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1. This is also called “cardio” exercise normally, these activities increase our heart and breathing rate.

What kind of
activity is this?

A.Physical Fitness C. Activity Dancing Activity

B.Yoga activity D. Aerobic Activity

2. According to the World Health Organization, Health is?

A. Wealth C. It is more than freedom from illness, disease, and debilitating conditions
B. Holistic .D. It is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.

3. All of the following are examples of Aerobic activities, except?

A.Running C. Dancing
B. Jogging D. Sitting

4. Stephanie has been reminded his physician to get enough sleep. His body recently suffers from over figure and
anemia. How many hours does Stephanie need?

A.6 to 8 hours of sleep C. 7 to 8 hours of sleep

B.6 to 9 hours of sleep D. 7 to 9 hours of sleep

5. The quality of your sleep is the sole contributing factor to how you feel and faction duringthe day. Sleep
deprivation increases your reaction time.

A. The first statement is true and second statement is false. C. The first statement is false and the second
statement is true.
B. Both of the statements are false. D. Both of the statements are true.

6. When a person is sedentary, he tends to be taking in more calories than are needed. These unused calories
accumulate as fat. A person who is physically active may have deficit of calories, which takes fat away and lowers
weight. Lowered weight is good for the heart and can be beneficial in people with diabetes. In a simple way, what
health benefit is this statement referring to?

A.It controls weight. C. It strengthens the lungs.

B.It reduces blood sugar levels. D. It strengthens the heart.

7. Always consider the number of aerobic exercise sessions per week. Start cardio exercise for at least 3 days a week
for the first few weeks, with not more than 2 days rest between sessions. In doing these kinds of physical activities we
are giving importance to one of the guidelines of aerobic activities which is the_______?

A.Frequency B. Intensity
C. Type D. Tim

8. Running, jogging, sprinting, swimming, and playing contact sports such as basketball Are some activities that we
can do to improve our heart rate. It is also important to try Different exercise and activities to avoid boredom. In
doing these kinds of physical activities we are giving importance to one of the guidelines of aerobic activities which is

A.Frequency B. Intensity
C. Type D. Time

9. A secondary school is trying to encourage its students to participate in an activeHealthy lifestyle. Which piece of
advice you give to the staff at the school who aretrying to encourage a healthy active balanced lifestyle among their

A.Make lunchtime sport compulsory C.Run teams only for the best performers
B.Run sports clubs during weekends only D.Put on a number of activity clubs open to all

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a balanced healthy lifestyle?

A.Exercising regularly C. Only drinking 5 units of alcohol per day

B.Drinking water regularly D. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables

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