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Health and

• LPO2: Courageous, Resourceful EXPLORERS &
I am a courageous, resourceful explorer and problem
solver, demonstrating my creativity and charism.
• LPO4: Conscientious, Adept PERFORMERS &
I am a conscientious, adept performer and achiever,
competently pursuing my mission in life.
EPO3: Search voluntarily beyond readily available
sources of information, resources, and standard
techniques to generate new understandings towards
workable solutions to existing problems.
EPO9: Remain focused on fully completing projects of
pre-established quality in a timely manner.
75 66 29 5
What is a
any form of body movements
that require energy. It does not
necessarily mean it entails doing
Types of
Aerobic strengthening

What is
Exercise is an activity that we set at a specific time of
the day or a week to do. It is a more structured form
of activity that aims to achieve physical fitness.
Exercise is more planned and particular to what you
want to achieve in your physical fitness goals.
Types of
These exercises speed up the heart rate
Aerobic and breathing of an individual. Both of
which are important for many body
Exercises functions. Aerobic exercises increase one’s
endurance and give the heart and lungs a
good workout.

These kinds of exercises can be planned

two to three times a week, either at home
or by going to the gym.
Types of
This specific type of exercise helps maintain flexibility,
especially as anybody grows older.
Stretching There are two kinds of stretching: dynamic and static.
• Dynamic stretches are repetitive motions like
marching in place or circling the arms.
• Static stretches are stretch positions held for up
to 60 seconds.

Balance is essential as each of us gets

older. And developing an excellent balance
can help prevent the deterioration of our
leg muscles, joints, inner ear, and our vision
However, these exercises require proper training
before doing it on your own. A fitness
professional can help plan a program specifically
for you and your capabilities. Best to always
consult physical activity and exercise expert
before attempting to follow exercises and
physical trends sensationalized by media.
75 66 29 5
Psalm 139:14
14 I praise you, for I
am fearfully and
wonderfully made.
Assignment #1
Effects of Media and
Technology on Fitness
• List down the different ways you
use media and technology
regarding achieving a physically fit
• Cite at least two ways for each
form of media below:
⚬ radio and television
⚬ magazine and newspapers
⚬ internet - social media, online
articles, and websites
Guide Questions

• In what ways do you use different forms

of media to be physically active?
• Does media inspire you to achieve a
physically fit lifestyle? How so?
• Are there any negative uses of these
media in regards to your physical health
and wellness? What are those?
P H Y S I C A L E D U C AT I O N 1 0

Effects of
Media and
Technology on
Media Generally, media refers to the means of
communication. Before the only media
available were the newspapers, magazines,
radio, and television. But with the
widespread accessibility of internet around
us, information through social media and
online articles are just a click away.
What are the diferent
ways you use
media/technology in
achieving physically fit
Positive Effects • Various physical
• Social media can give • Updates from health- activities and events
you access to like- related blogs of are shared and
minded people who celebrities you look up to enjoyed by ever yone
have the same discipline can push you to improve through television
of aiming for a healthy and make better choices. and radio coverage,
lifestyle. You can join These inf luencers can social media postings,
groups or forums related motivate you to make and even live
to topics you are healthier choices just like streaming of a sports
interested in. they do. activity.
• Mobile applications are easily • The accessibility of getting and • Be more informed and
downloadable to keep track giving information to anyone aware of the
of your health and daily through media is that easy these consequences, positively
exercises. They can keep days. Media gives voice to anyone or negatively, brought
track of your progress in a who wants to share health-related upon of being physically
specific health issue or skills and physical-related fitness tips active or lack thereof.
you are training for. and workout plans.
Negative Effects
• Image of beauty, health, • People feel entitlement as
• Different forms of soon as they posted a blog
media, specifically and wellness are
defined by skinny or a health-related video.
social media, can trap Opinions are different from
anyone into a sea of models plastered all
over the media facts. What may be true to
self-criticism. You some, might not be true to
start to compare platforms. Sometimes,
the definition of being you. Adolescents like you
yourself so much to are going through lots of
what others post physically healthy is
misconstrued by what body changes at this point,
online, that you tend so it’s best to be war y of
to feel that you are media dictates to us.
getting false information
not good enough. • Diet and training trends that are boasted by “bloggers” or
not backed up by studies, fitness “ vloggers” who suddenly feel
professionals and nutritionists may they are experts on health
be sugar-coated by media to and physical trends.
inf luence you to follow it. It is
always best to consult experts and
professionals before pursuing a
particular diet or exercise trends.
How does the heart
benefit from doing
exercises and physical
Is technology
good or evil in
the eyes of our
Assignment #2
Create an essay that talks about
both positive and negative effects of
media and technology to fitness. Cite
examples that would make your
argument justifiable.
Reminders for
W E A R Y O U R P. E U N I F O R M
Physical Education 10

Lifestyle Diseases
• Lifestyle diseases are conditions
associated with how a person lives.
How teenagers were 20 to 30 years ago
is so much different to how teenagers
are now. The lifestyles had varied so
much that even with the developed
diseases usually acquired by adults
years ago are now developed as early
as young adolescence.
• Obesity is a long term and serious
disease. A teenager is considered
obese when he or she has excess body
fat. Besides lifestyle choices,
obesity may be due to the following
factors, as well:
• genes,
• socio-economic issues,
• how the body turns food into energy
• not getting enough sleep.

• Diabetes , on the other hand, is a

chronic disease due to an
abnormally high level of sugar. It
is an illness impacting how the
body uses sugar, or what is called
Heart Diseases
• Heart diseases or cardiovascular
diseases like hypertension and
stroke are diseases that primarily
affect the heart. These conditions
can lead to even more numerous
complications since the heart is
responsible for circulating blood
and oxygen to the rest of the body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of

the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have
received from God? You are not your own; you were
bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your
Mini Task for PE Q1
Infographics Health Promotion Task
• Create an infographics that will
synthesize the lessons we have discussed
and will promote the overall health.Your
goals is to educate and influence viewers
of having a healthy and disease free
• Mini task will be graded according to the
following rubrics

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