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52 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

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Directions: Listen to the conversations and the questions about them. Decide which of the four
answer choices-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-is the best answer to the question. Then mark the
appropriate answer on the answer sheet .
.-))) Now start the audio.
1. ___ (A) She met her during the summer.
___ (B) She's never liked her very much.
___ (C) She warned her of a problem.
___ (D) Her impression of her has changed.
2. ___ (A) Review the last point.
___ (B) Go on to the next chapter.
___ (C) Leave the classroom.
___ (D) Point out the teacher's mistake.
3. ___ (A) The weather will not be as nice tomorrow.
_ _ _ (B) She no longer reads the weather report.
___ (C) She went to the store for a newspaper.
___ (D) The weather reports will change soon.
4. ___ (A) Writing an advertisement.
__ (B) Playing a game.
___ (C) Looking at a newspaper.
___ (D) Discussing a book.
5. ___ (A)Grace may want to live with the man's sister.
___ (B)The woman thinks Grace already has a roommate.
___ (C)The woman doesn't know where Grace has moved.
___ (D)Grace doesn't know the man's sister.
6. ___ (A)Go to a meeting.
_ _ _ (B) Keep a budget.
___ (C) Reduce his expenses.
___ (D) Get some exercise.
Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 53

7. (A) The man should clean out his closet.

(8) The lamp will look better in a small space.
(C) She doesn't like the lamp very much.
(D) The living room is the best place for the lamp.
8. (A) What ,\flark is writing.
(B) Where :Vlark is living now.
(C) Why .'vlark doesn't want to go.
(D) Why Mark is in a hurry.
9. (A) He certainly likes Ernie's red car.
(B) The man in the red car resembles Ernie.
(C) Ernie has a car just like that red one.
(D) He can't see the man in the red car.
10. (A) The man doesn't need his hat.
(H) It's not very cold today.
(C) She likes the way the hat looks.
(D) The man ought to wear his hat.
11. (A) She's never seen it.
(B) It was made a long time ago.
(e) She likes it a lot.
(D) It's a very unusual movie.
12. (A) He doesn't believe what the woman told him.
(B) He thinks the team was unprepared too.
(e) He disagrees with the woman's idea.
(D) He isn't ready to go to the game either.
15. (A) The man would like to use that computer.
(B) Becky will need the computer for a long time.
(e) There are no longer any computers in the library.
(D) Becky would like the man to go to the library.
14. (A) He hurt his hand when he was scuba diving.
(H) He hasn't gone scuba diving for a long time.
(C) He's not too old to go scuba diving.
(D) He's an experienced scuba diver.
15. (A) His shoes hurt his feet.
(B) He was injured in a skiing accident.
(e) His shoes are old and in bad shape.
(D) He walked so far that his legs hurt.
16. (A) She doesn't have time to listen now.
(H) She doesn't know what song she wants to hear.
(C) She wants to hear his song right away.
(D) She prefers old songs to new ones.
):' (A) A television commercial.
(B) A history class.
(e) The woman's field of study.
(D) Some famous artists.
18. (A) She was about to suggest the same thing.
(H) She doesn't feci like giving a party.
(e) She's completely surprised by the man's remark.
(D) She isn't hungry right now.
54 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

19. (A) Sophie won't be at her apartment.

(B) The man can inform Sophie at the meeting.
(C) The man shouldn't bother Sophie.
(D) Sophie will think this is bad news.
20. (A) He doesn't go out as often as he once did.
(B) lie doesn't always tell the truth.
(C) He isn't as friendly as he once was.
(D) He hasn't always been so sociable.
21. (A) The ring is quite attractive.
(B) Laura got a bargain on the ring.
(C) The ring was probably expensive.
(D) Laura had to sell her ring.
22. (A) She didn't realize Bill had to work.
(B) Bill has not finished his work.
(C) The break has not lasted long enough.
(D) The work didn't take long to complete.
23. (A) The woman has just begun to collect rocks.
(B) The man is unwilling to help.
(C) The box is very heavy.
(D) There's nothing in the box.
24. (A) She doesn't like the length of her hair.
(B) She thinks the haircut took too long.
(C) She doesn't know where to get a haircut.
(D) She thinks haircuts are too expensive.
25. (A) Professor Clayburn is going to speak some other night.
en) He's never heard of Professor Clayburn.
(C) He didn't realize Professor Clayburn was speaking tonight.
(D) Professor Clayburn is giving his speech in this room.
26. (A) The man may see her drawing.
(B) She'd like the man to visit.
(C) The man should draw a second picture.
(D) She's going to take a guess.
27. (A) The weather has been very warm.
(B) Her car doesn't need a tune-up.
(C) She's starting to feel ill.
(D) She's already too warm.
28. (A) Joe has been making too much noise.
(B) Dogs are not allowed in the dorm.
(C) No one understands the parking regulations.
(D) Joe is not allowed to leave his room.
29. (A) Where the Medical Center is located.
(B) Which office Dr. Norton is in.
(C) What Dr. Norton told the man.
(D) Why the man went to see Doctor Norton.
30. (A) She liked chemistry.
(B) She would graduate in May.
(C) She didn't have to repeat a course.
(D) She hadn't completed the required courses.

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