How To Keep Our Mind and Heart Strong

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How to Keep our Mind and Heart Strong?

Before answering this question, I want to say this to you. God’s will for your life is for you to prosper and
be in health even as you soul prospers.
The only way to keep our heart and mind strong is to guard it. Now, the question is, why is it important to
guard your heart and your mind?
The only tool and reliable material to get the answers to this question is no other than the bible.
Now I want each one of you to hold your Bible. It doesn’t matter if what you have now is your gadget,
but what’s important is it is still God’s word if the Bible you are holding is electronical.
We are going to look at 5 ways to keep our mind and heart strong. And the only good reference we have
now of course is no other than God’s word.
Keeping our minds and heart strong is to guard it. Why is it important to guard our heart and mind?
Practically we work hard to protect the things we consider valuable. Ill. Keeping of cell phones.We turn
the alarms on and lock the doors in our houses to protect everything inside it.
But according to God and the scriptures tells us that the heart is the most important possession we have.
So we need to pay attention to guarding our hearts than anything else.
Proverbs 4: 23 “Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.” At mas gusto
ko ang translation nito sa NLT, “Your heart determines the course of your life, it determines who you
are , what you are, what you are all about, and how you handle life.
Walang kaibahan sa pagaalaga mo ng iyong bahay, kasangkapan o nang pinakamahalagang bagay sa iyo
ngayon ang iyong cell phone.
Let me say this, your heart and your mind are connected and it is your God-given responsibility to guard
Provers 23:7For as the man thinks in his heart so is he.
These is how we keep/guard our heart and mind to keep it strong.
1. Pay attention to what you are listening to. What are you listening to?
As young people of this generation, are you listening to music and podcasts or sermons that edify you,
build up and strengthening your spirit? Or are you listening to things that are contrary to the word of God.
Or maybe they are not contrary to the word of God but it won’t bless you in any way.
The Bible says that Faith comes by hearing the Word of God and without Faith it is impossibleto please
We have to pay attention to what we are listening to because that’s what we are feeding our spirits.
2. Guard your heart and mind from the things you watch
What kind of shows or movies are you watching on TV?
Ganito na lang. If you are going to watch TV with Jesus, would you watch the same shows?
What you constantly watch will affect what you think, feel, say and do. If you constantly gaze on the
wrong things, you would likely flood your mind with wrong thoughts.
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But
if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness” Matthew 6: 22-23

3. Read and Meditate on the Word of God. What is the importance of this?

When you read, study and meditate on the Word of God. You are guarding your heart and mind from
anything that comes against them. The word of God is a seed when you sow it in your heart. It grows and
it does the work that God sends it to do.
This could be healing, freedom or keeping you focus on what really matters.
The word of God will give you the wisdom to spot the things that try to contaminate your heart and mind.
4. Pay attention to the words that are coming out of your mouth.
“Put away from your deceitful mouth, And put perverse lips far from you.” Proverbs 4:24
This is very basic. If you want to know what is inside your heart, pay attention to the way you speak.
The Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Ill. Bukal
So we need to pay attention to the words that we are speaking.
Jesus said that what comes out of a man defiles him because out of the heart comes evil thouhts, sexual
immorality, thefts, murders, adulteries, and so many more, evil thing proceed from within. (Mark 7:21)
Remember, our words have power, watch what you say.
5. Watch what you do.
“Do not turn to the right or to the left; Remove your foot from evil” Proverbs 4:27
Stay focused on waking strait before the Lord. Stay away from things that do not align from the word of
God, things that are not a blessing to you or others.
Be kingdom-focused, keeping your eyes set on Jesus until the end of your race. For great will be your

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