Ien Spring 2022 Final Project

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IEN SPRING 2022 FINAL PROJECT (Rev 1 05-27-2022)

Final project must be developed by teams (4 to 6 members). A team member must be
designated as the captain. He/she wil participate in the development of the final project,
coordinate his/her team mates and upload the deliverables indicated below.

Diagram below shows a simplified single-line diagram of an industrial facility in which a group of
linear and non-linear loads are fed by a transformer. Measurements shown are before power factor
correction takes place.

a) Calculate the reactive power a capacitor bank connected in parallel to loads must deliver In
order to correct displacement power factor of transformer to 0.975 (-). Round the calculated
value to the next multiple integer of 100 kVAr. Calculate the harmonic resonant frequency
order (hR), the Amplification factors for the fifth and seventh harmonics, the
displacement,distortion and total power factor(measured by Meter M1), that would result from
connection of this capacitor bank. Also calculate the THDV at the low voltage side of
Qc= ________________ kVAr

I s5 I
hR= _________; A5 = = __________ ; A7 = s 7 = _______________
I5 I7

pfdisp=______;pfdist= _____; pfTotal= _____

THDV= _______ %
b) Design a harmonic filter that supplies the same reactive power calculated in (a) and that
absorbs 70% of the 5th harmonic produced by non linear load. Calculate required harmonic
filter tuning frequency, reactor reactance (at 60 Hz), the effective (RMS) value of current
flowing through filters’ reactor and the THDV at the low voltage side of transformer.

hs= __________;XRF= _________ Ohms; I R =_________Arms ; THDV= _____ %

c)Complete table below (readings from meters) that would result from the installation of
harmonic filter designed in (b ).

d) Design a harmonic filter that supplies the same reactive power calculated in (a) and that
limits THDV at low voltage bus to 4 % Calculate required harmonic filter tuning
frequency, reactor reactance (at 60 Hz), the effective (RMS) value of current flowing
through filters’ reactor and the THDV at the low voltage side of transformer.

hs= __________;XRF= _________ Ohms; I R =_________Arms ; THDV= _____ %

e)Simulate the system with capacitor bank calculated in (a) using PSPICE (AC Sweep
Analysis) to plot the amplification factors for h=3 (f=180 Hz) to h=19 (f=1,140 Hz). In a
table report Amplification factors for all odd harmonics from 3 to 19.

f)Simulate the system with harmonic filter calculated in (b) using PSPICE(AC Sweep
Analysis) to plot the amplification factors for h=3 (f=180 Hz) to h=19 (f=1,140 Hz). In a
table report. Amplification factors for all odd harmonics from 3 to 19.

g)Include a section of relevant engineering conclussions based on the results of your


A member of each team must me designated as the captain.The captain will be responsible
of participating in the development of the project, coordinating team mates and uploading
all information to the folder shown above. Coordinator must create a FOLDER and
rename it so that includes Team Number, captain’s First Name ,Last Name and ID (i.e.
TEAM 1- Juan Pérez -A01234567)

An electronic executive summary with main results and relevant engineering conclusions must be
uploaded to drive shown below.This report must include a cover with names and IDs of all
members and named as indicated above.

An electronic extended version report must be uploaded to drive shown above. This report must
include all procedures, calculations, requested results and a section of engineering conclusions.
This report must include a cover with names and IDs of all members and named as indicated

An additional folder must include all additional support files: Excel workbooks used, simulation
input and output files. Include all electronic references (tutorials, datasheets, manuals,ebooks).

Information must be organized as shown in diagram below


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