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List of boxes and figures 7

Preface 11

About the author 15
Acknowledgements 17

1 Definition and nature of terrorism 19

1.1 Introduction 19
1.2 A worldwide phenomenon 20
1.3 A primary threat to security? 23
1.4 The use of the term terrorism 27
1.5 Why is there no generally accepted definition? 31
1.6 The need for a definition 35
1.7 Definition attempts 38
1.8 Conclusion 43
Bibliography 45

2 History of terrorism: a constantly changing phenomenon 47

2.1 Introduction 47
2.2 The first wave of terrorism: the “Anarchist Wave” 49
2.3 The second wave of terrorism: the “Anti-colonial
Wave” 51
2.4 The third wave of terrorism: the “New Left Wave” 53
2.5 The fourth wave of terrorism: the “Religious Wave”’ 58
2.6 A fifth wave of terrorism? 62
2.7 Conclusion 63
Bibliography 64
3 Terrorism studies 67
3.1 Introduction 67
3.2 The history of terrorism studies 67
Terrorism and Counterterrorism Studies

3.3 Disciplines and approaches 75

3.4 Key authors and centers 82
3.5 Challenges and dilemmas 88
3.6 The current state of the art 93
3.7 Conclusion 101
Bibliography 103

4 Assumptions about terrorism 107

4.1 Introduction 107
4.2 Assumption one: Terrorism is caused by poverty 108
4.3 Assumption two: Terrorists are crazy 113
4.4 Assumption three: Terrorism is increasingly lethal 118
6 4.5 Assumption four: today’s terrorism is predominantly anti-
Western 122
4.6 Assumption five: Terrorism is successful 127
Bibliography 137

5 Assumptions about counterterrorism 141

5.1 Introduction 141
5.2 Assumption one: One can recognize a terrorist 142
5.3 Assumption two: De-radicalization of terrorists is
possible 150
5.4 Assumption three: Decapitation of terrorist organizations
works 160
5.5 Assumption four: Terrorism cannot be defeated 171
5.6 Terrorism can best be dealt with by way of a holistic or
wide approach 182
Bibliography 192

6 Future research topics in terrorism studies 197

6.1 Introduction 197
6.2 Under-researched topics 198
6.3 Fear and resilience 204
6.4 Fear and impact management 213
6.5 Conclusion 219
6.6 Reflection 220

Bibliography 221
Appendix 225
Index 229

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