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5/16/22, 10:45 AM Turnitin Originality Report

Turnitin Originality Report

by M. Sheharyar
From General1234 (General1234)

Processed on 16-May-2022 10:43 PKT

ID: 1837277039
Word Count: 995

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Internet Sources:
Student Papers:


2% match (student papers from 21-Mar-2022)

Submitted to West Fargo High School on 2022-03-21

1% match (student papers from 04-Jan-2022)

Submitted to The Robert Gordon University on 2022-01-04

paper text:
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI): Introduction: The BAI test was given by Aaron T Beck and his colleagues
named Epstein, Brown, and Steer. The test was first developed in 1988. Later on, the scoring key was
revised and it was republished in 1993. It consists of twenty-one unique traits that have scores starting from
0 and going to 3. It has a minimum score of 0 while the maximum score is 63. The test is created to
measure the severity of anxiety in adults who are at least seventeen years of age. Anxiety: The feeling in
which a person feels uneasy, fearful, and dread is known as anxiety. The heart rate can be increased
because of anxiety. The person feels restless and sweating might happen. If the anxiety is out of control, it is
termed as an anxiety disorder. Scoring Key: The score can be calculated by summing all the values. If the
score is between 0 to 21, it is considered to be “Low Anxiety”. If the score is between 22 to 35, it is
considered to be “Moderate Anxiety”. If the score is greater than 36, it is considered to be “High Anxiety”. My
Score: On the BAI test, my score is 11. Interpretation: The score indicates that I have low anxiety. Perceived
Stress Scale (PSS): Introduction: Perceived Stress Scale can be used to measure the stressfulness of the
situations in one’s life. PSS was developed by Cohen, Kamarch, and Mermelstein. It was developed in 1983.
PSS can help us in understanding how the circumstances can affect our emotions, feelings, and stress. PSS
questions about the thoughts and feelings from the recent month. The test consists of ten questions having
five choices ranging from 0 to 4. Stress: Stress may be defined as any physical, mental, or emotional
element that results in emotional or bodily strain. Headaches, dizziness, tiredness, difficulties sleeping,
weight loss/gain, stomach issues, and other symptoms vary depending on the degree of the stress. The
stress can be chronic or acute. Eustress (good stress), Distress (negative stress), Hyperstress, and

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Hypostress are several forms of stress. Scoring Key: To calculate the score of PSS, we need to reverse the
values of Q4, Q5, Q7, and Q8 and then add all the values.

1If the score is between 0 to 13, it is termed as

1Low Stress” If the score is between 14 to 26, it is termed as “Moderate or Mild

Stress” If the score is

between 27 to 40, it is termed as “High Stress” My Score: My score on the test is 11. Interpretation: As per
the scoring key, my stress level comes under low stress. Mini-IPIP: Introduction: It is the short form of IPIP
that contains 50 items together. Each item is a sentence that describes a certain behavior. It was developed
by Goldberg. The Mini-IPIP was developed in 1999. Scoring Key: To find the scores of this test, we need to
reverse the score of items 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. After that, we will divide it into five
categories and add them as follows: Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness
4+9R+14+19R 1+6R+11+16R 5+10R+15R+20R 2+7R+12+17R 3+8R+13+18R If the score of the items is
between 0 to 7, it is considered low. If the score of the items is between 8 to 15, it is considered moderate. If
the score of the items is between 16 to 20, it is considered high. My Score: My scores on this test are as
follows: Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness 8 13 16 17 19
Interpretation: The scores interpret that I have moderate neuroticism and extraversionness while I have
higher openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. TEIQue - SF: Introduction: This test was
developed by Petrides and Furnham. It was developed between 2000-2001. Scoring Key: In this test, the
score was calculated after reversing the following items: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 26, 28.
There are four factors that can be evaluated in this test. It includes: The scoring key of the test is following:
Factor Low Medium High Well-being 0 – 14 15 – 28 29 – 42 Self-Control 1 – 14 15 – 28 29 – 42 Sociability 1
– 14 15 – 28 29 – 42 Emotionality 1 – 19 20 – 38 38 – 56 My Score: Well-being 37 Self-Control 36
Sociability 35 Emotionality 41 Interpretation: As per the scores, I have high well-being, self-control,
sociability, and emotionality factors. Self-Analysis: According to the tests conducted above, it can be clearly
seen from the BAI that I have very low anxiety. It means that my personality is on the safer side as far as
anxiety is concerned. If I look at the PSS, I can clearly see that I have very less stress, and my personality is
free from any kind of stress. If I analyze my personality traits, I find out that I have moderate neuroticism and
extraversionness while I have higher openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. The neuroticism is
usually considered to be negative and it’s on a moderate level. Sometimes, I interpret negative things about
others and I need to focus on this trait. The extraversionness is also at a moderate level. I have high scores
of openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness which mean that I have a friendly personality and I mix
up with people without any hesitation. I also put the needs of others before my own which is shown by
higher scores of agreeableness. I also want to do one’s duty thoroughly and efficiently. Therefore, I have
higher scores on conscientiousness.

2As far as my emotional intelligence is concerned, I can find out that I have

higher emotional intelligence in terms of well-being, self-control, sociability, and emotionality. I can clearly
see that I have high traits of emotional intelligence. Thus, these factors clearly describe my personality that

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I’m an extrovert and have no stress or anxiety in my life. I live my life to the fullest and have no specific
issues or complaints about my life. 1 2 3 4 5

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