Electric buses are recharged using EV charging mode 3, Figures 3 and 4 present the charging curves obtained
according to the IEC 61851-1 [16, p. 61], with a dedicated through measurements made at the Amazon Energy
charging station. The electric bus has two LiFePO4 battery Efficiency Excellence Center - CEAMAZON at different
storage systems with a capacity of 324 kWh, and a charging recharging powers on the e-bus.

The charging curve presents the same behavior regardless
of the recharging current/power value; starting with a high
current demand that translates into the presented power curve,
then this power is kept constant until reaching 80-90% of the
battery State of Charge (SoC), at that battery charge level, the
charging speed decreases to prevent the battery cells from
overheating due to their high SoC, as can be seen in the final
phase of the curve.

Fig. 5. Voltage (up) and Current (down) waveforms for 10.5 kW Power

Fig. 3. E-bus charging cycle power for 63 Amps output level.

Fig. 6. Voltage and Current THD for 10.5 kW Power Charging.

The neutral conductor on the other hand presented the

highest values of harmonic distortion with percentages that
exceed 140%, as shown in Figure 7. The individual
Fig. 4. E-bus charging cycle power for 126 Amps output level. percentages of 5th and 7th harmonic are presented in Table I
and compared with IEEE 519:2014 standards and PRODIST
Once 100% SoC is reached, a signal is sent from the EV Module 8, at the end of the section.
to the EVSE to end the recharge and deactivate the safety
interlocks is sent, which allows the disconnection of the
B. Total Harmonic Distortion THD – 10.5 kW.
The recharge current/power does not impact on the power
factor, remaining unitary during all the current values
analyzed. The waveform, on the other hand, presents
significant differences between the current values analyzed,
Figure 5 presents the voltage and current waveforms observed
for a load power of 10.5 kW.
Despite the harmonic distortion observed in the
sinewaves, the percentage of voltage THD does not exceed
2% while the current THD presents values higher than 8%, as
observed in Figure 6. The highest harmonic percentages found
are the 5th and 7th voltage and current harmonics orders, as will
be presented later. Fig. 7. Neutral Current THD for 10.5 kW Power Charging.

C. Total Harmonic Distortion THD – 41.5 kW. In this condition, the values recommended by the
The increase in recharging current/power results in a much standards were not violated, as presented in Table I.
less distorted waveform, as can be seen in Figure 8. The D. Total Harmonic Distortion THD – 80 kW.
decrease in distortion can also be observed in Figure 9, where
the current THD passes from 9 % to about 6%. It can be The last condition analyzed is with the maximum allowed
observed that at the end of the charge cycle the current THD current/power in the electric charger. The waveform
increases, this mainly because the current/power is decreased measurements are presented in Figure 11. A less distorted
when the E-bus batteries achieves 80-90% of SoC, as was waveform can be observed in the phase currents, a fact that is
presented in section III.A. verified in Figure 12, with a current THD varying from 3% up
to 8% in the final part of the recharge.

Fig. 11. Voltage (up) and Current (down) waveforms for 80 kW Power
Fig. 8. Voltage (up) and Current (down) waveforms for 41.5 kW Power charging.

Fig. 12. Voltage and Current THD for 41.5 kW Power Charging.
Fig. 9. Voltage and Current THD for 41.5 kW Power Charging.
Finally, the harmonic content in the neutral current turned
The harmonic content in the current of the neutral out to be a little higher when compared to the previous
conductor is not affected by the current / power delivered, as conditions, this can be observed in Figure 13.
can be seen in Figure 10, where the values oscillate around
140% and with slight increases in relation to the previous

Fig. 10. Neutral Current THD for 41.5 kW Power Charging. Fig. 13. Neutral Current THD for 41.5 kW Power Charging.

The summary of the harmonic rate of distortion as well as Table III presents the current harmonic percentages for
the individual percentages of 5th and 7th harmonics, compared harmonics of order 0-11th, for the three recharging currents
to the values allowed in PRODIST, Module 8 [19] and IEEE analyzed, and the THDI for the three conditions. It is observed
519: 2014 [20] are presented in Table 1 below. that although the individual harmonics increase for higher
recharge currents/, the THDI decreases, mainly due to the
Table II presents the harmonic percentages obtained for 0- increase in the recharge current. So, the impact of the
10 order harmonics; it can be seen that these harmonics harmonic content generated by recharging EV in distribution
increase as the recharge power is increased. Special attention systems can be analyzed considering the total demand
also requires the zero-order harmonic, which also increased, distortion (TDD), defined by IEEE Std 519-2014, as the
and resulted in greater increases in the zero-order current harmonic content of current expressed as a percent of the
harmonic. In general, the percentages observed during maximum demand current [10], [20], [21]. This study will be
recharging did not exceed those recommended by the presented in future works.
standard, as observed.

% Voltage
THDV Standard
EVSE Power Standard Harmonic Order
Output (Phase “c”) M8 - IEEE 519-2014 5th 7th M8 -
IEEE 519-2014
10.5 kW 1.91 % 10 % 8% 3.33 % 2.67 % 6.5 % 5%
41.5 kW 1.98 % 10 % 8% 3.53 % 3.27 % 6.5 % 5%
80.0 kW 1.99 % 10 % 8% 3.38 % 2.80 % 6.5 % 5%

% 3rd order Multiples % Even
EVSE Standard
Voltage Harmonic Order Standard Voltage Harmonic Order
Zero 3rd 6th 9th M8 - IEEE 2nd 4th 8th 10th M8 - IEEE
PRODIST 519-2014 PRODIST 519-2014
10.5 kW -0.3 0.14 0.04 0.32 6.5 % 5% 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.04 7.5 % 5%
41.5 kW -0.32 0.28 0.17 0.33 6.5 % 5% 0.35 0.84 0.13 0.14 7.5 % 5%
80.0 kW -0.35 0.45 0.38 0.35 6.5 % 5% 0.7 0.51 0.41 0.25 7.5 % 5%


EVSE Power
THDI Current Harmonic Order
(Phase “c”) Zero 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th
16.5 A 9.39% 0.29 0.66 0.23 0.22 0.94 0.15 1.94 0.16 0.11 0.08 0.42
63 A 6.52% 0.86 0.89 0.93 0.8 3.46 0.71 4.28 0.36 0.56 0.32 0.81
126 A 4.25% 0.90 2.42 2.38 1.2 4.20 1.48 4.51 1.27 0.79 0.6 0.92

IV. CONCLUSIONS For future works, the total distortion demand (TDD) will
be considered to better assess the impacts of the E-Bus
With the exponential growth of electric vehicles in recent
charging cycles on the distribution feeders of the Federal
years, studies analyzing their impacts on electrical systems
University of Pará.
become very important both in the planning phase and in the
optimal location in the EVSE systems. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
This work presented an analysis of the harmonic content
The authors of the article are grateful for the support of the
existing at different recharging powers in a recharging cycle
Norte Energia S.A. to carry out the present work, within the
of an electric bus. Analyzing the recharge cycle, it was scope of the ANEEL R&D project 07427-0319 / 2019 entitled
observed how the current harmonic distortion rate increases, “Intelligent system for efficient management of multimodal
as a result of the reduction in power when the SoC of the e- electric mobility”, carried out within the scope of Call 22/2018
bus batteries reaches between 80-90%. – ANEEL, as well as the support of the Brazilian National
The different recharging powers analyzed showed that the Council of Scientific and Technological (CNPq).
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