Cpar Quiz 1

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Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Regions

Grade 12 STEM

NAME: ____________________ Score: _____________

Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the blank provided before the number.

______ 1. This is meant to create and design commercial objects and products with the aim to improve functionality and
value in relation to its design.

A. Interior design B. Industrial design C. Graphic design D. Architecture

______ 2. This pertains to a performance of a poem that focuses on enunciation and delivery.

A. Spoken word B. Theater C. Acting D. Poetry

______ 3. It is the process of capturing still images and utilizing light with a camera.

A. Filmmaking B. Video art C. Media art D. Photography

______ 4. This pertains to the new form of literature made to be viewed in devices, such as computers and mobile

A. Electronic literature B. Digital C. Video games D. Animation

______ 5. The following are the basic techniques of sculpture, except…

A. Assembling B. Casting C. Molding D. Modeling

______ 6. This is also referred to as silkscreen printing.

A. Xerography B. Relief C. Serigraphy D. Intaglio

______ 7. This is described as “the art of „today‟”.

A. Traditional art B. Modern art C. Contemporary art D. Elements of Art

______ 8. This aims to create an environment inside a structure that is functional, safe, as well as aesthetically pleasing.

A. Interior design B. Industrial design C. Graphic design D. Architecture

______ 9. It refers to a technique of using different objects and materials, collectively called “found objects”, glued,
attached, or held together into one piece.

A. Relief B. Assembling C. Manipulation D. Molding

______ 10. This is an art form that integrates performing, visual, and literary arts into a whole.

A. Electronic B. Graphic design C. Theater D. Media art

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