Maintenance Types To Transformers and Electric Motors

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Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

“Maintenance types to transformers and electric motors.”

Career: Mechatronic
Group: “B”
Subject: Electrical Motor Control
Profesor: Jose Luis Ocampo Casados
Delivery date: Monday 15𝑡ℎ August 2022
➢ Galindo Hernandez Arely Guadalupe
➢ Garza Aguilar Salvador
➢ Herbert Avila Fabian
➢ Labra Elvira Jose Alejandro
➢ Lee Reyes Jonathan Diego
➢ Moreno Alvarez Juan Salvador

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Main electrical failures affecting transformers.

There are different types of failures that can affect a transformer, as it can be either
a failure that occurs due to natural causes (such as electrical discharges,
environmental corrosion, humidity, etc.) or also due to failures of the transformer
itself (whether mechanical, electrical, or thermal). Electrical faults end up damaging
the transformer's insulation system, this occurs due to a sudden voltage surge that
ends up exceeding the insulation's capacity.

To avoid such failures, it is advisable to have a grounding system installed so that

in the event of an electrical overload of the transformer itself or a lightning strike, it
will dissipate into the ground without affecting the insulator, which would end up
burning due to the voltage rise.

Fig.1 Failure type electrical of transformer.

Fig. 2 Types of failures electrical of transformer.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Main mechanical failures affecting transformers.

Among the different types of electrical faults in a transformer, there is the mechanical
type that occurs when there are faults such as distortion or loss of windings that end
up damaging the transformer, breaking the physical insulation, which can end up
causing electrical faults.

To avoid this type of failure it is necessary to perform preventive maintenance before

these failures occur, in order to identify them quickly, also if there is a partial
discharge during the voltage test usually indicates that there is some kind of
mechanical failure.

Fig. 3 Failure type mechanical of transformer.

Fig. 4 Types of failures mechanical of transformer.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Maintenance types of preventives to transformers.

Preventive maintenance refers to the maintenance that is given at a certain time, to

detect any failure in advance before the problem worsens or the transformer has to
be completely shut down for repair. This is divided into different types that depending
on the schedule that is given, will change the type of maintenance that will be given,
some are:

Daily. - It is the cleaning of the transformer, checking the oil temperature, quantity,
transformer operating hours and winding temperature.
Monthly. -External cleaning, oil level in the tank, check ventilation pipes, leakage
connections, oil leakage and bushing cleaning.
Annually. - Check ground measurement, BDV test, oil acid test, check Buchholtz
relay and make sure it is working properly.

Fig. 5 Maintenance preventive

Fig. 6 Preventive maintenance time.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Maintenance types of correctives to transformers.

The corrective maintenance in transformers is applied when a failure is detected

that prevents the operation of the equipment, so it is necessary to make its
respective check to put it to work as soon as possible. It is also characterized by not
having a planning schedule, which makes it very different from preventive

Maintenance is based first of all on an external inspection and repair of any visible
defects, cleaning of the insulators, radials and tank, addition of oil and all
measurements with tests. In the case of transformers that do not use oil, all the
components that are visibly damaged are checked and the contacts are checked,
the transformers are purged with hot air and the insulators are cleaned, but at the
end the windings are tested.

Fig. 7 Maintenance corrective to transformer.

Fig.8 Characteristics of maintenance corrective.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Maintenance types of preventives to electrical motors.

Preventive maintenance on electric motors is done on a regular basis to prevent any

problem and ensure the proper functioning of the motor, thus providing reliable
operation. It is done on a regular basis on the basis of a schedule where all condition
measurements of the equipment are recorded. In addition, it reduces the probability
of total production stoppage, which could generate huge losses, so it is necessary
to have at least a 1-year term to ensure a good performance.

The tests that are performed are motor ventilation, connection distortion, unstable
voltage and current, under voltage and over voltage, bearing life, lubrication type,
humidity and condensation test. This maintenance has the advantage of increasing
the service life of the engine, has flexibility in the maintenance period and reduces
the risk of problems in the equipment.

Fig. 9 Maintenance preventive to electrical motor.

Fig. 10 Disadvantages of preventive maintenance.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Maintenance types of correctives to electrical motors.

Corrective maintenance on electric motors is applied when the motor stops, so an

inspection is made to identify the failure. These failures can occur due to worn
components or inadequate maintenance that may have caused the failure. This
occurs more frequently without a planning schedule at the time of maintenance,
since it is not known how long it will last without obtaining a failure, besides that in
this process the maintenance burden is lighter since it is only done once.

One of its advantages is that there is a lower cost for testing equipment and
lubrication systems at the time of maintenance, but its disadvantages are that it
generates losses due to engine downtime, increases the cost of labor and more if
they stay more than their hours, there are probability of several damaged equipment
by engine failure and is not a safe work area for workers.

Fig. 11 Maintenance corrective to electrical motor.

Fig. 12 Disadvantages of corrective maintenance.

Universidad tecnológica de Altamira

• Conclusion.

With the previously investigated, it is denoted to know the main failures that
transformers go through if it is due to the nature itself or if it is due to a bad repair
failure. It should also be emphasized that the maintenance given to these devices
should not be left aside, since inadequate maintenance or poor organization of this
same, could cause more problems than those that had been contemplated in the
same transformer.

This also affects the electric motors that are used for many tasks and are not at all
cheap, so you should also try to give them regular maintenance to keep them
running all the time. It is also important to know what type of maintenance will be
given to the device, because depending on the type of maintenance, it can affect
the life of the device and also the safety of the workers.

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