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Trident University International

Marques Smalls

HLS 503

Homeland Crisis Management

Dr. Franklin Ammerman

September 2022

Preparedness Process

Getting ready for a disaster means taking measures to increase your community's

resilience in the face of threats like natural disasters. Plans for preparedness should think about

both the short-term response and the longer-term rehabilitation and reconstruction. There are a

lot of moving parts in the healing procedure. Human suffering could be lessened via the

application of a systematic method, however the procedure is usually ad hoc. Also, there is not a

lot of research or written accounts of effective community rebuilding efforts. Local authorities

should use the recovery period to reevaluate community objectives, choose recovery solutions

that are consistent with the new objectives, and integrate mitigation strategies into both long-

term planning and current decision making.

Organizational Outline

Coca-Cola Company

Coke's commitment to innovation and leadership in the nonalcoholic beverage market is

reflected in the company's purpose and vision statements, which date back more than 127 years.

Coca-ability Cola's to adjust has allowed them to continue performing at a high level despite the

economy. Coca-Cola is a $73.1 billion conglomerate with operations on six continents. In terms

of worldwide standing, the organization is rated third in terms of its stated goals and objectives

(The Coca-Cola Company, n.d.).

A company's mission statement outlines the tactical steps needed to realize the company's

vision for the future (The Coca-Cola Company, n.d.). Highlights of the company's vision

statement, which places an emphasis on Coca-ability Cola's to lead and transform the industry

and the market. Impact on society is addressed in the company's vision and mission. Coca-Cola's

core principles support the company's overarching goal. Management applies these ideas to link

the actions and motivations of all stakeholders to the company's objectives. They contribute to

Coca-Cola’s success.

Program Management

The long-term prosperity of The Coca-Cola Company rests on the company's

commitment to the safety of its employees, customers, and the general public (The Coca-Cola

Company, n.d.). They think everyone should have access to a secure and healthy workplace, and

that doing so is both morally and financially important. According to the company's Workplace

Rights Policy, management is accountable for ensuring that all divisions of the business provide

a safe and healthy environment in which employees and independent contractors may do their

best job (The Coca-Cola Company, n.d.). They are coordinating with their bottling partners to

reduce potential health and safety risks for their workers and contractors.

Coca-Cola has a set of operating procedures called KORE that detail its policies,

regulations, and requirements for controlling security, environment, as well as quality (The

Coca-Cola Company, n.d.). KORE insists on the use of BS OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001 in all

of their production and distribution centers. (requirements and methods for management of

health and safety that have gained global acceptance in an effort to boost workers' protection,

lessen the likelihood of accidents on the job, and enhance the overall quality of workplace safety

for people everywhere). To keep its personnel safe on the job, KORE has established a series of

operational procedures for dealing with potential dangers. In most cases, the controls are up to

par with international norms. In 2015, as part of efforts to enhance governance procedures, all

audits became non-precedential. Unannounced audits are generally allowed with few exceptions.

There were no external audits of safety or the environment; everything was done in-house.

They work closely with their supplier chain on three fronts: enabling services/capability

development; technical governance; and policy (The Coca-Cola Company, n.d.). Audits of the

company's supply chain governance focus on 22 different aspects of workers' rights in the

workplace, such as their access to training and health resources. They teach their personnel

extensively in safety using KORE as the universal standard and legal requirements. Workers who

are hired to assist new hires receive regular updates and inductions (The Coca-Cola Company,

n.d.). Initiatives to improve operational performance have been implemented by the QSE

capabilities team, which focuses on quality, safety, and the environment. The Company and its

bottling partners have access to a number of quality, safety, and sustainability training programs,

including the QSE Professional Excellence Program.


The company's upper management works on both long-term plans for the next five years

and annual goals for the immediate future (Juneja, n.d.). Having a long-term strategic vision and

an adaptable strategy that can shift with the needs of the external environment are key to this

kind of planning. Coca-upper Cola's management does more than just plan strategically; they

also engage in tactical planning, consulting with and acting on the recommendations of their

middle managers and the insights of their front-line salesforce (Juneja, n.d.).

Coca- Cola's planning process involves allocating resources and assigning goals to

employees across all departments and levels (Juneja, n.d.). These goals are then evaluated on a

regular basis to determine whether or not they have been met, and in the event that they have not,

failures in management and employees are investigated to determine causes. This information is

used to make next year's plan more realistic and to rectify any flaws. Management at Coca-Cola

has set a goal for itself this year to raise sales by 20% compared to the previous year's goal and to

increase the whole client base by 10% .

This is the detailed planning that supports the larger strategic goals, such as the middle

management's aim to increase its market share by between 5 and 30 percent across all of the

markets in which it competes. In addition, the collaborators, bottlers, vendors, as well as

manufacturers work together to achieve operational goals related to the point of sale as well as

other open end supply chain connecting tasks (Juneja, n.d.).


At the Coca-Cola Company, human resource management offers both benefits and

drawbacks (Management Test, 2013). To ensure that it can continue to be a market leader, the

company invests heavily in attracting and retaining outstanding talent around the world. Human

resources at the Coca-Cola Company do a job analysis and decryption in which they learn about

prospective workers' work habits, personality types, and other factors relevant to the open

position. They put it to use in the areas of hiring, selecting, paying, appraising, training, and

interacting with workers. It is part of the process of planning and forecasting to identify open

positions inside a company and develop strategies for filling them. For instance, Coke Human

resources is involved in strategy formulation and future hiring. They anticipate the wants and

demands of workers within the company, as well as the impact of technological advancements

and productivity gains on workers. In conclusion, they get perks for workers. Having happy

workers is crucial to a company's success, as they are the ones that do the bulk of the work. Coke

Company ensures that its employees receive a competitive wage, bonus, medical benefits, social

security, and other benefits. With more people looking for work, it stands to reason that they

would be interested in learning more about The Coca-Cola Company's philosophy toward CSR

(Management Test, 2013).

Testing and Exercises

The people at Coca-Cola HBC know how crucial it is to have a solid crisis management

system in place (Coca-cola HBC, n.d.). They recognize that accidents will happen occasionally,

despite their best efforts to prevent them. They need not, however, escalate into an emergency.

How they handle the situation is usually a determining factor. Incident Management and Crisis

Resolution (IMCR) is a program created by the Coca-Cola System to aid with crisis

management. To ensure the well-being of their employees and the general public, as well as the

security of their property and their company's reputation, they implement the IMCR program to

standardize the way they handle situations (Coca-cola HBC, n.d.).

The ultimate goal at Coca-Cola is to safeguard the company's most prized possessions: its

employees, its partnerships, and its standing in the community (Coca-cola HBC, n.d.). Every two

years, all IMCR teams across all Business Units undergo training and simulated exams. The

ELT, the top leaders, and the operation teams all receive periodic refresher courses (Coca-cola

HBC, n.d.).

Program Improvement

Coca-Cola is the best firm in the world, therefore naturally it will correct its mistakes

(Bhowmik, n.d.). Taking remedial action, such as raising standards, boosting motivation,

enhancing education, upgrading equipment, addressing vulnerabilities, etc., is required to get rid

of these factors. Management has committed to doing what needs to be done to stop future

outliers (Bhowmik, n.d.).


Coca-Cola's upper management will conduct a follow-up investigation after

implementing changes (Bhowmik, n.d.). Coca-Cola's upper management investigates whether or

not the measures made to fix the problem have been effective. In addition, they determine if the

anomalies and their root causes have been corrected. It is expected that actual performance will

meet or exceed expectations provided sufficient follow-up is conducted (Bhowmik, n.d.).


Anticipating future difficulties like natural catastrophes or product safety concerns, a

crisis management plan seeks to lessen the likelihood of their occurring in the first place. In

addition, it helps you plan out how to proceed in the event of an emergency. In a time of crisis,

every second counts, so it's crucial to have a plan in place for what to say and do. Crisis

management is especially important for well-known companies, whose reputations can take a

major hit in any kind of crisis.



Bhowmik, R. (n.d.). Controlling process of coca cola company. Retrieved from


Colahellenic. Retrieved from


Juneja, P. (n.d.). How Management Functions are Performed at Coca Cola. MANAGEMENT

STUDY GUIDE. Retrieved from


Management Test. (2013). Coca Cola:Human Resource Management. Management Test.

Retrieved from


The Coca-Cola Company. (n.d.). Safety & Health | The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola

Company. Retrieved from

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