Examen Level 2 Module 3

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Teacher´s observations:
1.- Read carefully the text and then answer the questions.

The first time I ever met Clare, she was working in a clothes store in Chicago. I was feeling pretty
embarrassed because I had gone in to buy a scarf for my sister and there were 20 or 30 women in there
and I was the only man. I was standing in the scarves, hats and gloves section feeling sorry for myself when
Clare walked up to me and asked me if there was anything I needed.
She looked very beautiful and was dressed elegantly. I must admit that for a couple of seconds, I wasn't
able to say anything. I just looked at her. Finally, I said, "what size scarves do you have?" and then realized
that it was quite a stupid question. I left the store a few seconds later without buying anything.
Two days later, I was sitting in a coffee bar around the corner when I heard a voice behind me say,
"did you ever find the scarf you were looking for?" I turned around and was amazed to see the same
pretty girl from the clothes store. We laughed about it and shared a coffee together.
Two weeks later, I was brave enough to ask Clare to go to see a movie with me. You can imagine how
unhappy I was when she said that she couldn't go with me. She promised to call me another time, but I
didn't believe her. The next morning, my cell phone rang and I recognized her number on the screen. She
said she was free and asked if I still wanted to go to the cinema. That was seven years ago and now we've
been married for nearly 5 years.

Reading Comprehension
Answer these questions with either true or false.
Find words that mean:

a. Clark felt embarrassed because he was

1. something to cover your neck meeting Clare for the first time.

2. Smartly b. Clark didn't know if his sister wanted a scarf,

a hat or a pair of gloves.

3. divide something between two or more

c. Clark bought a scarf from Clare because
he thought she was beautiful.

4. Courageous d. Clark and Clare had a coffee a couple of

days after meeting for the first time.
5. remember something visually from an
e. Clark was a little worried about asking Clare out.
earlier time

f. Clare didn't go to the cinema with Clark

6. feel uncomfortable in a situation because she was busy.

g. They got married two years after meeting for

the first time.
2.- Answer the questions. Use at least five words.

a) Do you have anything going on this weekend?

b) What is your teacher doing?

c) What company are you working for?

d) Where are you staying tonight?

3.- Complete the e-mail with the verbs in parenthesis

Dear cousin

Thanks for inviting me to stay with you. I (leave) Mexico City at 6:30 p.m. and my flight
(arrive) in New York at 8:15 p.m.
Unfortunately, my parents (not come) along because they have to work. Don’t worry about
picking me up. I (take) a taxi. I’ve read about your city and I (visit) Central Park Zoo
and I (take) the ride.

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