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DIRECTION: Do the following to ensure mastery of big ideas presented in this lesson.
1. Meaning of human development. Human development tends to analyze people's
development, growth, and change over the course of their lives. This field of
study has a wide scope and can assist people in understanding themselves and
their relationships better.

2. Four principles of human development and their educational implications.

a. Development is relatively Some abilities developed before others,
orderly. example is a child can write before they
As a student we should also follow
pattern of development from first stage
leading to the next.
Development goes on throughout life,
but it is a never-ending process.
b. While the pattern of While a person or the environment may
development is likely to be support or hinder a child's strength, the
similar, the outcomes of child's inner motivation to develop
developmental processes and comes from within.
the rate of development are We have the similar pattern of
likely to vary among individuals development, but we should remember
that the outcome or what he or she
becomes may vary due to his or her
Each of us learn and discover new
things but we do have different way on
how to apply it.
c. Development takes place Every time you are forced to make a
gradually. decision, growth is the gradual,
consistent, continous process of
reinforcing your commitment.
Every learnings undergo process, it
may be slowly but one thing for sure
you will obtain it with perseverance and
Every abilities you want to have is not
instant or come all on a sudden, it
needs time to develop.
d. Development as a process is A physical change occurs during the
complex because it is the biological process. Knowledge, ideas,
product of biological, cognitive and language all play a role in the
and socioemotional processes cognitive process. The socio-emotional
(Santrock, 2002). process focuses on interacting with
Biological factors that influence
development include those caused by
genes inherited from parents, brain
development, height and weight gains,
modifications to motor abilities, puberty-
related hormone changes, and
cardiovascular decline.
From the beginning, we should work
toward the holistic, harmonious growth
and development of each individual's
personality, without sacrificing the
interests of other aspects.

3. Patterns of Development
a. The direction of growth following the cephalocaudal pattern is from head to
the lower parts of the body.
b. The direction of growth following the proximodistal pattern is from center of
the body to the extremities or outward directon of motor development.

4. Two approaches to human development.

Traditional vs. Life-span Approach

Traditional Life-span

Emphasizes the
Development during During this stage, a lot of
development during
childhood changes will occur.

Emphasizes the
Development during During this stage, slight
development during
adulthood changes will occur.

During this stage, it

stresses significant During this stage, it
changes from birth to emphasize the entire
Developmental stage/s as
adolescence with few or human development
focus of study
no changes during process, from
maturity and a loss in conception to death.
function as people age.

5. Characteristics of human development from a life-span perspective.


Cognitive Biological
Processes Processes.
Dealing with Physical change

Development is

Development is Development is
lifelong. plastic.

of Human

involves growth, Development is
maintenance and contextual

6. In one sentence, write the principle on human development expressed in this

Venn diagram.
Principle of human development includes life-long, multi-dimensional, plastic,
contextual and involves growth, maintenance and regulation.

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