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5936 Saddletree Rd.

Pahrump, NV 89061
Dear Ms. Dolly,
I am currently enrolled in my Introduction to Elementary Education course and starting my first week.
One of our first assignments is to reach out to a teacher who has had a positive impact on our lives,
personally or professionally. I can easily say that you have affected my life in both ways. While I may not
have been one of your Pre-K students, I was a student learning how to work with children with Autism
for my own benefit as well as becoming a teacher myself.
You had a profound effect on my personal life. Before my son, Fox, and I came to your classroom, we
were struggling with “typical” Autism issues. Fox was unable to talk, unable to take care of his own
needs, and struggled with extreme fear and anxiety over new things. Within a few months of working
with you, he began to talk and come out of his shell. Even when schools shut down for COVID and we all
went online, he continued to thrive with your guidance. I was your student in that you taught me how to
be a better Mom and caretaker for Fox. Even though you always tell me that I did the work, I always
remind you that I would never have known how to do all these things for him if it was not for you. Your
sheer dedication to each child and parent to get everyone to a place where “normal” was within reach is
astounding. You love Fox like he is your own and I appreciate that more than anything else, and you love
me as a parent, friend, and co-worker. After learning so much from you, I knew that I wanted to be just
like you.
As for my career, you forcefully encouraged me to get back to school and get my degree. I had been
thinking about it before I met you, but after working with you and alongside you, I knew I just needed to
do it. I was nervous, but I knew that I would have at least your support even if it was moral support.
Without your pressures, I may not have made the choice to do it. Just hearing how confident you were
in my skills and my intelligence made me realize that I could do it and I should do it. I knew that I had it
in me to go back to school, but your words of encouragement helped me make the decision to go for it.
You always tell me you will help me in any way possible and I am so grateful that I have that. I know
that we are still in contact even after Fox has left your program and graduated Pre-K, but I can never tell
you enough how grateful I am to have met you and have you in our lives. I hope you never forget how
big of a positive impact you have had on my life and how much you mean to me. Please keep being you,
the wonderful person that you are.

Forever Grateful,

Tanya Blatherwick

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