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Problem Solving ( Maximum and Minimum )


Find two positive numbers whose sum is 300 and whose product is a maximum.

1. The first step is to write down equations describing this situation.
Let’s call the two numbers x and y and we are told that the sum is 300 (this is the
constraint for the problem) or,

x + y = 300

We are being asked to maximize the product,

P = xy
2. We now need to solve the constraint for x or y (and it really doesn’t matter which
variable we solve for in this case) and plug this into the product equation.

( )

3. The next step is to determine the critical points for this equation.

( )

4. Finally, let’s actually answer the question. We need to give both values. We already
have x so we need to determine y and that is easy to do from the constraint.

The final answer is then,

Solve the following problems: ( Show all possible solutions)

1. Divide 25 into two parts whose product is a maximum.

2. Divide 25 into two parts such that the sum of their squares is a maximum.
3. Divide 25 into two parts so that one of them plus the cube of the other is a maximum.
4. Find two positive numbers whose product is 750 and for which the sum of one and 10 times
the other is a minimum.
5. Find two positive numbers whose product is 48 and whose sum is a minimum.
6. Find two positive numbers whose sum of six times one of them and the second is 250 and
whose product is a maximum.
7. Find the two numbers whose sum is 240 and the sum of their squares is a minimum.
8. Find the two numbers whose difference is 120 and the sum of their squares is a maximum.
9. Find two positive numbers whose sum of twice the first and seven times the second is 600
and whose product is a maximum.
10. Let x and y be two positive numbers whose sum is 175 and (x+3)(y+4) is a maximum.
Determine x and y.
11. Find two positive numbers such that the sum of the one and the square of the other is 200
and whose product is a maximum.
12. Find two positive numbers whose product is 400 and such that the sum of twice the first and
three times the second is a minimum.
13. Find two positive numbers whose product is 250 and such that the sum of the first and four
times the second is a minimum.
14. Let x and y be two positive numbers such that y(x+2)=100 and whose sum is a minimum.
Determine x and y.
15. Find a positive number such that the sum of the number and its reciprocal is a minimum.
16. Find two positive numbers whose sum is 15 if the product of the first number and the square
of the second number is to be a maximum.
17. A rectangular area is to be enclosed by 440 feet of fence. Find the dimensions if the area is
a Maximum.
18. A rectangular area is bounded on one side by a wall and on the other three by 440 feet of
Fence. What should be the dimensions if the area is to be a maximum.
19. We are going to fence in a rectangular field that encloses . Determine the dimensions
of the field that will require the least amount of fencing material to be used.
20. We have of material to build a box whose base width is four times the base length.
Determine the dimensions of the box that will maximize the enclosed volume.
21. We want to build a box whose base is a square, has no top and will enclose .
Determine the dimensions of the box that will minimize the amount of material needed to
construct the box.
22. We want to build a box whose base length is 6 times the base width and the box will enclose
. The cost of the material of the sides is and the cost of the top and bottom is
. Determine the dimensions of the box that will minimize the cost.
23. We want to construct a cylindrical can with a bottom but no top that will have a volume of
. Determine the dimensions of the can that will minimize the amount of material needed
to construct the can.
24. We have a piece of cardboard that is 30 cm by 16 cm and we are going to cut out the
corners and fold up the sides to form a box. Determine the height of the box that will give a
maximum volume.

25. We have a piece of cardboard that is 5 in by 20 in and we are going to cut out the corners
and fold up the sides to form a box. Determine the height of the box that will give a maximum

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