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Module 6

Most Essential Learning Competencies

⚫ Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level (S9ES-IIIf-30).

To the Learner
The learning process is within your reach anytime at any place with the
help of this module. As you go through, here are some reminders that you
should carry on:
1. Prepare yourself and be ready to learn. Set a specific time and place for
your learning tasks. This is to avoid disturbances and focus on yourself and
your learning progress.
2. Read and follow instructions carefully.
3. Note the important concepts you have learned from this module.
4. Make sure to answer all the learning tasks. Answer the pre-test, work on
looking back, go deep into the topic, answer the activities, check your
understanding, posttest, and reflection. Whenever you see Mr. Thinker it
means the part requires answers.
5. Read again. This strengthens learning and retention of the concept learned.
Let’s get it on!
The Writer

[Author] 1

The lesson for this week will describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on
a global level. This module may help you to:

a) describe climatic phenomena that occur on a global level;

b) explain the role of increased carbon dioxide on earth's temperature;

c) differentiate the greenhouse effect from global warming; and

d) identify the sources of greenhouse gases and relate it to climate change.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the

correct answer on the blank provided before the number.

____1. Which activity DOES NOT contribute to global warming?

A. reforestation C. mining activities
B. illegal fishing D. incineration of garbage

____2. When does the greenhouse effect happen?

A. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the
B. Greenhouse gases on the surface absorb heat from the
Earth’s interior.
C. Greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere absorb heat
from outer space.
D. Greenhouse gases in the lower atmosphere absorb heat
from the Earth’s surface.

____3. Which of the following can cause global warming?

A. volcanic eruptions
B. amount of rainfall
C. rise of warm air into the atmosphere
D. increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

____4. Which is NOT a greenhouse gas among the following?

A. water vapor C. carbon dioxide
B. mercury gas D. chlorofluorocarbon

____5. What kind of gas was released to air when coal is burnt?
A. oxygen C. nitrous oxide
B. methane D. carbon dioxide

Brace yourself! Let’s have a little warm-up
and try to remember your past lesson.

Looking Back
In the previous module, you have learned the different
factors affecting climate. With the use of the concepts you had
learned, help Mr. Thinker to choose the right path by answering YES or NO to
the questions he encountered along the way.

Q1. The farther the area from the
equator, the higher the temperature
will be?

Q2. Baguio experiences colder

climate than Manila. That is due to
Earth’s latitude. YES Q2

Q3. The side of the mountain that NO

receives less to no rain is called
leeward. Q3

You did

Have you heard about the bush fire in Australia that killed large numbers of flora
and fauna last January 2020? Wildfire, extreme weather conditions and disturbances,
rising of sea level, melting of glaciers and ice caps, early migration of birds and other
abnormal behavior of animals, and heavy rainfall like Ondoy, Ulysses and Hanging
Habagat – are only some of what we experience nowadays. Truly you cannot escape from
the effect of Climate Change wherever you are on this planet.

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues worlwide. The increase in
temperature that we are experiencing is caused by factors other than human activity,
though another point of view is due to human intervention.

To learn more about climate change, do the following activities:

Activity 1: What is Global Warming?

• Describe climatic phenomena that occur on a global level.


A. Supply the missing term/s by choosing the correct word/s written

in the box below.

Global Warming is the gradual (1) ________________

on the (2)___________________________ as a result
of human activities or by natural means. It leads to
(3)____________________ in climate patterns or bring
about (4)_________________________.

Figure 1 climate change disruption increase Earth’s temperature


B. Analyze the picture.

Arrange the set of letters to name
some indication of climate change.

1. G O R T H U D
3. E S I R O F E A S V E E L L
4. R E X M E E T M O S T R S Figure 2

Key concepts
Global Warming is the gradual increase or rise on the Earth’s temperature. One possible
cause may be the burning of natural gas, petroleum and coal to get energy. When these fuels are
burned, carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere which is one of the main gases that increase
greenhouse effect. This eventually will lead to disturbance in climate pattern or Climate
Change. Higher global temperature could result to:

a. melting of polar ice caps, e. extreme storms and cyclones,

b. rise of sea and ocean levels, f. drought;
c. changes in ocean current; g. forest and wild fire;
d. changes in weather patterns; h. death of flora and fauna, etc.

Global warming is a huge concern. Let’s do our part. Edward E. Hale once said,
“I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.” Let’s take our part in this endeavor.
Are you with me? Now, let’s learn more on how does a greenhouse works.

This will be what we examine in the next activity. The previous discussion did
mention about greenhouse effect. This is what our next activity focus on.

Activity 2: Making a Greenhouse


o Demonstrate how a greenhouse works.


* a drinking glass
* two five-peso coins
* Timer/ stopwatch


1. Put a table under the direct sunlight outside.

2. Place two five-peso coins separately on the table.
3. Cover the first coin with a drinking glass. Let the two coins sit into direct sunlight for
about 30 minutes.
4. Compare the temperature of two-interval of 10 minutes. Compare the temperature of
two coins. Color the column red for the set-up that has the higher temperature.
5. Use the descriptive words – hot, hotter, hottest for three columns. Record your
observation on table 1.


Figure 3. Procedure 1 and 2

Figure 4. Procedure 3

6. Now, remove your set up from direct sunlight. Observe what will happen.
7. Repeat step numbers 4 and 5.

Table 1. Observation on two coins

with Direct Sunlight NO Sunlight

Time (in Covered Coin Uncovered Covered Uncovered
minutes) coin Coin coin
10 hot hot
30 hottest

Guide Questions:

Q1. Which coin shows the faster rise in temperature? ________________________________

Q2. At the end of 30 minutes, which coin has a higher temperature? _________________
Q3. What happened to the temperature of the coin covered with drinking glass?

Compare the temperature of coins’ base on your observation covered and

uncovered. Refer your answer on table 1. _______________________________________

Q4. How does the wall of the glass relate to greenhouse gases? ______________________

Q5. What traps heat in the atmosphere? ___________________________________________

The glass covering on the activity represents the atmosphere that protects the
Earth from direct sunlight and keeps the Earth warm at the same time. The temperature
reading inside the glass went up faster than the reading outside of it. The rising of
temperature resulted from the walls of the glass absorbing the heat from the sun and
trapping it inside. Since the glass trapped heat, when you remove it from direct sunlight,
the heat does not escape easily.

The Earth’s atmosphere is like a

greenhouse. Sunlight passes through the
atmosphere and reaches the Earth’s surface. It
gets absorbed by soil and other objects and is
converted into heat. This will be radiated back
to the atmosphere. Molecules of carbon dioxide
and water vapor absorb it, thus, preventing it
from escaping to outer space. The whole
phenomenon is known as the greenhouse
effect. Carbon dioxide and water vapor referred
to as greenhouse gases, others are methane,
Figure 5. The greenhouse gases and Anthropogenic causes
nitrogen oxide, and even CFC’s.

Greenhouse effect is important to life on Earth because it maintains the

temperature needed to support life. However, high concentration of greenhouse gases
enhances the greenhouse effect causing an atmospheric temperature higher than

The next activity will help you better understand greenhouse gases and

Activity 3: The Greenhouse Effect


o Identify the sources of greenhouse gases and relate it to

climate change; and
o explain the role of increased carbon dioxide on earth's

Guide Question/s:

Q1. What does the thermometer readings imply? ________________________________________.

Q2. What are the common sources of anthropogenic (human intervention or man-made)
greenhouse gases? _____________________________________________________________________.
Q3. What do you think will happen to the average global temperature if the amount of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gasses on the atmosphere continue to rise?
Procedure: Analyze the picture below to answer the guide questions above

Adapted and modified from Chicago Climate Action Plan

Figure 5

Let’s think deeper

In the first column of the chart below, review the three activities that increase
the amount of carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere.
Come up with an idea for reducing carbon emissions from each of those activities,
and list them in the second column.

Activities that generate CO2 and Actions That Reduce

Other Greenhouse Gases Emissions of CO2 and Other
Greenhouse Gases
Producing electricity via fossil fuels 1.
(coal and natural gas)

Using vehicles powered by fossil 2.

fuels (cars, buses, trucks, ships,
trains, and airplanes)

Cutting down trees 3.

Table 2. Activities that generate and actions that reduce the emission of
CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

• Global Warming refers to the gradual increase or rise in the Earth’s temperature.
• Climate Change is the disturbance in the climatic pattern or describes a change in the average condition
in a region over a long period of time. The following are the manifestation of climate change:

a. melting of polar ice caps, e. extreme storms, and cyclones,

b. rise of sea and ocean levels, f. drought;
c. changes in ocean current; g. forest and wildfire;
d. changes in weather patterns; h. death of flora and fauna, etc.

• The Greenhouse Effect is a process that occurs, when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trapped the Sun’s

• A Greenhouse is a structure with glass walls that is use to grow plants.

• Greenhouse Gases are the gases in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, CFCs, Methane, Water vapor
molecules. These gases trapped the heat on Earth’s surface.

Many experts say that human activity is the reason why climate change happens.
Why is this so? Where did we- humanity do wrong? Are you part of the problem? Whom
are we going to blame for the outcome? So, let us now find out if you are part of this big
conspiracy by doing the next activity.

A. Am I a climate hero or a climate culprit!


Calculate your personal and family member’s carbon emission.

Take an action to lessen the effects of climate change.

1. Calculate your carbon emission using WWF - Philippines’ Carbon
Footprint Checklist (see table 10.1). Compute also for the carbon emission of each
family member (provide an extra sheet of paper for your family members.

Note: For a household that has access to the internet, use Carbon Footprint
Calculator from this link:

Always Sometimes Never

Different Activities (1 pt.) (3 pts) (5pts.)

I use water wisely.

I eat a mixture of meat and vegetarian meals.
We use a kerosene lamp or low energy light bulbs at
I use a basin in washing our dishes.
I turn off electric appliances or battery-operated
gadgets instead of leaving them on standby.
I use a glass of water when brushing my teeth.
I eat organic foods.
I use reusable bags when buying things from the
I eat locally grown food.
I avoid eating ready meals. (e.g. noodles, sardines
I use recycled notebooks and papers.

I throw my biodegradable wastes into a compost pit.
I replace my toy or gadget when it stops working
rather than just to get the most up-to-date model.
I always know where my food or products are made.
I give my too small clothes to charity or to my
younger siblings and friends.
I throw my trash in the garbage bin or bag.
I just walk if the place I want to go to is near.
I ride a vehicle though the place I want to go is near.
I do recycling at home.
I do recycling in school.
I share a ride or walk or cycle on the way to school.
Total Score
Table 3. What’s your carbon footprint? Evaluate your carbon emission.


How’s your score?

* 20-50 - You’re a Green Queen/King and a globally aware consumer! Keep up the
good work.
* 50-80 - You’ve made a start but have more you can do to reduce your ecological
* 80-110 – You are a long way to go; it is best to start now

Guide Questions:
Q1. Who gets the highest carbon footprint? _____________________________________
Q2. Who gets the lowest carbon footprint? _______________________________________
Q3. What is the average carbon footprint of your family? _________________________
Q4. What is your highest source of carbon emission? ____________________________
Q5. What is your lowest source of carbon emission? _____________________________

2. From the result of your record, choose the highest source of carbon emission or
ecological footprint. From that, you will make a strategic plan to reduce your family’s
contribution to climate change.

Our strategic plan to reduce our contribution to climate change

Member's name with highest carbon emission: ________________

From this activity, you found out how much you contribute to carbon emission.
This activity helps you realize that you are either a climate hero or climate culprit.
Anyone can be a contributor to changing our climate. It is up to you if you want to make
this world remain habitable to human beings.

Climate is always changing. It has shown how much it could affect our lives. You
have seen how strong the winds of Yolanda were, and how heavy the rainfall from Ondoy
was. (Note: Not all calamities e.g. Bohol earthquake, Zamboanga war, are related to
climate change) We still have to change our course. The future of humanity lies in our
collective hands.

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before the number.

____1. Which of the following is NOT true about Global Warming?

A. Global warming is not happening worldwide.
B. Global warming may eventually lead to the death of flora and fauna
C. Global warming leads to the disturbance of the climatic phenomenon in an area.
D. An increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere can result in global

____2. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A. Smog is a phenomenon brought about by natural events.
B. Forest fires may be caused by human activities or by natural events.
C. Volcanic eruptions may contribute large amounts of pollutants to the
D. Under normal condition, the greenhouse effect maintains a temperature that
support life on Earth.

____3. Which is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change?
A. organic farming C. car manufacturing
B. livestock raising D. burning fossil fuel

____4. Which of the following shows the effect of climate change?

A. rising of sea level C. siltation of bodies of water
B. deforestation D. coastal erosion in some places

____5. An increase in the number of motor vehicles in the cities will mean a rising
carbon dioxide content in the air. Which of the following would be the effect of
rise in CO2 in the atmosphere?
A. cooling of the atmosphere C. darkening of air in the cities
B. increase in solar radiation D. warming of the atmosphere

Answer the following questions.

What have I learned? What else do I want to learn?

______________ _____________

How would it be useful to my How could I apply what I have

community? learned?
______________________________ ____________________


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