Mock Test 1

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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions
Question 1. A. flourish B. notable C. acclaim D. dominate
Question 2. A. forgettable B. important C. periodical D. remove

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 3. A. guide B. driven C. twice D. shrine
Question 4. A. treat B. meat C. great D. heat

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
Question 5. You should keep the milk in the refrigerator ___ it does not go bad.
A. as B. so C. so as to D. so that
Question 6. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we ___ up tomorrow morning, the sun ___.
A. will wake / will shine B. are waking / shines C. are going to wake / is shining D. wake / will be shining
Question 7. The Philippines _____ 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean.
A. comprises B. comprise C. is comprising D. are comprising
Question 8. The pay was not brilliant but I could ___ and there were many aspects of the job that I enjoyed. 
A. earn high salary B. do a living C. get high salary D. make a living
Question 9. I couldn't use the pay phone, ___ I didn't have any coins with me.
A. yet B. despite C. for D. even though
Question 10. ___ you want to go out during a lecture, what should you do?
A. As B. If C. Though D. When
Question 11. One of the guys in our neighborhood has been accused of murder, but there doesn’t seem to be ___
evidence to convict him.
A. enough B. the most C. many more D. less
Question 12. There is now a radio station, called “Talk sport”, ___ broadcasts sports twenty-four hours a day.
A. where B. which C. who D. when
Question 13. Mohandas K. Gandhi is widely regarded as ___ leader that modern India has yet seen.
A. so great B. the greatest C. such great D. a great enough
Question 14. They consider stamp collecting as a favorite pastime.
A. A favorite pastime is considered stamp collecting.
B. A favorite pastime is to be considered stamp collecting by them.
C. Stamp collecting is considered as a favorite pastime.
D. Stamp collecting is considered to be as a favorite pastime.
Question 15. The hills ___ were long.
A. to across the valley B. that crossing the valley C. across the valley D. it is across the valley
Question 16. Yesterday a ___ of the UN visited the area.
A. representative B. representation C. represented D. representing
Question 17. After his unacceptable behavior last night, when he kept interrupting me, I don’t even want to be in ___
room ___ Jim again.
A. such – like B. so – as C. the same – asD. similar - to

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction or the
correct answer in each of the following questions
Question 18. In many places in the world, social or religious restrictions which prevent women from travelling freely.
Question 19. In his early days as a direct, Charlie Chaplin produced 62 short, silent comedy films in four years.
Question 20. As the result of a recent estimation, about 1 billion people around the world have some knowledge of
English, either as a native language, as a second language, nor as a foreign language.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response complete each of the following exchanges.
Question 21. "Will the math teacher give a test this week?" "___"
A. No, he probably won't B. Yes, the test was difficult.
C. I don't think he will come. D. I doubt whether it's easy.
Question 22. "Where do you go skiing?" "___"
A. In July. B. In winter. C. I like skiing a lot. D. In Colorado.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 23. The company makes every effort to respond to customer queries and will reply to them via email within
two business days
A. reservations B. complaints C. questions D. agreements
Question 24. The washing machine I have just bought is very simple to use
A. boring B. interesting C. easy D. difficult

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Question 25. Now, when so many frogs were killed, there were more and more insects
A. fewer and fewer B. less and less C. lesser and lesser D. lesser and fewer
Question 26. I am at a loss to how you are going to pass your subjects without studying. All you do is to play video
games all day
A. to try to understand B. to lose the game C. to feel like a stranger D. to know a lot

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of
the following questions
Question 27. ___ that it's rare to see him without one in his hand.
A. Trevor likes bananas so much B. Reginald is such a clever person
C. "Spike" is what he likes to be called D. Cecil has given the best answer
Question 28. ___ if he hadn't been told that keeping his job depended on him going to it.
A. Mike would never have attended the conference
B. Cecil really shouldn't be working so many overtime hours
C. Phil was apparently never informed that there was going to be a meeting
D. Jerome was the last person in the office to learn

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions
Question 29. "No, I think it's going to be on Friday."
A. Which day have you decided to go on? B. Do you know when the concert's going to be?
C. When are you thinking of paying us a visit? D. Is the book-signing happening today?
Question 30. ___ that she couldn't use it to ease the pain of her sunburn.
A. The washcloth that had been soaking all night in vinegar smelled so bad
B. The lotion had long ago passed its expiration date
C. Aloe is one of the best known naturally occurring remedies
D. She had made far too many ice cubes once again

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word
or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Throughout the world there are different ways for people to greet each other. In much of the world, a handshake is the
(1)___ form of welcoming and greeting someone. In many countries around the Mediterranean Sea a (2)___kiss on the
cheek is the appropriate way to welcome friends and family. It can be a very (3)___surprise if you expect to shake
hands and get a kiss or a hug instead. At times, it is difficult to tell what sort of greeting (4)___ is followed. People
may bow, grab another’s arm or even slap the other person on the back. In some places people just smile, look at the
other’s face and say nothing. Most people in the world are tolerant of visitors and don’t mind what travelers do that
seems wrong as long as the visitors are (5)___. A big part of the delightfulness of world travel is experiencing
different customs.
Question 31. A. different B. unique C. common D. same
Question 32. A. light B. superficial C. fast D. heavy
Question 33. A. huge B. large C. big D. great
Question 34. A. habit B. routine C. custom D. tradition
Question 35. A. sincere B. truthful C. faithful D. hopeful

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.
Colors are one of the most exciting experiences in life. I love them, and they are just as important to me as
emotions are. Have you ever wondered how the two are so intimately related?
Color directly affects your emotions. Color both reflects the current state of your emotions, and is something
that you can use to improve or change your emotions. The color that you choose to wear either reflects your current
state of being, or reflects the color or emotion that you need.
The colors that you wear affect you much more than they affect the people around you. Of course they also
affect anyone who comes in contact with you, but you are the one saturated with the color all day! I even choose
items around me based on their color. In the morning, I choose my clothes based on the color or emotion I need for the
day. So you can consciously use color to control the emotions that you are exposed to, which can help you to feel
Color, sound and emotions are all vibrations. Emotions are literally energy in motion; they are meant to move
and flow. This is the reason that real feelings are the fastest way to get your energy in motion. Also, flowing energy is
exactly what creates healthy cells in your body. So, the fastest way to be healthy is to be open to your real feelings.
Alternately, the fastest way to create disease  is to inhibit your emotions.

Question 36. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Emotions and colors are closely related to each other. B. Colorful clothes can change your mood.
C. Colors are one of the most exciting experiences in life. D. Colors can help you become more influenced.
Question 37. Which of the following can be most affected by color?
A. Your friend’s feelings B. Your mood C. Your need for thrills D. Your appetite
Question 38. According to this passage, what do color, sound and emotions all have in common?
A. They are all related to health B. They are all vibrations
C. They are all forms of motions D. They all affect the cells of the body
Question 39. According to this passage, what creates disease?
A. Ignoring your emotions B. Wearing the color black
C. Exposing yourself to bright color D. Being open to your emotions
Question 40. The term “intimately” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___.
A. clearly B. obviously C. simply D. closely
Question 41. The term “they” in paragraph 3 refers to ___.
A. people B. colors C. emotions D. none of the above
Question 42. The phrase “saturated with” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___.
A. bored with B. in need of C. lacking in D. covered with

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
Flying Drones into Danger Zones
A plane is sent deep into the enemy territory with a deadly mission. It is assigned to eliminate several key
targets with a precision bombing campaign. This mission won’t be easy, however, as to be successful, the plane will
have to avoid enemy rockets and tank fire. There will be no risk to the life of the “pilot” of the plane because he will
not be able to aboard the vessel. Instead, he will be thousands of miles away inside a control tower, as he is operating
a drone.
Drones, which are also called UVAs or unmanned aerial vehicles, marked a major step forward in technology.
Inventors have been working on them since the early 1900s. Although some devices were designed back then, they
weren't able to do much more than a standard model airplane. In fact, it was not until a US plane was shot down in
1959 during the Cold War that the US military really got serious about drones. The aim was to save pilots’ lives while
flying over hazardous territories.
Drones usually fall into two categories. The first type of drones relies on human control from a remote
location. The second type of drones is preprogrammed with computer instructions, and it then completes its mission
operating autonomously. In addition to protecting pilots’ lives, drones also have several other advantages. They can
stay in the air for longer periods of time because there is no concern for eating, sleeping, or rest breaks that pilots
typically require. Drones can also be produced cheaper since manufacturers don’t need to value safety precautions as
they would for aircraft flown by humans.
Despite their usefulness, military drones have been the cause of great criticism over the past decade. There
have been cases of British and American drones missing their targets and killing innocent civilians instead. The
Brookings Institution released a statistic that for every military leader who is killed by a drone strike, ten civilians die.
Some suggest that if human pilots were flying these planes, they wouldn’t have made these errors. Drones don’t
always have targets that they must eliminate. The military also employs special surveillance drones that use long-
range cameras to gather information about buildings, enemy soldier formations, and other vital information from the
ground. In the end, whether people are for or against the use of drones, it appears that they are certain here to stay.

Question 43. How are drones mainly different from regular planes?
A. They have been around for longer. B. They don’t use any gasoline at all.
C. They don’t need a pilot inside the plane. D. They fly at much faster speed than other planes.
Question 44. What happened in 1959?
A. The first drone flight was made. B. Russia destroyed an American drone.
C. World War II finally came to an end. D. An American plane was shot down in Russia.
Question 45. The word “surveillance” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___.
A. suspecting B. collecting C. flying D. monitoring
Question 46. What is an advantage that drones have over normal planes?
A. They can transport a lot more people. B. They can operate for longer without stopping.
C. They are equipped with more powerful weapons. D. They can be used for military operations.
Question 47. Drones are used for all of the following tasks EXCEPT ___.
A. to eliminate key military targets in a bombing campaign
B. to kill military leaders of the enemy
C. to gather information about the enemy
D. to monitor innocent civilians in order not to kill them
Question 48. Why are some people against drones?
A. They are taking away jobs from pilots. B. They are too expensive to produce.
C. They are harming innocent people. D. They have started wars in foreign countries.
Question 49. All of the following are the advantages of using drones EXCEPT ___.
A. to prevent all planes from being shot down during the Cold War
B. to be produced cheaper than normal planes
C. to save pilots’ lives in dangerous missions
D. to be used for several civilian or military purposes
Question 50. It can be inferred from the passage that one of the missions of the Brookings Institution may be ___.
A. to conduct research on upgrading flying drones
B. to look for new solutions to protecting pilots’ lives during dangerous missions
C. to look for new ideas for solving problems facing society at the global level
D. to conduct in-depth research into metropolitan policies


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