Eating Disorders at The Liceo Cristiano

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Luz Natalia Jule

Samuel Otoniel Polanco
Jorge Adalberto Ruano
Derian Rubén Díaz
Gustavo David
Menjivar Pérez.
Alison Itzel Barrientos
Eating disorders at
Marelyn Beatriz Beltrán
the Liceo Cristiano. Valenzuela.
Liceo Cristiano Flavio
Josefo Primer Año “B”.
Lcdo. Rafael Vázquez.

1.1 Problematic Issue. ................................................................................................................................. 3

1.2 Research Question. ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Justification. ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Scoop, Delimitations and Limitations. ................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Research Objective. ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Developing the Framework. ................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Important factors. ............................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Research Method. ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Population. ........................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Sample Size. ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Type and Selection of Population Elements. ..................................................................................... 14
3.5 Hypothesis Chart. ................................................................................................................................ 15
3.6. Data Compilation Technique. ........................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Data Presentation and Process. .......................................................................................................... 19
3.8 Hypotheses Testing. ............................................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Data Presentation. ............................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Hypothesis Testing. ............................................................................................................................. 26
5.1 Conclusions. ......................................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Recomendations. .................................................................................................................................. 30
1.1 Problematic Issue.

Topic: Eating disorders at the Liceo Cristiano Flavio Josefo is a topic that nobody talks about,

that probably many of the students suffer this.

Gap: This has never been talked in the past just because is not an important topic or maybe is not

so much relevant.

The evidence: The evidences that my group have seen is that some student got overweight or

some of them have signs of that don’t eat sufficient food as they should or as a “normal” teenager

should eat.

Deficiencies: Through polls we got answers that made us thought about how Eating disorders

affect at the efficiency in the students, and their mental health.

Audience: this investigation is for the teenagers in the school and for their parents to notice this

problem at the correct time

Significance of the study

This study is important because teenagers can be in position that the only thing that they

think is commit suicide just because they feel bad with their body, they feel

uncomfortable with themselves and we investigate this in order to change those thoughts

in the teenagers

Purpose of the study

To make aware parents and teachers that children and teenagers are prone to Eating

disorders every single day, because in social media exist “perfects bodies”and “perfect

life” that obviously that’s fake, because it doesn’t exist.

1.2 Research Question.

What are the main factors that cause a young person to suffer from eating disorders?

1.3 Justification.


¿Gather Problem Information?

Normalize you’re eating patterns and reach a healthy weight.

Unhealthy habits for healthy habits.

Learn to contra what you eat and your mood.

Develop the ability to solve problems.

Explore healthy ways of coping.

Stressful situations.

¿Establish the Most Probable Solution?

The exact causes are unknown researchers believe that these conditions are caused by a

complex interplay of factors invading genetic biological, physiological, and social.

¿Formulate the Hypothesis?

Psychological and interpersonal, factors of anorexia and bulimia, treatment for anorexia,

Treatment for bulimia, prevention conclusions and bibliography.

1.4 Scoop, Delimitations and Limitations.

What are eating disorders in adolescence?

A variety of weight and food concerns experienced by teens are extremely manifested,

causing them to go to extremes when it comes to food and eating.

When are the signs of an eating disorder?

It is not unusual for teens to change their eating habits from time to time. Some

experiment with a different eating style (for example, a vegetarian diet) or go on a weight

loss diet. They may occasionally skip a meal. These changes often happen quickly. But

you have to watch their behavior and eating patterns carefully, so you can see the

difference between occasional dieting and a disorder.

There are several different signs and symptoms of eating disorders. Sometimes they are

obvious, but not always. Often times, a person will go to great lengths to hide this type of

disorder. We may be seeing a person with an eating disorder without knowing it

Why are eating disorders caused?

They are caused by bulimia and anorexia; these are the most common pair that is

observed in the youth of Santa Tecla with greater detail in adolescents.

Binge eating disorder

Overeating eating disorder is a disorder in which the person regularly (more than 3 times

a week) consumes large amounts of food in a short time (called binge eating). They feel

that they cannot control the urge to eat large amounts of food. As a result, they tend to be

overweight or obese.
What is Bulimia?

People with bulimia eat a lot of food at one time (binge eating) and then vomit it or use

laxatives to get the food out of the body (known as purging). They go to the point of

taking medications to diet, fast, exercise without eating, or go on extreme diets.

What is Anorexia?

People with anorexia are obsessed with being thin. They do not want to eat and are afraid

of gaining weight. They are likely to constantly worry about how many calories they eat

or how much fat is in their food. They can take diet pills, laxatives, or diuretics to lose

weight. They are likely to exercise too much. People with anorexia often think they are

fat, even when they are very thin. They can lose so much weight to the point that they can

look sick.

What causes eating disorders?

It can be related to stressful situations, feel the need to be perfect or be "in control." Some

people may react to the way their body changes during puberty. Society and media images

also put a lot of pressure on people to be thin.

What are eating disorders?

Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are the most common

eating disorders. Other eating disorders include rumination disorder and avoidance or

restriction of food intake disorder.

1.5 Research Objective.

Eating disorders of the youth of Fabio Josefo.

General objective.

know why the young people of the Liceo Flavio Josefo are so upset with their diet and

know what percentage of the Liceo is upset.

Specific objective.

Investigate the causes of the disorder of the youth of Flavio Josefo and if the feeding of

the cafeteria of said institution is causing problems in the feeding of the students.

2.1 Developing the Framework.

Eating disorders are behavioral conditions characterized by severe and persistent disturbance in

eating behaviors and associated distressing thoughts and emotions. They can be very serious

conditions affecting physical, psychological and social function. Types of eating disorders

include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake

disorder, other specified feeding and eating disorder, pica and rumination disorder.

-Psychological Factors that Can Contribute to Eating Disorders:

1. Low self-esteem

2. Feelings of inadequacy or lack of control in life

3. Depression, anxiety, anger, stress or loneliness

-Social Factors that Can Contribute to Eating Disorders:

1. Cultural pressures that glorify “thinness” or muscularity and place value on obtaining

the “perfect body”

2. Narrow definitions of beauty that include only women and men of specific body

weights and Shapes

-Interpersonal Factors that Can Contribute to Eating Disorders:

1. Troubled personal relationships

2. Difficulty expressing emotions and feelings

3. History of being teased or ridiculed based on size or weight

4. History of physical or sexual abuse

In 2015, the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED) collaborated with international patient,

advocacy, and parent organizations to craft the “Nine Truths About Eating Disorders.”

This document has been translated into over 30 languages and has been distributed

globally to replace outdated and erroneous stereotypes about eating disorders with factual

information. In this paper, we review the state of the science supporting the Nine Truths.

The literature supporting each of the Nine Truths was reviewed, summarized, and richly


Most of the Nine Truths arise from well-established foundations in the scientific

literature. Additional evidence is required to further substantiate some of the assertions in

the document. Future investigations are needed in all areas to deepen our understanding of

eating disorders, their causes, and their treatments.

The “Nine Truths About Eating Disorders” is a guiding document to accelerate global

dissemination of accurate and evidence-informed information about eating disorders.

-List the constructs and variables:

They do not have single causes that justify their appearance, but multiple vulnerability

factors that favor their emergence, especially during adolescence.

The risk factors are biological and genetic (serotonergic and dopaminergic system,

hormonal and endocrine system, temperament, gender), shared environmental (family

eating styles, advertising, family styles ...)

They can be non-shared or individual environmental (criticism of the physical, personality

traits, specific eating habits, dysfunctional neuropsychological profiles, stressors,

traumatic experiences).

-Review key social science theories:

Considering the clinical and empirical evidence of socio-cognitive difficulties in patients

with eating disorders, the present work aims to critically review the current state of

research on the theory of mind in anorexia and bulimia, evaluate if there is an affectation

of the same in these pathologies and analyze if there are indicators that it could be

considered an end phenotype. Method: A bibliographic search was carried out in the
PubMed database using keywords related to the topic. The works were analyzed

according to inclusion / exclusion criteria. Results: Seven studies were identified on

patients with anorexia, one on patients with bulimia and four on both pathologies. Most of

the studies reported that patients with anorexia have altered theory of mind.

-Discuss the assumptions or propositions:

Patients with eating disorders have a higher incidence of affective disorders than the

general population, with a higher prevalence of major depression, both in anorexia

nervosa and in bulimia nervosa. Different studies have found that the incidence of

affective disturbance among anorexics ranges between 52% and 98%, depression being

the most common disorder; in bulimic patients these figures vary between 52% 83% and

for major depression between 38% and 63%. The occurrence of bipolar II affective

disorder among anorexics has been found from 9.7%, a 10-year follow-up, up to 56% of

hospitalized patients. In addition, a high relationship of mental disorders such as major

depression, BAD has been observed in the relatives of anorexic and bulimic patients.

- Our objective is important for the health of the young people of the Christian Flavio Josefo high

school, we want to help them to know a little more about what eating disorders are, also tell them

solutions and how they can avoid this eating disorder since they can harm in many ways, such as

for example : Physical, social and psychological function would also help by giving them

information about food with vitamins or a diet.

Teach young people that eating disorder is not a game since many suffer from this disorder

physically, psychologically and that we can make it into the conscience of young people who take

care of themselves that they eat very well

When we say that we want them to eat well we mean a balanced diet such as eating a diet or

eating less of some things.

1. Normalize your eating patterns and reach a healthy weight.

2. Replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones.

3. Learn to control what you eat and your moods.

4. Develop the ability to solve problems.

5. Explore healthy ways to cope with stressful situations

1. know some methods to avoid some of the diseases already men we will give to know how

diets or we will say that not to consume

2. not having information about what an eating disorder is

3. we will give information about what it is, the consequences, and how to avoid it

2.2 Important factors.

1. How it benefits the young people of the Christian Flavio Josefo high school to know that it is an

eating disorder and how they can avoid this eating disorder since they can harm in many ways

2. It benefits that young people can enjoy their physical and mental abilities to put their body and

mind to work to the maximum without difficulties.

3. It will also help these young people to spread this information with more people so that they can

know what this disorder is about and can reduce the cases of this disorder since this information is

very important.
4. Also reducing problems of diseases derived from eating disorders and making young people

aware of having a good diet for their good physical and mental development.

- Factors without importance

1. Problematic personal and family relationships

2. Difficulty expressing feelings and emotions

3. Being teased or ridiculed based no their height or weight

4. History of physical and sexual abuse

Studies that indicate that you send me abnormal in certain chemical components

In the brain predispose some people to do subtitling perfectionism compulsive behavior and

thoughts which people are vulnerable to suffering antes eating disorder.

Genetics and biology some people may be genetically at risk for eating disorders.

Psychological and emotional health people with eating disorder may have physiological and

emotional factors that contribute to the disorder.

1. The brain predisposes some people to anxiety compulsive thinking perfectionism and


2. They tend to do have unrealistic expectations of themselves and other people have no

sense of identity.

3. People with inflexible and ineffective overprotective families in solving problems have

these disorders.

4. Communication measures associate the good with artistic beauty and the bad with

physical imperfection.
3.1 Research Method.


In some students, certain Due to eating disorders,

problems with their body students would have poor
can be observed, either Eating disorders affect the performance in daily
overweight or lack of health of students activities such as
food and therefore health walking, getting up,
problems eating, etc.


In conclusion, thanks to
the responses obtained Through the survey that
from the questionnaire, we sent on eating
we verified that indeed, disorders, the students of
there were people flavio josefo answered
affected by overweight our topic
and anorexia or bulimia

Conclusion Experimentation
3.2 Population.

The research population is 420 people. This is the number of students at Liceo Cristiano Flavio

Josefo. The number was given by Teacher Davis Arias, The principal of the school.

3.3 Sample Size.

We stablish the total amount of the population: 420 students.

n=? muestra

N= Población 240

Z= 1.96 Nivel de Confianza

P*Q= 0.7*0.3 Probabilidades que se presente el fenómeno.

e= 0.10 Margen de Error Permitido.

3.4 Type and Selection of Population Elements.

Be students of Flavio Josefo, from 7th to 3rd year of high school.

Of the students who were interviewed, their ages are 9 years and older.

The opinions of the two different genres were taken.

3.5 Hypothesis Chart.

Hypothesis Variable Indicators

General objective
To check how the D.H1 Eating disorder I.V: Eating disorder Inadequate
eating disorder affects the health of consumption of food
affects the health of the students in inadequate
the students quantities
D.V: Affects the
health of the students Health

N.H1 Eating disorder I.V: Eating disorder

benefit the health of
the students
D.V: Benefit the
health of the students

D.H2 Eating disorder I.V: Eating disorder Psychological

affects in the social disorders
interaction of the
students Anxiety
D.V: Affects in the
social interaction of Social environment
the students

N.H2 Eating disorder I.V: Eating disorder

benefit in the social
interaction of the
students D.V: Benefit in the
social interaction of
the students
Specific objective #1 Hypothesis Variable Indicators
To know the diseases D.H1 I.V: Diseases
in relation to bad Bad eating habits Bad eating habits
eating habits. cause diseases Bad habits
Cause diseases Relation

N.H1 I.V:
Bad eating habits are Bad eating habits
irrelevant in the cause
of the diseases D.V:
Irrelevant in the cause
of the diseases

D.H2 I.V: Schedule of eating

Having a feeding Having a feeding
schedule allows the schedule Body health
body to be in good
health. D.V:
Allows the body to be
in good health

N.H2 I.V:
Having a meal Having a meal
schedule harms the schedule
body to have good
health D.V:
Harms the body to
have good health
Specific objective #2 Hypothesis Variables Indicators
To analyze whether D.H1 I.V: Socioeconomic level
the socioeconomic The socioeconomic The socioeconomic
level influences level influences level Habits
eating habit eating habits D.V:
influences eating
N.H1 I.V:
The socioeconomic The socioeconomic
level is irrelevant in level
eating disorders
Is irrelevant in eating
D.H2 I.V: Food from the house
The students who The students who
take their own food take their own food Parent´s care
from the house are from the house
Are healthier
N.H2 I.V:
The students who The students who
take their own food take their own food
from the house are from the house
Are unhealthier

3.6. Data Compilation Technique.

The technique to use is the survey through the google forms app. The questions are closed with

only two options where the first option test the Directional Hypotheses and the Second option test

the opposite.

Objetivo: Indagar sobre qué es lo que piensan los alumnos del Liceo Cristiano Flavio Josefo con

respecto a los desórdenes alimenticios, comenzando con 7° hasta 3° año de bachillerato técnico.

9 a 12 años 13 a 18 años 19 en adelante

¿Tienes conocimiento sobre lo que es un desorden alimenticio?

Sí No

¿Se considera usted una persona con buenos hábitos de alimentación?

Sí No

¿Tiene un control en la cantidad de comida que va a ingerir?

Sí No

¿Consumes con frecuencia comida rápida (hamburguesas, pizza, snacks, gaseosas, jugos


Sí No

¿Te sientes cómodo/a en grupo de personas?

Sí No

¿Te sientes satisfecho con tu apariencia física?

Sí No

¿Padeces de anorexia o bulimia?

Sí No

¿Padeces de sobrepeso?

Sí No
¿Tienes un horario fijo de comida?

Sí No

¿Llevas tu propia comida a la institución?

Sí No

3.7 Data Presentation and Process.

¿Tienes conocimiento
sobre lo que es un
desorden alimenticio? F
Si 67

No 3

Total 70


Si No

This graph represents that 96% of students have a basic knowledge about an eating disorder, and

4% is the percentage of students who have no knowledge about an eating disorder.

3.8 Hypotheses Testing.

Percentage of Response
Eating disorder affects the Si % No %
N health of the students. Total
Subjects %
¿Tienes conocimiento
1 sobre lo que es un 66 96 4 4 70 100
desorden alimenticio?
¿Se considera usted una
2 persona con buenos 34 49 36 51 70 100
hábitos de alimentación?
Percentage Size 100 145 40 55 140 100
4.1 Data Presentation.

Hypotheses 1.


¿Tienes conocimiento sobre

lo que es un desorden
alimenticio? F %
Si 67 95.7
No 3 4.3
Total 70 100 96%

Si No

The 95.7% of the students said that they have knowledge about eating disorders and that explain

that almost all the information is in base of people who know about this topic, by other side, we

have the 4.3% of students who said that they don’t know about eating disorders at all.

¿Se considera usted una

persona con buenos hábitos
de alimentación? F % 51% 49%
Si 34 48.6
No 36 51.4
Total 70 100

Si No

More than a half of the students consider themselves as a person with bad eating habits that give

us the results that the 48.6% have good eating habits and the 51.4% know that they don’t have

good eating habits.

Hypotheses 2.


¿Te sientes cómodo/a en

grupo de personas? F %
Si 54 77.1
No 16 22.9 77%
Total 70 100

Si No

This graph shows that 77.1% of the surveyed students do feel good in groups, and 22.9% is the

percentage of students who do not feel good in groups with more people.


¿Te sientes satisfecho con tu

apariencia física? F %
Si 47 67.1
No 23 32.9 67%
Total 70 100

Si No

n this graph it is represented that 67. 1% of the surveyed students said that they feel satisfied with

their physical appearance while 32.9% said that they do not like their physical appearance.
Hypotheses 3.

¿Tiene un control en la
cantidad de comida que va a 43%
ingerir? F %
Si 40 57.1
No 30 42.9
Total 70 100

Si No

57.1% of the students have a very good control in their food and the amount of food that they will

eat, but, the 42.9% said all the opposite, they don’t have a control on their food and the amount.


¿Padeces de anorexia o
bulimia? F %
Si 3 4.3
No 67 95.7
Total 70 100

Si No

In this graph it is represented that 4.3% of the surveyed students said they have anorexia or

bulimia while 95.7% said they do not have anorexia or bulimia.


¿Padeces de sobrepeso? F %
Si 7 10
No 63 90
Total 70 100


Si No

The result of this item with a very high result of 90% stated that they are not overweight, while

10% said they are indeed overweight.

Hypotheses 4.

¿Tienes un horario fijo de 47%

comida? F %
Si 33 47.1 53%
No 37 52.9
Total 70 100

Si No

The result of this item with a minimum difference of 52.9% stated that the majority do not have a

fixed meal schedule, while 47.1% do have a meal schedule.

Hypotheses 5.

¿Consumes con frecuencia

comida rápida
(hamburguesas, pizza, 39%
snacks, gaseosas, jugos F %
Si 27 38.6
No 43 61.4
Total 70 100

Si No

This graph shows that 61.4% of the surveyed students are not eating junk food, and 38.6% is the

percentage of students who consume this type of food.

Hypotheses 6.

¿Llevas tu propia comida a la
institución? F %
Si 24 34.3
No 46 65.7
Total 70 100

Si No

In this question we clearly can see that the majority of the students don’t take their own food at
the school, with the total of 65.7% and the 34.3% of the students take their own food at the
4.2 Hypothesis Testing.

A) Hypotheses 1, General Objective.

Percentage of Response
Eating disorder affects the Si % No %
N health of the students. Total
Subjects %
¿Tienes conocimiento
1 sobre lo que es un 66 95.7 4 4.3 70 100
desorden alimenticio?
¿Se considera usted una
2 persona con buenos 34 48.6 36 51.4 70 100
hábitos de alimentación?
Percentage Size 100 144.3 40 55.7 140 100

The percentage size in the first option is 144.3% of the total. So the Directional Hypothesis is


B) Hypotheses 2, General Objective.

Percentage of Response
Eating disorder affects in Si % No %
N the social interaction of the Total
Subjects %
5 ¿Te sientes cómodo/a en
grupo de personas? 54 77.1 16 22.9 70 100
6 ¿Te sientes satisfecho con
tu apariencia física? 47 67.1 23 32.9 70 100
Percentage Size 101 144.2 39 55.8 140 100

The percentage size in the first option is 144.2% of the total. So the Null Hypothesis is tested.
C) Hypotheses 1, Specific Objective 1.
Percentage of Response
N Bad eating habits cause Si % No %
diseases. Total
Subjects %
¿Tiene un control en la
3 cantidad de comida que va 40 57.1 30 42.9 70 100
a ingerir?
7 ¿Padeces de anorexia o
bulimia? 3 4.3 67 95.7 70 100
8 ¿Padeces de sobrepeso? 7 10 63 90 70 100
Percentage Size 50 71.4 160 228.6 140 100

The percentage size in the second option is 228.6% of the total. So the Null Hypothesis is tested.

D) Hypotheses 2, Specific Objective 1.

Percentage of Response
Having a feeding schedule Si % No %
N allows the body to be in Total
good health.
Subjects %
9 ¿Tienes un horario fijo de 33 47.1 37 52.9 70 100
Percentage Size 33 47.1 37 52.9 70 100

The percentage size in the second option is 52.9% of the total. So the Null Hypothesis is tested.
E) Hypotheses 1, Specific Objective 2.
Percentage of Response
The socioeconomic level Si % No %
N influences eating habits. Total
Subjects %
¿Consumes con
frecuencia comida rápida
4 (hamburguesas, pizza, 27 38.6 43 61.4 70 100
snacks, gaseosas, jugos
Percentage Size 27 38.6 43 61.4 70 100

The percentage size in the second option is 61.4% of the total. So the Null Hypothesis is tested.

F) Hypotheses 2, Specific Objective 2.

Percentage of Response
The students who take Si % No %
N their own food from the Total
house are healthier.
Subjects %
10 ¿Llevas tu propia comida 24 34.3 46 65.7
a la institución? 70 100
Percentage Size 24 34.3 46 65.7 70 100

The percentage size in the second option is 65.7% of the total. So the Null Hypothesis is tested.
5.1 Conclusions.

Después de realizar la investigación “Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria” se concluye lo


 El objetivo específico número 2 dice "To analyze whether the socioeconomic level

influences eating habit" y según el análisis realizado en la encuesta se llega a la

conclusión que el la hipótesis direccional "The socioeconomic level influences eating

habits" no se cumple y en cambio se cumple su hipótesis nula "The Socioeconomic level

Habits socioeconomic level is irrelevant in eating disorders" y esto se debe a que la

mayoría de las personas deciden que van a comer independientemente de su nivel

socioeconómico y la mayoría decide llevar su propia comida a la institución ya que ellos

saben que es lo que les hace mas bien y la mayoría afirmo que no consume ningún tipo de

comida chatarra como puede ser hamburguesas, pizza, snacks, gaseosas, jugos artificiales

a pesar de que pueden ser mas baratos que sus contrapartes saludables (Vegetales, Fruta y

carnes bajas en grasas) esto me lleva a pensar de que efectivamente el nivel

socioeconómico no afecta mucho a los hábitos alimenticios.

 El objetivo específico número 1 dice: “to know the diseases in the relation to bad eating

habits” y segun el analisis realizado en la encuesta se llega a la conclucion de que la

hipotesis “bad eating habits cause diseases” se cumple, ya que esto se debe a que la

mayoría de las personas deciden la hora de ingerir sus alimentos por lo cual se dan estas

enfermedades, aunque la mayoría de las personas si ingeren sus alimentos a la hora

correcta ya que la mayoría afirmo que si no come a la hora tiende a tener dolores

estomacales, la mayoría afirmo que consume sus alimentos a la hora correcta.

5.2 Recomendations.

 Director

Dar charlas a los estudiantes sobre psicología y trastornos psicológicos un médico puede

reforzar los mensajes de salud.

Recodarle al estudiante que debe comer bien haciendo carteles con consejos sobre

alimentación que luego cuelgan en el comedor.

Mejorar la comida del chalet, vendiendo cosas saludables y variadas. No vender alimentos

con azúcar (sodas, jugos artificiales) ni con grasas trans (chicharras, churros) bajar el

precio de la comida y hacerlo más accesible al estudiante.

 Padres

Ámbito psicológico. Favorecer la construcción de una autoestima adecuada, Evitar poner

un excesivo énfasis en el peso y la figura, evitar estereotipos de cuerpos perfectos,

Informar a los hijos que no es recomendable hacer dietas en la etapa de crecimiento,

porque muchas de ellas son contraproducentes.

Padres. Escucha a tu hijo. Para que sus hijos tengan una mejor alimentación en casa,

podría establecer un horario de comida para comer en familia, Evitar que los jóvenes

realicen dietas agresivas, porque éstas suelen ser el punto de entrada a los trastornos

alimentarios, servir variedad de alimentos que le gusten al estudiante, darle un buen

ejemplo para seguir con una dieta nutritiva, evitar las peleas por la comida. Frente a la

evidencia de dietas inapropiadas, acudir con ayuda profesional. Estar atentos a los sitios

de Internet que visitan las adolescentes.

En el colegio, ponerle un refrigerio saludable y variado (comprar refrigerio es más

económico y que le sustente en todo el día y ponerle una botella de agua.

 Alumnos

Psicológicamente. Acude a ayuda profesional si es necesario. Habla con tus padres acerca

de cómo te sientes. Normalizar tus patrones de alimentación y llegar a un peso saludable

según tu altura y edad. Reemplazar los hábitos poco saludables por hábitos saludables.

Aprender a controlar lo que comes y tus estados de ánimo.

Colegio. Preparar el almuerzo del colegio un día antes, haz una lista de comidas que te

gustaría llevar al colegio, come el desayuno todas las mañanas, si tus padres te dan dinero

comprar algo que te llene y te sustente. Reflexione sobre sus hábitos de alimentación,

tanto buenos como malos, así como en las cosas que desencadenan que coma un poco


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