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Task Components
What is your Product & Product A toothpaste called Mabel toothpaste

What are it three selling points? 1. Will whiten your teeth in a week or under

Or more selling points 2. Prevent gingivitis

3. Leaves no ‘toothpaste taste’ in your mouth

What type of advert technique Technique is glittering generalities and scientific
or combination of techniques appeal
are you using? Describe how?
Location- where filming? At home and at school

Who is in your film and what is Actor 1 = Me (background speaker and narrator and
their role? director)

Actor 2 = Scientist (Person talking about the

toothpaste and dental hygiene how it cures gingivitis)

Actor 3 = Audrey (person who smiles, and their teeth

is white so many people surround her, talks about
how Mabel toothpaste helped her alot)

Product Logo ‘{/

Lyrics or background music Light background shopping music

Any voice over- what will it say It was said about before, after and all the good things
about the toothpaste

Do you have a Catch phrase or Mabel toothpaste, works like magic

slogan- linked with your product

Now Write your script Scientist: You can’t find any toothpaste that’s just,
right? Try Mabel toothpaste
Scientist: Mabel toothpaste is scientifically proven to
improve your dental hygiene; it kills any dieses in the
gum or teeth and prevents your likeliness of getting
ginger Vitus
Actor 1: I used to have the most disgusting teeth
because I hated the toothpaste taste*show picture of
teeth* but when my mother brought home the
Mabel toothpaste, I thought it was going to be any
other toothpaste. Now I have the most perfect teeth
*smiles and the teeth are shiny, clean, and perfect*
Actor 2: Everyone used to bully me because of my
revolting teeth but now I am an influencer showing
my flawless teeth *take picture like influencer*,
everyone wants to know the secret to my picture-
perfect teeth *wink* little do they know, it’s just
some magic toothpaste
Actor 3: As you can see Mabel toothpaste helps
greatly, not hurting gums, preventing ginger Vitus,
and helping you get the perfect teeth that you desire.
*Logo shows up and someone says slogan*

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