Elizabeth Gohs Long Call Speech

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PETITION NO. : WA-18-1606-11/2016

TIME : 9:00 AM


Dengan izin Yang Arif,

Saya, KAMARUL HISHAM KAMARUDDIN hadir bagi pihak Pempetisyen

ELIZABETH GOH YEEK LI pada hari ini. Rakan-rakan bijaksana saya yang masing-
masing mewakili Yang Berbahagia Peguam Negara Malaysia, Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan
Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur yang telah pun diperkenalkan awal tadi.

Dengan izin Yang Arif,

Saya ingin memohon kebenaran Yang Arif untuk meneruskan hujah saya di dalam Bahasa

Yang Arif,

May I introduce the Petitioner, ELIZABETH GOH YEEK LI,

1. The Petitioner was born on 4th December 1993 in Kuala Lumpur and is the second child
of Mr. Goh Kee Boon and Mrs. Chang Pie Hoon. The Petitioner had her early
education in SJK(C) Naam Kheung, before continuing her secondary education in
Catholic High School in Petaling Jaya.

2. Motivated by her desire to give a voice to the poor and disenfranchised, Petitioner has
set her mind on becoming a lawyer since she was 16. She aspires to provide legal
representation to those disadvantaged by poverty and use the law as a tool to protect the
vulnerable groups in the society.

3. The Petitioner read law at the University of Bristol where she graduated with a Second
Class Honours Upper Division. During her time at university, the Petitioner was
actively involved in various extracurricular activities. The Petitioner was the Vice
President of the Bristol Human Rights Brigade wherein she led the team in securing
sponsorship and funds for their human rights work. Using the funds raised, she and the
rest of the Brigade travelled to Panama to set up legal clinic and conduct workshops for
the rural communities.

4. The Petitioner pursued her Bar studies at Nottingham Trent University where she
received the grade of ‘Very Competent’. Applying what she learned in the advocacy
classes, the Petitioner argued persuasively in a Mooting Competition judged by a
Queen’s Counsel and emerged as the winner in the individual competition.

5. Upon completion of her Bar studies, the Petitioner commenced her pupillage in Messrs.
AmerBON, under the tutelage of Mr. Amer Hamzah.

6. Today, the Petitioner wishes to take this opportunity to express her utmost gratitude to
her family. She would like to thank her parents for their unwavering support and
encouragement, without which she would not have been able to achieve any of the
milestones in her life. Her parents never cease to believe in her even in the face of
failure and constantly push her to achieve great heights in life. No words can express
how thankful the Petitioner is to her parents for their love and sacrifices. The Petitioner
would also like to thank her brother for always being her confidant and source of

7. The Petitioner would like to thank her pupil master, Mr. Amer Hamzah for providing
her with opportunities and guidance throughout her pupillage, and for enabling her to
see the great art of advocacy and persuasion that she learned in Bar school come to life.

8. The Petitioner is grateful to Mr. Edmund Bon who has been a mentor to the Petitioner
since her student days, guiding her through her studies, soul-searching phase and
subsequently career decisions.

9. The Petitioner would like to specially thank her friends Ling, Tanya, Michael,
Abhilaash, Mun Yee, Leon, Beatrice and Claire for always being there for her to make
the tough times more bearable.

10. The Petitioner is also extremely grateful to Datuk Kamarul Hisham, her mover today
who has kindly agreed to take time out of his very busy schedule to move her call.

11. Finally, the Petitioner would like to thank all her colleagues at AmerBON for making
her experience there a memorable one.

12. Yang Arif, I believe that the Petitioner is a fit and proper person to be admitted and
enrolled as an Advocate and Solicitor of this Honourable Court. I believe all the
Petitioner’s papers are in order and that my learned friends from the Attorney General’s
Chambers, the Bar Council and the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee respectively have no
objections to this motion.

I humbly move this Honourable Court to admit and enrol the Petitioner, ELIZABETH GOH
YEEK LI as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya.

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