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THE Bureaumancer Moves Deep State: You can disseminate a lie through a group or

organization that will be widely believed until it is proven false.

Roll +Cheek. On a 10+ the lie spreads like wildfire. On a 7-9,
You get three Bureamancer moves. You start with this one: it’s either slow to take hold or doesn’t affect the entire
A practitioner of the Bureaucracy’s byzantine arcana organization. On a miss, the effort is unsuccessful and word
Orders from Upstairs: Everyone answers to someone in the

gets back that you started the rumor; mark 1 Capital.

“A bureaucrat is never late. Nor are they early. bureaucracy. At the start of each session, if you don’t have an
They arrive precisely when they intend to.” assignment from your superiors, roll +Bureaucracy. On a 10+,
Blue Ribbon Commission: When you spend a protracted
you’ll receive an ordinary assignment along with some
resources to accomplish it; if you have any Capital boxes period of time (hours or days, depending on the situation)
marked, erase one mark. On a 7-9, you’re given a tough studying a problem and developing a plan, roll +Wits. On a
Sway assignment and a shoestring budget. On a miss, the 10+ hold 3, on a 7-9 hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 and mark 1
Hoodwink bureaucracy demands something horrible, impossible, or both. Capital. Spend your hold while the plan is being carried out to:
If you fail (or refuse) an assignment, mark 1 Capital. Add +1 to someone’s roll (after they have rolled)
Assess Reality Reduce someone’s harm suffered by 1
Then pick two of these:
Save your Skin
Show up just in the nick of time
Red Tape: You can channel tightly controlled entropic energy
Ensure someone has the exact equipment they need for a
Face Fear to physically restrain your adversaries. Mark 1 Capital to
Fight for your Life prevent an entity of average human size from moving or
attacking (though not from speaking). You may spend 1
Requisition Forms: When you Call for Aid from a contact in
additional Capital to affect either one significantly larger and
the Bureaucracy, treat a miss as a 7-9.
Embrace Chaos more powerful being, or a group of ordinary people.

Analysis Paralysis: You can mesmerize a small crowd of

people using a combination of technical jargon and arcane
Essence: Capital whispering. They must be able to hear and understand you,

Refresh: impose order on a scene of anarchy and the effect will end as soon as there is a clear and present
threat to their safety, but otherwise they will be enthralled for
as long as you continue speaking.
You have:
Mark Capital to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll
By the Book: If there are established rules and protocols for A briefcase, a government-issued cell phone, and an ID badge
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to. dealing with a situation you are in, take +1 ongoing as long as A stylish studio or a modest house
they apply and you follow them to the letter. An e-bike or a government-issue car
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the
scene and return later with a Fracture. Project Manager: You can push yourself to help out by A bureaucratic weapon:
providing guidance or instruction rather than getting your Letter opener (1-harm hand concealable)
Harm Fractures hands dirty.
Oversized stapler (1-harm hand slow reload restraining)
Realpolitik: You know how to survive in the tall grass of Ritual recitation of the Municipal Code (1-essence close
When you mark your last harm municipal government. When you miss on a roll to Sway area slow unwieldy)
box, you are dead unless someone, you can choose one of the following options instead
someone can act immediately to of suffering any other consequences:
save you.
Sycophant: They agree to do what you want, but the GM
picks three requirements from the list.
Experience Blame Game: The consequences fall to one (or more) of
your allies instead of you.
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a
playbook move tells you to.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
We knew each other before I joined the bureaucracy. How do +1 Wits
you feel about me now?
+1 Pluck
I bent the rules once to help you. Why was this so important
for both of us? +1 Chaos
You helped me deal with a particularly thorny assignment. +1 reputation with any faction
What happened? Take a new Bureaumancer move
Look I helped you navigate _______________________________ , one of Take a new Bureaumancer move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: the many horrors of municipal government. How did it go?
Tailored Suit, Wrinkled Suit, Business Casual, Too Casual, Expensive Take a move from another playbook
You are keeping a terrible secret for me. What is it?
Accessories, Tired Eyes, Steely Gaze, Stress Lines, Caffeine Jitters, Add an extra box to your Essence track
Pep in your Step Change one of your agendas
Demeanor Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
F R Advanced Improvements
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude:
a disgruntled bureaucrat After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Wonky, Loquacious, Dour, Secretive, Idealistic, Narcissistic,
Gossipy, Jaded, Imaginative a former Town Council aide advanced improvements
a hyper-engaged community member +1 to any stat (max +3)
Questions a local reporter +1 reputation with any faction
What is your bureaucratic department? Take a move from another playbook
How did you come to join the Bureaucracy?
Mark a basic move as advanced
When has the Bureaucracy let you down?
Factions Mark a basic move as advanced
Agendas (Pick 2) Your faction is Bureaucracy. Tell the group one thing that is true Overcome a Fracture
about the Bureaucracy in this town: a person, place, belief, or Change to a new playbook
Ambitious: You’ll reach the top, no matter what. Mark
experience when you put your career advancement ahead Retire this character
of the greater good. You begin with the following reputations:
Survivor: You’ve seen it all, and you’re still here. Mark +1 Bureaucracy, 0 Community, 0 Entropy, -1 Underbelly
experience when someone else pays the price for your
mistakes. Bureaucracy

Idealist: You’re really in it to make a difference. Work Community

with the GM to pick a specific change you want to see in
town. Mark experience when you risk life or livelihood to
achieve it. If the change you seek comes to pass, cross out Underbelly
this agenda and select a new one. -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Dealmaker: You live for smoke filled rooms and hard
bargains. Mark experience when you negotiate a favorable
deal with a faction other than Bureaucracy.


+1 +1 -1 +0
THE Curio Moves Object Empathy: When you study an interesting object, roll
+Chaos. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1:
You get three Curio moves. You have this one:
Where does this object belong?
A purveyor of powerful and peculiar eldritchobjects Curios: You have a penchant for attracting strange items
What secrets or mysteries has this object been privy to?

What strong emotions were near this object most

“I come bearing wares of superb and sublime quality, imbued with eldritch power. Choose 2 items from the list
for the collector of discerning taste.” below as part of your collection. These objects are recently?
indestructible, and even if you lose (or try to get rid of) them, What entropic energies are imbued in this object?
they will always find their way back to you. On a miss, mark 1 Objectivity as the history of the object
Burnt Feather of Icarus - You may mark 1 Objectivity to overwhelms you.
Sway gain the power of flight for the remainder of the scene.
Hoodwink The Horn of Babel - When you blow this horn, anyone Sympathy for the Devil: When you Renege, you may roll
within earshot (including you) perceives all language as +Cheek instead of against faction rating.
Assess Reality unintelligible nonsense for the remainder of the scene.
Save your Skin Pandora’s Box - Empty now, but built to hold anything Consummate Collector: Add another curio to your collection.
(everything, really). You can store anything in here,
regardless of size.
Face Fear Giant Rabbit’s Foot - The size of a small dog. Any time you
Fight for your Life suffer harm, suffer 1 less.
Sacrificial Blade - When you press this blade against your
skin, mark 1 harm and erase 1 mark from your Objectivity
Embrace Chaos track.
Bound Lightning - You may roll +Chaos instead of +Pluck

when you Fight for your Life. On a hit, your damage is 2-
harm close obvious loud entropic. On a miss, mark 1
Essence: Objectivity Objectivity in addition to any other consequence. You have:
Refresh: add a truly unique object to your collection Imp of the Perverse - Once per session you may push A satchel, briefcase, purse, pocket-lined trench coat, or
yourself without having to mark Objectivity.
similarly multifaceted container in which to store your wares
Techronomicon - You can mark 1 Objectivity to gain
Mark Objectivity to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll A cheap apartment, a decent motorhome, or a tiny home you
control of all non-sentient electronic devices in the vicinity.
3d6 and discard the lowest dice), to avoid all harm from a single built yourself
They will obey your commands as best as their
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to. An archaic or heirloom weapon:
construction allows.
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the Sophist’s Stone - When you offer someone advice about Letter opener (1-harm hand concealable)
scene and return later with a Fracture. how to solve a problem, they gain +1 ongoing as long as Hand-Carved Wand (1-harm close entropic unreliable)
they follow your counsel.
Engraved Flintlock Pistol (1-harm close loud reload)
Harm Fractures
Gilded Aegis (0-harm hand unwieldy 1 armor)
Then pick two of these:

When you mark your last harm

Silver Tongue: When you get a 7-9 on a roll to Sway
box, you are dead unless
someone, you may choose which option the target of your
someone can act immediately to
persuasion chooses (though the GM still decides how it plays
save you.

Experience Brick & Mortar: You’ve opened up a shop in town where you
display some of your lesser wears. Gain +1 reputation with
Community. When determining your faction, you can choose
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a
to stand for Underbelly or Community.
playbook move tells you to.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
You gave me one of my curios. How did you find it, and why +1 Wits
did you part with it?
+1 Pluck
You covet an item in my collection. What is it?
You have an object that I want desperately. Why do you +1 Chaos
refuse to part with it? +1 reputation with any faction
I helped you procure something rare and valuable once. What Take a new Curio move
Look was it? Gain an additional Curio item
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: An object of yours whispered one of your darkest secrets to
Stylish Clothes, Garish Clothes, Patchwork Clothes, Gleaming Eyes, Take a move from another playbook
me. What was it?
Eager Gaze, Sly Smile, Excessive Accessories, Odd Scars, Nervous Add an extra box to your Essence track
Tic, Haunted Laugh Change one of your agendas
Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
Demeanor F R Advanced Improvements
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: a small business owner After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Smooth, Guarded, Intuitive, Paranoid, Experimental, Inquisitive, a regular customer advanced improvements
Conniving, Intense
an antiques dealer +1 to any stat (max +3)
a Backalley scrounger +1 reputation with any faction
a Take a move from another playbook
When did your first object find you?
What is the most treasured piece of your set? Mark a basic move as advanced
When did its whispers lead you most astray? Factions Mark a basic move as advanced
Your faction is Underbelly. Tell the group one thing that is true
Overcome a Fracture
about the Underbelly in this town: a person, place, belief, or
Agendas (Pick 2) Change to a new playbook
Gladhand: Keep your friends close, and your customers Retire this character
closer. Mark experience when you improve your reputation You begin with the following reputations:
with a faction, or make a new friendly contact. -1 Bureaucracy, 0 Community, 0 Entropy, +1 Underbelly
Swindler: There’s no thrill like pulling the wool over
someone’s eyes. Mark experience when you trick someone
about an object’s true purpose or value. Community
Pillar: You actually care about this strange town and its
residents. Mark experience when you save an innocent
person from certain death (or worse). Underbelly
Hypothecary: You are a scholar of the occult and arcane. -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Mark experience when you utilize a curio in a new or novel


+1 +0 -1 +1
THE Forgotten Vessel Moves Revenant: Your body is animated by more than blood and
sinew. You no longer die when you mark your last harm box.
You get three Forgotten Vessel moves. You start with this one: You may continue to take action as normal for the remainder
The discarded puppet of an entropic horror of the scene, and additional harm has no effect on you. At the

Entropic Soul: You can accumulate 5 Fractures instead of 4 end of the scene, clear all your harm boxes and take a fracture.
“Remember Todd Smith? Saw the Screaming Fog and then disappeared
before you must retire this character. For each fracture you
for three months? Well Lisa said she saw him back at the PTA meeting Dissonant Whispers: When you entreat the ceaseless
have, add one box to your Vestige track.
last night. Something wasn’t right though...”
whispers for guidance, roll +Chaos. On a hit, the benighted

The fractures you gain are fissures from which the vestiges of murmuration offers you counsel; choose one from the list
entropic horror seep through. The ceaseless whispers (the GM) below. On a 7-9, the insight will be vague, confusing, or
Sway may ask you to do dangerous or hurtful things in line with the terrifying.
Hoodwink darker aspects of your fractures. If you refuse, mark 1 Vestige.
A path forward, illuminated
A vision of what may come to pass
Assess Reality An answer to a question that haunts you
Then pick two of these:
Save your Skin
On a miss, your overtures draw immediate and unwelcome
Echoes of a Dead God’s Laughter: Laughing. Always
Face Fear laughing. You can mark 1 Vestige to treat your body as a
Fight for your Life source of entropic power for the purposes of rolling to
Embrace Chaos. For the options on a hit, the effect of the
power is the same as the last entropic power with which you
Embrace Chaos Embraced Chaos.

Essence: Vestige
Fractal Conduit: You may hold 1 even when you miss on a
roll to Embrace Chaos, channeling some energy to your ends
amidst the mayhem. You have:
Refresh: tap a new source of entropic power Sundries from your old life: a broken cell phone, a wallet with
Marked for Chaos: You have been baptized in the entropic a few crumpled photos, and a tattered backpack, purse, or
currents churning just beneath the surface of reality. Mark satchel
Mark Vestige to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll
Embrace Chaos as an advanced move. A house that no longer feels like home, an abandoned
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single
structure you call home, or a dark corner of the Backalley
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to.
Unfathomable: Your expressions and countenance are you’ve made home
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the forever alien and unknowable. When you Hoodwink, roll A mark of corruption that can be wielded as a weapon:
scene and return later with a Fracture. +Chaos instead of +Cheek.
Rending Nails (1-harm hand entropic)

Harm Fractures Ravenous Maw (2-harm intimate messy)

Terrifying Visage: You can mark 1 Vestige to manifest a
horrifying aspect of your former possession. Ordinary people Tainted Presence (1-essence hand area)
will run screaming in terror, and powerful entities will think Abyssal Embrace (2-essence intimate slow)
When you mark your last harm
twice about crossing you.
box, you are dead unless
someone can act immediately to
save you. Pariah: The whole town knows what happened to you. Knows
what you’re capable of. When you Goad, you may roll +Chaos
instead of against reputation.
Blackened Blood, Burning Bile: When you mark Vestige to
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a avoid harm from an attack, you may also choose to inflict your
playbook move tells you to. weapon’s harm on the enemy that attacked you.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask one to your left
and one to your right:
+1 Cheek
We were friends or lovers before I disappeared. What do you +1 Wits
think of me now?
+1 Pluck
You think you can use me. What for?
You know something about my abduction. What aren’t you +1 Chaos
telling me? +1 reputation with any faction
You blame yourself for what happened to me. Why? Take a new Forgotten Vessel move
Look We were never close, but now we always seem to run into Take a new Forgotten Vessel move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: one another. Why are our fates intertwined?
Rumpled Suit, Tattered Clothes, Track Suit, Sunken Eyes, Vacant Take a move from another playbook
Eyes, Cold Smile, Violent Smile, Sallow Skin, Peculiar Odor, Add an extra box to your Essence track
Ominous Aura, Threatening Aura Change one of your agendas
Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R) Advanced Improvements
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
a friend from before
Aggressive, Brooding, Manic, Morose, Panicky, Emotionless, Icy, advanced improvements
a sycophantic fan
Capricious, Excitable +1 to any stat (max +3)
a whisper in the darkness
+1 reputation with any faction
Questions a cosmic inconvenience
Take a move from another playbook
What entropic horror claimed your body as its vessel? a
Mark a basic move as advanced
What do you remember about your vassalage?
What happened when it abandoned you? Mark a basic move as advanced
Overcome a Fracture
Your faction is Entropy. Tell the group one thing that is true about
Agendas (Pick 2) Entropy in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
Vengeance: You’ll get revenge on the thing that did this Gain the following move:
to you. Mark experience when you deal a major blow You begin with the following reputations:
The Return: You may mark 3 Vestige
against, or lose reputation with, Entropy. -1 Bureaucracy, -1 Community, +2 Entropy, -1 Underbelly
to summon the entropic terror to your
Nihilist: Nothing matters anymore. Mark experience body once more. For the rest of the
when you could stop something bad from befalling Bureaucracy scene you gain a natural attack
another person, but choose not to. befitting the entity (3 harm close area
Dark Knight: You didn’t ask for this, but you’re going to entropic ignore-armor) and are
make the best of it. Mark experience when you protect Entropy immune to most damage (2 armor
someone even as you terrify them. entropic). You automatically succeed
Underbelly on any roll to Embrace Chaos during
Apotheosis: You had a taste, and you want more. Mark -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 this time as well. When the scene
experience when you improve your reputation or establish
ends, you drop out and suffer Fracture
a friendly contact with Entropy, or when you gain a
as though you exhausted your essence
track. When you mark your last
Fracture, hand your character sheet to
CHEEK WITS PLUCK CHAOS the GM. You are now a threat.
+0 -1 +1 +1
THE Paradox Moves Temporal Hiccup: You can mark 2 Anomaly to briefly
untether yourself from the flow of time. You can move freely
You get three Paradox moves. You start with this one: while everything else is paused, though anything you do to the
A mockery of time’s linearity and continuity physical environment (including harm to an enemy) will revert

Temporal Anomaly: You experience time differently - not as back to its original state when the effect ends. If you use this
“No, no, I’m not a time traveler. I’m just me, from then, now. And also move to Save your Skin, you automatically succeed as though
a linear progression, but a constant swirl of past, present, and
then. And the future. What about that doesn’t make sense?”
future. At the beginning of each disturbance, roll +Chaos. On a you rolled a 12+. The effect ends if you leave the scene.

10+ hold 2, on a 7-9 hold 1. You can spend your hold at any
point to declare that a specific event happens in the future. So It Goes: Whenever you would make a fractured roll, you
You gain +1 ongoing on any action that makes that event may choose to make a basic roll instead. Describe a happier
meaningfully more likely to transpire. If an event comes to time you immerse yourself in.
Hoodwink pass as you described, refresh your Anomaly track. If one of
your events can no longer possibly be true, mark 3 Anomaly as Memento Mori: You’ve seen the moment of your own death
Assess Reality a divergent timeline violently collides with your own. in this timeline - and you’re not about to bow out early. Take
Save your Skin +1 ongoing to Save Your Skin and Fight For Your Life
whenever you’re on your last harm box.
Then pick two of these:
Face Fear
Fight for your Life Timeless: Your physical form is frozen in the moment you
became unmoored from time. You do not age or sicken, and
your body resists alteration. Any time you would take harm,
Embrace Chaos
you suffer 1 less.

Essence: Anomaly
Redux: When you push yourself, you don’t mark Anomaly
before rolling. Instead, after you have rolled, you can mark 1 You have:
Anomaly to declare that the first result was a temporal
Refresh: use the past or future to save the present A watch, clock, hourglass, or other timekeeping device to
aberration and roll again. You must accept the second result.
remind you what time you’re in
A strange bauble or knick knack from different a time
Mark Anomaly to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll Time is a Flat Circle: When you Assess Reality, you may ask
An anachronistic weapon:
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single the question: “When or where has this happened before?”
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to. even on a miss. Crossbow (1-harm close)

When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the Zweihander (2-harm hand spread unwieldy)
Rewind: You can shift back to a previous space that you’ve
scene and return later with a Fracture. Phaser (1-harm far reload unreliable)
occupied on this timeline, allowing you to instantly appear any
place you’ve been before. When you do so, mark 1 Anomaly Ion Cannon (3-harm ignore-armor far loud one-shot)
Harm Fractures and roll +Chaos. On a 10+ you arrive there no problem. On a
7-9 your timing is off: either you land somewhere else on your
timeline, or arrive later than you expected. On a miss, you
When you mark your last harm
succeed as if you’d rolled a 10+, but the GM holds 1. They can
box, you are dead unless
spend their hold at any point to shift you somewhere else on
someone can act immediately to
your timeline.
save you.

Quantum Leap: You can mark 1 Anomaly to manipulate

Experience subtle variances between different timelines, allowing you to
move seamlessly through inanimate objects for the remainder
of the scene.
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a
playbook move tells you to.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
We’ve met, or will meet, in another time. When? +1 Wits
You help keep me grounded in the current time. Why do I
+1 Pluck
trust you?
You’re the reason I’m focused on this time. Why are you so +1 Chaos
important? +1 reputation with any faction
I’ve glimpsed you in a vision of the future. How do you feel Take a new Paradox move
Look about what I’ve told you? Take a new Paradox move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: We’re related in some convoluted way. How?
Old Timey Clothes, Futuristic Clothes, Mismatched Clothes, Funky Take a move from another playbook
Hairstyle, Snazzy Wig, Shaved Head, Antique Accessories, Neon Add an extra box to your Essence track
Bling, Colored Contacts, Searching Eyes, Anachronistic Affect Change one of your agendas
Demeanor Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: F R Advanced Improvements
Jovial, Spacey, Mercurial, Lovelorn, Driven, Bewildered, who you have known for a long time After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Unflappable, Daring, Reckless who will be important in the future advanced improvements
who lives outside of time +1 to any stat (max +3)
a threat to the timeline +1 reputation with any faction
How did you become unstuck from time?
When is your favorite time to be? a Take a move from another playbook
Why are you here in this time? Mark a basic move as advanced
Factions Mark a basic move as advanced
Agendas (Pick 2)
Your faction is Entropy. Tell the group one thing that is true about Overcome a Fracture
Time Keeper: Yours is the one true timeline; it must be
Entropy in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
defended. Mark experience when a future event comes to
pass as you said it would. Retire this character
You begin with the following reputations:
Hedonist: Freedom from the crushing weight of linear 0 Bureaucracy, -1 Community, +1 Entropy, 0 Underbelly
time really lets you enjoy the finer things in life. Mark
experience when you indulge your vices at the expense of
Loner: It’s a lonely existence, standing apart from time. Community
Mark experience when you complete a dangerous task by
yourself, or when you lose reputation with a faction.
Searcher: You lost something when you became unstuck Underbelly
from time: a person, an object, or a part of yourself. Mark -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
experience when you come closer to finding it, or put
yourself at great risk to do so. If you find what you seek,
cross out this agenda and pick a new one.


+0 -1 +1 +1
THE Rascal Moves Imaginary Friend: You have an “imaginary” friend that
others cannot see. Give them a name and write them down as
You get three Rascal moves. Pick from the following: a friendly contact. You can mark 1 Imagination to make other
A mischievous youth with a dangerous imagination people see them too, for a little bit. For the remainder of the

Guttersnipe: You spend most of your time in the Backalley: scene, your friend will keep you safe from anything scary: they
“Adults keep saying they know best. But best as I can tell, they’re the ones will protect you (gain 1 armor entropic) fight by your side (2-
an extra-dimensional network of interconnected, non-
who messed up this town in the first place. Maybe us kids should be in
euclidean alleys, paths, side streets, cellars, and tunnels. No harm close entropic) and entropic powers will not bother you.
charge for a change!”
matter where you are in town you can always find an entrance
to the Backalley nearby. It may be guarded, unstable, or Secret Hideout: You have your own hidden hideaway: a tree
otherwise dangerous, but it’s there if you need it. Take +1 to fort, abandoned school bus, Backalley bolthole, or similar
Save your Skin if you escape through the Backalley. sanctuary. By default it's innocuous, big enough for a few
people, and stocked with enough supplies to last a couple days.
Holding the Bag: If you need to Save your Skin and have an Pick two perks and one drawback from the list below.
Assess Reality ally nearby, you may choose not to roll and automatically
Perks: well concealed; booby trapped; fortified; escape routes;
Save your Skin succeed as though you’d rolled a 10+. If you do this, your ally
surveillance gear; ample provisions; spacious and schnazzy;
will suffer the consequences as if you had rolled a miss.
Face Fear
Drawbacks: easy to spot; hard to reach; shoddy construction;
Fight for your Life Nose for Trouble: Once per session, you may ask the GM
what course of action would cause the most trouble. As long poor visibility; only big enough for one
as you’re following that course of action, take +1 ongoing. If
Embrace Chaos you see it through to the end, mark experience.

Essence: Imagination
Mischief and Mayhem: You know how to make a scene
without being seen. When you Goad, you may mark 1
You have:
Imagination to hide your involvement, or implicate another
Refresh: strike a blow against authority A bike, skateboard, or roller skates
A map of notable Backalley entrances, exits, and passageways
A weapon that will be underestimated:
Mark Imagination to push yourself or help out on a basic move The Young and the Reckless: When you Face Fear, you may
(roll 3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a roll with +Cheek instead of +Pluck. Nun-Chucks (1-harm hand concealable)
single attack, or when a playbook move tells you to. Wrist Rocket (1-harm close innocuous)
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the Artsy and Crafty: You can create convincing illusions from Paintball Gun (1-harm far decorating reload)
scene and return later with a Fracture. art supplies and ambient entropic energy. When you do this,
Mark 1 Imagination and roll +Chaos. On a 10+ choose 3, on a
7-9 choose 2.
Harm Fractures
You disguise the truth
You create an opening
When you mark your last harm
Everyone important is distracted
box, you are dead unless
You avoid being noticed
someone can act immediately to
save you. On a miss, you become the absolute center of attention.

Experience Make Believe: You can briefly reshape the space around you
to match a scene of your imagination. When you make believe,
mark 2 Imagination and describe the setting that you conjure.
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a For the rest of the scene, you and your allies gain +1 on any
playbook move tells you to. roll that leverages this new environment to your advantage.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
You’re my partner in crime. What is our most legendary +1 Wits
+1 Pluck
You underestimated me once, and it cost you. What
happened? +1 Chaos
You put me up for a while when I needed a place to stay. +1 reputation with any faction
Why did you help me? Take a new Rascal move
Look I helped you escape the Backalley when you got lost. Why Take a new Rascal move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: were you there?
Trendy Clothes, Thrifty Clothes, Dyed Hair, Styled Hair, Piercings, Take a move from another playbook
I look up to you. Do you deserve it?
Hip Accessories, Bright Eyes, Hungry Eyes, Rakish Smile, Dimples, Add an extra box to your Essence track
Youthful Vigor Contacts Change one of your agendas
Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
Demeanor F R Advanced Improvements
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: a fellow rascal
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Energetic, Eager, Mischievous, Jealous, Loyal, Flighty, Angsty, a mentor
advanced improvements
Naive, Hyperactive a shady supplier +1 to any stat (max +3)
a Backalley denizen +1 reputation with any faction
a Add one of the following perks to your Secret Hideout:
How did you wind up on your own?
When did you realize the strength of your imagination? unassailable; undetectable; stocked for the apocalypse;
Factions entropic generator
What is it about authority that gets under your skin?
Your faction is Underbelly. Tell the group one thing that is true
Take a move from another playbook
about the Underbelly in this town: a person, place, belief, or
Agendas (Pick 2) rumor. Mark a basic move as advanced
Mark a basic move as advanced
Imaginaut: Oh, to see the world through a child’s eyes.
You begin with the following reputations: Overcome a Fracture
Mark experience when your imagination causes someone
-1 Bureaucracy, 0 Community, 0 Entropy, +1 Underbelly Change to a new playbook
to rethink how they see the world.
Retire this character
Thrill Seeker: You’re an adrenaline junkie through and Bureaucracy
through. Mark experience when you put yourself into
inexplicable danger for the fun of it.
Explorer: The dark nooks and crannies call out to you.
Mark experience when you discover a previously unknown Underbelly
area of the town. -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

Tenderfoot: You’re just a kid. Mark experience when your

naivety about the world lands you in a heap of trouble.


+1 -0 -1 +1
THEScrapper Moves Machine Empathy: The hiss of exhaust and hum of idle
engines are like a second language to you. You can use Sway
You get three Scrapper moves. Pick from the following: on machines, provided they have some level of sentience.
A resourceful, ingenuitive, and reckless tinkerer

MacGyver: When you need to fix a complex gadget or jury-rig Gearheart Companion: You have befriended and (mostly)
“If this works, it’ll keep us from getting caught.
a solution to a problem, roll +Wits. On a 10+ your contraption tamed a feral machine from the streets. Choose an option
If it doesn’t, it’ll keep us from getting old.”
works as you intended - explain how. On a 7-9 it works, but from the list below, or work with the GM to come up with

choose two from the list below. your own idea. Give your companion a name and describe
what it looks like. It can sustain 1 harm, after which it is
It will take some time to get working incapacitated. You can spend a few hours and 1 Scrap to get it
Sway It won’t work for very long back to tip top shape.
Hoodwink It will have a problematic side effect or danger Car - Take +1 when you pursue or escape from behind the
You must mark 1 Scrap to make it work wheel. Your companion can sustain 2 harm instead of 1.
Assess Reality On a miss, it blows up in your face (literally): Motorcycle - When you ride into combat atop your iron
Save your Skin stead, take +1 and inflict +1 harm on your first roll to
Creative Destruction: Given a bit of time and 1 Scrap, you Fight for your Life.
can create a wildly dangerous weapon out of a few ordinary Scooter - You can never be surprised, ambushed, or
Face Fear otherwise caught off guard while in the presence of your
objects. When you do this, roll +Wits. On a hit, the base stats
Fight for your Life companion.
for this weapon are 1-harm close loud one-use. On a 10+,
choose 2 from the list below. On a 7-9 choose 1. On a miss, it Drone - If there is space for your companion to conduct
explodes in your face. aerial surveillance, take +1 on any roll to Assess Reality.
Embrace Chaos
It can be used up to three times Titanium Barding: Your Gearheart companion gains an
Add +1 harm and ‘unreliable’ additional harm box.
Add +1 harm, ‘slow,’ and ‘reload’
Essence: Scrap Add ‘area’ and ‘fire’

Refresh: destroy something rare or valuable for parts Add ‘ignore armor’
Add ‘far’
Add ‘entropic’
Mark Scrap to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll 3d6 You have:
and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single attack, A hidden workshop at the edge of town
or when a playbook move tells you to. Upcycling: When you need equipment, supplies, or other
Personal protective equipment and a tool kit with all the basic
physical items, you may roll +Wits instead of making a faction
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the tools
roll to Call for Aid. On a 10+, you’re able to scrounge up exactly
scene and return later with a Fracture. A dangerous tool you could fight with in a pinch:
what you’re looking for. On a 7-9, you find a broken or lesser
version; take -1 ongoing when you use it. On a miss, mark 1 Welding Torch (2-harm hand fire unreliable)
Harm Fractures Scrap as you spend precious resources trying (and failing) to Circular Saw (2-harm hand loud dangerous)
reassemble or jury rig a hopeless solution.
Belt Sander (2-harm hand loud unwieldy)
When you mark your last harm Nail Gun (1-harm close reload)
box, you are dead unless Rube Hicks Cube: People often misjudge and underestimate
someone can act immediately to you, to their own detriment. When you Hoodwink, roll +Wits
save you. instead of +Cheek.

Yokel Mech: You’ve developed a lightweight, rapid-

deployment exoskeletal mech suit. Mark 2 Scrap when you
activate the suit, which lasts for the remainder of the scene.
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a While it's active you gain 1 armor, and take +1 ongoing to Save
playbook move tells you to. your Skin and Fight for your Life.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, each other character one
of the following:
+1 Cheek
I fixed something that was very important to you. What was +1 Wits
+1 Pluck
We collaborated on an ambitious project before. What were
we working on? +1 Chaos
You helped me track down one of my rogue creations. How +1 reputation with any faction
did it go? Take a new Scraper move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: You keep me supplied with an unusual material that I need. Take a new Scraper move
Durable Clothes, Street Clothes, Nothing but Overalls, Welding What is it, and where do you get it?
Take a move from another playbook
Helmet, Static Hair, Wild Eyes, Toothy Grin, Missing Digits, Scars We’re related. How does the rest of the family feel about me?
Add an extra box to your Essence track
with Stories
Change one of your agendas
Demeanor Contacts
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R) Advanced Improvements
Curious, Garrulous, Eccentric, Unpredictable, Stubborn, Obsessive, F R After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Ingenuitive, Avuncular a junk purveyor
advanced improvements
an auto dealer
Questions +1 to any stat (max +3)
an animatronic robot
Who taught you how to use your tools? +1 reputation with any faction
What invention or creation are you most proud of? a wily inventor
Take a move from another playbook
Why does no one take you seriously? a
Mark a basic move as advanced
Agendas (Pick 2) Factions Mark a basic move as advanced
Da Vinci: You have a vision for an invention of Your faction is Underbelly. Tell the group one thing that is true Overcome a Fracture
unheralded power and potential. Decide with the GM what about the Underbelly in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
it does and what it will take to build. Mark experience
Retire this character
when you make progress towards its construction. If you You begin with the following reputations:
finish your creation, cross out this agenda and pick a new 0 Bureaucracy, 0 Community, -1 Entropy, +1 Underbelly
Tinker: Tailor. Soldier. Spy. Mark experience when you defy Bureaucracy
people’s expectations about who they think you’re
supposed to be.
Machinist: We’re all ghosts in the machine - some of us Entropy
just have more metal. Mark experience when you stand up Underbelly
for the wellbeing of sentient machines.
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Pyromaniac: Some people just want to watch the world
burn. Mark experience when one of your inventions
wreaks havoc on a grand scale.


+0 +1 +1 -1
THEVoid Archivist Moves Expunge: When you spend a full day at the archive
communing with the Void, you can siphon knowledge out of
You get three Void Archivist moves. You start with this one: reality itself. Choose a specific fact or rumor, mark 1 Reverie,
A collector and curator of memories and roll +Chaos. On a 10+ it’s removed from the public

Redaction: You are skilled in extracting memories from a knowledge immediately. On a 7-9 it will fade away soon,
“Knowledge is Power? Ignorance is Bliss? The truth is unless someone makes a dedicated effort to preserve it. On a
person’s mind. For a willing individual, the process is simple,
somewhere in between. Buried deep within the Void.”
painless, and takes just a few moments. To seize a memory miss, the peer review committee rejected your request for

from an unwilling person, roll +Chaos. On a 10+, you succeed censorship; mark an additional Reverie or take -1 reputation
and the target has no recollection of the event. On a 7-9, with Bureaucracy.

Sway things get messy; choose two from the list below. Hush: By placing a finger to your lips, you can cause an
Hoodwink The memory is incomplete or corrupted unnatural silence to fall over the immediate vicinity. If you use
The person will remember you did this this talent to hide or escape notice, you may roll + Chaos
There is an undesirable side effect instead of +Wits to Save your Skin.
Assess Reality
Save your Skin On a miss, you are unable to secure the memory. Mark 1 Void Scholar: Add an additional box to your Reverie track.
Reverie and be prepared for retribution.
Face Fear
Fight for your Life Then pick two of these:

Addendum: When you hit on a Redaction roll, you can mark 1

Embrace Chaos
Reverie to insert a false memory from the archives into the
target’s mind, indistinguishable from their own. Describe what
the memory is and how it might shape this person’s thoughts
and actions. The effect will eventually wear off, usually after a

Essence: Reverie
couple days, but until then they fully believe the imparted
Refresh: deliver a treasured memory to the Archive

Mark Reverie to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll You have:
Cross Reference: You may mark 1 Reverie to call forth from
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single the archive the memory of a technique or skill that you An empty, leather bound tome for field work, which can serve
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to. yourself do not possess. If you leverage this knowledge to as a weapon in a pinch (1-harm hand unwieldy)
address a problem or obstacle, you may roll +Wits instead of A void quill for extracting memories (1-essence intimate slow)
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the An office at the Archive, safe and secure from outside threats
the normally associated stat for a basic move.
scene and return later with a Fracture. (though not necessarily inside ones)
An eclectic apartment, an basement room in a shared house,
Harm Fractures Case Study: You can mark 2 Reverie to gain access to a move
or a spartan studio
from another playbook for the remainder of the scene.

When you mark your last harm

The Deep Stacks: You may Gather Information by looking
box, you are dead unless
into memories at the archive instead of hitting the streets.
someone can act immediately to
When you do, roll +Chaos instead of +Faction. On a miss, the
save you.
Void drinks deep of your presence; mark 1 Reverie.

Experience Known Unknowns: When you first encounter an entropic

power, you automatically gain a clear understanding of its
source, effects, and motives (if any) without having to roll to
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a
Embrace Chaos.
playbook move tells you to.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
You asked me to remove one of your memories. What were +1 Wits
you so desperate to forget?
+1 Pluck
You are my best friend outside of the Archive. How did we
become close? +1 Chaos
You have knowledge that the Archive desperately desires. +1 reputation with any faction
Why have I agreed to protect you from them? Take a new Void Archivist move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: You’re a patron of the Archive. What memories have I Take a new Void Archivist move
Bookish Clothes, Snappy Clothes, Ceremonial Robe, Horn-Rimmed recalled for you?
Take a move from another playbook
Glasses, Plastic Finger Guards, Hidden Tattoo, Knowing Eyes, Tired We worked together on a big research project. What were we
trying to learn or discover? Add an extra box to your Essence track
Eyes, Faraway Stare, a Mark of the Void
Change one of your agendas
Demeanor Contacts
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R) Advanced Improvements
F R After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Studious, Proper, Sharp, Rigid, Forgetful, Cheery, Old-Fashioned,
a fellow archivist
Reserved, Professorial, Melancholic advanced improvements
a patron of the archive
+1 to any stat (max +3)
Questions a protestor
+1 reputation with any faction
Why did you become an Archivist? an attache from the bureaucracy
What memory calls to you from deep within the stacks? Take a move from another playbook
What are you trying to forget? Mark a basic move as advanced

Factions Mark a basic move as advanced

Agendas (Pick 2) Overcome a Fracture
Your faction is Bureaucracy. Tell the group one thing that is true
Spotless Mind: The burden of knowing can be impossibly about the Bureaucracy in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
heavy. Mark experience when you free someone from a Retire this character
painful memory. You begin with the following reputations:
+1 Bureaucracy, 0 Community, -1 Entropy, 0 Underbelly
Vicarian: You might be bound to service, but you can still
live your life through others. Mark experience when you
claim a memory purely for your own enjoyment.
Academic: You’d take the deep stacks over field research
any day. Mark experience when you convince someone Entropy
else to do your dirty work for you.
Iconoclast: The Archive must be reformed, and the Void -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
brought to heel. Mark experience when you bring about
change to the organization, or when you lose reputation
with Bureaucracy.


+0 +1 -1 +1
THE Vox Moves Can’t Stop the Signal: You can spend 1 Integrity to transmit
a message or issue a radio broadcast from anywhere, to
You get three Vox moves. Pick from the following: anywhere. It cannot be jammed, blocked, or interrupted by any
A community radio host in search of the truth means.

Veritas: If you speak the truth, others will believe you despite
“I don’t know what’s going on here, dear listeners. Nobody does. Reporting Live: Your reporting has been known to draw
any and all evidence to the contrary. Gain +1 when you speak
But I promise you, I will get to the bottom of it.” mobs of curious onlookers. You can spend 1 Integrity to draw
with honesty and conviction on a roll to Sway someone.
a large crowd to your location in a matter of minutes. They’ll
listen to anything you say, though they won’t do anything
Investigative Journalism: You can mark Integrity to push dangerous or reckless (unless you want to Rally them).
Sway yourself on Gather Information rolls. Additionally, the
Hoodwink following question is added to your list for Assess Reality:
“How is this connected to previous happenings in the town?”
Assess Reality
Save your Skin Natural Interviewer: When you engage someone in
conversation with an angle for information, roll +Cheek. On a
Face Fear 10+ hold 2, on a 7-9 hold 1. Spend your hold to ask:
Fight for your Life A question from Assess Reality

What does this person want?
What do they fear or worry about?
Embrace Chaos What does this person not want me to know?
Is this person lying to me? You have:
A pen and paper, tape recorder, and a keen eye
On a miss, mark 1 Integrity or mark this person down as a rival.
A digital camera, laser microphone, or a remote controlled
Essence: Integrity camera drone
Refresh: expose a hidden secret or truth A spartan studio, a run-down bungalow at the edge of town,
Listener Supported: There are plenty of fans of your
program around town. Mark three additional contacts on your or a cozy “home away from home” at the radio station
Mark Integrity to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll sheet as friends. When you approach a friendly contact to An item you bought for self defense:
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single Gather Information, you may roll +Cheek instead of +Faction.
Mace (0-harm close area blinding one-shot)
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to.
Pocket Knife (1-harm hand concealable utility)
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the Social Dragonfly: When you first meet someone, you can
declare that, actually, you have met them before. When you do Handgun (1-harm close load reload)
scene and return later with a Fracture.
this, roll +Cheek. On a 10+, you’re old friends; tell the GM an
interesting detail about them and take +1 forward on your
Harm Fractures
next social interaction with them. On a 7-9, you’ve crossed
paths a couple times; the GM will tell you an interesting tidbit
When you mark your last harm about them. On a miss, you forgot you promised them a spot
box, you are dead unless on your show. Mark 1 Integrity.
someone can act immediately to
save you.
The People’s Voice: You are a paragon of normalcy for a
community swimming in chaos. Take +1 on any action
Experience opposing an entropic power or the servants of Entropy.

Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a Blanket the Airwaves: You can mark Integrity to push
playbook move tells you to. yourself when you roll to Rally or Goad.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. Take the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
turns introducing your characters, then ask each other character one
of the following:
+1 Cheek
You’re a regular guest on my program. What do you talk about? +1 Wits
I helped you get to the bottom of a mystery. What was it?
+1 Pluck
You’re my source for information on .
Why do you feed me info? +1 Chaos
I got myself into hot water once and you bailed me out. +1 reputation with any faction
What happened? Take a new Vox move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: I think you’re hiding Take a new Vox move
Plain Clothes, Eclectic Clothes, Enamel Pins & Stickers, Non- and I’ve made it my mission to expose you. What don’t I know?
Take a move from another playbook
Prescription Glasses, Kind Eyes, Burrowing Gaze, Melodious Voice,
Add an extra box to your Essence track
Face for Radio Contacts
Change one of your agendas
Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
Demeanor F R
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: a small business owner Advanced Improvements
Friendly, Investigative, Witty, Conspiratorial, Attentive, Sardonic, a pillar of the community After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Outgoing, Recalcitrant, Flirty advanced improvements
a contact in the Bureaucracy
+1 to any stat (max +3)
a concerned citizen
Questions +1 reputation with any faction
What is your regular radio program? a former coworker
Take a move from another playbook
Why do people find you so darn charming? a
What drives your obsession with the truth? Mark a basic move as advanced
Mark a basic move as advanced
Agendas (Pick 2) Your faction is Community. Tell the group one thing that is true
Overcome a Fracture
about the Community in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
Beacon: You may not be a fighter, but you are a symbol
of hope. Mark experience when you put yourself in harm's Retire this character
way to take a stand against chaos and entropy. You begin with the following reputations:
0 Bureaucracy, +1 Community, -1 Entropy, 0 Underbelly
Inquisitor: You’ll get the bottom of things, no matter the
cost. Mark experience when you act callously or Bureaucracy
maliciously to get the truth.
Moderator: You are a trusted source of impartiality and
mediation in town. Mark experience when you resolve a
dangerous conflict nonviolently. Underbelly
-3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Muckraker: Your interest in the truth often veers into
petty gossip. Mark experience when you indulge in small
town scuttlebutt at the expense of your credibility.


+1 +1 +0 -1
THE Zeitgeist Moves Cult of Personality: The magnetism of your zeitgeist is
powerful enough to temporarily pull in those around you.
You get three Zeitgeist moves. You start with these two: When you want to Rally a group, you can mark 2 Harmony to
A collective consciousness spanning multiple bodies automatically succeed as if you’d rolled a 10+. When you do

Gestalt: You are a collective psychic consciousness that spans this, you automatically get all four options rather than picking
“There’s no ‘I' in team. just three. You can also see through the group’s eyes for the
multiple human bodies. You start with four bodies in your
Just me. And me. And me. And me. And me.”
gestalt, each representing one of your harm boxes. Each time duration of the activity.

you suffer a point of harm, one of your bodies is incapacitated.

Full House: You may now inhabit and control five bodies at
When all your bodies are incapacitated, your unified
once. Add an additional box to your harm track.
consciousness unravels and you are dead. A single attack can
never inflict more than 1 harm against you unless it has the
Hoodwink ‘spread’ or ‘area’ tag and you have multiple bodies nearby.

Assess Reality Zeitgeist: There is a core that forms the foundation of your
Save your Skin unity - something that the formerly individual entities of your
zeitgeist united behind. Choose one:
Face Fear Physical - Sport, fitness, or martial. When you have multiple

Fight for your Life bodies present in combat, take +1 when you roll to Fight for
your Life and inflict +1 harm.
Intellectual - Academic, investigative, or scholastic. When
Embrace Chaos you split up your bodies to Gather Information, treat the You have:
results as one level higher (i.e. a miss becomes a mixed Basic equipment and supplies common to your zeitgeist
success, and a mixed success becomes a full success). activity (sports gear, craft supplies, textbooks, vestments,
Spiritual - Religion, occult, or esoteric. Take +1 when you roll musical instruments, etc.)
Essence: Harmony
to Embrace Chaos when all your bodies are present. A camper van, a sprinter van, a couple of old vespas, or a pack
Refresh: ignore a problem to spend quality time as a collective
Social - Hobby, camaraderie, or family. Add an extra box to of bicycles
your Harmony track. An assortment of weapons befitting your collective. The base
Mark Harmony to push yourself or help out on a basic move (roll for this attack is 1-harm hand area. Choose one from the list
3d6 and discard the lowest die), to avoid all harm from a single Then pick one of these: below
attack, or when a playbook move tells you to.
Distributed Psyche: You never need to roll to resist mental Add ‘close’
When you mark the last box on your track, you drop out of the
compulsion, and any damage to Essence that you suffer is Add ‘concealable’
scene and return later with a Fracture.
reduced by one.
Add ‘intimidating’
Harm Fractures Add ‘entropic’
The Greater Good: You can mark harm instead of Harmony
to push yourself. Describe the sacrifice made by one of your Add +1 harm and ‘unreliable’
When you mark your last harm bodies to benefit the whole. Add +1 harm and ‘unwieldy’
box, you are dead unless
someone can act immediately to Me and this Army: When all your bodies are present and
save you. you threaten someone to get your way, you may roll +Pluck
instead of +Cheek to Sway them.

Put your Best Face Forward: Your bodies are well
connected throughout town. Anytime you would lose
Mark experience when you fulfill one of your agendas, or when a reputation with a faction, you can mark 1 Harmony instead.
playbook move tells you to.
Getting Started
Around Town
Around Town Advancements
When you have filled all five experience boxes, you level up. Erase
Pause when you get here to make sure everyone is caught up. the marks and pick an improvement from the following list:
Take turns introducing your characters, then ask each other
character one of the following:
+1 Cheek
You could have become part of the collective, but didn’t. Why +1 Wits
did you leave?
+1 Pluck
You are part of a similar (non-zeitgeist) group. How do we get
along? +1 Chaos
You had an important relationship to one of my bodies before +1 reputation with any faction
Look we united. How do you feel about me now? Take a new Zeitgeist move
Choose 2-3 that describe your appearance: You helped me protect the Community against a serious Take a new Zeitgeist move
Matching Outfits, Clashing Outfits, Team Uniforms, Hella Swag, threat. What was it, and how did it go?
Take a move from another playbook
Imposing Aura, Mellow Vibes, Synchronous Movement, Speaking I saved you from a dangerous situation once. What was it?
in Unison, Finishing Each Other's Sentences Add an extra box to your Essence track
Contacts Change one of your agendas
Demeanor Pick one friend (F) and one rival (R)
Choose 1-2 that describe your attitude: F R Advanced Improvements
Dynamic, Enigmatic, Magnetic, Laid Back, Standoffish, Gregarious, who wants to join your collective
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify for
Snobby, Righteous who used to be part of your group advanced improvements
Questions a like-minded organization +1 to any stat (max +3)
Describe your collective: book club, knitting circle, sports team, a local business owner +1 reputation with any faction
CrossFit gym, garage band, homeowners association, startup a Take a move from another playbook
Mark a basic move as advanced
How did you come together?
What quirk or trait do all your bodies share? Mark a basic move as advanced
Overcome a Fracture
Your faction is Community. Tell the group one thing that is true
Agendas (Pick 2)
about the Community in this town: a person, place, belief, or rumor. Change to a new playbook
Missionary: Greater unity requires a larger flock. Mark Retire this character
experience when you improve your reputation with a You begin with the following reputations: 0 Bureaucracy, +1
faction or make a new friendly contact. Community, 0 Entropy, -1 Underbelly
Pinnacle: You are committed to perfecting your craft.
Mark experience when you demonstrate unparalleled Bureaucracy
mastery of the activity at the core of your zeitgeist. Community
Defender: Someone has to keep this community safe.
Mark experience when you protect someone at the
expense of your own wellbeing. Underbelly
Petty: You’ve perfected the art of holding a grudge. Mark -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
experience when you cause significant harm or major
problems for a rival, or when you make a new rival


+1 +1 +0 -1

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