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13 09 22

LESSON PLAN ___/___/____

Fiorela Fernández
Student teacher: ___________________ Nicolás Dantaz-Rico
Didactics teacher: _____________________ María Virginia Díaz
Cooperating teacher: _______________________

Group: 3°2 N°27
School: _________ 9.10-9.50
Allotted Time: ____ Number of Students: ____.

Ss expressed two cities share a quality to the same degree.

Previous class work:
-To work on the thematic unit ‘What can we do in our everyday life to protect the environment?’.
-To teach vocabulary related to the contamination of the environment as well as actions we do that damage or help with it.
Aim(s): -To practise speaking at the level of expressing opinions and giving reasons, as well as showing agreement or disagreement.
-To practise reading at the level of inferring.
-To practise writing at text level.
-To practise listening at the level of specific info.

Objective(s): By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able jot down sections of an article about (how to protect a place in their city) at word level with
accuracy. (To scaffold the final-project proposal in unit 3 in Aldo Rodriguez’ book)

Goal(s): -To manage timing of the lesson correctly. -To ask ICQs that really help to check Ss’ understanding.

Methodology: Elements of TBLT within CLT.

Anticipated problems: -Ss do not know how to say the actions that they brainstorm in English.
Possible Solutions: -Pairing them up and a stronger S to facilitate mediation.

Assumptions: -Ss know how to express actions to protect the environment, and how to express opinions and reasons.

Materials: Whiteboard, markers, HW worksheet, and a picture.

Stage Procedure Int Assessment: The subsidiary objective for each stage
(Informal-formative in all
T-S stages)
Warm-up: T shows the reading activity Ss had to do for HW. T Ss saying: ‘Protecting the
5’ Ss-T -To raise interest in the topic of the lesson.
Quick asks them what it was about to elicit the topic of the environment’.
-2’ of sharing the answers from the piece of HW. -Ss checking what the
-T tasks Ss to underline the reasons given in the text under sections of the article they -To grant TPS on the piece of HW focused on
each headline. S-S
chose. reading at the level of summarizing.
#HW checking/ -Afterwards, whole-class sharing. S
-Ss underlining reasons. -To practice reading at the level of specific
Text 20’ S-S
deconstruction -T tasks Ss to classify the paragraphs of the SHORT -Ss saying the sections information (Ss look for evidence for their
ARTICLE into these sections: TITLE, INTRODUCTION, T
and reasons found. answers).
HEADLINE 1, IDEA 1 - HEADLINE 2 – IDEA 2 .- -Ss classify the sections. -To deconstruct the model text.
T asks Ss to think together of a place in our city that
could be more environmentally friendly. Then, think of
Whole-class a title for an article that informs how to help make that
-Ss brainstorming each -To scaffold how work on process writing at
brainstorming. 10’ place environmentally friendly. Next, think of two T-Ss section of an article. text level.
headlines of actions to help. Next, develop these two
ideas with reasons. Finally, think of a conclusion where
you include your opinión.
-For HW Ss have to think of another place and brainstorm T-Ss -Ss taking notes of their
Closure 5’ - To round up.
sections for writing an article. piece of HW.

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