Argumentative Essay - Cellular Phones Should Be Banned in Schools

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Argumentative Essay:
A phone is something that children use to make emergency calls or
even play games. Statistics have shown that in Trinidad and Tobago over
ninety-five percent of children in all schools have a phone. This poses a
threat to their education and their cyber space around them. A phone or a
laptop might be the best solution for online learning because of the
corona virus, but you don’t know what the children are watching and
doing in the phone or laptop, and even if the schools tell the children’s
parents to check the students’ phone or laptop every day, some parents
still don’t do so. Recently statistics have shown that in 2020 to 2021 there
are over sixty- five percent of assignments that are missing for teachers
that the teachers have complained about in their school. This essay
serves to agree with banning all cellular phones in school’s because it
would prevent the student from getting distracted, students would get
higher grades and it would prevent cyber bullying.
The first reason why this essay serves to agree with banning all
cellular phones in school’s is because it would prevent the student from
getting distracted. Often times when students are given a break they play
games or even watch inappropriate things in their phones. Approximately
90 percent of all student in all schools are said to be playing games or
watching inappropriate things when they are given a break. It is
scientifically said that watching inappropriate things damages your brain.
When the students are in class and the teacher is not looking they would
be on their phones and as soon as the teacher turns around they hide the
phone in their books, pretending to do their work. Did you know that
constant watching of your mobile phone causes eye strain and may cause
dry eye and irritation, painful throbbing headaches around the eye region,
and even blurred vision? When getting all these symptoms that would
cause the student get sick and be absent from school for multiple days.

The second reason why this essay serves to agree with banning all
cellular phones in school’s is because the students would get higher
grades. When the students have no phones in school, they would have
nothing to get distracted and play games so they would study more and

listen attentively in their classes and it would prevent them from getting
in trouble so often. Statistics have shown that 10 percent of students in
Trinidad and Tobago who don’t have a cellular device is said to do well in
all their classes and there are not so much suspensions than that of the
other 90 percent of students who have a phone. Did you know that if you
don’t do well in school, there would be very low job opportunities for the
student’ when they grow up? All fields of jobs require some sort of
general knowledge and knowledge form the subjects that you learnt in
your particular school. If you don’t do well in school, how would you find a
job that suites you to provide for your family.
The third and final reason why this essay serves to agree with
banning all cellular phones in school’s is because it would prevent cyber
bullying. Cyber bullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices
such as cellular phones, computers and tablets. For some reason students
have often found it confronting to put other students down, even if the
comments are rude or fake. All students nowadays who have a cellular
phone are on some sort of social media. Statistics show that over 75
percent of students in Trinidad and Tobago say mean things about other
students on Instagram leading to fights in schools. Did you know that
when you text a mean comment to someone you are lowering their self-
esteem leading to the student thinking about suicidal thoughts? In 2020
over 73 percent of students say that they have been bullied on the
internet and 44 percent of say they have been bullied in the past month.
How would you feel if you were bullied on the internet?
In clearly identifying all of the above points mentioned, I think it is
clear to say that cellular phones should be banned in school because it
would prevent the student from getting distracted, the students would get
higher grades and it would prevent cyber bullying. This would have a
drastic change in Trinidad and Tobago’s schooling system and we would
be at the top ranking in the Caribbean for the best schools. This could
also save a lot of student’s life from suicidal thoughts. I think that the
government should implement this rule of banning cellular phones in
school by searching each individual student as they enter the school
compound when schools open.

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