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By chance are you conflicti over the following problems? ing
1. Even though youve tried to live a good life, a things not going the way youd like, leaving you to are wander in unexplainable emptiness? t, 2.Unknowingly, are you addicted to the Internet lewd behaviors, gambling, alcohol, games, and drugs, only t suffer with relationships, f il problem and fi l to ff ith l ti hi family bl ms d financial problems? i l bl ? 3.Even though youve achieved social or financia success, do you inwardly struggle with problems al you are unable to share with others? hout any particular reason, do you continually face 4.Irrespective of all the effort youve put in, with hardships in your business, work or family? 5.Are 5 A you always anxious b l i because you d not know what th f t do t kn h t the future i stores f you? in t for ? 6.Have you lost the will to live from excessive st tress and depression or feel suicidal by negative thoughts? ncurable diseases or mental illnesses? 7.Is your family suffering from unwanted and in 8.Are you amid constant conflict because of fam dissension, troubles with your children running mily away a a from home or simpl from your o n an io sness or insec rities? home, simply o r own anxiousness insecurities? 9.Due to wrong types of friends, do your childre run away and fall into corruption, kleptomania or en various types of addictions? p 10.Are you daily afflicted with nightmares, sleep paralysis, hallucinations, or auditory hallucinations? 11.Even though you have a religion, do you struggle because youre unable to enjoy true joy and peace? Instead are you always oppressed by guilt and evil spirits? Instead, 12.Even though youre living a life of faith, do you lack true peace and answers to prayer? Do you struggle with prayer not taking place, only to fin yourself easily falling into unbelief and nd discouragement when faced with problems? The Bible which is Gods Word tells us the simp answer to these problems Bible, God s Word, ple problems.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) d, Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved you and your household. (Acts 16:31)

Good News

Happiness and Unha appiness

Here is the reason and solu ution


What is the reason why the people, who are seeking happ piness are unable to find it, but live in suffering? It is because people are separate from God. ed Just as a tree uprooted from the ground is unable to live, just as a fish out of , water cannot live, the Bible tells us people who have left G cannot be happy. God How come people are separated from God? People h P l have di b disobeyed G d and b d God d become i ignorant of G d A a result, people t f God. As lt l have fallen into the state of sin and suffering. Mental suffe ering, the life without reward or balance, and the life that is afflicted by physical illnesses have begun because of the spiritual problem of leaving God. The Bible tells us when this unhappiness began. Since the beginning of the mankind, from the time of Adam and Eve. They were deceived by Satans trick and temptation. They ate the fruit of knowing good and evil which symbolized a promise with God. But, they left God. This is when all of mankinds problems and suffering began. mankind s began How long will this unhappiness last? Misery upon mankind as a result of the d spiritual problem is still ongoing, and its getting worse The more people try to e. solve the problem, the more unhappy people become by increasing news of unhappiness. How come the unhappiness doesnt disappear? It is because there is a being that brings unhappiness. The Bible reveals its identity and name. Satan is the enemy who hinders Gods work, and devil drives a s wedge and makes bad blood between us and God to blin us from knowing God. g nd g It mobilizes countless evil spirits and demons to make us fall, and it carries out all kinds of dirty tricks to make us unhappy. They are the cor rrupt angels who confronted God and are cast out to the air and appeared to earth with one purpose of destroying the mankind. Ultimately, these bein are bound to go to ngs hell on the judgment day. Because of these forces of evi the problem of il, unhappiness cannot be solved on our own. What happens when we dont know God? Unknowingly p people have become children of satan . In their lives they suffer from incom mprehensible pain and spiritual problems without knowing the reason why. What is the reason why people who may have fun all nigh long, yet still feel empty ht in their hearts with no rest? It is because people have lef God. ft In order to find happiness, people are wandering in search of alcohol, drugs, h psychics, fortune-tellers, or exorcism. However, the peace obtained from the world is temporary. Pleasure is momentary gratification, but no the true happiness. ot Behind the scenes, emptiness, curses, and greater misery engulf peoples lives. Ultimately, the day people die, people have no choice but to end up in hell. t What will you do with these problems? How can you s solve these problems? There is the way to be eternally liberated from them. People who are m captives to sin and satan cannot escape from their proble ems no matter how much they try. That is why God has opened the way of salvation. Whe you believe and en receive Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who cru ushed sin and satan, you are given the right to become Gods child. Everyone who receives Jesus Christ will become Gods child, and God will be with them forever.

Acceptance Prayer to become Gods Child

DearlovingFatherGod,Imasinner. Iveliveduntilnowapartfromyou undersatanscontrolandslavery. But,nowIreceiveJesusasmySavior, myGod,andmyChrist. IbelieveJesusChristis theonlywaytomeetGod, whocrushedallauthorityofsatan, andsetusfree. and set us free. Pleasecomeintomyheartand bemyMaster. Pleaseguidemylifestepbystep. InJesusChristsnameIpray,Amen.

JesusistheChrist, theSonoftheLivingGod. (Matthew16:16) TheLordJesus,whoisthe Christ,isthewayandmy mastertoday. Hefinishedallofmycursesand disasters.MayInotbe deceivedtoday. MayalltheforcesofSatanthat trytodeceivemeandhinder mefromenjoyingChrist,flee anddepartinthenameof dd t i th f JesusChrist. Thankyouforguidingmeand blessingmethroughout today. IprayinthenameofJesus Christ,Amen.

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