Student Information Record

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908 Gil Carlos St., San Jose, Baliwag, Bulacan

Student Information Record – Procedure

The guidance and counseling center will manage student records in the following manner:

Type of Records
Student records are divided into two categories: the cumulative folder and supplementary records.

1. Cumulative folder
All data about a student that is regularly retrieved and held may be found in the
cumulative folder, including identifying data (name, birth date, sex, year in school,
address, phone number, parent's name, ethnic classification, emergency information,
including parent's place of employment, family doctor, babysitter, siblings); attendance
records, including date of entry and withdrawal; student progress reports; test results; and
grades and other student data.

2. Supplementary records
Supplemental records about a student may be gathered and maintained in connection with
particular school concerns about the student, such as private health information or reports
connected with assessment and placement of a student who is formally identified as a
"focus of concern;" reports from non-school individuals and organizations, such as
doctors, psychologists, and clinics, except for general screening purposes; reports
pertaining to specific issues associated with the student; and The date and signature will
appear on all such reports that are kept as records.

Collection of Student Information

1. The students are required to bring a folder and a 2x2 picture.
2. The cumulative record form will be provided by the guidance and counseling office. The
schedule for students to complete the cumulative record will be assigned by the guidance
office according to grade level. For the Kinder and Grade 1 students, the form will be
answered by a parent/guardian.
Grade Level Scheduled Date
Kinder and Grade 1 September 05-06, 2022
Grade 7-8 September 07-08, 2022
Grade 9-10 September 12-13, 2022
Grade 11 – 12 September 14-16, 2022
College Department September 19-21, 2022

(044) 798-0673 / (+63) 917-541-7407

908 Gil Carlos St., San Jose, Baliwag, Bulacan

3. The guidance and counseling center will organize and maintain the confidentiality of the
cumulative records acquired. Every year at the beginning of the school year, the records will be

Accessibility of Student Records

1. Parents
The cumulative folder and/or additional records of parents of dependent children may be
requested. A qualified staff member will offer the parent analysis and interpretation
of all data in the cumulative folder and supplemental records upon request from the
parent or a staff member.

2. The Student
Upon the request of the student, a qualified staff member will interpret information
from the cumulative folder to the student. The qualified staff member will interpret
information contained in supplementary records to the student upon his/her
request and with the consent of the parent.

(044) 798-0673 / (+63) 917-541-7407

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