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“Governor Ducey, I have had the great blessing of spending the past 10 years and 8 months

serving as an Arizona Game and Fish Commissioner.  I owe a debt of gratitude to both you and
former Governor Brewer, for affording me the opportunity to be a small part of the noble
endeavor of conserving our state’s more than 820 species of wildlife held in trust for this and
future generations; reinforcing the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and the
ethos of Fair Chase, while insuring that science, not politics, is at the center of managing the
perpetuation of all of God’s creatures. 

I am proud of the daily accomplishments by our best in the nation, wildlife agency and its more
than 600 respected public servants who set the standard for professional and dedicated service
to our state and nation. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is not only meeting its mission
and purpose, but it is flourishing in its multiple complex roles within the sphere of wildlife
conservation, science, outdoor recreation services, regulatory and law enforcement
requirements, marketing and customer service, products and services, along with real estate
management to name just a few.  Accomplishing all that they do without a single cent from the
state’s general fund. I am especially proud that Arizona’s record number of hunters and anglers
continue to be the back bone of wildlife conservation not only here in Arizona, but also
generate nearly $2 billion dollars annually in economic impact on our state’s economy. I believe
the department, the commission and the state of wildlife conservation is as strong as at
anytime in our state’s history.

Governor, bottom line, it has been an honor of a lifetime to serve on the Arizona Game and Fish
Commission.  I will always cherish my time spent with my fellow commissioners, the
department staff and our constituents. Yet, it is also appropriate for my tenure to end in
concert with your impending selection of a new commissioner.  I look forward to assisting your
new appointment to the commission in whatever ways you or they deem appropriate or

Thank you, Governor for your support and your staff’s support of the commission system in
Arizona and to me, individually, as a commissioner. It has been a Hell of a Ride! 

Respectfully, Kurt Davis”

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