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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name Mandeep kaur

Student Number S3022
Course and Code SIT40516 Certificate IV in commercial cookery
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHKOP002 Plan and cost basic menus
Trainer/Assessor Simon moorie

Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Project
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines

What will be assessed – Performance Evidence

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria
of this unit in the context of the job role, and:
 identify and evaluate the food preferences of customer groups with differing characteristics and use to inform menu planning
 develop and cost each of the following menu types based on above information:

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o à la carte
o buffet
o cyclical
o degustation
o ethnic
o set
o table d’hôte
o seasonal
 evaluate success of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the following types of feedback:
o customer satisfaction discussions with:
 customers
 employees during the course of each business day
o customer surveys
o improvements suggested by:
 customers
 managers
 peers
 staff
 supervisors
 suppliers
o regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
o seeking staff suggestions for menu items
 develop the above menus within commercial time constraints, demonstrating:
o use of balanced variety of dishes and ingredients
o methods for determining costs of supply for ingredients
o methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients
o methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
o methods for achieving desired profit margins, mark-up procedures and rates
o use of different types and styles of menus for dishes or food production ranges.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
RTO to complete

Resource Requirements
Pen, paper, calculator, customer service survey created in assessment 1-Assignment, Computer, MS Excel or similar
software, Recipe selection relevant for this unit to cover all menu types specified in the assessment conditions for
“Performance Evidence”.
All support tool templates for yield testing, calculations and menu balance located in the assessment tool folder for the
unit SITHKOP002, Futura Teacher Support tools.

Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Futura Group Mapping Document located in the teacher support
tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below, following the relevant recipes, Work Place

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Health and Safety practices and Hygiene procedures as instructed during the training sessions you have participated for
this unit of competency.

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and
I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or
referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: mandeep kaur Date: 29 / 08 /2019

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date:    /    /   

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:    /    /     

Student Signature Date:    /    /     

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Assessment 2

Your Tasks:

Plan, cost, write and evaluate each of the following menu types. The instructions on the following pages outline the
specific task requirements.

The following formulas are relevant for this assessment:

Support Info
Food cost Percentage:

Food Cost : Sales Price x 100 = Food Cost Percentage %

Individual Menu Item (Variable %):

Portion Cost : Priced Menu Item x 100= Food Cost %

Setting the Selling Price:

Portion Cost : Targeted Food Cost Percentage x 100 = Selling Price

Menu to be developed Menu type (all required overall) Evaluation of each menu (use at least 2 methods overall)
Menu 1: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
Recipe Source: Futura improvements suggested by:
Group, e-coach recipes degustation
SITHKOP002 ethnic
No. of serves: set, table d’hôte

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 2: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte

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No. of serves: staff

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 3: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte
No. of serves: seasonal

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 4: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte
No. of serves: seasonal

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 5: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte
No. of serves: seasonal

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 6: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte
No. of serves: seasonal

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regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

Menu 7: à la carte customer satisfaction discussions
RTO to complete buffet
customer surveys
improvements suggested by:
Recipe Source: Futura customers
Group, e-coach recipes ethnic
SITHKOP002 set, table d’hôte
No. of serves: seasonal

regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions

seeking staff suggestions for menu items

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1. Identifying the customer and customer preferences for creating menus. The responses you provide for this
question will form the basis of your menus to be planned, costed and evaluated for this assessment

Provide an overview of the customers who frequent the restaurant in your workplace. Describe the style of
cuisine that is used and the menu type or different menu types which are being used. Provide an overview of
which entrées, main courses, desserts and specials are the best sellers and what are the approximate price
ranges for these.

Type of customers – Provide a description

Office workers

Cuisine style(s) used in the establishment

Modern Australian cuisine

Menu Types used in the establishment

A la carte menu
Buffet menu

Best selling menu items Example Cost

Bread/ starter Sweet potato wedges with dip $8.50

Entrée Mushroom and avocado on sour dough toast $10.00

Soup Pumpkin soup $9.20

Main Ginger and turmeric rice with crispy eggs $14.00

Dessert Baked passion fruit tartlets $8.00

Special/Other Happy hour 8 p.m to 10 p.m (offer food and drink pirings) $12.00

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2. Menu 1 – Plan an à la carte menu.

A. Your menu must contain at least 3 choices each for:

 Entrées
 Soups
 Main Courses
 Desserts
 Additionally, provide 1 vegetarian entrée and 1 vegetarian option for a main course

ANSWER: an a la carte menu for modern australian cuisine:

 ENTREE: (a) grilled banana walnut bread with lemon curd
(b) prawn and potato salad with hazelnut
(c) grilled haloumi avocado toast
 Soups: (a) egg lemon soup with chicken and greens
(b) sweet potato and pumpkin soup with coriander sambal and cumin flatbread
(c) noodle soup with beef and yogurt
 Main course: (a) black angus rump (cut of beef) with wild mushroom
(b) ginger and turmeric rice with crispy eggs
(c) smoky Mexican black bean bowl (smoky beans , creamy scrambled eggs and
green rice)
 Deserts: (a) warm chockolate caramel fudge brownie with ice cream
(b) lemon meringue curd with icecream
(c) apple rhubarb crumbles with ice cream

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:

o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has
smoky flavour.
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement.

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C. The dishes you plan for the menu must fit the customer profile you have described in question 1, and meet a
price level that matches what you currently have on offer in the establishment.
ANSWER: In the current establishment the a la cart menu entree start from $ 8.50 and goes upto $12 per meal
and the main course start from $14 . other side we have a special offer start from $12

D. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 1”

ANSWER: recepie cards attached

E. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.

ANSWER: Standard recipe card for Grilled haloumi avocado toast:


1. whole wheat bread Slice 2 slice
2. butter Gm 15gms
3. haloumi cheese Gm 225.14 gms
4. avocado Each 1 each
5. fresh lemon juice squeeze 1 squeeze
6. honey Tbsp 1 ½ tbsp
Red pepper flakes Pinch 1 pinch

F. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

G. Finalise the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish based on a ‘per serve/per person’ price based
on a food cost not exceeding 34% for each dish – Adjust menu items accordingly.

ANSWER: Cost price: $15.00

Food cost: $5.00

Sales Price: $15.00

5 x 100/15= 33.33%

So this is not exceeding than 34%

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H. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

ANSWER: The dish that features in term of profitability is Ginger and turmeric rice with crispy eggs

Standard Recipe Card


Grilled haloumi Portion

Name of dish: avocado toast #:

Total Cost: $5.46 Portion size:

Portion Cost: Sale Price at

( Food Cost)

$18. Food
Sales Price 00 Cost % 30%

Weight Cost per Actual

Ingredients unit kg/l/Unit kg/l/Unit cost

1. whole wheat bread slice 2 slice $0.36 6
2. butter gm 15gms $0.30 0
3. haloumi cheese gm 225.14gms $2.50 0
4. avocado each 1 each $1.00 0
5. fresh lemon juice squeeze 1 squeeze $0.10 0
6. honey tbsp 1 ½ tbsp $1.00 0
7. red pepper flakes pinch 1 pinch $0.10 0
Total $5.
Food cost% = total cost ÷ selling price×100 = cost 46
SIT ÷ 18 1×100 = 30%
©Futura Group 2016 Selling
price $18
I. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine

J. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 1”


Date Name meal Compliments Improvements

to be done
1 aug 2019 mark Kilpatrick Delicious More garnish
1aug 2019 lee calamari Tender Nothing
1 aug 2019 sue Salt water Cook perfectly More lemon
1 aug 2019 Amar Lemon garlic Dry Cook less time

K. Which dishes sold most? What is the food cost of the à la carte dishes overall based on the sales figures at the
time of the review?
ANSWER: In my establishment Sea Food is sold most the cost of the sea food
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
1 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs

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Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34%
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

3. Menu 2 – Plan a buffet menu.

A. Define the type of buffet theme or style you will plan, and include suitable dishes typically included for such a
buffet including provisions for all courses in your buffet menu.


 Fattoush salad
 Green Beans and Burrata
 Roasted Carrot Salad
 Honey glazed ham
 Cauliflower Salad with Tahini Dressing
 Cheese and Pickle Sausage Rollincluded for such a buffet including provisions for all courses in your buffet menu.

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:

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 Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
 Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
 delicacies
 Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has
smoky flavour.
 Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
 Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
 Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
 Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement.

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 2”

Date Name meal Compliments Improvements

to be done
1 aug 2019 Mark  Fattoush Delicious More garnish
1aug 2019 Lee  Green Beans Tender Nothing
and Burrata
1 aug 2019 sue  Roasted Cook perfectly More lemon
Carrot Salad
1 aug 2019 amar  Honey Dry Cook less time
glazed ham

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D. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine

E. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 2”

Date Name meal Compliments
1 aug 2019 Deep  Fattoush Delicious
1aug 2019 Kasper  Green Beans Tender
and Burrata
1 aug 2019 love  Roasted Cook perfectly
Carrot Salad
1 aug 2019 jot  Honey Dry
glazed ham

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F. Which dishes were most popular? Which dishes would you remove from the buffet in future – for which
ANSWER: Cheese and pickle sausage roll was the most popular amongst all. Fattoush salad would be removed from the
menu in the future due to the sharp taste that is not liked by most of the customers.

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Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
2 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The dishes provided are suitable and sufficient for the type of buffet proposed
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost does not exceed 30% per customer
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

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SIT Version 1
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4. Menu 3 – Plan a cyclical menu.

A. Plan a cyclical menu to run over 1 week, lunch or dinner to cater for participants of a 1 week HACCP seminar
with a company next door. The menu must include 3 courses at a set price of $25.00 per person and a food cost
not exceeding 32%. The seminar is of a duration of 1 week Monday to Friday and is held consecutively over 2

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:

o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has
smoky flavour.
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement

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C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 3”

Date Name meal Compliments Improvements
to be done
1 aug 2019 mark Cheese Delicious More garnish
1aug 2019 lee Rice Cracker Tender Nothing
1 aug 2019 sue Chicken Cook perfectly More lemon
1 aug 2019 amar Ham pizza Dry Cook less time

D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities and cost these to
meet the required margins set out in A.


E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

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Answer:- Chicken nuggets and cooked carrots were the best featured in terms of profitability

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine

H. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 3”

Date Name meal Compliments
1 aug 2019 Deep Cheese sandwich Delicious
1aug 2019 Kasper Rice Cracker Tender
1 aug 2019 love Chicken noodles Cook perfectly
1 aug 2019 jot Ham pizza Dry

I. Which dishes were most popular? Which dishes were most profitable? What other options could you use for
future cyclical menus to reduce your food cost whilst ensuring customer satisfaction?

a. Spaghetti with ground beef was most popular.

b. Ham cheese pizza with lettuce salad was most profitable.
c. For future, cheese sandwich and meat sauce could be reduced.

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SIT Version 1
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Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
3 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for each menu does not exceed 32%
The set price of $25.00 per person is not exceeded
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

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SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
5. Menu 4 – Plan a degustation menu.

A. Plan a degustation menu comprising of at least 5 courses, and offering 2 main course options. The food cost must
not exceed 34 %. The maximum cost shall be in proportion to the client information and current prices for meals
as identified in question 1.

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:

o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has smoky
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 4”

Date Name meal Compliments Improvements
to be done
1 aug 2019 mark Pava Delicious More garnish

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1aug 2019 lee Poke Tender Nothing
1 aug 2019 sue Heirloom Cook perfectly More lemon
1 aug 2019 amar Lamb loin Dry Cook less time

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D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities, which must reflect
the portion sizes for a degustation menu based on the number of courses provided.

Ingredients Quantity
Egg white 3
Wanton wrappers 1 packet
Paua 1 kg
Garlic 1tsp
Basil lime and coriander
White wine 50 ml
White wine vinegar 50 ml
Shallot 1

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine


H. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 4”

Date Name meal Compliments
1 aug 2019 Deep Pava Delicious
1aug 2019 Kasper Poke Tender
1 aug 2019 love Heirloom tomato Cook perfectly
1 aug 2019 jot Lamb loin Dry

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
I. What was the feedback received, and accordingly what should be improved for a degustation menu in the

Answer:-Flax bourne lamb loin was the best complimented amongst all the dishes served. In future, care
will be taken to reduce cheese in beach honeydew duck breast.
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
4 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for the degustation menu does not exceed 34%
The overall price is acceptable in terms of the client information and pricing
structure of the eatblishment
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
Element 5: Evaluate menu success
The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
6. Menu 5 – Plan an ethnic menu.

A. Plan an ethnic menu of your choice suitable to the customer profile /establishment you have identified in
question 1. The menu needs to include 3 courses. The food cost must not exceed 28%.


B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:
o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has smoky
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 5”
Date Name meal Compliments Improvements
to be done

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
1 aug 2019 mark Saffron rice Delicious More garnish
1aug 2019 lee Caprese salade Tender Nothing
1 aug 2019 sue Cacciuco Cook perfectly More lemon
1 aug 2019 amar Saffron rice Dry Cook less time

D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.


Risotto Alla Milanese

Ingredients Quantity
Saffron thread ½ cup
Olive oil 1tsp
Butter 40 g
Brown onion 1
Garlic cloves 2
Arborio rice 330 g
White wine 125 ml
Parmesan 60g

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability and make adjustments to meet the food cost
requirements set out in A.


G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine


H. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 5”

Date Name Meal Compliments
1 aug 2019 Deep Saffron rice Delicious
1aug 2019 Kasper Caprese salade Not fresh
1 aug 2019 love Cacciuco Cook perfectly

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
What was the feedback received, and accordingly what should be improved when planning future ethnic menus
in the future?
: we received multiple feedback for our menu but 90% was positive but 10% was negative feedback
to improve for the negative feedback in to the positive we have to share this feedback to our staff
and arrange some training for them for better result

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
5 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for the menu does not exceed 28%
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
7. Menu 6 – Plan a set /table d’hôte menu.

A. Plan a set or table d’hôte menu of your choice suitable to the customer profile /establishment you have
identified in question 1. The menu needs to include 3 courses and may have a choice for each course. The food
cost must not exceed 30% and could potentially make use of any by-products you have identified in e.g. your à la
carte menu (Menu 1) or degustation menu (Menu 4)


B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:
o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has smoky
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 6”


D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities, which must reflect
the portion sizes for courses within a menu.
Answer: - Slow cooked wexford lamb ragout served with pappardelle pasta

Ingredients Quantity Cost($)

Lamb 12 racks 3.00
Hoisin sauce 1tsp 1.00
Grated fresh root ginger 2tsp 0.50
Peppercorns 2tsp 0.20
Sesame seeds 1 tsp 0.10
Five spice 1tsp 0.20

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

Answer:- Cost price: $18

Food cost: $5
Sales price: $18
5 x100/18= 27.77%
So, this does not exceed more than 32%.

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability and make adjustments to meet the food cost
requirements set out in A.

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine

H. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 6”

I. What was the feedback received, and accordingly what needs to be improved when planning future set or table
d’hôte menus in the future?

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
6 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
Any potential by-products as a result from planning Menu 1 and Menu 4 are
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for the menu does not exceed 30%
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
8. Menu 7 – Plan a seasonal menu.

A. Plan a seasonal menu, relevant to the time of the year/month and the region where you undertake this
assessment. Your menu may include e.g. dishes for a game season, fresh berries in season, in conjunction with
dishes paired to new wines released or similar. Your menu needs to comprise of a selection of speciality dishes
using seasonal produce as a specials menu or a complete menu using at least 4 courses.
The food cost shall not exceed 31% for any dish, and the menu should be in line with the characteristics you have
provided in Question 1 of this assessment.

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the courses offered including the following:
o Colours: all dishes of menu are based on colour combination. Every dish is designed with colour
combination; every dish has colour combination with garnish and accompaniments.
o Cooking methods: the cooking method of each dish is different.
o delicacies
o Flavours: every dish has its own flavour. Crispy dishes have crispness in it and smoky dish has smoky
o Nutritional values: the menu is designed by keeping nutritional value of each dish.
o Presentation: each dish is presented in way of attraction to customer and eye appealing.
o Seasonally available ingredients: the menu is designed with seasonal availability ingredients.
o Tastes and Textures: each dish has its own taste and texture as per the requirement

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain
feedback. Document what the feedback entailed and what you will change, accordingly. Attach this draft and
comments to this assessment marked “Menu 7”

Date Name meal Compliments Improvements
to be done
1 aug 2019 mark Tasmania Delicious More garnish
1aug 2019 lee Lemon curd Tender Nothing
1 aug 2019 sue Butter Glazed Cook perfectly More lemon
1 aug 2019 amar Tasmania Dry Cook less time

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients and required quantities.

Butter glazed chicken ballotine

Ingredients Quantity
Chicken marylands 4
Flat prosciutto 16 slices
Olive oil 1tsp
White wine 300 ml
Butter 30 g
Shallot 1
Garlic clove 1
Minced pork 200g

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached template “Yields” and calculate the net yields,
and net costs.

F. Cost each dish and indentify the profitability of each menu item. Make adjustment s to meet the requirements
set out in A.

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than size 12.
 Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner, and true in its features and ingredients.
 Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the style of cuisine

H. Once implemented , obtain feedback for the success of the menu using a methods outlined in the task section
above and attach the feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 7”


Date Name Meal Compliments

1 aug 2019 Deep Tasmania salmon Delicious
1aug 2019 Kasper Lemon curd Not fresh
1 aug 2019 love Butter Glazed Cook perfectly

I. What was the feedback received, and accordingly what needs to be improved or changed?

There was a positive feedback for freshly baked cibatta rolls and seared Tasmanian salmon was appreciated

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
Menu Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
7 Element 1: Identify customer requirements
The type of customer relevant for the menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified
The menu types used in the establishment are identified
The common popular items sold in the establishment are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis of comparison

Element 2: Plan menus

The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as per instruction relevant
for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where relevant
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one menu type provide
variety and repetitions are avoided
The colours within dishes and in a menu type are appealing
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different textures
Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional balance according to
Australian Healthy guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele identified in section 1

Element 3: Cost menus

Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card
The yield test values are establishes in a yield test sheet
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card
The correct formulas are used for each type of calculation
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 31%
The correct methods for calculating mark-up are used
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is identified
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed for each menu type

Element 4: Write menu content Comment S NYS S NYS

The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating interest
Classical garnishes are used correctly according to conventions (e.g. a Wiener
Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is used it must refer to pork/chicken
Schnitzel “Vienna Style”
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly listed
The correct culinary terms are used and explained where relevant
The menu structure is correct in order
The print type/font is clearly legible

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes is evaluated using evaluation methods outlines in the
The feedback is collated and attached
The feedback is interpreted correctly
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the evaluation startegy

SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016
SIT Version 1
©Futura Group 2016

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