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E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000



Fasky Randika, and M. Sayyidin Bachtiyar Alwi

Arabic Language and Literature, Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim
Gajayana street number 50, Jawa Timur, 65144, Indonesia

Permalink: Doi:
Submitted: Accepted: Published

This article aims to: (1) describe the division of subtypes in a bi-transitive
clause; (2) explaining the bi-transitive clause of subtype A in the film
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 with a tagmemic theory
based on Kenneth L. Pike's perspective; (3) explain the bi-transitive clause
of subtype B in the film Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode with a
tagmemic theory based on Kenneth L. Pike's perspective. This article uses
qualitative, descriptive, and literary research types. The main data source in
this article is the film Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2. The
data collection techniques in this article are watching, listening, and taking
notes. Data validation techniques through the stages of increasing
persistence, discussion, and triangulation techniques. Meanwhile, the data
analysis technique uses three stages, namely data reduction, data
presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are (1) in the
division based on subtype, the bi-transitive clause of subtype A is formed. of
an intransitive verb. The researcher found 3 sentences that fall into the
category of the bi-transitive clause subtype A in the film Avatar: The Legend
of Korra book 4 Episode 2 based on Kenneth L. Pike's perspective, and (3)
in the explanation, the subtype B bi-transitive clause is formed from verbs
transitive. The researcher found 4 sentences that fall into the category of bi-
transitive clauses subtype B in the film Avatars: The Legend of Korra book
4 Episode 2 based on Kenneth L. Pike's perspective.
Keywords: Clause, dwi-intransitive, tagmemik, tagmen


available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

Artikel ini bertujuan untuk: (1) memaparkan pembagian subtipe dalam

klausa dwi-tansitif; (2) menjelaskan klausa dwi-transitif subtipe A dalam
film Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 dengan teori
tagmemik berdasarkan perspektif Kenneth L. Pike; (3) menjelasakan klausa
dwi-transitif subtipe B dalam film Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4
Episode dengan teori tagmemik berdasarkan perspektif Kenneth L. Pike.
Artikel ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, deskriptif, dan pustaka.
Sumber data utama dalam artikel ini adalah film Avatar: The Legend of
Korra Book 4 Episode 2. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam artikel ini adalah
teknik tonton, simak, dan catat. Teknik validasi data melalui tahap
peningkatan ketekunan, diskusi, dan teknik triangulasi. Sedangkan teknik
analisis data melalui tiga tahap, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan
penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah (1) dalam
pembagiannya berdasarkan subtipe, klausa dwi-tranasitif dibagi menjadi 2
subtipe, yaitu klausa dwi-transitif subtipe A dan klausa dwi-transitif subtipe
B, (2) dalam penjelasannya, klausa dwi-transitif subtipe A terbentuk dari
verba intransitive. Peneliti menemukan 3 buah kalimat yang masuk dalam
kategori klausa dwi-transitif subtipe A pada film Avatar: The Legend of
Korra book 4 Episode 2 berdasarkan perspektif Kenneth L. Pike, dan (3)
dalam penjelasannya, klausa dwi-transitif subtipe B terbentuk dari verba
transitif. Peneliti menemukan 4 buah kalimat yang masuk dalam kategori
klausa dwi-transitif subtipe B pada film Aavatar: The Legend of Korra book
4 Episode 2 berdasarkan perspektif Kenneth L. Pike.
Kata Kunci: Dwi-transitif, klausa, tagmemik, tagmen

In a reference explained that clauses and sentences have a lot in common, this is
determined because judging by the syntactic construction that both contain predictive
elements (Bandono, 2010). The clause is an opinion that is based on the European part of the
exotic language, which has a diversity of opinions related to its presence (Suratidjo, 1991).
Clauses in grammar are a set of words consisting of subjects and predictives although in some
types, the subject is not explicitly displayed (Rijal, 2015). Another source explained that the
clause is a syntactic state before a sentence whose construction is predicate (containing
predicates) (Fauziah et al. 2017). The existence of a clause is at a syntactic level above the
phrase and below the discourse. This is evidenced by the opinion that the clause consists of
several elements, one of which is predicate (Rustinar, 2019).
While according to Ilfan Askul Pehala in his journal explained, the clause is a
grammatical unit in the form of a group of words consisting of predicate subjects and has the
opportunity to become a sentence (Pehala, Ilfan Askul, 2017). The clause consists of various
kinds, one of which is a bi-transitive clause whose predicate presents three mandatory
elements, namely subject, object, and complement (Dhanawaty, et al., 2017). In addition to
the material about the clauses contained in this study, the thing to note in this study is the
tagmemic theory. Because of this research, researchers use tagmemic theory to be a research

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

In a journal it is explained that tagmemic is a relatively new theory in linguistic

theory. The completeness of this theory came to an end after being pursued by Pike
(Soeparno, 1988). Tagmemic analysis in a film or other aims to complete the discussion
related to sentence forms consisting of slots, classes, roles, and cohesion (Safitri et al., 2019).
As already explained that tagmen are part of the grammatical concept with
completeness of traits in the umunya such as slots, classes, roles, and cohesion. Slot is a
characteristic tagmen that becomes an empty place in the structure that must be filled by the
tagmen function, Class is a characteristic of tagmen that becomes a tangible form of slot, Role
that is characteristic or something tagmen marker that serves as a carrier of tagmen function,
and Cohesion is a tagmen marker that controls the relationship between tagmen (Soeparno,
Naming tagmemic theory departs from the concept of tagmem. Tagmem which is a
gramatkila construction consisting of slots, classes, cohesion, and roles (Husin and Roihanah,
2015). Tagmemic analysis is also called tagmem or also a relationship between functional
gatra and the classes of elements that fill the gatra (Kurniati, 2008, p. 105). There are several
principles in tagmemic, including: (1) language is a behavior; (2) all purposive behaviors shall
be included in units; (3) the importance of context; (4) Hierarchy; (5) formal tagmemic theory
that recognizes the observer's perspective in a variety of levels; (6) construction; (7)
grammatical levels; (8) mapping (Susiawati, 2020).
Researchers look back at the state of people's lives. In the view of researchers,
reviewing this research will have an impact on the social life of the community itself, namely
in terms of communication. Researchers argue that this title is very interesting and impressive
to be studied. Because in this research, the object of study that was used as research is very
unique and popoler among teenagers, namely avatar movie. Given the large number of fans of
the film. So that this title can add to the interest side for the reader.
The research object is Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 which is an
animated film series that premiered in Nicklodeon in 2012. The series, which is a sequel to
Avatar: The Legend of Korra, lasts 52 episodes, divided into 2 seasons or 4 books. Overall,
the series tells the story of a world still filled with many cultural and ethnic elements. In it are
people who have supernatural abilities to manipulate both water, earth, fire, and air. The focus
of the story in Book 4 Episode 2 tells about Korra's self-healing due to physical and
psychological luuka after her devastating battle with Zaheer and contains about the riots that
occurred in the Earth Kingdom masterminded by Kuvira, a former servant of Su Yin Beifong
who wanted to seize power using military action.
Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 episode 2, directed by Lauren Mcmullan, is
considered suitable for research using clause tagmemic theory because many conversations
contain clauses. Therefore, according to researchers avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4
Episode 2 directed by Lauren Mcmullan is suitable for research with the theory of tagmemic
Some of the research with the theme Tagmemik Perspective Kenneth L. Pike that is
being researched, some of which are: Sumardiono published in 2015 entitled Case Studies:
Effectiveness of Syntactic Tree Program In Understanding Tagmemic Grammar For Students
STKIP PGRI Blitar. This study discusses the effectiveness of the use of syntactic tree
programs in analyzing tagmemic grammar in understanding linguistic elements. In addition,
this study aims to find out the effectiveness of the use of this software for students in synthic
analysis in terms of statistical results. The research method used in researching is qualitative.

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

The results of this study showed that students who were taught to use this program were better
at understanding the picture and syntax analysis while students in the control group found
difficulties in analyzing linguistic elements in tagmemic grammar (Sumardiono, 2015).

Irfan Nutriputra published in 2016 entitled Clause Type In Kompas Editorial. This
study aims to uncover the type of clause in the Kompas editorial through the understanding of
cirri semantic verbs as the controller of clause construction. The research method used in
researching is descriptive qualitative. Based on the data from the study, the type of clause in
the compass editorial is a transitive clause (1) (43%) the upper (1a) polymorphic transitive
verbs and (1b) optional transitive verbs; (2) bi-intransitive (18%) which is formed on (2a)
monomorphic bi-intransitive verbs, (2b) polymorphic bi-intransitf verbs, and (2c) optional bi-
intransitive verbs; (3) equatif (17%) (3a) monomorphic equative verbs and (3b) polymorphic
verbs; (4) intransitive (16%) a formed (4a) monomorphic clause and (4b) a polymorphic
clause; and (5) bitransitive (6%) (5a) SPOK and (5b) SPOPel. It indicates that kompas's
editorial language can be said to use simple construction (Nurtriputra, 2016).
Abdul Basid, and Husnawati Zahrah published in 2020 entitled Independent Clauses
In Valiant Budi's Novel "Swap Fate" Based on Kenneth L. Pike's Tagmemic Perspective. This
study aims to present the Independent Clause: Its type and structure with the clarification of
the predicate slot in valiant Budi's novel Swap Fate based on the perspective of Kenneth L.
Pike's tagmemic theory. The methods used are qualitative, descriptive, and library. The result
of this study is that the independent clause with the clarification of the predicate slot in the
novel Swap Destiny by Valiant Budi based on the perspective of Tagmemik Kenneth L. Pike
has 3 types, namely transitive clauses, intransitive clauses, and ekuative clauses. Each of these
three types of independent clauses has a diverse structure, namely: (a) transitive clause
structure consists of S+ P + O, S + P + O + Adjung (F. Adj), S + P + O + Adjung (F. Prep),
and S + P + O + Adjung (F. Adv); (b) the structure of the intransitive clause consists of S+ P,
S + P + Adjung (Ajg – FN), S + P + Adjung (Ajg _ F. Prep), and S + P + Adjung (Ajg – F.
Adv); and (c) the structure of the ekuative clause consists of S+ P + Attribute Predicate (PA –
FN), S + P + Attribute Predicate (PA – F. Adj), and S + P + Attribute Predicate (PA – F.
Prep). At a later stage each structure of the three independent clauses: transitive clauses,
intransitive clauses, and ekuative clauses have an important role and function in shaping the
tagmem system based on the perspective of Kenneth L. Pike's tagmemic theory (Basid, and
Zahrah, 2020).
Dini Fahmiah, Kristina, and Siti Nur Hidayati published in 2020 entitled Hierarchy
Of The Circle in the Film "New Rich People" Directed by Ody C. Harahap Based on The
Tagmemic Perspective of Kenneth L. Pike. This study aims to examine in depth the hierarchy
of the circled at the level of phrases in the film New Rich People. The research method used
in researching is qualitative. The results of this study consist of two hierarchies in the word
level of 8 hierarchies in the phrase level (Fahmiah et al, 2020).
From the four studies that have been presented, researchers found similarities and
differences between the study and the research that researchers are researching. From the
studies that have been presented, researchers found similarities that are the same theme used.
In researching this research, researchers used the same theme with the previously presented
research, Tagmemik. Researchers also found similarities in terms of the methodology used, in
researching this research researchers used qualitative methodology. The difference between
the researches that have been presented with the research that researchers are researching lies

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

in the object of the study studied. The first study of objects studied in the form of the
effectiveness of syntacric tree program for students of STKIP PGRI Blitar, the research of the
two objects studied in the form of compass editorials, research into three objects studied in the
form of new rich people films, research into four objects studied in the form of the novel
Swap Fate, while the object studied by researchers in this study is a film titled Avatar: The
Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 directed by Lauren Mcmullan.
Based on the similarities and differences that have been described, researchers can
conclude that the position of research between the 4 studies is a complement to previous
research in terms of dwi-transitive clause research. This means that the results of this study
can complement the results of previous research in terms of The Bi-Intransitive Clause.
Based on the explanation presented by the researchers above, the researchers aim to:
(1) explain the division of subtypes in the bi-tansitive clause; (2) explain the bi-transitive
clause subtype A in avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 with tagmemic theory
based on kenneth L. Pike's perspective; (3) clarify the bi-transitive clause subtype B in avatar:
The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode with tagmemic theory based on kenneth L. Pike's

Research method is a scientific process in obtaining data to solve a problem based on
facts (Basid et al., 2020). This research method consists of the word methodology which
means the science of the path taken to gain an understanding of the goals that have been set
before. In line with the above research, research is also defined by efforts that require equality
in understanding reality as far as possible as the goal is. (Narbuko, 2015).
This research methodology consists of research types, data collection techniques, and
data analysis techniques that will be described below:
Types of research
In general, the type of research is divided into several groups, namely: place, data,
destination, and explantation rate (Hamirul, 2020). In conducting the research, the researchers
used three types of research, namely: reviewed from the data aspects of researchers using
qualitative types, reviewed from aspects of the explanation of researchers using descriptive
types, and reviewed from the aspects where researchers use the type of library. The
explanation will be presented below:
1. Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is a general term for various approaches and methods for the
study of natural social life. The information or data collected and analyzed is basically
non-quantitative. which documents a human experience of another person and/or one's self
in social action and reflexive circumstances (Saldana, 2011). From the above
understanding, researchers put this research into qualitative research type because basically
this research uses a data in the form of avatar movie: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode
2 directed by Lauren Macmullan. In addition, it is in qualitative research that researchers
are the main instruments in a study (Budiyono, 2013).
2. Descriptive research
Descriptive research is a type of research that gives the results of a detailed picture of
a symptom or suaut phenomenon (Priyono, 2008). In other terms, it is explained that
descriptive type of research is ex post de facto research, namely a researcher does not

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

directly control the object of research (Suryani and Siti, 2015). Researchers use this type of
research because researchers will describe about: (1) the exposure of a bitransitive clause
in the film Avatar: The Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 based on the perspective of
Kenneth L. Pike; (2) and the decryption of a bi-transitive sentence in avatar: The Legend
Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 based on the perspective of Kenneth L. Pike.
3. Literature Research
Literature research or commonly referred to as literature studies, is a series of
activities related to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and
processing research objects (Hermawan, 2019). This research is called library research
because this study intends to take data from films that do not require researchers to enter
the field.
Data collection techniques
The collection technique is a way to find the data and facts needed for a study (Hamdi
and Bahruddin, 2014). In collecting data researchers use watch techniques, listen and note.
The explanation is as follows:
1. Watch technique
Watch technique are technique used to gain understanding and knowledge by watching
(Chandermani, 2015). As for the langah done by researchers:
a) Watch for the first time avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 episode 2 which will be
swallowed as a glimpse or to get an overview of the film being studied.
b) Watch Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 to identify conversations that
contain bitransitive clauses while signaling.
c) Re-watch Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 by specializing in
conversations containing bitransitive clauses that have previously been marked to
ensure that each marked conversation is a conversation containing a bitransitive clause
2. Listen technique
Listen technique is a data collection technique by listening to the user or the language
user (Rahardi, 2002). The steps taken by the researchers include:
a) Listen to the conversation in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 to describe
the bitransitive clause.
b) Re-listen to the conversation by basing it on Kenneth L. Pike's tagmemic perspective to
understand the purpose of the Bitransitive Clause in avatar: The Legend of Korra Book
4 Episode 2.
3. Take notes technique
Take notes technique is a technique used to apply simak technique by recording what is
listened to from the movie being watched (Rahardi, 2002). The steps that researchers go
through include:
a) Take notes of conversations containing bitransitive clauses and durations during the
conversation to describe the bitransitive clause in avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4
Episode 2 based on kenneth L. Pike's perspective.
b) Take notes the bitansitive clause into the existing section according to Kenneth L. Pike's
theory to understand the purpose of the bitranstive clause in the film Avatar: The
Legend Of Korra Book 4 Episode 2.
Data analysis techniques

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

Data analysis techniques are an activity carried out after data collection. Broadly speaking,
the activity of the analysis is to group a data to be presented each variable and perform a
calculation to test the hypothesis and answer the problem formulation (Hamdi and Bahruddin,
2014). To analyze the data researchers used data analysis techniques based on miles and
huberman models. Data analysis techniques according to Miles and Huberman consist of three
components: data reduction, data presentation, and inference (Pawito, 2007). Here are the
steps researchers went through:
1. Data reduction
Data reduction technique is a technique that considers data in terms of word selection or
data focus obtained so that the data is suitable for the theme being studied (Murdiyatmoko,
2006). The stages carried out by researchers are:
a) Researchers simplify data by selecting data related to bitransitive clauses that
researchers have found that are based on distributional methods and expand techniques.
b) Researchers grouped data on bitransitive clauses according to their categories.
2. Data presentation
Data presentation technique is a technique to provide a good data that aims to make it
easier for researchers to arrange discussions and facilitate readers (Andayani, 2015). The
steps taken by researchers:
a) Researchers provided an explanation of data relating to the bi-tranitive clause in the film
Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 to describe a bi-tranitive clause based
on the perspective of Kenneth L. Pike.
b) Researchers attributed the existing data to the theory and perspective of the bi-tranitive
clause to understand the purpose of the bi-tranitive clause in the film Avatar: The
Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 based on the perspective of Kenneth L. Pike.
3. Withdrawal Conclusions
In this method the researcher chooses and the information that will direct the audience
to draw the desired conclusion. The communication-research literature shows that this is a
good method of communication with a sophisticated audience. However, this technique
can be fatal if used with an undocumented audience (Newsom and Haynes, 2008). The
steps that researchers go through include:
a) Read the data of the overall discussion results.
b) It identifies the speeches included in kenneth L. Pike's perspective bi-tranitive clause
and what is a problem and purpose in research based on the perspective of Kenneth L.
c) Calculates the number of words included in Kenneth L. Pike's perspective bi-transitive
d) Conclusions are divided into two parts which are substantive and formative. Substantive
conclusions that contain the outline of the discussion while formative conclusions
containing about the results of the discussion by adding the perspective of researchers.


A bi-transitive clause is a clause that belongs to an active clause and has a passive
opisisi. If the formation of transitive verbs from morphine is free of intransitive, while the
formation of bi-tranitive verbs is formed from intransitive or transitive verbs (Griffiths, 2010).
Based on data collection techniques, data validation techniques, and data analysis
techniques, researchers classified a bi-transitive clause based on the type of subtype contained

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

in avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Epiosde 2 directed by Lauren Macmullan based on
kenneth L. Pike's tagmemic theory perspective into 2 types of clauses as researchers
summarized them in table 1. Bi-transitive clauses below.

Table 1. Bi-Transitive clause

Clause Type Bi-transitive clause classification

Bi-transitive clause Subtype Clause A
Subtype Clause B

Based on table 1. The bi-transitive clause above, researchers found that the type of
bi-transitive clause when viewed from the subtype contained in the film Avatar: The Legend
of Korra Book 4 Epiosde 2 directed by Lauren Macmullan based on the perspective of
kenneth L. Pike's tagmemic theory is divided into 2 subtypes, namely subtype A clause and
subtype B clause :
Subtype A bi-transitive clause
Sub-type A bitransitive clauses are formed from intransitive verbs. The bitransitive
verb subtype A requires the presence of K. Verba submits, treats, and provides the obliging
phrase prepositioned filler K function as a locative / purpose (in addition to requiring the
nominal phrase filler function S mandatory as the perpetrator and the nominal phrase filler O
function as a target) (Nurtiputra, 2016). Researchers found that core sentences that have a
bitransitive clause structure consisting of subjects, predicates, objects and captions with
intransitive verb causes as the researchers described in the following table.
Table 2. Subtype A bi-transitive clause

Clause type Bitransitive clause-forming verb subtype B

Subtype A bi-transitive clause Intransitive verbs

Based on table 2. The bi-transitive clause above is clearly illustrated that the subtype
A bi-transitive clause is formed by a verb that is, an intransitive verb but with a note
presenting the phrase K that serves as a locative/ destination. The description is as follows:

Researchers found sentences containing bi-transitive clauses with subject structure
(S) + predicate (P) + object (O) + caption (K) with intransitive verbs in the film Avatar: The
Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 directed by Lauren Macmullan there are 3. Here's the first
I can't wait for you to go
Aku tidak sabar menunggumu pergi (Mcmullan, 2014, 02.01).

The phrase "Aku tidak sabar menunggumu pergi" is a sentence that has a bi-
transitive clause structure. But the core of the sentence is "I'm waiting for you to leave now"
As for the composition of the sentence structure if not added slot elements will be as follows:
Aku (tidak sabar) memenunggumu pergi

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

S + P + O+ K

From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype A can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVI + O : FN2 + K : FVI
The formula above can be explained that the word "aku" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "menunggu" is a word that serves as a
predicate filled with intransitive verb phrases, then the word "mu" is a working word object
filled by the phrase noun, while the word "Pergi" is a word that serves as a description filled
by the phrase verb intransitive.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitif clause subtype A can be
described as follows:
Chart 2a. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype A
Slot Class
Aku (tidak sabar) menunggumu pergi Aku (tidak sabar) menunggumu pergi
All four slots are core, while the phrase "tidak sabar" is FN + FVI + FN + FVI
a sentence beyond the core
Role Cohesion
Aku (tidak sabar) menunggumu pergi Aku (tidak sabar) menunggumu pergi
S+P+O+K Subtype A bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on chart 2a. The bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence "I wait for
you to leave" is seen from the tagmemic theory perspective of Kanneth L. Pike then the
function and role of each tagmem element will be clearly visible. As the following
a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype A consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "aku" domiciled as (S), the word "menunggu" domiciled as (P), the word "mu"
domiciled as (O) and the word "pergi" domiciled as (K). So, all slot parts of the sentence
"Aku menunggumu pergi" are core, while the phrase "Tidak sabar" is a sentence out of the
core because the subtype A bi-intransitive clause must contain 4 slot elements, i.e. (S) +
(P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The bi-transitive clause subtype A consists of 2 classes of phrases, namely 2 noun
phrases and 2 intransitive verb phrases with the word breakdown "aku as a noun phrase,
the word "" menunggu an intransitive verb phrase, the word "mu" as a noun phrase, and the
word "pergi" as an intransitive verb phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause subtype A in the sentence "Aku menunggumu pergi" which
consists of the order Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own role. Here's an
explanation: The word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) has the role of the perpetrator, the
word "meunggu" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the form of work done
(S), the word "mu" has a role as an object (O) of the work done (S) and the word "pergi"
which is accused as (K) has a role to indicate the description.
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause subtype A in the sentence "Aku menunggumu pergi"
has a grammatical relationship in forming a subtype A bi-transitive clause. Similarly, the
word "menunggu" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as (P) if it is not
followed by the word "aku" which is argued as (S). The word "mu" which is domiciled as
(O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), nor will the word

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

"pergi" which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not preceded by (S),
(P), and (O).

Examples of second sentences containing the bi-transitive clause subtype A with

intransitive verbs in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episodes are as follows:

The poison has damaged many parts of your body

Racunnya sudah merusak banyak sekali bagian dalam tubuhmu sekarang (Mcmullan, 2014,

The sentence “Racunnya sudah merusak banyak sekali bagian dalam tubuhmu
sekarang” is a sentence that has a bi-transitive clause structure subtype A. But the essence of
the sentence is "Poison damages your body now" As for the composition of the sentence
structure if not added slot elements will be as follows:
Racunnya (sudah) merusak (banyak sekali bagian dalam) tubuhmu sekarang
S + P + O+ K
FN + FVI + FN+ FKon
From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype A can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVI + O : FN2 + K : FKon
The formula above can be explained that the word "Racunnya" is a word that serves
as a subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "Merusak" is a word that serves as a
predicate filled with intransitive verb phrases, then the word "Tubuhmu" is a word that serves
as an object filled by the phrase noun, while the word "Sekarang" is a word that serves as a
description filled with conjunction phrases.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitif clause subtype A can be
described as follows:
Chart 2b. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype A
Slot Class
Racunnya (sudah) merusak (banyak sekali bagian Racunnya (sudah) merusak (banyak sekali bagian
dalam) tubuhmu sekarang dalam) tubuhmu sekarang
All four slots are core, while words (sudah) and FN + FVI + FN + FKon
sentences (banyak sekali bagian dalam) are words and
sentences beyond the core
Role Cohesion
Racunnya (sudah) merusak (banyak sekali bagian Racunnya (sudah) merusak (banyak sekali bagian
dalam) tubuhmu sekarang dalam) tubuhmu sekarang
S+P+O+K Subtype A bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on chart 2b. The bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence “Racunnya
sudah merusak banyak sekali bagian dalam tubuhmu sekarang” judging from the tagmemic
theory perspective of Kanneth L. Pike then the function and role of each tagmem element will
be clearly visible. As the following explanation:
a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype A consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "Racunnya" domiciled as (S), the word "merusak" domiciled as (P), the word
"tubuhmu" domiciled as (O) and the word "sekarang" domiciled as (K). Thus, all slot parts

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

of the sentence "Racun merusak tubuh sekarang" are a core, while the sentences "sudah",
"banyak", "sekali", "bagian", and "dalam" are sentences outside of the core because the
subtype A bi-intransitive clause must contain 4 slot elements, i.e. (S) + (P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The subtype A bi-transitive clause consists of 3 classes of phrases, namely 2 noun
phrases, 1 intransitive verb phrase and 1 conjunction phrase with the details of the word
"Racunnya" as a noun phrase, the word "merusak" as an intransitive verb phrase, the word
"tubuhmu" as a noun, and the word "sekarang" as a conjunction phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause subtype A in the sentence “Racunnya sudah merusak
tubuhmu sekarang” which consists of Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its
own role. Here's the explanation: The word "racunnya" which is domiciled as (S) has a role
as the perpetrator, the word "merusak" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the
form of work done (S), the word "tubuhmu" has a role as an object (O) of the work done
(S) and the word "sekarang" which is accused as (K) has a role to show the description.
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause subtype A in the sentence “Racunnya sudah merusak
tubuhmu” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive clause subtype A. For
example, the word "racunnya" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its role as (S) if it is
not followed by the word "merusak" which is domiciled as (P). Similarly, the word
"merusak" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as (P) if it is not followed by the
word "racunnya" which is accused as (S). The word "tubuhmu" which is domiciled as (O)
will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), so the word "sekarang"
which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not preceded by (S), (P), and
Examples of third sentences containing the bi-transitive clause subtype A with
intransitive verbs in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episodes are as follows:
If you dedicate yourself to making up
Jika kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan (Mcmullan, 2014, 04.02).

The sentence “Jika kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan” is a sentence that has a
bi-transitive clause structure subtype A. But the core of the sentence is “Kau mendedikasikan
dirimu untuk baikan” As for the composition of the sentence structure if not added slot
elements will be as follows:
(Jika) kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan
S + P + O+ K
FN + FVI + FN+ FPre
From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype A can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVI + O : FN2 + K : FPre
The formula above can be explained that the word "Kau" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "Mendedikasikan" is a word that serves as a
predicate filled with intransitive verb phrases, then the word "Dirimu" is a word that serves as
an object filled with noun phrases, while the word "untuk baikan" is a word that serves as a
description filled with prepositions.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitif clause subtype A can be
described as follows:
Bagan 2c. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype A
Slot Class
(Jika) kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan (Jika) kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

S+P+O+K FN + FVI + FN + FPre

All four slots are core, while the word (jika) is an outer
word of the core
Role Cohesion
(Jika) kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan (Jika) kau mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan
S+P+O+K Subtype A bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on the 2c chart. The bi-transitive clause system above, if the phrase “Kau
mendedikasikan dirimu untuk baikan” is seen from the theory of tagmemic perspective
Kanneth L. Pike then the function and role of each tagmem element will be clearly visible. As
the following explanation:
a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype A consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "Kau" domiciled as (S), the word "mendedikasikan" domiciled as (P), the word
"dirimu" domiciled as (O) and the word "untuk baikan" domiciled as (K). So, all slot parts
of the sentence "You dedicate yourself to good" are core, while the word "Jika" is a
sentence outside of the core because the subtype A bi-intransitive clause must contain 4
slot elements, i.e. (S) + (P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The subtype A bi-transitive clause consists of 3 classes of phrases, namely 2 noun
phrases, 1 intransitive verb phrase and 1 preposition phrase with the details of the word
"Kau" as the noun phrase, the word "mendedikasikan" as an intransitive verb phrase, the
word "dirimu" as a noun phrase, and the word "untuk baikan" as a preposition phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause of subtype A on the sentence “Kau mendedikasikan dirimu
untuk baikan” which consists of Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own
role. Here's an explanation: The word "kau" which is domiciled as (S) has the role of the
perpetrator, the word "mendedikasikan" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the
form of work done (S), the word "dirimu" has the role as an object (O) of the work done
(S) and the word "untuk baikan" which is accused as (K) has a role to show the description.
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause of subtype A in the sentence “Kau mendedikasikan
dirimu untuk baikan” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive clause
subtype A. For example, the word "kau" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its role as
(S) if it is not followed by the word "mendedikasikan" which is domiciled as (P).
Similarly, the word "mendedikasikan" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as
(P) if it is not followed by the word "kau" which is argued as (S). The word "dirimu" which
is domiciled as (O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), so the
word "untuk baikan" which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not
preceded by (S), (P), and (O).

Subtype B bi-transitive clause

The bitransitive clause subtype B is formed from transitive verbs. The bitransitive
verb subtype B requires the presence of K For example, the verb sends require the presence of
complementary instructions (other than the objects of the ministers), while the verb sends
obliging the presence of information to the ministers (other than the instruction object)
(Nurtiputra, 2016, p. 97). Researchers found that core sentences that have a bitransitive clause
structure of subtype B consisting of subjects, predicates, objects and captions with transitive
verb causes as the researchers described in the following table.
Table 3. Subtype B bi-transitive clause

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

Type Clause Bitransitive clause-forming verb subtype B

Subtype B bi-transitive clause Transitive Verbs

Based on table 3. The bi-transitive clause above, illustrated clearly that the bi-
transitive clause subtype B is formed by a verb that is, transitive verbs but with a note
requiring the presence of Pel.. The description is as follows:
Researchers found sentences containing a subtype B bi-transitive clause with subject
structure (S) + predicate (P) + object (O) + caption (K) with transitive verbs in the film
Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episode 2 directed by Lauren Macmullan exist (?).
Here's the first example:

I've never used a pen before

Aku belum pernah menggunakan pena sebelumnya (Mcmullan, 2014, 02.05).

The sentence “Aku belum pernah menggunakan pena sebelumnya” is a sentence that
has a bi-transitive clause structure subtype B. However the core of the sentence is “Aku
belum menggunakan pena sebelumnya” As for the composition of the sentence structure if
not added slot elements will be as follows:
Aku belum (pernah) menggunakan pena sebelumnya
S + P + O+ K
FN + FVT + FN+ FKon
From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype B can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVT + O : FN2 + K : FKon
The formula above can be explained that the word "aku" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "belum menggunakan" is a word that serves as
a predicate filled with transitive verb phrases, then the word "pena" is a word that serves as an
object filled with noun phrases, while the word "sebelumnya" is a word that serves as a
description filled by conjunction phrases.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitive clause subtype B can be
described as follows:
Chart 3a. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype B
Slot Class
Aku belum (pernah) menggunakan pena sebelumnya Aku belum (pernah) menggunakan pena sebelumnya
S+P+O+K FN + FVI + FN + FKon
All four slots are core, whereas the word (pernah) is a
word beyond the core
Role Cohesion
Aku belum (pernah) menggunakan pena sebelumnya Aku belum (pernah) menggunakan pena sebelumnya
S+P+O+K Subtype B bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on chart 3a. Bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence “Aku belum
pernah menggunakan pena sebelumnya” seen from the theory of tagmemic perspective
Kanneth L. Pike then the function and role of each element tagmem will be clearly visible. As
the following explanation:

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "Aku" domiciled as (S), the word "belum menggunakan" domiciled as (P), the
word "pena" domiciled as (O) and the word "sebelumnya" domiciled as (K). Thus, all slot
parts of the sentence“Aku belum menggunakan pena sebelumnya” are core, while the word
"Pernah" is a sentence outside of the core because the bi-intransitive clause subtype B must
contain 4 slot elements, i.e. (S) + (P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The subtype B bi-transitive clause consists of 3 classes of phrases, namely 2 noun
phrases, 1 transitive verb phrase and 1 conjunction phrase with the word breakdown "Aku"
as the noun phrase, the word "belum menggunakan" as a transitive verb phrase, the word
"pena" as the noun phrase, and the word "sebelumnya" as the conjunction phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku belum menggunakan pena
sebelumnya” which consists of Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own
role. Here's an explanation: The word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) has a role as the
perpetrator, the word "belum menggunakan" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to
indicate the form of work done (S), the word "pena" has a role as an object (O) of the work
done (S) and the word "sebelumnya" which is accused as (K) has a role to indicate the
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause subtype B in the sentence “Aku belum menggunakan
pena sebelumnya” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive clause subtype
B. For example, the word "Aku" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its role as (S) if it
is not followed by the word "not yet using" which is domiciled as (P). Similarly, the word
"belum menggunakan" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as (P) if it is not
followed by the word "aku" which is argued as (S). The word "pena" which is domiciled as
(O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), nor will the word
"sebelumnya" which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not preceded by
(S), (P), and (O).

Examples of second sentences that contain a bi-transitive clause subtype B with

transitive verbs in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episodes are as follows:
I'll send lots of letters for you
Aku akan mengirimkan banyak surat untukmu(Mcmullan, 2014, 02.08).

The sentence “Aku akan mengirimkan banyak surat untukmu” is a sentence that has
a bi-transitive clause structure subtype B. But the core of the sentence is “Aku akan
mengirimkan surat untukmu” As for the composition of the sentence structure if not added
slot elements will be as follows:
Aku akan mengirimkan (banyak) surat untukmu
S + P + O+ K
FN + FVT + FN+ FPre
From the explanation above, the structure of the bi-transitive clause subtype B can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVT + O : FN2 + K : FPre
The formula above can be explained that the word "aku" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "akan mengirimkan" is a word that serves as a
predicate filled with transitive verb phrases, then the word "Surat" is a word that serves as an

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

object filled with noun phrases, while the word "untukmu" is a word that serves as a
description filled with prepositions.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitive clause subtype B can be
described as follows:

Chart 3b. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype B

Slot Class
Aku akan mengirimkan (banyak) surat untukmu Aku akan mengirimkan (banyak) surat untukmu
S+P+O+K FN + FVI + FN + FKon
All four slots are core, while the word (bsnysk) is a
word beyond the core
Role Cohesion
Aku akan mengirimkan (banyak) surat untukmu Aku akan mengirimkan (banyak) surat untukmu
S+P+O+K Subtype B bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on chart 3b. Bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence “Aku akan
mengirimkan surat untukmu” judging from the theory tagmemik perspective Kanneth L. Pike
then the function and role of each element tagmem will be clearly visible. As the following
a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "aku" domiciled as (S), the word "akan mengirimkan" domiciled as (P), the word
"surat" domiciled as (O) and the word "untukmu" domiciled as (K). So, all slot parts of the
sentence "aku akan mengirimkan surat untukmu" are core, while the word "banyak" is a
sentence outside of the core because the subtype B bi-intransitive clause must contain 4
slot elements, i.e. (S) + (P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The subtype B bi-transitive clause consists of 3 classes of phrases, namely 2 noun
phrases, 1 transitive verb phrase and 1 preposition phrase with the word "aku" as the noun
phrase, the word "akan mengirimkan" as a transitive verb phrase, the word "surat" as a
noun phrase, and the word "untukmu" as a preposition phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku akan mengirimkan surat
untukmu” Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own role. Here's an
explanation: The word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) has the role of the perpetrator, the
word "akan mengirimkan" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the form of work
done (S), the word "surat" has the role as an object (O) of the work done (S) and the word
"untukmu" which is accused as (K) has a role to indicate the description.
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku akan mengirimkan
surat untukmu” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive clause subtype B.
For example, the word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its role as (S) if not
followed by the word "akan mengirimkan" which is domiciled as (P). Similarly, the word
"akan mengirimkan" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as (P) if it is not
followed by the word "aku" which is argued as (S). The word "surat" which is domiciled as
(O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), so the word "untukmu"
which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not preceded by (S), (P), and

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

Examples of third sentences containing the bi-transitive clause subtype B with

transitive verbs in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episodes are as follows:
I want to show how healthy I am now
Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang(Mcmullan, 2014, 02.08).

The sentence “Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang” is a sentence
that has a bi-transitive clause structure subtype B. As for the composition of the sentence
structure if not added slot elements will be as follows:
Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang
S + P + O+ K
From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype B can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVT + O : FN2 + K : FN
The formula above can be explained that the word "aku" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "ingin menunjukkan" is a word that serves as a
predicate filled with transitive verb phrases, then the word "betapa sehatnya" is a word that
serves as an object filled with noun phrases, while the word "aku sekarang" is a word that
serves as a description filled with noun phrases.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitive clause subtype B can be
described as follows:
Chart 3c. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype B
Slot Class
Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang
S+P+O+K FN + FVI + FN + FN
All four slots are core
Role Cohesion
Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang
S+P+O+K Subtype B bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on the 3c chart, The bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence “Aku
ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang” is seen from the tagmemic theory
perspective of Kanneth L. Pike then the function and role of each tagmem element will be
clearly visible. As the following explanation:
a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "aku" domiciled as (S), the word "ingin menunjukkan" domiciled as (P), the word
"betapa sehatnya" is domiciled as (O) and the word "aku sekarang" domiciled as (K). So,
all the slot parts of the sentence “Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa sehatnya aku sekarang” is
a core, because the bi-intransitive clause subtype B must contain 4 slot elements, i.e. (S) +
(P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The bi-transitive clause subtype B consists of 2 classes of phrases, namely 3 noun
phrases and 1 transitive verb phrase with the details of the word "aku" as the noun phrase,
the word "ingin menunjukkan" as a transitive verb phrase, the word "betapa sehatnya" as a
noun phrase, and the word "aku sekarang" as a noun phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause subtype B on the sentence “Aku ingin menunjukkan betapa
sehatnya aku sekarang” Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own role. Here's
an explanation: The word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) has the role of the perpetrator,
the word "ingin menunjukkan" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the form of
available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

work done (S), the word "betapa sehatnya" has the role as an object (O) of the work done
(S) and the word "aku sekarang" which is accused as (K) has a role to show the
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku ingin menunjukkan
betapa sehatnya aku sekarang” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive
clause subtype B. For example the word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its
role as (S) if it is not followed by the word "ingin menunjukkan" which is domiciled as (P).
Similarly, the word "ingin menunjukkan" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as
(P) if it is not followed by the word "aku" which is accused of being (S). The word "betapa
sehatnya" which is domiciled as (O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S)
and (P), so the word "aku sekarang" which is domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K)
if it is not preceded by (S), (P), and (O).

An example of the fourth sentence that contains a bi-transitive clause subtype B with
transitive verbs in Avatar: The Legend of Korra Book 4 Episodes is as follows:
I don't want to hurt their feelings
Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka(Mcmullan, 2014, 11.58).

The sentence “Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka” is a sentence that has a bi-
transitive clause structure subtype B. As for the composition of the sentence structure if not
added slot elements will be as follows:
Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka
S + P + O+ K
From the explanation above, the structure of bi-transitive clause subtype B can be
written into the following formula: KlaDtSA = S : FN1 + P : FVT + O : FN2 + K : FN
The formula above can be explained that the word "aku" is a word that serves as a
subject filled with noun phrases, then the word "melukai" is a word that serves as a predicate
filled with transitive verb phrases, then the word "perasaan" is a word that serves as an object
filled with nouns, while the word "mereka" is a word that serves as a description filled by the
phrase noun.
Next, the four-sided system unit tagmem in the bi-trnasitive clause subtype B can be
described as follows:
Chart 3d. System tagmem bi-transitive clause subtype B
Slot Class
Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka
S+P+O+K FN + FVI + FN + FN
All four slots are core
Role Cohesion
Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka Aku tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka
S+P+O+K Subtype B bi-transitive clause due to caption slot entry

Based on a 3d. chart, The bi-transitive clause system above, if the sentence “Aku
tidak mau melukai perasaan mereka” is seen from the theory of tagmemic perspective kanneth
L. Pike then the function and role of each element tagmem will be clearly visible. As the
following explanation:

available online at: P-ISSN 1979-0457
E-ISSN 2541-0075

Vol. 00,
Published by English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas Negeri Padang 20xx,
in collaboration with Indonesian English Teachers Association (IETA) Page 000-000

a. Slot: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B consists of (S) + (P) + (O) + (K) with details of
the word "aku" domiciled as (S), the word "melukai" domiciled as (P), the word "perasaan"
domiciled as (O) and the word "mereka" domiciled as (K). So, all slot parts of the sentence
"I don't want to hurt their feelings" is a core, because the bi-intransitive clause subtype B
must contain 4 slot elements, i.e. (S) + (P) + (O) + (K).
b. Class: The bi-transitive clause subtype B consists of 2 classes of phrases, namely 3 noun
phrases and 1 transitive verb phrase with the details of the word "aku" as a noun phrase,
the word "melukai" as a transitive verb phrase, the word "perasaan" as a noun phrase, and
the word "mereka" as a noun phrase.
c. Role: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku tidak mau melukai
perasaan mereka” Subject + Predicate + Object + Description has its own role. Here's an
explanation: The word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) has the role of the perpetrator, the
word "melukai" which is domiciled as (P) has a role to indicate the form of work done (S),
the word "perasaan" has a role as an object (O) of the work done (S) and the word
"mereka" who argue as (K) has a role to show the description.
d. Cohesion: The bi-transitive clause of subtype B in the sentence “Aku tidak mau melukai
perasaan mereka” has a grammatical relationship in forming a bi-transitive clause subtype
B. For example, the word "aku" which is domiciled as (S) will not have its role as (S) if it
is not followed by the word "melukai" which is domiciled as (P). Similarly, the word
"melukai" which is domiciled as (P) will not have its role as (P) if it is not followed by the
word "perasaan" which is accused of being (S). The word "perasaan" which is domiciled as
(O) will not have its role as (O) if it is not preceded by (S) and (P), so the word "mereka"
domiciled as (K) will not have its role as (K) if it is not preceded by (S), (P), and (O).

Based on the exposure of the results and discussion above, the researchers found
conclusions, namely: (1) in its division based on subtypes, bi-tranasitive clauses are divided
into 2 subtypes, namely the bi-transitive clause subtype A and the bi-transitive clause subtype
B, (2) in its explanation, the bi-transitive clause subtype A is formed from intransitive verbs.
Researchers found 3 sentences that fall into the category of subtype A bi-transitive clause in
avatar: The Legend of Korra book 4 Episode 2 based on the perspective of Kenneth L. Pike,
and (3) in his explanation, the bi-transitive clause subtype B is formed from transitive verbs.
Researchers found 4 sentences that fall into the category of bi-transitive clause subtype B in
the film Aavatar: The Legend of Korra book 4 Episode 2 based on the perspective of Kenneth
L. Pike.
A bi-transitive clause is a clause that belongs to an active clause and has a passive
opisisi. If the formation of transitive verbs from morphine is free of intransitive, while the
formation of bi-tranitive verbs is formed from intransitive or transitive verbs. In general, bi-
transitive clauses can be found in several other study objects besides movies. Basically the
focus of the clause is a sentence.

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