Summative Intro To Philo 2ND 2

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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

2st Quarter SUMMATIVE 3rd and 4th

NAME:_______________________PARENTS SIGNATURE:_____________PARENTS CONTACT
Direction: Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided

____1. It is an organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
a. Society b. Community c. Country d. All of the above.
____2. It is the basic unit of society.
a. Human b. Barangay c. Family d. Government
____3. The following are examples of virtual society, EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
a. Facebook b. Google Classroom c. Instagram d. Classroom
____4. Social values are actions or ideals that are considered vital in maintaining an orderly society such as mentioned
below, EXCEPT ONE, which is it?
a. Cooperation c\b. negligence of duty c. obedience to the law d. concern for others
____5. Social institutions are certain groups that perform vital functions in society which include the following, EXCEPT
ONE, which is it?
a. Bestfriends b. school c. Family d. government
____6. Less formal norms that arise from tradition
a. laws b. folkways c. social system d. norms
____7. Actions and behaviors expected of a certain individual
a. laws b. folkways c. social System d. social roles
____8. Set of traits and behavior that society considers acceptable
a. laws b. folkways c. social system d. norms
____9. Organized /patterned set of relationships among individuals and groups that compose a society
a. laws b. folkways c. social system d. social roles
____10. More formal and stringent norms that establish and define acceptable behavior of citizen.
a. laws b. folkways c. social System d. social roles
____11. A society based on knowledge, information, and the sale of services.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____12. A society based on the ownership of land.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____13. The earliest and simplest form of society.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____14. This society features large-scale and long term cultivation of crops and domestication of animals.
a. Agrarian society b. Industrial society c. Pastoral society d. Horticultural society
____15. This society primarily relies on the domestication of animals for food.
a. Agrarian society b. Industrial society c. Pastoral society d. Horticultural society
____16. A society which is generally small in size and is composed of families.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____17. A society that uses machinery in producing goods and services.
a. Agrarian society b. Industrial society c. Pastoral society d. Horticultural society
____18. This society has given rise to the virtual society.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____19. People who owned a land are considered most powerful and influential in this form of society.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
____20. This society engages in the small-scale cultivation of plants.
a. Feudal society b. Post-industrial society c. Hunting and gathering societyd. Horticultural society
_____21. Horticultural society is the earliest and simplest form of society and is generally recognized by its small size, since
it consists mainly of families.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
_____22. Pastoral society: is characterized by the domestication of animals served as a source for food supply.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____23. Semi-nomadic, which means that they travel to another place when there is shortage of the resources in one area is
an Agrarian Society.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____24. Agricultural Society is characterized by improved technology and usage of tools to aid in farming which results in
increased production giving rise to a growing population.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____25. Feudal society: is based on the ownership of land.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____26. Industrial society: is based on the use of specialized machinery in the production of goods and services.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____27. Post-industrial society: emerged by the establishment of societies based on knowledge, information, and the sale of
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____28. Agrarian society arises where people organize themselves through communication technology and Internet.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____29. Pastoral society: In this era, improved trade and commerce, public education and better life conditions are evident
for many people.
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____30. In virtual society members are organized based on status which consists of higher class/ruler (people who own a
a. the statement is correct b. the statement is entirely wrong
c. the statement is confusing d. I decide not to express my thought
____31. Seeming refers to the actions where an individual _____ himself or herself in a certain way when dealing with
a. self b. relationship c. recognition d. present e. interact
____32. Intersubjectivity is the mutual ______ of each other as persons.
a. self b. relationship c. recognition d. present e. interact
____33. The self-consciousness is considered by philosophers as a defining characteristic of the self-other _______.
a. self b. relationship c. recognition d. present e. interact
____34. The first thing to do to have a meaningful interaction with others is to recognize the _______ that defines our
a. self b. relationship c. recognition d. present e. interact
____35. The manifestation of self-other interaction is the awareness of the existence of _______.
a. self b. relationship c. recognition d. present e. interact
____36. It is a behavior that is in your control.
a. voluntary action b. involuntary action c. temporal being d. noble good
____37. Anything your body does that you do not realize it is doing or that you do not consent
a. voluntary action b. involuntary action c. temporal being d. noble good
____38. Usually exists when a person is forced to do something
a. external compulsion b. inner compulsion c. voluntary action d. involuntary action
____39. It occurs when some inner psychological factor forces a person to act.
a. external compulsion b. inner compulsion c. voluntary action d. involuntary action
____40. Is the theory that all events are caused or determined by antecedent conditions.
a. Fatalism view b. Indeterminism View c. Determinism View d. Predeterminism
____41. Official view of Western thought.
a. Fatalism view b. Indeterminism View c. Determinism View d. Predeterminism
____42. That which the gods ordain to happen.
a. Fatalism view b. Indeterminism View c. Determinism View d. Predeterminism
____43. Holds that every event in the universe is fixed or destined from the beginning of time, both as to the time and the
manner of its occurrence as controlled by an impersonal force or power.
a. Fatalism view b. Indeterminism View c. Determinism View d. Predeterminism
____44. It means that we are human beings oriented towards impending death.
a. voluntary action b. involuntary action c. temporal being d. noble good
____45. a state of being, not just an emotional experience or a chosen mental attitude.
a. happiness b. noble good c. useful good d. pleasurable good
____46. Provides some form of pleasure, though it doesn’t have to be physical.
a. happiness b. noble good c. useful good d. pleasurable good
____47. Considered good as long as it serves as a means to an end
a. happiness b. noble good c. useful good d. pleasurable good
____48. One which is pursued for its own sake; it is good in itself.
a. happiness b. noble good c. physical suffering d. mental suffering
____49. Emotional and mental states such as depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, and grief
a. happiness b. noble good c. physical suffering d. mental suffering
____50. Discomfort, hunger, distress, homelessness, and pain from an injury, disease, or even lack of basic needs.
a. happiness b. noble good c. physical suffering d. mental suffering

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