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NATIONAL LABOR The Labor Arbiter found that petitioner was illegally
RELATIONS COMMISSION, KASEI CORPORATION, dismissed, On April 15, 2003, the NLRC affirmed. The
SEIICHIRO TAKAHASHI, TIMOTEO ACEDO, DELFIN LIZA, appellate court denied petitioner’s motion for
IRENE BALLESTEROS, TRINIDAD LIZA and RAMON reconsideration, hence, the present recourse.
G.R. No. 170087 August 31, 2006
whether or not there was an employer-employee
Facts: relationship between petitioner and private respondent
Kasei Corporation.
In 1995, petitioner was hired by Kasei Corporation
during its incorporation stage. as Accountant and Ruling:
Corporate Secretary. Although she was designated as
Corporate Secretary but never acted as such beacuse Yes, petitioner is an employee of respondent Kasei
the appointment was only for convenience. In 1996, Corporation. She was selected and engaged by the
petitioner was designated Acting Manager. petitioner company for compensation, and is economically
handled recruitment of all employees and perform dependent upon respondent for her continued
management administration functions; represent the employment in that line of business. Her main job
company in all dealings with government agencies, function involved accounting and tax services rendered
petitioner was acting manager for 5 years. As of to respondent corporation on a regular basis over an
December 31, 2000 her salary was P27,500.00 plus indefinite period of engagement. Respondent
P3,000.00 housing allowance and a 10% share in the corporation hired and engaged petitioner for
profit of Kasei Corporation. In January 2001, petitioner compensation, with the power to dismiss her for cause.
was replaced by Liza R. Fuentes as Manager. Petitioner More importantly, respondent corporation had the
alleged that she was required to sign a prepared power to control petitioner with the means and
resolution for her replacement but she was assured that methods by which the work is to be accomplished.
she would still be connected with Kasei Corporation.
By applying the control test, there is no doubt that
Thereafter, Kasei Corporation reduced her salary by
petitioner is an employee of Kasei Corporation because
P2,500.00 a month beginning January up to September
she was under the direct control and supervision of Seiji
2001. Petitioner was not paid her mid-year bonus
Kamura, the corporation’s Technical Consultant. She
allegedly because the company was not earning well.
reported for work regularly and served in various
On October 2001, petitioner did not receive her salary
capacities as Accountant, Liaison Officer, Technical
from the company. On October 15, 2001, petitioner
Consultant, Acting Manager and Corporate Secretary,
asked for her salary but she was informed that she is no
with substantially the same job functions, that is,
longer connected with the company. Since she was no
rendering accounting and tax services to the company
longer paid her salary, petitioner did not report for work
and performing functions necessary and desirable for
and filed an action for constructive dismissal before the
the proper operation of the corporation such as
labor arbiter.
securing business permits and other licenses over an
Private respondents averred that petitioner is not an indefinite period of engagement.
employee of Kasei Corporation. They alleged that
Under the broader economic reality test, the petitioner
petitioner performed her work at her own discretion
can likewise be said to be an employee of respondent
without control no daily time record and she came to
corporation because she had served the company for
the office any time she wanted. Petitioner did not go
six years before her dismissal, receiving check vouchers
through the usual procedure of selection of employees,
indicating her salaries/wages, benefits, 13th month pay,
but her services were engaged through a Board
bonuses and allowances, as well as deductions and
Resolution Petitioner’s designation as technical
Social Security contributions. When petitioner was
consultant depended solely upon the will of
designated General Manager, respondent corporation
management. As such, her consultancy may be
made a report to the SSS signed by Irene Ballesteros.
terminated any time considering that her services were
only temporary in nature and dependent on the needs It is therefore apparent that petitioner is economically
of the corporation. dependent on respondent corporation for her
continued employment in the latter’s line of business.
In Domasig v. National Labor Relations Commission, 28 Ruling: Case law has consistently held that the elements
we held that in a business establishment, an of an employee-employer relationship are selection and
identification card is provided not only as a security engagement of the employee, the payment of wages,
measure but mainly to identify the holder thereof as a the power of dismissal and the employer’s power to
bona fide employee of the firm that issues it. Together control the employee on the means and methods by
with the cash vouchers covering petitioner’s salaries for which the work is accomplished. The last element, the
the months stated therein, these matters constitute so-called "control test", is the most important element. 
substantial evidence adequate to support a conclusion
that petitioner was an employee of private respondent. Sonza’s services to co-host its television and radio
programs are because of his peculiar talents, skills and
We likewise ruled in Flores v. Nuestro 29 that a celebrity status. Independent contractors often present
corporation who registers its workers with the SSS is themselves to possess unique skills, expertise or talent
proof that the latter were the former’s employees. The to distinguish them from ordinary employees. The
coverage of Social Security Law is predicated on the specific selection and hiring of SONZA, because of his
existence of an employer-employee relationship. unique skills, talent and celebrity status not possessed
by ordinary employees, is a circumstance indicative, but
2. JOSE SONZA vs. ABS-CBN BROADCASTING not conclusive, of an independent contractual
CORPORATION  relationship. All the talent fees and benefits paid to
SONZA were the result of negotiations that led to the
G.R. No. 138051
Agreement. For violation of any provision of the
June 10, 2004 Agreement, either party may terminate their
relationship. Applying the control test to the present
Facts: In May 1994, ABS-CBN signed an agreement with case, we find that SONZA is not an employee but an
Mel and Jay Management and Development independent contractor. 
Corporation (MJMDC). ABS-CBN was represented by its
corporate officers while MJMDC was represented by The control test is the most important test our courts
Sonza, as President and general manager, and Tiangco apply in distinguishing an employee from an
as its EVP and treasurer. Referred to in the agreement independent contractor. This test is based on the extent
as agent, MJMDC agreed to provide Sonza’s services of control the hirer exercises over a worker. The greater
exclusively to ABS-CBN as talent for radio and television. the supervision and control the hirer exercises, the
ABS-CBN agreed to pay Sonza a monthly talent fee of more likely the worker is deemed an employee. The
P310, 000 for the first year and P317, 000 for the converse holds true as well – the less control the hirer
second and third year.  exercises, the more likely the worker is considered an
independent contractor. To perform his work, SONZA
Sonza wrote a letter to ABS-CBN where he irrevocably only needed his skills and talent. How SONZA delivered
resigned in view of the recent events concerning his his lines, appeared on television, and sounded on radio
program and career. After the said letter, Sonza filed were outside ABS-CBN’s control. ABS-CBN did not
with the Department of Labor and Employment a instruct SONZA how to perform his job. ABS-CBN merely
complaint alleging that ABS-CBN did not pay his salaries, reserved the right to modify the program format and
separation pay, service incentive pay,13th month pay, airtime schedule "for more effective programming."
signing bonus, travel allowance and amounts under the ABS-CBN’s sole concern was the quality of the shows
Employees Stock Option Plan (ESOP). ABS-CBN and their standing in the ratings. 
contended that no employee-employer relationship
existed between the parties. However, ABS-CBN Clearly, ABS-CBN did not exercise control over the
continued to remit Sonza’s monthly talent fees but means and methods of performance of Sonza’s work. A
opened another account for the same purpose.  radio broadcast specialist who works under minimal
supervision is an independent contractor. Sonza’s work
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint and found as television and radio program host required special
that there is no employee-employer relationship. NLRC skills and talent, which SONZA admittedly possesses. 
affirmed the decision of the Labor Arbiter. CA also
affirmed the decision of NLRC.  ABS-CBN claims that there exists a prevailing practice in
the broadcast and entertainment industries to treat
Issue: Whether or not there was employer-employee talents like Sonza as independent contractors. The right
relationship between the parties.  of labor to security of tenure as guaranteed in the
Constitution arises only if there is an employer- its employee, Mr. Ong, as extra helper on a pakyaw
employee relationship under labor laws. Individuals basis. Mr. Ong contracted Javier roughly 5 to 6 times
with special skills, expertise or talent enjoy the freedom only in a month whenever the vehicle of its contracted
to offer their services as independent contractors. The hauler, Milmar Hauling Services, was not available. On
right to life and livelihood guarantees this freedom to April 30, 2008, Fly Ace no longer needed the services of
contract as independent contractors. The right of labor Javier. Denying that he was their employee, Fly Ace
to security of tenure cannot operate to deprive an insisted that there was no illegal dismissal. Fly Ace
individual, possessed with special skills, expertise and submitted a copy of its agreement with Milmar Hauling
talent, of his right to contract as an independent Services and copies of acknowledgment receipts
contractor. evidencing payment to Javier for his contracted services
bearing the words, daily manpower (pakyaw/piece rate
3. Javier vs. Fly Ace Corp. pay) and the latters signatures/initials.
G.R. No. 192558

February 15, 2012 LA dismissed the complaint for lack of merit on the
ground that Javier failed to present proof that he was a
regular employee of Fly Ace. Complainant has no
FACTS: employee ID showing his employment with the
Respondent nor any document showing that he
On May 23, 2008, Javier filed a complaint before the received the benefits accorded to regular employees of
NLRC for underpayment of salaries and other labor the Respondents. As to the claim for underpayment of
standard benefits. He alleged that he was an employee salaries, the payroll presented by the Respondents
of Fly Ace since September 2007, performing various showing salaries of workers on pakiao basis has
tasks at the respondents warehouse such as cleaning evidentiary weight because although the signature of
and arranging the canned items before their delivery to the complainant appearing thereon are not uniform,
certain locations, except in instances when he would be they appeared to be his true signature.
ordered to accompany the companys delivery vehicles,
as pahinante; that he reported for work from Monday
to Saturday from 7:00 oclock in the morning to 5:00
On appeal with the NLRC, Javier was favored. It ruled
oclock in the afternoon; that during his employment, he
that a pakyaw-basis arrangement did not preclude the
was not issued an identification card and payslips by the
existence of employer-employee relationship. Payment
company;that on May 6, 2008, he reported for work but
by result is a method of compensation and does not
he was no longer allowed to enter the company
define the essence of the relation. It is a mere method
premises by the security guard upon the instruction of
of computing compensation, not a basis for determining
Ruben Ong (Mr. Ong), his superior; that after several
the existence or absence of an employer-employee
minutes of begging to the guard to allow him to enter,
relationship. Finding Javier to be a regular employee,
he saw Ong whom he approached and asked why he
the NLRC ruled that he was entitled to a security of
was being barred from entering the premises; that Ong
replied by saying, Tanungin mo anak mo; that he then
went home and discussed the matter with his family;
that he discovered that Ong had been courting his
daughter Annalyn; that Annalyn tried to talk to Ong and CA annulled the NLRC findings that Javier was indeed a
convince him to spare her father from trouble but he former employee of Fly Ace and reinstated the dismissal
refused to accede; that thereafter, Javier was of Javiers complaint. He contracted work outside the
terminated from his employment without notice; and company premises; he was not required to observe
that he was neither given the opportunity to refute the definite hours of work; he was not required to report
cause/s of his dismissal from work. daily; and he was free to accept other work elsewhere
as there was no exclusivity of his contracted service to
the company, the same being co-terminous with the
trip only. Since no substantial evidence was presented
For its part, Fly Ace averred that it was engaged in the
to establish an employer-employee relationship, the
business of importation and sales of groceries.
case for illegal dismissal could not prosper. The CA
Sometime in December 2007, Javier was contracted by
likewise added that Javiers failure to present salary
vouchers, payslips, or other pieces of evidence to In this case, Javier was not able to persuade the Court
bolster his contention, pointed to the inescapable that the above elements exist in his case. He could not
conclusion that he was not an employee of Fly Ace. submit competent proof that Fly Ace engaged his
services as a regular employee; that Fly Ace paid his
wages as an employee, or that Fly Ace could dictate
what his conduct should be while at work.
ISSUE: w/n Javier is deemed a regular employee

Fly Ace does not dispute having contracted Javier and

paid him on a per trip rate as a stevedore, albeit on a
NO. Whoever claims entitlement to the benefits pakyaw basis. The Court cannot fail to note that Fly Ace
provided by law should establish his or her right presented documentary proof that Javier was indeed
thereto. Sadly, Javier failed to adduce substantial paid on a pakyaw basis per the acknowledgment
evidence as basis for the grant of relief. receipts admitted as competent evidence by the LA.
Unfortunately for Javier, his mere denial of the
signatures affixed therein cannot automatically sway us
to ignore the documents because forgery cannot be
In this case, the LA and the CA both concluded that presumed and must be proved by clear, positive and
Javier failed to establish his employment with Fly Ace. convincing evidence and the burden of proof lies on the
By way of evidence on this point, all that Javier party alleging forgery.
presented were his self-serving statements purportedly
showing his activities as an employee of Fly Ace. Clearly,
Javier failed to pass the substantiality requirement to
support his claim.
4. G.R. No. 87700 June 13, 1990

The lone affidavit executed by one Bengie Valenzuela San Miguel Corporation Employees Union-Ptgwo Vs.
was unsuccessful in strengthening Javiers cause. In said Bersamira
document, all Valenzuela attested to was that he would
frequently see Javier at the workplace where the latter
was also hired as stevedore. Certainly, in gauging the SanMig entered into contracts for merchandising
evidence presented by Javier, the Court cannot ignore services with Lipercon and D'Rite. In said contracts, it
the inescapable conclusion that his mere presence at was expressly understood and agreed that the workers
the workplace falls short in proving employment employed by the contractors were to be paid by the
therein. The supporting affidavit could have, to an latter and that none of them were to be deemed
extent, bolstered Javiers claim of being tasked to clean employees or agents of SanMig. There was to be no
grocery items when there were no scheduled delivery employer-employee relation between the contractors
trips, but no information was offered in this subject and/or its workers, on the one hand, and SanMig on the
simply because the witness had no personal knowledge other.
of Javiers employment status in the company.
Petitioner San Miguel Corporation Employees Union-
PTWGO, the duly authorized representative of the
monthly paid rank-and-file employees of SanMig,
The Court is of the considerable view that on Javier lies
advised the latter that some Lipercon and D'Rite
the burden to pass the well-settled tests to determine
workers had signed up for union membership and
the existence of an employer-employee relationship,
sought the regularization of their employment with
viz: (1) the selection and engagement of the employee;
SMC. The Union alleged that this group of employees,
(2) the payment of wages; (3) the power of dismissal;
while appearing to be contractual workers supposedly
and (4) the power to control the employees conduct.
independent contractors, have been continuously
working for SanMig for a period ranging from six (6)
months to fifteen (15) years and that their work is
neither casual nor seasonal as they are performing work
or activities necessary or desirable in the usual business and because the demand violates the terms of their
or trade of SanMig. Thus, it was contended that there CBA. Obvious then is that representation and
exists a "labor-only" contracting situation. It was then association, for the purpose of negotiating the
demanded that the employment status of these conditions of employment are also involved. In fact, the
workers be regularized. injunction sought by SanMig was precisely also to
prevent such representation. Again, the matter of
Having failed to receive any favorable response from representation falls within the scope of a labor dispute.
SanMig, the Union filed a notice of strike for unfair Neither can it be denied that the controversy below is
labor practice, CBA violations, and union busting. Still directly connected with the labor dispute already taken
unheard, the Union again filed a second notice of strike cognizance of by the NCMB-DOLE.
for unfair labor practice. This prompted SanMig to file a
verified Complaint for Injunction and Damages against 5. Locsin vs. PLDT
the Union, which the RTC granted. The Union then filed GR No. 185251, October 2, 2009
a Motion to Dismiss SanMig's Complaint on the ground
of lack of jurisdiction over the case/nature of the action. Respondent Philippine Long Distance Telephone
Said Motion was denied by the RTC, saying, and as Company (PLDT) and the Security and Safety
likewise maintained by SMC, that the absence of Corporation of the Philippines (SSCP) entered into a
employer-employee relationship negates the existence Security Services Agreement3 (Agreement) whereby
of labor dispute. Verily, this court has jurisdiction to SSCP would provide armed security guards to PLDT to
take cognizance of plaintiff's grievance. be assigned to its various offices.

ISSUE: Pursuant to such agreement, petitioners Raul Locsin and

Eddie Tomaquin, among other security guards, were
WON the instant case relates to a labor dispute and posted at a PLDT office.
thus justifying the Court’s assumption of jurisdiction;
On August 30, 2001, respondent issued a Letter dated
HELD: August 30, 2001 terminating the Agreement effective
October 1, 2001.4
While it is SanMig's submission that no employer-
employee relationship exists between itself, on the one Despite the termination of the Agreement, however,
hand, and the contractual workers of Lipercon and petitioners continued to secure the premises of their
D'Rite on the other, a labor dispute can nevertheless assigned office. They were allegedly directed to remain
exist "regardless of whether the disputants stand in the at their post by representatives of respondent.
proximate relationship of employer and employee"
provided the controversy concerns, among others, the Then, on September 30, 2002, petitioners’ services
terms and conditions of employment or a "change" or were terminated.
"arrangement" thereof. Put differently, and as defined
Thus, petitioners filed a complaint before the Labor
by law, the existence of a labor dispute is not negative
Arbiter for illegal dismissal and recovery of money
by the fact that the plaintiffs and defendants do not
claims such as overtime pay, holiday pay, premium pay
stand in the proximate relation of employer and
for holiday and rest day, service incentive leave pay,
Emergency Cost of Living Allowance, and moral and
That a labor dispute, as defined by the law, does exist exemplary damages against PLDT.
herein is evident. At bottom, what the Union seeks is to
The Labor Arbiter rendered a Decision finding PLDT
regularize the status of the employees contracted by
liable for illegal dismissal. That petitioner continued to
Lipercon and D'Rite in effect, that they be absorbed into
serve as guards of PLDT’s offices. As such employees,
the working unit of SanMig. Terms, tenure and
petitioners were entitled to substantive and procedural
conditions of their employment and the arrangement of
due process before termination of employment.
those terms are thus involved bringing the matter
within the purview of a labor dispute. Further, the PLDT appealed the above Decision to the NLRC which
Union also seeks to represent those workers, who have rendered a Resolution affirming in toto the Arbiter’s
signed up for Union membership, for the purpose of Decision.Thus, PDLT filed a Motion for Reconsideration
collective bargaining. SanMig, for its part, resists that of the NLRC’s Resolution which was also denied.
Union demand on the ground that there is no employer-
employee relationship between it and those workers
Consequently, PLDT filed a Petition for Certiorari with including due process requirements in the termination
the CA asking for the nullification of the Resolution of their services.
issued by the NLRC as well as the Labor Arbiter’s
Decision. The CA rendered the assailed decision
granting PLDT’s petition and dismissing petitioners’
6. G.R. No. 179652 March 6, 2012
issue: whether petitioners became employees of
PHILS., INC.), Petitioner,
respondent after the Agreement between SSCP and
respondent was terminated vs.
VII, and JANDELEON JUEZAN, Respondents.
Jurisprudence is firmly settled that whenever the
existence of an employment relationship is in dispute,
four elements constitute the reliable yardstick: (a) the Private respondent Jandeleon Juezan filed a complaint
selection and engagement of the employee; (b) the against petitioner with the Department of Labor and
payment of wages; (c) the power of dismissal; and (d) Employment (DOLE) Regional Office No. VII, Cebu City,
the employer’s power to control the employee’s for illegal deduction, nonpayment of service incentive
conduct. It is the so-called "control test" which leave, 13th month pay, premium pay for holiday and
constitutes the most important index of the existence of rest day and illegal diminution of benefits, delayed
the employer-employee relationship that is, whether payment of wages and noncoverage of SSS, PAG-IBIG
the employer controls or has reserved the right to and Philhealt. the DOLE Regional Director found that
control the employee not only as to the result of the private respondent was an employee of petitioner, and
work to be done but also as to the means and methods was entitled to his money claims.2 Petitioner sought
by which the same is to be accomplished. Stated reconsideration of the Director’s Order, but failed. The
otherwise, an employer-employee relationship exists Acting DOLE Secretary dismissed petitioner’s appeal on
where the person for whom the services are performed the ground that petitioner submitted a Deed of
reserves the right to control not only the end to be Assignment of Bank Deposit instead of posting a cash or
achieved but also the means to be used in reaching such surety bond. When the matter was brought before the
end. CA, where petitioner claimed that it had been denied
due process, it was held that petitioner was accorded
To reiterate, while respondent and SSCP no longer had
due process as it had been given the opportunity to be
any legal relationship with the termination of the
heard, and that the DOLE Secretary had jurisdiction over
Agreement, petitioners remained at their post securing
the matter, as the jurisdictional limitation imposed by
the premises of respondent while receiving their
Article 129 of the Labor Code on the power of the DOLE
salaries, allegedly from SSCP. Clearly, such a situation
Secretary under Art. 128(b) of the Code had been
makes no sense, and the denials proffered by
repealed by Republic Act No. (RA) 7730.
respondent do not shed any light to the situation. It is
but reasonable to conclude that, with the behest and, In the Decision of this Court, the CA Decision was
presumably, directive of respondent, petitioners reversed and set aside, and the complaint against
continued with their services. Evidently, such are indicia petitioner was dismissed. 
of control that respondent exercised over petitioners.
Evidently, respondent having the power of control over Issue: WON the DOLE is fully empowered to make a
petitioners must be considered as petitioners’ determination as to the existence of an employer-
employer––from the termination of the Agreement employee relationship in the exercise of its visitorial and
onwards––as this was the only time that any evidence enforcement power
of control was exhibited by respondent over petitioners
and in light of our ruling in Abella. Thus, as aptly Held:
declared by the NLRC, petitioners were entitled to the
rights and benefits of employees of respondent,
The determination of the existence of an employer- Ymbong ran as councilor of Lapu-Lapu City but Ymbong
employee relationship by the DOLE must be respected. lost in the May 1998 elections. Later, Ymbong and
The expanded visitorial and enforcement power of the Patalinghug both tried to come back to ABS-CBN Cebu.
DOLE granted by RA 7730 would be rendered nugatory According to Luzon, he informed them that they cannot
if the alleged employer could, by the simple expedient work there anymore because of company policy. This
of disputing the employer-employee relationship, force was stressed even in subsequent meetings and they
the referral of the matter to the NLRC. The Court issued were told that the company was not allowing any
the declaration that at least a prima facie showing of exceptions. ABS-CBN, however, agreed out of pure
the absence of an employer-employee relationship be liberality to give them a chance to wind up their
made to oust the DOLE of jurisdiction. But it is precisely participation in the radio drama, Nagbabagang Langit,
the DOLE that will be faced with that evidence, and it is since it was rating well and to avoid an abrupt ending.
the DOLE that will weigh it, to see if the same does
successfully refute the existence of an employer- Ymbong in contrast contended that after the expiration
employee relationship. of his leave of absence, he reported back to work as a
regular talent and in fact continued to receive his salary.
If the DOLE makes a finding that there is an existing On September 14, 1998, he received a memorandum
employer-employee relationship, it takes cognizance of stating that his services are being terminated
the matter, to the exclusion of the NLRC. The DOLE immediately, much to his surprise. Thus, he filed an
would have no jurisdiction only if the employer- illegal dismissal complaint against ABS-CBN, Luzon and
employee relationship has already been terminated, or DYAB Station Manager Veneranda Sy. The Labor Arbiter
it appears, upon review, that no employer-employee and the NLRC, upon appeal, rendered a decision finding
relationship existed in the first place. the dismissal of Ymbong illegal. ABS-CBN filed a petition
for certiorari before the CA and the latter reversed the
7. Ymbong vs. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, 667 NLRC decision.
SCRA 682, G.R. No. 184885 March 7, 2012
ISSUE: Whether or not Ymbong was illegally dismissed.

Held: No. As Policy No. HR-ER-016 is the subsisting

Petitioner Ernesto G. Ymbong started working for ABS- company policy and not Luzon’s March 25, 1998
CBN Broadcasting Corporation (ABS-CBN) in 1993 at its Memorandum, Ymbong is deemed resigned when he
regional station in Cebu as a television talent. On ran for councilor. We find no merit in Ymbong’s
January 1, 1996, the ABS-CBN Head Office in Manila argument that “[his] automatic termination x x x was a
issued Policy No. HR-ER-016 or the Policy on Employees blatant [disregard] of [his] right to due process” as he
Seeking Public Office which requires any employee who was “never asked to explain why he did not tender his
intends to run for any public office to file his/her resignation before he ran for public office as mandated
resignation letter at least thirty (30) days prior to the by [the subject company policy].”
official filing of the certificate of candidacy either for
national or local election. Ymbong’s overt act of running for councilor of Lapu-
Lapu City is tantamount to resignation on his part. He
Because of the impending May 1998 elections and was separated from ABS-CBN not because he was
based on his immediate recollection of the policy at that dismissed but because he resigned. Since there was no
time, Dante Luzon, Assistant Station Manager of DYAB termination to speak of, the requirement of due process
issued a memorandum dated March 25,1998 which in dismissal cases cannot be applied to Ymbong. Thus,
required any employee/talent who wants to run for any ABS-CBN is not duty-bound to ask him to explain why he
position in the coming election will have to file a leave did not tender his resignation before he ran for public
of absence the moment he/she files his/her certificate office as mandated by the subject company policy.
of candidacy. Luzon, however, admitted that upon
double-checking of the exact text of the policy and This is not the first time that this Court has dealt with a
subsequent confirmation with the ABS-CBN Head Office, policy similar to Policy No. HR-ER-016. In the case of
he saw that the policy actually required suspension for Manila Broadcasting Company v. NLRC, 294 SCRA 486
those who intend to campaign for a political party or (1998), this Court ruled: What is involved in this case is
candidate and resignation for those who will actually an unwritten company policy considering any employee
run in the elections. who files a certificate of candidacy for any elective or
local office as resigned from the company.
Although §11(b) of R.A. No. 6646 does not require mass However, her pain intensified, prompting her to seek
media commentators and announcers such as private medical assistance. She was then informed of the
respondent to resign from their radio or TV stations but presence of a foul-smelling gauze in her vagina, which
only to go on leave for the duration of the campaign forced stool to secrete through the vagina. Agana
period, we think that the company may nevertheless underwent another surgery.
validly require them to resign as a matter of policy. In
this case, the policy is justified on the following
On Nov. 12, 1984, she and her husband filed a
Working for the government and the company at the complaint for damages against PSI (owner of Medical
same time is clearly disadvantageous and prejudicial to City), Dr. Ampil, and Dr. Fuentes. During the pendency
the rights and interest not only of the company but the of the case, Agana died and was duly substituted by her
public as well. In the event an employee wins in an daughters.
election, he cannot fully serve, as he is expected to do,
the interest of his employer. The employee has to serve
two (2) employers, obviously detrimental to the interest RTC: judgment in favor of Sps. Agana finding PSI, Dr.
of both the government and the private employer. In Ampil, and Dr. Fuentes jointly and severally liable.
the event the employee loses in the election, the
impartiality and cold neutrality of an employee as
broadcast personality is suspect, thus readily eroding
and adversely affecting the confidence and trust of the CA: affirmed with modification: case against Dr. Fuentes
listening public to employer’s station. was dismissed

8. PSI vs. CA

Case #8,Er-Ee Rship SC first division: Affirmed; PSI jointly and severally liable
with Dr. Ampil as there is an er-ee rship

Issue: WON there is an er-ee rship between PSI and Dr.

Facts: Ampil

Natividad Agana was admitted at the Medical City Held: 

General Hospital for difficulty of bowel movement and
bloody anal discharge. Dr. Ampil diagnosed her to be Yes.
suffering from cancer of stigmoid and performed an
anterior resection surgery upon her. Another surgery
has to be performed upon her by Dr. Fuentes as the In the first place, hospitals exercise significant control in
malignancy in her sigmoid area had spread to her left the hiring and firing of consultants and in the conduct of
ovary. A couple of days later, Agana complained of their work within the hospital premises. Doctors who
excruciating pain in her anal region. Both Dr. Ampil and apply for "consultant" slots, visiting or attending, are
Dr. Fuentes told her that it was a natural consequence required to submit proof of completion of residency,
of the surgical operation performed upon her.  their educational qualifications; generally, evidence of
accreditation by the appropriate board (diplomate),
evidence of fellowship in most cases, and references.
She then went to the US to seek further treatment. 4 These requirements are carefully scrutinized by
months of consultations and lab exams, she flew back members of the hospital administration or by a review
to the Ph. Two weeks later, her daughter found a piece committee set up by the hospital who either accept or
of gauze protruding from her vagina. Dr. Ampil then reject the application. This is particularly true with
proceeded to her house where he managed to extract respondent hospital.
by hand a piece of gauze, and assured her that the pain
would soon vanished. 
In other words, private hospitals hire, fire and exercise Ampil, are "independent contractors," not employees of
real control over their attending and visiting the hospital. Even assuming that Dr. Ampil is not an
"consultant" staff. While "consultants" are not, employee of Medical City, but an independent
technically employees, a point which respondent contractor, still the said hospital is liable to the Aganas.
hospital asserts in denying all responsibility for the
patient’s condition, the control exercised, the hiring,
and the right to terminate consultants all fulfill the
important hallmarks of an employer-employee
relationship, with the exception of the payment of 9. SEIRI V. COMING
wages. In assessing whether such a relationship in fact
exists, the control test is determining. Accordingly, on GR NO 186621
the basis of the foregoing, we rule that for the purpose
of allocating responsibility in medical negligence cases, MARCH 21, 2014
an employer-employee relationship in effect exists
between hospitals and their attending and visiting
physicians. This being the case, the question now arises Petitioner SEIRI is a domestic corporation
as to whether or not respondent hospital is solidarily engaged in the business of manufacturing and exporting
liable with respondent doctors for petitioner’s furniture to various countries. Respondent Coming was
condition. hired by petitioners as Sizing Machine Operator on
March 17, 1984. Despite being an employee for many
years with his work performance never questioned by
The basis for holding an employer solidarily responsible petitioners, respondent was dismissed without lawful
for the negligence of its employee is found in Article cause. He was told that he will be terminated because
2180 of the Civil Code which considers a person the company is not doing well financially and that he
accountable not only for his own acts but also for those would be called back to work only if they need his
of others based on the former’s responsibility under a services again. After of almost a year of waiting,
relationship of partia ptetas. respondent Coming filed a complaint for illegal

On the other hand, petitioners denied having

Clearly, in Ramos, the Court considered the peculiar hired respondent asserting that SEIRI was incorporated
relationship between a hospital and its consultants on only in 1986, and that respondent actually worked for
the bases of certain factors. One such factor is the SEIRI’s furniture suppliers because when the company
"control test" wherein the hospital exercises control in started in 1987 it was engaged purely in buying and
the hiring and firing of consultants, like Dr. Ampil, and in exporting furniture and its business operations were
the conduct of their work. suspended from the last quarter of 1989 to August
1992. Thus, they stressed that respondent was not
include in the list of employees submitted to the SSS.
Actually, contrary to PSI’s contention, the Court did not
reverse its ruling in Ramos. What it clarified was that
the De Los Santos Medical Clinic did not exercise control ISSUE:
over its consultant, hence, there is no employer-
employee relationship between them. Thus, despite the WON an employer- employee relationship
granting of the said hospital’s motion for exists between the parties by virtue of control test
reconsideration, the doctrine in Ramos stays, i.e., for
the purpose of allocating responsibility in medical
negligence cases, an employer-employee relationship RULING:
exists between hospitals and their consultants.
YES. To determine whether there is an
employer- employee relationship, the four-fold test
must be applied. One of which is the control test.
In the instant cases, PSI merely offered a general denial
of responsibility, maintaining that consultants, like Dr.
As to the control test, the following facts On appeal, the NLRC reversed the ruling of the LA and
indubitably reveal that petitioners wielded control over ruled that the petitioners were all employees of the
the work performance of respondent, to wit: (1) they company.
required him to work within the company premises; (2)
they obliged respondent to report every day of the The Court of Appeals affirmed with modification the
week; (3) the mode of payment of respondent’s salary decision of the NLRC, holding that there was indeed an
was under their discretion; (4) they implemented rules illegal dismissal on the part of Tenazas and Endraca but
and regulations; and (5) respondent rendered work not with respect to Francisco who failed to present
necessary and desirable in business of the petitioner substantial evidence, proving that he was an employee
company. of the respondents. It also deleted the NLRC’s award of
separation pay and instead ordered that Tenazas and
Thus, the fact that a worker was not reported as Endraca be reinstated.
an employee to the SSS is not conclusive proof of the
absence of employer-employee relationship. Nor does
the fact that respondent’s name does not appear in the
payrolls and pay envelope records submitted by
petitioners negate the existence of the employer- Whether or not Francisco is an employee of
employee relationship. respondent.
Therefore, the dismissal was illegal and RULING:
respondent is entitled to his claims.
No. There was no employer-employee relationship.

Francisco was claiming to be an employee of the

10. TENAZAS vs. R. VILLEGAS TAXI TRANSPORT respondents, it is incumbent upon him to proffer
evidence to prove the existence of said relationship.
G.R. No. 192998; April 2, 2014
Any competent and relevant evidence to prove the
FACTS: relationship may be admitted.

Bernard A. Tenazas (Tenazas), Jaime M. Francisco Identification cards, cash vouchers, social security
(Francisco), and Isidro G. Endraca (Endraca) filed a registration, appointment letters or employment
complaint for illegal dismissal against R. Villegas Taxi contracts, payrolls, organization charts, and personnel
Transport and/or Romualdo Villegas (Romualdo) and lists, serve as evidence of employee status. In this case,
Andy Villegas (Andy) (respondents). however, Francisco failed to present any proof
substantial enough to establish his relationship with the
Respondents admitted that Tenazas and Endraca were respondents. Francisco simply relied on his allegation
employees of the company, the former being a regular that he was an employee of the company without any
driver and the latter a spare driver. Respondents claim other evidence supporting his claim. Unfortunately for
that Isidro Endraca was only an extra driver who him, a mere allegation in the position paper is not
stopped reporting to queue for available taxi units tantamount to evidence. Bereft of any evidence, the CA
which he could drive. Respondents offered Tenazas and correctly ruled that Francisco could not be considered
Edraco reinstatement but both refused. The an employee of the respondents.
respondents, however, denied that Francisco was an
employee of the company or that he was able to drive 11. NELSON V. BEGINO, GENER DEL VALLE, MONINA A
one of the company’s units at any point in time. VILA-LLORIN AND MA. CRISTINA SUMAYAO, Petitioners,
The Labor Arbiter held that there could be no illegal BROADCASTING CORPORATION) AND AMALIA
dismissal since there was no overt act of dismissal VILLAFUERTE, Respondents.
committed by the respondents. There was no formal
investigations, no show cause memos, suspension G.R. No. 199166, 20 April 2015.
memos or termination memos were never issued.
Otherwise stated, there is no proof of overt act of The Facts
dismissal committed by herein respondents.
ABS-CBN engaged the services of petitioners Nelson
Begino (Begino) and Gener Del Valle (Del Valle)
sometime in 1996 as Cameramen/Editors for TV Ruling:
Broadcasting. With their services engaged by
respondents thru Talent Contracts which, though Yes, The Court finds that, notwithstanding the
regularly renewed over the years, provided terms nomenclature of their Talent Contracts and/or Project
ranging from three (3) months to one (1) year, Assignment Forms and the terms and condition
petitioners were given Project Assignment Forms which embodied therein, petitioners are regular employees of
detailed, among other matters, the duration of a ABS-CBN. Time and again, it has been ruled that the test
particular project as well as the budget and the daily to determine whether employment is regular or not is
technical requirements thereof. While specifically the reasonable connection between the activity
providing that nothing therein shall be deemed or performed by the employee in relation to the business
construed to establish an employer-employee or trade of the employer. As cameramen/editors and
relationship between the parties, reporters, petitioners were undoubtedly performing
functions necessary and essential to ABS-CBN’s business
Claiming that they were regular employees of ABS-CBN, of broadcasting television and radio content.
petitioners filed against respondents the complaint. In If the employee has been performing the job for
support of their claims for regularization, at least one year, even if the performance is not
underpayment of overtime pay, holiday pay, 13 th month continuous or merely intermittent, the law deems the
pay, service incentive leave pay, damages and repeated or continuing performance as sufficient
attorney's fees, petitioners alleged that they performed evidence of the necessity, if not indispensability of that
functions necessary and desirable in ABS-CBN's activity in the business. Indeed, an employment stops
business. Mandated to wear company IDs and provided being co-terminous with specific projects where the
all the equipment they needed, petitioners averred that employee is continuously re-hired due to the demands
they worked under the direct control and supervision of of the employer’s business. When circumstances show,
Villafuerte. moreover, that contractually stipulated periods of
employment have been imposed to preclude the
acquisition of tenurial security by the employee, this
Court has not hesitated in striking down such
Although petitioners were inevitably subjected to some
arrangements as contrary to public policy, morals, good
degree of control, the same was allegedly limited to the
customs or public order. The nature of the employment
imposition of general guidelines on conduct and
depends, after all, on the nature of the activities to be
performance, simply for the purpose of upholding the
performed by the employee, considering the nature of
standards of the company and the strictures of the
the employer’s business, the duration and scope to be
industry. Never subjected to any control or restrictions
done, and, in some cases, even the length of time of the
over the means and methods by which they performed
performance and its continued existence. In the same
or discharged the tasks for which their services were
manner that the practice of having fixed-term contracts
engaged. Having been terminated during the pendency
in the industry does not automatically make all talent
of the case, Petitioners filed on 10 July 2007 a second
contracts valid and compliant with labor law, it has,
complaint against respondents, for regularization this
consequently, been ruled that the assertion that a
complaint was dismissed for violation of the rules
talent contract exists does not necessarily prevent a
against forum shopping in view of the fact that the
regular employment status.
determination of the issues in the second case hinged
on the resolution of those raised in the first In finding that petitioners were regular employees, the
NLRC further ruled that the exclusivity clause and
prohibitions in their Talent Contracts and/or Project
The Arbitration Branch ruled that Petitioners
Assignment Forms were likewise indicative of
were regular employees and ordered Respondents to
respondents’ control over them.
reinstate the Petitioners. The NLRC affirmed the ruling,
but the CA overturned the decision.

Issue 12 G.R. No. 195466               July 2, 2014

ARIEL L. DAVID, doing business under the name and

whether or not the there is an employer-employee style "YIELS HOG DEALER," Petitioner, 
vs. personnel,” then he is not exempted from the grant of
JOHN G. MACASIO, Respondent. holiday, SIL pay even as he was engaged on “pakyaw” or
task basis.
However, the governing law on 13th month pay is PD
In January 2009, Macasio filed before the LA a No. 851. As with holiday and SIL pay, 13th month pay
complaint against petitioner Ariel L. David, doing benefits generally cover all employees; an employee
business under the name and style “Yiels Hog Dealer,” must be one of those expressly enumerated to be
for non-payment of overtime pay, holiday pay and 13th exempted. Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations
month pay. He also claimed payment for moral and Implementing P.D. No. 851 enumerates the exemptions
exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. Macasio also from the coverage of 13th month pay benefits. Under
claimed payment for service incentive leave (SIL) David Section 3(e), “employers of those who are paid on task
claimed that he started his hog dealer business in 2005 basis, and those who are paid a fixed amount
and that he only has ten employees. The LA concluded for performing a specific work, irrespective of the
that as Macasio was engaged on “pakyaw” or task basis, time consumed in the performance thereof are
he is not entitled to overtime, holiday, SIL and 13th exempted. Note that unlike the IRR of the Labor Code
month pay.The NLRC affirmed the LA decision, thus this on holiday and SIL pay, Section 3(e) of the Rules and
case reach the CA which says that Macasio is entitled to Regulations Implementing PD No. 851exempts
his monetary claims following the doctrine laid down in employees "paid on task basis" without any reference
Serrano v. Severino Santos Transit.The CA explained to "field personnel." This could only mean that insofar
that as a task basis employee, Macasio is excluded from as payment of the 13th month pay is concerned, the
the coverage of holiday, SIL and 13th month pay only if law did not intend to qualify the exemption from its
he is likewise a “field personnel.”Thus this case reached coverage with the requirement that the task worker be
the SC. a "field personnel" at the same time. Thus Macasio is
not entitled to 13th month pay.

Whether or not Macasio is entitled of overtime pay,

holiday pay, 13th month pay and payment for service 13. Chevron Phils. vs Galit
incentive leave
GR No: 186114
Date: October 7, 2015
Yes, in so far as the Holiday and SIL pay is concern.
To determine whether workers engaged on “pakyaw”
ortask basis” is entitled to holiday and SIL pay, the Respondent, Vitaliano C. Galit, filed a complaint against
presence (or absence) of employer supervision as Chevron (Phils) Inc., formerly Caltex Philippines
regards the worker’s time and performance is the
key: if the worker is simply engaged on pakyaw or task Inc., Sons Construction Corporation (SJS), and its
basis, then the general rule is that he is entitled to a president Reynaldo Salomon for alleged illegal
holiday pay and SIL pay unless exempted from the dismissal. SJS, in its position position paper, claims that
exceptions specifically provided under Article 94 it is a company engaged in the business of providing
(holiday pay) and Article 95 (SIL pay) of the Labor Code. manpower to its clients on a “per project/contract”
However, if the worker engaged on pakyaw or task basis basis.
also falls within the meaning of “field personnel” under
Respondent alleged that he was a regular employee of
the law, then he is not entitled to these monetary
Chevron since 1982, having been assigned in its
benefits. CA that Macasio does not fall under the
Pandacan depot as an “all around employee” and that
definition of “field personnel.” The CA’s finding in this
he was directly under the control and supervision of
regard is supported by the established facts of this case:
Chevron supervisors. On Jan. 15, 2005, he was verbally
first, Macasio regularly performed his duties at David’s
informed that his employment is terminated but was
principal place of business; second, his actual hours of
promised that he will be reinstated soon. He followed
work could be determined with reasonable certainty;
up on his reinstatement but he never got his job back.
and, third, David supervised his time and performance
of duties. Since Macasio cannot be considered a “field
The complaint for illegal dismissal was filed with the A petition for review on Certiorari was filed by herein
NLRC, NCR, North Sector Branch in Quezon City. petitioner assailing the decision of the CA

In petitioner’s position paper with Motion to Dismiss, it

contends that it entered into two (2) contracts for
janitorial services with SJS from May 1, 2001 to April 30, Petitioner's Contention:
2003 and from June 1, 2003 to June 1, 2004; under
That the CA erred when it found that an employer-
these contracts, SJS undertook to "assign such number
employee relationship exists between herein petitioner
of its employees, upon prior agreement with
and respondent and that SJS was a labor-only
[petitioner], as would be sufficient to fully and
effectively render the work and services undertaken"
and to "supply the equipment, tools and materials,
which shall, by all means, be effective and efficient, at
its own expense, necessary for the performance" of Respondent's Contention:
janitorial services; Galit, who was employed by SJS, was
assigned to petitioner's Pandacan depot as a janitor; his That petitioner was his employer and that he was
wages and all employment benefits were paid by SJS; he illegally dismissed.
was subject to the supervision, discipline and control of
SJS; on November 30, 2004, the extended contract
between petitioner and SJS expired; subsequently, a ISSUE/S:
new contract for janitorial services was awarded by
petitioner to another independent contractor; Whether a employer-employee relationship exists
petitioner was surprised that Galit filed an action between Chevron and Galit
impleading it.
Whether or not SJS was a labor-only contractor

The LA dismissed the complaint against Chevron for lack
of jurisdiction and as against SJS and Salomon for lack of
merit but ordered SJS to pay Galit separation pay at the
1. None.
rate of half-month salary for every year of service that
Galit had with SJS. The Labor Arbiter held that SJS was a To ascertain the existence of an employer-employee
legitimate contractor and that it was Galit’s employer. relationship, jurisprudence has invariably adhered to
the four-fold test, to wit: (1) the selection and
On appeal to the NLRC, the decision was affirmed
engagement of the employee; (2) the payment of
although the amount was modified to 1 month salary
wages; (3) the power of dismissal; and (4) the power to
for every year of service. A motion for consideration
control the employee's conduct, or the so-called
was filed but was denied by the NLRC.
"control test." Of these four, the last one is the most
important. The so- called "control test" is commonly
regarded as the most crucial and determinative
CA RULING: indicator of the presence or absence of an employer-
employee relationship. Under the control test, an
The CA reversed the decision of the NLRC finding that employer- employee relationship exists where the
SJS was a labor-only contractor and that petitioner was person for whom the services are performed reserves
Galit’s actual employer and that the latter was unjustly the right to control not only the end achieved, but also
dismissed. A motion for reconsideration was filed by the manner and means to be used in reaching that end.
petitioner but was denied by the CA.

In the fulfillment of its obligations to the COMPANY, the

APPEAL TO THE SC: CONTRACTOR shall select and hire its workers. The
CONTRACTOR alone shall be responsible for the
payment of their wages and other employment benefits to the results thereof. This embodies what has long
and likewise for the safeguarding of their health and been jurisprudentially recognized as the control test, as
safety in accordance with existing laws and regulations. discussed above. In the instant case, SJS presented
Likewise, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the evidence to show that it had an independent business
discipline and/or dismissal of these workers. by paying business taxes and fees and that it was
registered as an employer with the Social Security
The CONTRACTOR shall retain the right to control the System. Moreover, there was no evidence to show that
manner and the means of performing the work, with SJS and its employees were ever subject to the control
the COMPANY having the control or direction only as to of petitioner. On the contrary, as shown above, SJS
the results to be accomplished. possessed the right to control its employees' manner
and means of performing their work, including herein
5.1 The CONTRACTOR shall maintain efficient and
respondent Galit.
effective discipline over any and all employees it may
utilize in performing its obligations under this 14. .R. No. 208451, February 03, 2016
Manila Memorial Park Cemetery, Inc. V. Ezard D. Lluz,
6.1 The CONTRACTOR shall at its own expense maintain
with a reputable insurance company, acceptable to the FACTS:
COMPANY, a comprehensive liability insurance in the
amount required by the COMPANY to cover claims for Herein petitioner Manila Memorial Park Cemetery, Inc.
bodily injury, death or property damage caused to any entered into a Contract of Services with respondent
person or persons by an act or omission of the Ward Trading and Services. Said contract provided that
CONTRACTOR or any of its employees, agents or Ward Trading, as an independent contractor, will render
representatives. interment and exhumation services and other related
work to Manila Memorial in order to supplement
operations at Manila Memorial Park, Paranaque City.

The foregoing provisions of the Job Contract between Subsequently, herein respondents, who were among
petitioner and SJS demonstrate that the latter those assigned by Ward Trading to perform services at
possessed the following earmarks of an employer, to the Manila Memorial filed a Complaint for
wit: (1) the power of selection and engagement of regularization and Collective Bargaining Agreement
employees, under Sections 4.1 and 6.1 (d); (2) the benefits against Manila Memorial and its officers.
payment of wages, under Sections Respondents also filed an amended complaint to
include illegal dismissal, underpayment of 13 th month
4.1 and 6.1 (c); (3) the power to discipline and dismiss,
pay, and payment of attorney's fees, when Manila
under Section 4.1; and, (4) the power to control the
Memorial refused to consider them as regular workers.
employee's conduct, under Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 5.1. As
Manila Memorial justified its refusal based on the
to SJS' power of selection and engagement, Galit
ground that respondents were employed by Ward
himself admitted in his own affidavit that it was SJS
Trading, an independent labor contractor.
which assigned him to work at Chevron's Pandacan
depot. As such, there is no question that it was SJS Manila Memorial sought the dismissal of the complaint
which selected and engaged Galit as its employee. for lack of jurisdiction since there was no employer-
employee relationship. Manila Memorial argued that
respondents were the employees of Ward Trading
2. No, SJS is a legitimate contractor.
Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint for failing to
As to whether or not SJS is an independent contractor, prove the existence of an employer-employee
jurisprudence has invariably ruled that an independent relationship. Respondents appealed to the NLRC, which
contractor carries on an independent business and reversed the Labor Arbiter's findings. Manila Memorial
undertakes the contract work on his own account, filed an appeal with the CA. In its decision, the CA
under his own responsibility, according to his own affirmed the ruling of the NLRC.
manner and method, and free from the control and
direction of his employer or principal in all matters
connected with the performance of the work except as
WON an employer-employee relationship exists
between Manila Memorial and respondents;


A closer look at the Contract of Services reveals that

Ward Trading does not have substantial capital or 16. Lu vs. Enopia
investment in the form of tools, equipment, machinery,
Facts: Petitioners (now herein respondents) were hired
work premises and other materials since it is Manila
from January 20, 1994 to March 20, 1996 as crew
Memorial which owns the equipment used in the
members of the fishing mother boat F/B MG-28 owned
performance of work needed for interment and
by respondent Joaquin "Jake" Lu (herein petitioner Lu)
exhumation services.
who is the sole proprietor of Mommy Gina Tuna
In one of the provisions of the contract, it shows that Resources [MGTR] based in General Santos City.
the COMPANY shall sell to the contractor the
proposed the signing of a Joint Venture Fishing
COMPANY-owned equipment. Another provision shows
Agreement between them, but petitioners refused to
that the Ward does not have an absolute right to use or
sign the same as they opposed the one-year term
enjoy subject equipment, considering that its right to do
provided in the agreement. According to petitioners,
so is subject to respondent MMPCI's use thereof at any
during their dialogue on August 18, 1997, Lu terminated
time the latter requires it. Further, even the work
their services right there and then because of their
premises actually and directly used by Ward in the
refusal to sign the agreement. On the other hand, Lu
performance of the services contracted out is owned by
alleged that the master fisherman (piado) Ruben Salili
respondent MMPCI.
informed him that petitioners still refused to sign the
agreement and have decided to return the vessel F/B
For failing to register as a contractor, a presumption
arises that one is engaged in labor-only contracting On the other hand, Lu denied having dismissed
unless the contractor overcomes the burden of proving petitioners, claiming that their relationship was one of
that it has substantial capital, investment, tools and the joint venture where he provided the vessel and other
like. fishing paraphernalia, while petitioners, as industrial
partners, provided labor by fishing in the high seas. Lu
In this case, Manila Memorial failed to adduce evidence alleged that there was no employer-employee
to prove that Ward Trading had any substantial capital, relationship as its elements were not present, viz.: it
investment or assets to perform the work contracted was the piado who hired petitioners; they were not paid
for. Thus, the presumption that Ward Trading is a labor- wages but shares in the catch, which they themselves
only contractor stands. Consequently, Manila Memorial determine; they were not subject to his discipline; and
is deemed the employer of respondents. As regular respondent had no control over the day-to-day fishing
employees of Manila Memorial, respondents are operations, although they stayed in contact through
entitled to their claims for wages and other benefits as respondent's radio operator or checker. Lu also claimed
awarded by the NLRC and affirmed by the CA. that petitioners should not be reimbursed for their
share in the expenses since it was their joint venture
that shouldered these expenses.

15. Diamond farms (Mhel) Issue: Whether or not Employer- Employee relationship

Ruling: Yes. In determining the existence of an

employer-employee relationship, the following
elements are considered: (1) the selection and
engagement of the workers; (2) the power to control
the worker's conduct; (3) the payment of wages by
whatever means; and (4) the power of dismissal.16 We
find all these elements present in this case.
member, and later on elected as member of the Board
of Trustees. Subsequently, he was elected as President
It is settled that no particular form of evidence is of WUP for 5years and was re-elected as trustee.
required to prove the existence of an employer-
employee relationship. Any competent and relevant Sometime later, the incumbent Bishops of the United
evidence to prove the relationship may be admitted.17 Methodist Church (Bishops) issued a memorandum
apprising all the corporate members of the expiration of
their term, unless renewed by him. Maglaya and some
other members, sought the renewal of their
In this case, petitioner contends that it was the piado
membership in the WUP's Board, and signified their
who hired respondents, however, it was shown by the
willingness to continually serve the corporation.
latter's evidence that the employer stated in their Social
Security System (SSS) online inquiry system printouts However, the Bishops, through a formal notice to all the
was MGTR, which is owned by petitioner. We have gone officers, deans, staff, and employees of WUP,
over these printouts and found that the date of the SSS introduced the new corporate members, trustees, and
remitted contributions coincided with the date of officers. Manuel Palomo (Palomo), the new Chairman
respondents' employment with petitioner. Petitioner of the Board, informed Maglaya of the termination of
failed to rebut such evidence. Thus, the fact that his services and authority as the President of the
petitioner had registered the respondents with SSS is University.
proof that they were indeed his employees. The
coverage of the Social Security Law is predicated on the Thereafter, Maglaya and other members of the
existence of an employer-employee relationship.18 Board(Plaintiffs) filed a Complaint for Injunction and
Damages before the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC
dismissed the case declaring the same as a nuisance
because under the by laws of WUP, the expiration of
Moreover, the records show that the 4% backing
the terms of the corporate members including Maglaya,
incentive fee which was divided among the fishermen
carried with it their termination as members of the
engaged in the fishing operations approved by
petitioner was paid to respondents after deducting the
latter's respective vale or cash advance.19 Notably, Thecase was elevated to the CA, which affirmed the
even the piado's name was written in the backing decision of the RTC. Thereafter, Maglaya filed an illegal
incentive fee sheet with the corresponding vale which `dismissal case against WUP before the Labor Arbiter.
was deducted from his incentive fee. If indeed a joint He submitted pieces of evidence to support his claim
venture was agreed upon between petitioner and that he is employed by WUP.
respondents, why would these fishermen obtain vale or
cash advance from petitioner and not from the piado However, the LA dismissed the case because the
who allegedly hired and had control over them. dispute is intra-corporate since Maglaya is a corporate
officer and not an employee, therefore the jurisdiction
is before the regular courts.
It was established that petitioner exercised control over On appeal, the NLRC reversed the LA decision saying
respondents. It should be remembered that the control that there was anemployee-employer relationship
test merely calls for the existence of the right to control, between Maglaya and WUP citing the control test,
and not necessarily the exercise thereof. It is not when Malaya received his salary and has the duty to
essential that the employer actually supervises the report to the Board and since Malaya was dismissed
performance of duties by the employee. It is enough without just cause, there was an illegal dismissal. The
that the former has a right to wield the power. NLRC also denied the motion for reconsideration of

On appeal, the CA affirmed the NLRC decision. WUP

17. Wesleyan University-Philippines vs. Maglaya, Sr.,
questioned the NLRC decision citing that NLRC had no
815 SCRA 171, G.R. No. 212774 January 23, 2017
jurisdiction over the case involving a corporate officer
WUP is a non-stock, non-profit, non-sectarian and where the nature of the controversy is an intra-
educational corporation. Respondent Atty. Guillenno T. corporate dispute
Maglaya, Sr.(Maglaya) was appointed as a corporate
Issue: whether or not the NLRC has jurisdiction over the respondents demanded that they be considered regular
illegal dismissal case filed by Maglaya. employees but they were instead directed to sign
contracts of employment with ODSI. When they
Held: No. The president, vice president, secretary and refused, NPI and ODSI terminated them from their
treasurer are commonly regarded as the principal or position. Thus, they were constrained to file the
executive officers of a corporation, and they are usually complaint, claiming that ODSI is a labor-only contractor,
designated as the officers of the corporation. However, and thus they should be deemed regualr employees of
other officers are sometimes created by the charter or NPI; and there was no just or authorized cause for their
bylaws of a corporation, or the board of directors may dismissal.
be empowered under the bylaws of a corporation to
create additional offices as may be necessary.

This Court expounded that an “office” is created by the ODSI claimed that it is a company engaged in the
charter of the corporation and the officer is elected by business of buying, selling, distributing, and marketing
the directors or stockholders, while an “employee” goods and commodities of every kind and it enters into
usually occupies no office and generally is employed not all kinds of contracts for the acquisition thereof. 
by action of the directors or stockholders but by the
managing officer of the corporation who also
determines the compensation to be paid to such
Howevere, ODSI’s relationship with NPI sour when the
latter’s sales dept. badgered the former regarding the
It is apparent from the bylaws of WUP that the sales target. NPI then downsized its marketing and
president was one of the officers of the corporation, promotional support from ODSI resulting to business
and was an honorary member of the Board. He was reverses and in the latter’s filing of a petition for
appointed by the Board and not by a managing officer corporate rehabilitation and subsequently, the closure
of the corporation. We held that one who is included in of its Nestle unit due to the termination of the
the bylaws of a corporation in its roster of corporate Distributorship Agreement and the failure of rehab.
officers is an officer of said corporation and not a mere Thus, ODSI argued that respondents were not dismissed
employee. The alleged “appointment” of Maglaya but merely put in floating status.
instead of “election” as provided by the bylaws neither
convert the president of university as a mere employee,
nor amend its nature as a corporate officer. LA: dismissed the complaint but ordered the NPI and
ODSI to pay respondents nominal damages;
With the office specifically mentioned in the bylaws, the
respondents were unable to prove that they were NPI
NLRC erred in taking cognizance of the case, and in
concluding that Maglaya was a mere employee and
subordinate official because of the manner of his
appointment, his duties and responsibilities, salaries
and allowances, and considering the Identification Card, NLRC: reversed and set aside the LA ruling; ODSI is a
the Administration and Personnel Policy Manual which labor-only contractor of NPI considering that: 1. ODSI
specified the retirement of the university president, and had no substantial capitalization or investment; 2.
the check disbursement as pieces of evidence respondents performed activities directly related to
supporting such finding. NPI’s principal business; and 3. the fact that
respondent’s employment depended on the continuous
18. Nestle Phil vs. Pineda, et. Al supply of NPI products shows that ODSI had not been
carrying an independent business accrdg to its own
Case #18, Er-Ee Rship
manner and method

CA: affirmed NLRC; MR was denied

ODSI and NPI hired respondents to sell various NPI

products in the assigned covered area. After sometime,
WON ODSI is a labor-only contractor of NPI and Thus, the foregoing circumstances show that ODSI was
consequently, NPI is respondents’ true employer and not a labor only contractor of NPI; hence, the latter
thus, deemed jointly and severally liable with ODSI for cannot be deemed the true employer of respondents.
respondents’ monetary claim As a consequence, NPI cannot be held jointly and
severally liable to ODSI's monetary obligations towards


G.R. NOS. 190015 & 190019

In holding NPI jointly and severally liable with ODSI for SEPTEMBER 14, 2016
the monetary awards in favor of respondents, both the
NLRC and the CA held that based on the provisions of FACTS:
the Distributorship Agreement between them, ODSI is
merely a labor-only contractor of NPI. In this regard, the Petitioners were hired by San Juan de Dios for
CA opined that the following stipulations of the said full-time teaching positions. Despite having served as a
Agreement evinces that NPI had control over the faculty member since SY 2003-2004, petitioners were
business of ODSI, namely, that: (a) NPI shall offer to asked only on 1 March 2006 to sign and submit the
ODSI suggestions and recommendations to improve written contract on the nature of the former's
sales and to further develop the market; (b) NPI employment and corresponding obligations. The
prohibits ODSI from exporting its products (the No- contract was denominated as "Appointment and
Export provision); (c) NPI provided standard Contract for Faculty on Probation" (appointment
requirements to ODSI for the warehousing and contract), and its effectivity period covered the second
inventory management of the sold goods; and (d) semester of SY 2005-2006. The appointment contract
prohibition imposed on ODSI to sell any other products specified their status as a probationary faculty member.
that directly compete with those of NPI.
After the expiration of the contract, respondent college
informed them that it would not be renewed for the
first semester of SY 2006-2007. They were told that the
However, a closer examination of the Distributorship nonrenewal of their contract was made on the basis of
Agreement reveals that the relationship of NPI and ODSI "administrative prerogative."
is not that of a principal and a contractor (regardless of
whether labor-only or independent), but that of a seller Petitioners filed a Complaint against respondents for
and a buyer/re-seller.  illegal dismissal, reinstatement, back wages, and
damages before the labor arbiter. The labor arbiter
ruled that petitioners were regular employees who
were entitled to security of tenure. The NLRC reversed
Thus, contrary to the CA's findings, the aforementioned the Decision of the labor arbiter. It held that petitioners
stipulations in the Distributorship Agreement hardly had failed to meet the third requirement for
demonstrate control on the part of NPI over the means regularization as prescribed by the 1992 Manual. The
and methods by which ODSI performs its business, nor CA affirmed the NLRC Decision.
were they intended to dictate how ODSI shall conduct
its business as a distributor. Otherwise stated, the
stipulations in the Distributorship Agreement do not
operate to control or fix the methodology on how ODSI ISSUE:
should do its business as a distributor of NPI products,
WON petitioners were regular employees of
but merely provide rules of conduct or guidelines
respondent college
towards the achievement of a mutually desired result -
which in this case is the sale of NPI products to the end
YES. Petitioners were regular employees of the
college. As prescribed by the 1992 Manual, a teacher
must satisfy the following requisites to be entitled to
regular faculty status: (1) must be a full-time teacher;
(2) must have rendered three years of service (or six
consecutive semesters of service for teachers on the
tertiary level); and (3) that service must have been

In this case, the first two requisites for

regularization under the 1992 Manual - full-time faculty
status and completion of the probationary period were
present. However, the parties disagree on the
fulfillment of the third requisite.

As observed by this Court in Colegio del

Santisimo Rosario v. Rojo, the use of the
term satisfactory "necessarily connotes the
requirement for schools to set reasonable standards to
be followed by teachers on probationary employment.

Applying Article 281 of the Labor Code, a school

must not only set reasonable standards that will
determine whether a probationary teacher rendered
satisfactory service and is qualified for regular status; it
must also communicate these standards to the teacher
at the start of the probationary period. Should it fail to
do so, the teacher shall be deemed a regular employee
from Day One.

However, the records lack evidence that respondent

college clearly and directly communicated to
petitioners, at the time they were hired, what
reasonable standards they must meet for the school to
consider their performance satisfactory and for it to
grant them regularization as a result.

Henceforth, petitioners are deemed regular

employees but the dismissal is valid.

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