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Cách dùng 

1 To indicates the destination of a verb. 

Pattern 1: verb + to + noun

I'm going to bed.
They ride to school on the bus. 

Nouns commonly used after to:

bed, breakfast, church, dinner, jail, lunch, school, work 


go home
It is time to go home.
They went home on the bus. 

Pattern 2: verb + to + the + noun

We go to the park every afternoon.
Call when you get to the office. 

Verbs often used with to:

come, drive, extend, fall, fly, get, go, hike, move, return, ride, rise, run, send, ship, sink,

to rise to the occasion—to force oneself to act correctly
I was surprised when he walked in, but I rose to the occasion and shook his hand. 

2 To indicates the destination of a noun. 

Pattern 1: noun + to + noun

The train to New York leaves at six o'clock.
We wanted to go on a cruise to the Caribbean. 

Typical nouns used before to:

airplane, bridge, bus, climb, cruise, flight, highway, path, race, road, subway, train, trip,

Pattern 2: noun + be + to + noun

The train is to New York.
His question is to me. 

Typical nouns used before to:

answer, card, donation, explanation, gift, letter, memo, offer, petition, present, proposal,
question, request, suggestion 
3 To indicates a transfer from a person or place. 

Pattern: verb + noun + to + noun

He delivers the mail to the office.
She mentioned her plans to me. 

Typical verbs used before to:

bring, carry, deliver, describe, distribute, donate, explain, give, hand, introduce, lend,
mention, pass, present, read, recommend, reveal, send, shout, show, sing, speak, submit,
suggest, take, tell, write

Cách dùng "For"

1 For indicates a recipient or beneficiary. 

Pattern 1: noun + for + noun

I have a present for you. 

Nouns often used before for:

answer, cure, gift, idea, job, message, letter, plan, present, project, question, suggestion,
surprise, secret 

Pattern 2: noun + for + noun

We have news for you. 

Typical nouns before for:

advice, help, information, news, nothing, something 

Pattern 3: verb + noun + for + noun

She sang a song for me.
He only wants the best for you. 

Verbs often used before for:

bake, build, buy, care, cook, create, dance, design, do, get, make, perform, play, sing,
want, win, work, write 

2 For indicates a special purpose. 

Pattern 1: noun + for + noun

You need a coat for winter.
He has a bicycle for transportation. 

Pattern 2: noun + for + verb in gerund form

They have a special place for washing cars.
The doctor has a machine for measuring blood pressure. 
room for—enough space for something or somebody
We need room for twenty people for our party.
We don't have room for a grand piano. 

3 For can indicate the intended result of an action. 

Pattern 1: verb + for + noun

The boys were screaming for help.
What are you looking for? 

Verbs often used before for:

apply, ask, audition, beg, call, campaign, compete, cry, fight, go out, go, hope, long, look,
petition, plead, pray, register, run, scream, send, shop, shout, stand in line, strive, study,
train, try out, wait, whistle, wish, work, yell 

run for office—be a candidate in an election
After he ran for president and lost, he said he would never run for office again

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