Teraz Egzamin Osmoklasisty Na Ostatniej Prostej Zestaw 3 Odpowiedzi I Transkrypcja

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Zadanie 1
1.1.B 1.2.A 1.3. D 1.4.C

Zadanie 2

2.1. you mustn’t/cant/are not allowed to use lipstick 2.2. I have/need to do 2.3 must/
needed to/have to wear

Zadanie 3

3.1. summer sports camp 3.2. July, for a week or two 3.3. top quality teachers

Zadanie 4

4.1. can/could you pass 4.2. are buying / are going to buy 4.3. are going to 4.4. will help
4.5. won’t use

Zadanie 5

Przykładowa odpowiedź

On Monday 12th September I lost my tablet on the 10.15 train to London. I was sitting in
seat 56b next to the window.
It’s a modern, almost new Lenovo. The tablet was in a pink case with Hello Kitty on it. There
is a big, white sticker on the back cover. The tablet screen is scratched.
Please help me find it! If found, please call Ania on 6666-2222-555
There is a reward for the finder!

Transkrypcja nagrań
Zadanie 1

Tekst pierwszy
It has been my hobby for many years. I started posting my pictures on various pages a long time ago. At first, I
only took photos of my friends, but later I started buying better equipment and exploring different towns and
cities. During my trips, I discovered a lot of forgotten but very beautiful places. I think it was in Kraków that I
decided to become a professional.
Tekst drugi
Everybody thinks it is boring, but I love it. Every year, my parents take me to different places so I can learn
more about history and fascinating events from the past. We visit castles, museums and other places. Listening
to a guide talking about how people lived, what they ate or where they worked is an amazing experience. My
dad says I should study history, but university is not my cup of tea. I think I will become a traveller and write a
Tekst trzeci
I want to become as popular as Darren Rowse. He created his site for fun a couple of years ago. He blogged
about the Olympics and his passion for photography, then eventually started problogger, a website dedicated
to helping other bloggers. I want to write about interesting events from the past. I’m keen on visiting museums
and on history, and I would like to encourage people to do the same.
Tekst czwarty
I can’t understand why people like spending time walking around looking at paintings, sculptures and ruins. It is
a waste of time! I love meeting new people and learning about their hobbies, but I’m not keen on spending my
free time listening to old, boring stories about wars, kings and queens. I don’t usually go on school trips
because my history teacher always takes us to exhibitions. I only like them when they are interactive.

Teraz egzamin ósmoklasisty © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o., 2020

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