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Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): Learners will evaluate locations on Earth for their future travel implications

on plate tectonics, topography, watersheds, and culture.
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals:
• Foundational: Students will investigate travel locations worldwide and how Earth's layers and crust affect
• Application: Learners will analyze and evaluate their travel locations, plate movements, and corresponding
Understandings: Students will understand that… Essential Questions:
• 8.9(B) (Readiness) relate plate tectonics to the • How do the layers of the Earth affect the Earth's
formation of crustal features surface?
• 8.9(A) (Supporting) describe the historical • What evidence supports the Earth's crust is
development of evidence that supports plate divided into plates?
tectonic theory • How do the movements of the Earth's plates
affect the Earth's landscape and landforms?
• What evidence do we have to support the
movement of Earth's plates?
Students will know…
1. Key terms- convection currents, plate tectonics, mantle, lithosphere, asthenosphere, crust, convergent
boundary, divergent boundary, transform boundary, mountains, volcanoes, volcanic islands, trenches, and
earthquake, and fault lines
2. The Earth has plates, and they move because of convection currents in the mantle.
3. The movement of plates causes landforms (mountains, volcanoes, volcanic islands, trenches, fault lines, etc.)
and earthquakes
4. Which type of plate movement creates which type of landform.
Students will be able to….
1. Analyze and evaluate locations on Earth and discuss why a specific landform was created.
2. Analyze and evaluate locations on Earth and discuss why an earthquake occurred.
3. Explain how we know the Earth's plates move using historical evidence.
4. Explain why Earth's plates move.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: Other Evidence:
• Interactive Pangea Puzzle- students will be able • Discussion posts
to self assess if their puzzle is correct • Daily spot check questions
• Plate tectonic Lab- students' analysis portion will • Quizizz over 8.9A (formative)
be graded • Quizizz over 8.9B (formative)
• Plate tectonic Modeling with Play-doh and food • Summative quiz over 8.9A and B
• Plate tectonic Modeling with Ozobots and video
creation- students will assess each other's videos
• Long term project: evaluate locations on Earth for
their future travel implications based on plate
tectonics and present to the class
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
1. W H- Use a clip of an earthquake and recent Earthquake map from USGS to hook student's interest and
generate questions they wonder. We will create a list of "burning questions" they wonder and want to know.
We will discuss our goals for this unit and add my essential questions to their list of questions (if not already
asked). The list of questions and the unit goals will remain throughout the unit and reference them
throughout. (Where, Why, Hook & Hold)
2. E R- Pangea will be our starting point for this unit. Usually, students will bring up Pangea from their
questioning, or the teacher will help guide them there with probing questions. Students will then use the
interactive Pangea Map to move the continents from the present day to the supercontinent. Students will
discuss what clues helped them know where to put the continents. (Equip knowledge, rethink, self-
3. E- Students will use this Science Article and other resources provided to research Earth's layers and
convection currents. (Equip knowledge)
4. E- Play Quizlet Live with the vocabulary terms. This game will get the students up, moving, and discussing the
science terms. Students may use resources during the game. (Equip knowledge & self-assess/check)
5. E- Students will participate in group discussions about convection currents in the Earth's mantle and use their
previous knowledge about CC in the air and ocean and density. Students will then write their reflections on
the discussion questions to post online and respond to other's posts. (Equip knowledge, Revise & Rethink)
6. R E - Students will take a quick self-checking Quizizz over the evidence of Pangea, Earth's layers, and
convection currents in the mantle. Students will be able to retake as they like to improve their grades and
learn from their mistakes. (Revise, Rethink, Evaluate & Self-assess/check)
7. E - Once we have established that we know Earth has moving plates and why they move (referring to our list
of burning questions), we will begin to explore what happens when the plates move and bump into each
other. Students will participate in Plate tectonic interactive simulation and activity sheet. This activity is a
guided simulation and activity page. Students can work independently or in pairs as needed. (Equip
8. E R -Students will discuss their findings from the simulation. If any of our burning questions were answered,
we would reference this. Students will complete a reflection online about their results and respond to other’s
posts. (Equip knowledge, Revise & Rethink)
9. E - Play Quizlet Live with the new vocabulary terms. This game will get the students up, moving, and
discussing the science terms. Students may use resources during the game. The class will play Quizlet Live
whenever there is extra time as well. (Equip knowledge and self-assess/check)
10. E R - Working in collaborative groups, students will model, document, and analyze plate boundary types
through the plate tectonic lab and analysis page. Students will use this website as a resource for their models.
(Equip knowledge, Revise & Rethink)
11. R E - Each group will share and compare their findings. We will reference our list of questions if any have
were answered. (Revise, Rethink, Evaluate & Self-assess/check)
12. E - Play Quizlet Live with ALL vocabulary terms for this unit. This game will get the students up, moving, and
discussing the science terms. (Equip knowledge and self-assess/check)
13. E R - Working in pairs, students will analyze the plate boundaries map with Google Earth, matching the
mountains, islands, and trenches with the boundaries. Students could use this website as a resource as well.
(Equip knowledge, Revise & Rethink)
14. R E - Students will discuss their findings from the investigation. If any of our burning questions were
answered we will reference this. Students will complete a reflection online about their results and respond to
other’s posts. (Revise, Rethink, Evaluate & Self-assess/check)
15. E T - Students will take a quick self-checking Quizizz over 8.9B TEK and other questions/topics students need
to revisit from previous days (spiral in as required). Students will be able to retake as they like to improve
their grades and learn from their mistakes. (Evaluate, Self-assess/check, & Tailor to student needs)
16. E T O -In cooperative groups, students will complete an activity with Ozobots modeling the plate boundaries
and subsequent landforms. Students will film their plate boundary models to use later in the overall
presentation. This activity is part of my innovation plan to bring coding into the regular science curriculum.
(Example of my Innovation Plan in action) (Evaluate, Self-assess/check, Tailor to student
needs/talents/interests, & Organize learning)
17. E T O - Long Term Project: Students will begin researching for their travel presentation. Students will pick a
location on or near a plate boundary. Students will explore travel options for this location and analyze how
the plate boundary affects the landscape and people. (Evaluate, Self-assess/check, Tailor to student
needs/talents/interests, & Organize learning)
18. E R O - Students will answer conclusion and reflection questions online and respond to other’s posts.
(Evaluate, Revise, Reflect, & Organize learning)
19. E O - Students will take a summative quiz over 8.9A and 8.9 B. The quiz will cover the essential questions.
(Evaluate & Organize learning)
WHERETO is an acronym that highlights the critical elements in the UBD lesson plan. WHERETO does not have to be
implemented in the exact letter order. It is to ensure that all parts of a valuable lesson are included in the design.

W - WHERE is the lesson headed and WHY?

H - HOOK the learner right away and HOLD their interest/attention.
E - EQUIP students with tools, knowledge and skills to reach the goal(s)/desired result(s),
R - Provide time to REFLECT, RETHINK and REVISE.
E - EVALUATE and self-assess progress and understanding.
T - TAILOR the learning to every student’s needs, talents and interests.
O - ORGANIZE the learning for deep and meaningful understanding.

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