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Setting up an aquarium is not just a matter of putting in a tank the few basic requirements of fish that are to live in it. An aquarium should be a thing of beauty and satisfying recreation of fish's natural environment created by using aquarium plants driftwoods and natural stones. Todays aquariums has evolved to be a miniature forest where flora & fauna co-exist in confined space & in a balance environment. Aquarium technology has also made huge developments & now we have hi-tech Filtration systems, C02 Systems, illuminations systems & Fertilization systems to create a balance aquarium.


Combination of three different types of habitats forms Fresh Water Ecosystem. They are as follows: 1. Flowing water River & Stream form the Flowing water Habitat Streams are small in size & are generally present only during wet season, whereas rivers are huge in size & usually do not dry out completely during dry season though they may shrink in size considerably. 2. Still water Ponds & Lake form the Still water Habitat Ponds are small & they generally dry out completely during dry seasons where as lakes are very very large compare to ponds & usually has water during dry season also. They also shrink in size considerably during dry season. 3. Wetlands Swamps & Marshes form the Wetlands

Swamps are bogy areas of fresh water ecosystem & are flooded with water. Whereas marshes are low-lying land which remains water logged. They both form the shore line of fresh water ecosystem.



As shown in the diagram plants are primary producers & serve as basis of Food Web. Role of aquatic plants in fresh water Eco System is so vital that survival of other aquatic creatures which also include fishes solely depend on its existence as plants are the only one who produces food by the process of photosynthesis. They provide food to herbivorous. In turn herbivorous become prey to carnivorous & omnivorous. Omnivorous get their food by preying herbivorous as well as form plants. Apart from this plants are major source of oxygen for aquatic fauna including fishes. They also absorb carbon-dioxide produced by aquatic animals through respiration. Plants also clean water by absorbing west material which are introduced in ecosystem by aquatic animals through their excreta as well as dead & decaying organic matter. Thus plants are crucial for maintaining the biological equilibrium of Fresh water ecosystem.

Natural Water Cycle of Ecosystem:

In an ecosystem water is continuously recycle through evaporation & precipitation in the form of rain. Evaporated water from River, lakes & Ocean as well as water vapour from respiration & perspiration

of animal & plants goes in sky. This is pure water without any contamination & dose not has salt or minerals. In the sky water vapour condenses & form clouds. When cloud breaks in rain water again come back down that time it react with carbon-dioxide & nitrogen oxide from atmosphere & become mildly acidic because of carbonic acid, but still it does not contain any minerals or salt. After reaching earth some water get absorbed in ground & pass through sediments resulting in leaching of minerals & salts. This mineral & salts rich water get back to fresh water ecosystem through underground currents. Whereas water which flows through ground react with organic west from ground & collect humic acids. This in turn forms streams & rivers which are connected to ponds & lakes while remaining water flows back to sea. Thus fresh water ecosystem is periodically provided with fresh water supply & supply of nutrients for plants (salts, mineral & humic acid).

Nitrogen Cycle of Ecosystem:

In fresh water ecosystem natural process of nitrogen cycle convert the dangerous ammonia formed by excreta of aquatic animals as well as dead & decaying organic matter into less toxic substance such as nitrate, which are used by plants as food. Large numbers of micro-organisms are present in fresh water ecosystem & they are one who converts ammonia to nitrates. Nitrifying bacteria (such as Nitrosomanas species) combine ammonia with oxygen in water to form slightly less toxic nitrites (N02). Further bacteria such as Nitrobacter species continue the cycle; with addition of the further oxygen, nitrites are converted into even less harmful nitrates (N03). The plentiful supply of oxygen in water is essential if the helpful bacteria are to survive & multiply. In absence of oxygen anaerobic bacteria cause denitrification & convert nitrates again back to ammonia. This process of nitrogen cycle is the biological filtration of fresh water ecosystem where microorganism filter out toxic ammonia from water & convert it to less harmful nitrates which are in turn used by aquatic plants as food. Apart from this sediments of dead organic waste which are accumulated at the based of habitat, when get decomposes by micro-organism; in process lot of carbon-dioxide also get release which dissolve in water & in turn used by plants as food.

Imagine how artificial it will be to keep fishes without plants in an aquarium. A properly planted aquarium becomes a natural home to fish. With the help of latest technology it is easy to deploy Aquarium Ecology Techniques for maintaining harmony & equilibrium in aquarium. Regular partial water change & Hi-tech fertilization system provides periodic fresh water & nutrients supply to aquarium just like that of natural water cycle of fresh water ecosystem. Hi-tech Filtration system along with plants provides healthy nitrogen cycle & effective biological filtration. Hi-tech illumination system ensure plants get proper light for effective photosynthesis & C02 system ensure that adequate carbon-dioxide supply will be available to plants to complete photosynthesis process. To simulate fishs natural habitat in an aquarium, aquarium are scientifically divided into different types from which you can select the best one to suits your needs. There are two major categories of aquariums I) Aquarium ponds 2) Aquarium tanks

Aquarium Ponds are also known as water gardens and are generally set at ground level, to view from above. They are broadly divided into five different types. a.General or Mixed Ponds - Those big Ponds accommodate more then one type of fish and also wide variety of plants. Generally they have the water capacity of 3000 to 5000 liters. b.Koi Pools - They are generally huge in size & incorporate bog-plants around the Pond edge with few marginal and surface plants. Koi Pool should have minimum size of atleast 10,000 liters but preferably should be larger. c.Goldfish Ponds - Those moderate size Ponds accommodate different varieties of Goldfish and also selection of plants. Generally they have the water capacity of 1000 to 2000 liters. d.Wildlife Ponds - In theory Wildlife Ponds is one built entirely from natural material and containing only animals and plant native to the area. In practice, though, such ponds are compromises, which fall short of this definition. But they are far different then Mixed, Koi & Goldfish Ponds. Generally they have the water capacity of 3000 to 5000 liters. e.Small water features - This can be anything from old ceramic kitchen Sink to striking glazed ceramic planting pot, adopted to take small fish, plants & some accessories like small fountain. Streams, Waterfalls & Cascades: Multiple ponds can be interconnected with each other with Streams, Waterfalls & Cascades Streams: Streams are patches of slow moving water. Waterfalls: Waterfall is a stream of water falling from height. Cascades: A cascades is fast moving water through stones & rocks.


Plants, which are used to decorate the above ponds, are divided in six different segments. They are as follows: 1.Bog-plants - These are moisture loving plants are grown around the edges of ponds. Species such as Hemerocallis (Day lily), Hosta, Dracaena, Dieffenbachia and Hemigraphis are some examples of the bog plants. 2.Shallow water marginal plants - Those are plants, which are grown in shallow water around the ponds edge in less, then 6 inches depth of water. Species such as Typha, Cyperus, Iris and Sagittaria are some examples of the Shallow water Marginal plants. 3.Deep water Marginal Plants - Those are plant, which are grown in comparatively deep water around the Ponds edge in more then 6 inches depth of water. Species such as Echinodorus, Bacopa, Ludwigia and Ammannia are some examples of the Deep Water marginal plants. 4.Surface Plants - Those plants have their roots firmly anchored in deep substratum and leaves are floating on surface. Species such as Nymphaea (water lily), Nuphar (water lily) and Nelumbo (Lotuses) are some examples of the surface plants. 5.Floating plants - Those have leaves that are buoyant and rest on water surface whereas roots hanging in mid water. Species such as Lemma, Echhornia, Pistia and Azolla are some examples of the floating plants. 6.Submerged plants - They are also called as oxygenators and are vital members of pond plants community. Species such as Ceratophyllum, Egeira, Hydrilla and Vallisneria are some examples of the Submerged plants.


Goldfish: Carassius auratus All Goldfish varieties belong to this single Species & there are over 600 varieties. Most of the goldfish variety grows upto 12 inches. There are few smaller varieties but they also grew upto 8 inches. Few of the most popular varieties of Goldfish are: - Bubble Eye, Celestial, Comet, Hama Nishiki, Jikin, Lionhead, Oranda, Pearlscale, Phoenix, Ranchu, Ryukin, Shubunkin, Tamasaba, Telescope Eye, Tosakin, Veiltail, Wakin. Koi: Cyprinus carpio All Koi varieties belong to this single Species & there are 14 major classes in Koi. However apart from Kohaku, Sanke & Showa, all other class have many varieties. All Koi varieties grow upto 36 inches. Thats why they required huge ponds. Few of the most popular varieties of Koi are as follows:2. Kohaku: White Koi with Red Marking 3. Sanke: White Koi with Red & Black Marking 4. Showa: Black Koi with Red & White Marking 5. Utsurimono: Black Koi with White, Red or Yellow Marking

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Bekko : Black Sanke Type Marking on White, Red or Yellow base Asagi : Koi Showing Bluish Back with Reticulated Scale Pattern Koromo :Robed Red Coloration overlaid with Blue or Black Kawarimono: Class of all nonmetallic Koi not included in any other group Hikarimuji: Class of Single Colour Metallic Koi Hikarimoyo: Class of Multi Colour Metallic Koi KinGinRin: Koi with highly Reflective Gold & / or Silver Scale Tancho : Circular Red on head, no other red on body


These are variety of fishes which are also kept in Pond 1. Chinese Sailfin Sucker - Myxocyprinus asiaticus 2. Sucker - Pterygoplichthys Species 3. Molly - Poecilia Species 4. Guppy - Poecilia Species 5. Platy - Xiphophorus Species 6. Swordtail - Xiphophorus Species

In artificial pond to Maintain Water Quality Various Specialize Filtration System are developed to take care of Nitrogen Cycle 1) Single Chamber Pond Filter: They are used in small pond such as Goldfish Pond & made up of submersible Motor, a UV Unit & a Single Chamber filter. 2) Multichamber Pond Filter: They are used in big to large Ponds like General Pond & Koi Pool. They have a high capacity of submersible motor, Multiple Chamber Filter 3) An Electronic Blanketweed controller: This device passes random Electrical pulse in the water which moves towards the filter from pond to control blanketweed. 4) UV Sterilizer: This device passes UV light through water which moves towards filter from pond to control green water. 5) Surface Skimmer: This is a device which keeps surface of pond water clean by removing floating particulars & avoiding formation of any layers on the water surface. 6) Submersible Pump with Float Switch: This is specialized Pump which turns on & off automatically depending on water level. 7) Sand Pressure Filters: They are typically used for swimming pools but can be used in aquarium ponds. They are effective in removing fine particles & enhancing water clarity but regular back washing is essential to keep system running effectively. 8) Venturi: It is piece of equipment which is design by Italian G B Venturi. It injects air into water by causing thousands of tiny bubble therefore very effective in oxygenation of Koi pool.

These are glass aquarium, which are view from side. They are mainly of two types: 1.Species Tanks 2.Community Tanks

In species tank you first select a particular species of Fish and then you design your aquarium accordingly to suite that particular species of fish. These are for experienced aquarist who has enough knowledge of that particular species of fish and plants suitable with that species. There are following type of species tanks. 1. 2. 3. Species tank for African Cichlidis Species tank for American Cichlids Species tank for Arowana and other large growing fishes


There are two large lakes in Africa namely Lake Tanganyika & Lake Malawi 1. Tanganyikan Cichlids Tank: Majority of Tanganyikan Cichlids grow upto 3-6 inches with few exceptions. They prefer hard water & mild alkaline pH. Compare to other African Cichlids, these are compatible with more variety of plants. Few example Of Tanganyikan Cichlids are - Julidochromis ornatus, Julidochromis transcriptus, Neolamprologus leleupi, Neolamprologus brichardi, Neolamprologus tretocephalus. 2. Lake Malawi Cichlids Tank: They are also known as Mbuna (Rockfish). Majority of Malawi Cichlids belongs to Mbuna variety. Ideally Mbuna are best kept in harems of single male & several female, one species to a tank. In practice however they are maintain as a mixed species community of cichlids. Few example Of Malawi Cichlids are - Cyrtocara moorii, Pseudotropheus Species (Mbuna), Labidochromis zebroides (Mbuna), Aulonocara maylandi.


American Cichlids have been divided into two Groups namely Central American Cichlids & South American Cichlids. 1. Central American Cichlids: They are large growing cichlids; most of variety grow upto 8 to 12 inches. They have tendency of shifting sand in enormous amount & uprooting the plants with weak rooting system. Few example Of Central American Cichlids are - Red Spotted Cichlid (Cichlasoma bifaseiatum), Midas Cichlid (Cichlasoma citrinellum), Black Belt Cichlid (Cichlasoma maculicauda), Redheaded Cichlid (Cichlasoma synspilum), 2. South American Cichlids: They are also known as Dwarf Cichlids. They prefer soft & mild acidic water. Dwarf Cichlids are most suitable cichlids to keep with plants, infact they show their best coloration in densely planted aquarium.

Few example Of South American Cichlids are Agassizs Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma agassizii), Banded Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma bitaeniata), Apistogramma hongsloi, Blue Apistogramma (Apistogramma trifasciata).


Best plants for Cichlids Aquarium are the robust plants with tough leathery leaves as they generally ignore by cichlids. Plants that either taste rather unpleasant or grow rapidly can be used in less aggressive varieties of cichlids. Best suitable variety of plants for Cichlids Aquarium are - Anubias barteri barteri, Anubias barteri Coffeefolia, Anubias barteri nana, Anubias lanceolata, Aponogeton rigidifolius, Bolbitis heudelotii, Crinum calamistratum, Crinum natans, Crinum thaianum, Cryptocoryne cordata blassii, Cryptocoryne usteriana, Cyperus helferi, Echinodorus Rose, Echinodorus uruguayensis, Echinodorus uruguayensis horemanii , Echinodorus uruguayensis horemanii Rot, Microsorum pteropus, Microsorum pteropus Tropica, Microsorum pteropusWindelov. Other Varieties of plant suitable with less aggressive varieties of cichlids such as Tanganyikan Cichlids are - Ceratophyllum species, Ceratopteris species. Cryptocoryne species such as C. ciliate, C.crispatula balansae, C.crispatula retrospiralis, C.lutea, C.parva, C.pontederiifolia, C.undulate, C.wendtii, C.x willisii , C.x willisii "lucens". Echinodorus species such as E. x barthii, E. bleheri, E. bolivianus , E. osiris, E. 'Ozelot', E. parviflorus, E. parviflorus 'Tropica', E. 'Rubin' , E. 'Rubin' var. lancifolius.


It is myth that Arowana cannot be maintained in planted tanks. Only the care has to be taken while aquascaping, that you should design your aquarium in such a way that your Arowana should get plenty of swimming space. There are three types of Arowana- American Arowana, Asian Arowana & Australian Arowana. American Arowana: There are two Species of American Arowana Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) & Black Arowana (Osteoglossum ferreirai) Asian Arowana: There are four varieties of Asian Arowana. They all belong to one species. Scleropages formosus - Green Arowana, Golden Arowana, Red Tail Golden Arowana & Red Arowana Australian Arowana: There are two Species of Australian Arowana Pearl Arowana (Scleropages jardini) & Spotted Barramudi (Scleropages leichardtii).


Major portion of Arowana tanks should be covered with lawn forming plants or short plants. Tall plant should be planted only in background. Plants requiring less maintenance are the best plants

for Arowana tanks. For example lawn forming plants for foreground are: Dwarf Chain Sword (Echinodorus bolivianus), Pygmy Chain Sword (Echinodorus tenellus), Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaria subulata), Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana)- Java Moss will be ideal for foreground as it requires very little maintenance. For Background all tall plants used in cichlids tanks are good candidates, Anubias barteri varieties are short & required less maintenance so they can be consider as best plants for foreground so are the short Cryptocoryne.

SPECIES TANK FOR OTHER FISHES WHICH ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE GROUP: Other large growing fishes as well as large African cichlids can be maintained in the same aquascape as Central American Cichlids tank. As well as Dwarf African Cichlids can be maintain in same aquascape as South American Cichlids

In community tanks different species of fishes and plants co-exist in harmony. There are mainly two types of community tanks. Hi - Tech planted aquarium and Low - Tech planted aquarium. 1. Low - Tech Planted Aquarium This simple method to create a community tank is developed by a lady called Diana Walstad. Low Tech planted Aquariums are comparatively easy & inexpensive to install and maintain. Thus they are ideal for beginners 2. Hi- Tech Planted Aquarium In Hi- Tech aquarium you take help of latest technology in whichever way you can to create very balance aquarium with optimum conditions. They are very expensive to install and maintain and also required expert attention. They are following three types. a.Dutch Aquarium - These are European style of planted aquarium and are like underwater gardens. b.Nature Aquarium - These are Japanese Type of Aquarium and are inspired by Nature. c.Paludarium - These aquariums are inspired by a shore -line of an ecosystem and features combination of above and below water environments.

HARDWARE FOR AQUARIUM TANKS: Various types of Filtration Systems have been developed which efficiently carry out Biological Filtration & thus take care of Nitrogen Cycle. 1. Filter Filter is heart of any Aquarium System & they are two types of filter which are recommended for planted Aquarium a) External Filter These are most prefer Filters for planted Aquarium as they provide huge amount of Filter medium to facilitate effective Biological filtration. This Filter are placed below the Aquarium Since there is no motor in filter for suction of Water from Aquarium. Rather Water comes in Filter through Siphoning action & motor propels the Filtered water back into Aquarium. b) Submersible Filter They are placed inside the aquarium. However while selecting submersible filter care has to be taken that sufficient amount of filter medium is present to provide effective biological filteration. Now specialized Submersible Filter for Planted Aquarium are also available., which not only provide sufficient Filter medium but also has inbuilt CO2 Reactor Chamber which can be attached to CO2 System. 2. CO2 System The major limiting factor for adequate plant growth in Aquarium is lack of CO2. Now various kinds of CO2 system are available to ensure optimum amount of CO2 is present in Aquarium water. They are of 3 types CO2 system 1) Manual, 2) Semi Automatic & 3) Fully automatic. a) Manual CO2 System In this system you have to manually set CO2 diffusion rate everyday, which is time consuming process, if you want to give correct amount of CO2 to achieve optimum CO2 concentration. b) Semi Automatic They have Electro magnetic Solenoid valve, so once you have achieve the proper diffusion rate you can just Turn it ON OR OFF by Electric Switch. In this System you dont have to manually set the diffusion rate everyday. c) Fully Automatic They have micro processor based pH Controller. So once you set your desired rate of pH micro processor will TURN ON & OFF your CO2 System to keep the pH level of Aquarium Constant thereby resulting in optimum CO2 level 24X7 Illumination system Light is most important factor for healthy plant growth. There are two types of lamp which are recommended in planted aquarium a) Fluorescent Lamps They are recommended in an aquarium where water column is not more than 18 inches. There advantage is high light explosion, long life, good colour reproduction & low energy consumption so good value for money. b) Metal Halide Lamps They are recommended in an aquarium where water column is more than 18 inches




Water conditioner In most impressive Nature & Dutch Aquarium everything is maintain at optimum level, this also include water temperature of Aquarium which is made possible by using water conditioners. They are external devices just like your external filter. Other Accessories a) Timer They are used to control your illumination system & Semi Automatic CO2 system b) ELCB- It is used for safety.



Selecting Aquarium Size : While choosing size of tanks there are certain factors to be considered. Medium to large size tanks has considerable stable environment and thus they are easy to maintain as compared to small tanks. By considering various factors I will recommend a medium and large size aquarium of following dimensionsMedium Size Tanks (L X W X H) - 27" X 15" X 18" Large Size Tanks (L X W X H) - 51" X 18" X 18"

Illumination: Choosing the right spectrum of the light is always critical to promote plant growth. Florescent Tubes are ideal in illuminating Aquarium if used in proper combination. Photosynthesis activity of plants is maximum in blue and orange red spectrum of visible light. So combination of tubes producing white lights and tubes producing more of blue, orange red and green light (Tri Power Light) is ideal for illumination. For above medium size of tank two 20 watts Tri Power lamps with one 18 watts white light tube in center will provide good illumination. While large tanks will require two 36 watts of white light tubes with one 40 watts tri power lamps in center.

Substrate: Plants to prosper in an aquarium require two things from Substrate, a constant source of nutrients and good anchoring medium. In order to achieve this objective we must adopt two layer strategy. The two layers substrate has one-inch bottom layer of laterite mixed with small amount peat. Laterite is red colour soil rich in iron oxide. This bottom layers will provide constant sources of nutrients to aquarium plants. The top layer should be made of pure gravel about 3 -5 mm in diameter. This 2 inch top layer will provide good anchoring medium for aquarium plants.


Filtration : An Ideal filtration system will be able to facilitate both mechanical and biological filtration. A modern self-priming Canister Filters has many advantages over traditional design and are ideal for planted tanks. Since underground filter are not used in planted tanks if internal filter is used then care should be taken to check that it has sufficient filter medium to provide effective biological filtration. Apart from this filtration facilitate water movement and majority of Aquatic plants grow in flowing water in their natural habitant. Water movement will also help to keep nutrients in contact with leaves. For above medium size of Aquarium ideal filtration rate will be in between 200 - 300 liters per hour. While for large size tank the ideal filtration rate will be in between 500 - 700 liters per hour.

Water Chemistry; When we think of water chemistry two things has to be consider water hardness and pH. Water Hardness - It is determine by amount of salts of alkaline earth metals (principally calcium and magnesium) dissolve in water. They are present in ion forms. Water hardness is measured in either ppm (Part per million) or in GH which is a German scale. Low Tech Aquarium should have water hardness of 4 -7 GH or 75 to 125 ppm. pH - It is hydrogen ion concentration in a scale of 0 - 14 which figures how acid or alkaline water is. At 7-pH value water is neutral. Below 7-pH value water becomes acidic. Similarly above 7- pH value water becomes alkaline. Low Tech Aquarium should have pH in between 6.5 -7.4, though slightly acidic pH is recommended.

Aquascaping : Aquascaping require fair knowledge of Aquarium plants and material for decoration such as bogwood and different type of stone. Bogwoods - They are also called as driftwood and are available in different shapes and sizes. They can be collected from the nature may be a aged roots or worm infested perforate piece of wood can be used after soaking in water for few days till unwanted elements such as tannin and salt deposits are removed from it. Ready to use Bogwoods are also available now they are African Black, Herero & Mopani. Stones - Any inert stones like basalt, quartz, slate, granite, Lava Stone and sandstones can be safely used in Aquascaping. Avoid lime-stone as it influences water chemistry of an Aquarium. Plants - When aquascaping plants should be arrange on basis of their full-grown size and growth habit. For convenience tanks should be divided into three parts. Fore ground, middle ground & back ground. a.Fore Ground - short plants should be selected to decorate the fore ground. Carpet forming plants such as Echinodorus quadricostatus (broad leaf Chain Sword) and Sagittaria subulata (Dwarf Sagittaria) as well as Annubias nana (Dwarf Annubias) are some of the good plants for Fore Ground. b.Middle Ground - In mid ground select Stem plants which are slow in their growth habit like species of Bacopa, Alternanthera roseafolia (Red Hygrophila). Rosette plants like


Cryptocoryne beckettii and Cryptocoryne wendtii can be used in groups or Center Plants Echinodorus bleheri (Broad Leaf Amazon), Echinodorus cordifolius (Radican Sword), Echinodorus 'Ozelot' (Red Leopard Sword) are good solitary mid ground plants. c.Back ground - Plants for the background should be most tall plants in Aquarium. Species like Hygrophila difformis (Water Wisteria), Hygrophila polysperma (Dwarf Hygrophila) , Rotala indica (Dwarf Rotala), Rotala rotundifolia (Narrow Leaf Dwarf Rotala), Cryptocoryne crispatula balansae, Vallisneria americana gigantea_, (Giant Vallisneria) Vallisneria spiralis (Straight Vallisneria) are some ofthe good plants for back ground.

Maintenance: When we say maintenance three things should be consider, water changes, pruning and cleaning filters. a.Water change - For Low Tech Aquarium with considerable population of fish water change every week is recommended. b.Pruning of Plants - In Aquarium plants must be pruned regularly or it get over grown. Back Ground stem plants should be pinch off as soon as they reach to surface of the water. Echinodorus quadricostatus (broad leaf Chain Sword) and Sagittaria subulata (Dwarf Sagittaria) can be thinned out by cutting the stem between the runners and removing individual plants. Similarly Cryptocoryne can be thinned if they are growing too close. c.Cleaning Filter - Filter should be clean once in 15 days. Filter medium do not need thorough cleaning, simply risen them in the water from Aquarium remove in partial water change. Tap Water contains chlorine, which may damage useful bacteria and disturb biological filtration. Apart from this using Scraper clean the inside front and side glass of aquarium regularly. This prevents build up the algae that can be hard to remove.

Useful fishes Certain fishes help to create balance in Aquarium so they are indispensable. Those fishes are Botia macrantha (Clown Loach), Acanthophthalmus kuhli (Kuhli Loach) or Species Corydoras Cat fishes, Gyrinochelus aymonieri (Chinese Alge Eater), Garra (Indian Alge Eater), Cardiniajaponica (Yamato Shrimps). These fishes should be kept in any type of planted Aquarium


Aquarium plants

What makes an aquarium a center of attraction in your home? Brightly coloured fish are not the only attraction but richly & diversely coloured abundant varieties of aquarium plants also catch viewers eye. Apart from this aquarium plants produced oxygen and absorbed the carbon dioxide produced by fish. They also released small amount of oxygen in area surrounding roots thus keeping substrate oxygenated & healthy. Aquarium plants also clean water by absorbing the waste materials, which are introduced to an aquarium by fish through their excreta and left over food. Thus plants make substantial contribution to creation of a stable environment for your fish within the aquarium. Botany 1) Plant structure


2) Leaf shape

a. Linear b. Lanceolate


d. Ovate

e..Reniform f. Spathulate

g.Sagittate Pinnate


i. Finely Pinnate Cordate



3) Leaf arrangement

a.Rosette. b. Alternate


d. Whorled

e. Decussate


4) Type of rosette plants

a. Rosette plant

b. Rosette plant with bulb

c. Rosette plant with rhizome with tuber

d. Rosette plant

PROFILE OF PLANTS 1)Alternanthera reineckii "lilacina" Common Name : Red Telanthera Stem plant with purple red lanceolate leaf in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for an advance aquarist. 2)Alternanthera renieckii "roseafolia Common Name : Red Hygrophila Stem plant with pink red lanceolate leaf in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for an experience aquarist. 3)Ammannia gracilis Common Name : Giant Red Ammannia Stem plant with brownish red lanceolate leaf in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for an advance aquarist.

4)Anubias barteri angustifolia A Stem plant with creeping rhizome & dark green should not be planted in substrate but tie on with help of fishing line. Propagated from eye of for beginner.

lanceolate leaf. It bogwood or stone rhizome. A plant


5) Anubias barteri barteri Common Name : Broad Leaf Annubias A Stem plant with creeping rhizome & dark green cordate leaf. Plant on bogwood or stone. Propagated from eye of rhizome. A plant for beginner. 6) Anubias barteri nana Common Name : Dwarf Anubias A stem plant with creeping rhizome & dark green cordate leaf. Much smaller then variety barteri. Plant on bogwood or stone. Propagated from eye of rhizome. This is a good plant for beginner. 7) Aponogeton undulatus A rosette plant with tuber & long petiolate elliptic light to dark green leaves with transparent patches. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on the floral stalk. A plant for beginner. 8) Bacopa caroliniana Common Name : Giant Bacopa A stem plant with brownish green ovate leaf in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for beginner. 9) Bacopa monnieri Common Name : Baby Tears / Dwarf Bacopa. A stem plant with light to dark green narrow spathulate leaf in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for beginner. 10) Blyxa japonica Common Name : Bamboo Plant A plant with linear leaves with alternate arrangement but appears rosette type. Dark Green to Brownish in colour. Propaget by side shoots. A plant for advance aquarist 11) Cabomba caroliniana Common Name : Green Cabomba A stem plant with green finely pinnate leaves in opposite arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plants for experience aquarist. 12) Cabomba furcata Common Name : Red Cabomba A stem plant with reddish brown to wine red finely pinnate leaves usually in 3 merous whorls rarely opposite arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for very advance aquarist. 13) Cabomba palaeformis Common Name : Yellow Green Cabomba A stem plant with yellow green finely pinnate leaves in opposite arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for beginner. 14) Ceratophyllum demersum Common Name : Tropical Hornwort. A free floating stem plant with medium to dark green needle like leaves in 6-12 merous whorls. Propagated from cutting. A plant for beginner.


15) Ceratopteris cornuta Comon name - Broad Leaf Water Sprite A rosette plant with green colour pinnate leaves. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on leaves. A plant for beginner. 16) Ceratopteris thalictroides Common Name : Water Sprite A rosette plant with green colour pinnate leaves. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on leaves. A plant for beginner. 17) Cryptocoryne beckettii A rosette plant with reddish brown lanceolate ovate leaves. Propagated from runners. A good plant for beginner. 18) Cryptocoryne ciliata A rosette plant with green lanceolate leaves with cordate base. Propagated from runners. A plant for advance aquarist. 19) Cryptocoryne crispatula balansae. A rosette plant with usually green narrow linear to lanceolate leaves with bullated Lamina. Propagated from runners. A plant for beginners. 20) Cryptocoryne parva Common Name - Tiny Cryptocoryne A rosette Plant with narrow elliptical to lanceolate leaves with medium to dark green colour. Propagated from runners. A plant for experience aquarist 21) Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia A rosette plant with olive green to brownish violet ovate leave with cordate base and slightly bullated lamina. Propagated from runners. A plant for beginners. 22) Cryptocoryne wendtii A rosette plant with green to dark brown narrow lanceolate sometimes slightly bullated leaves. Propagated from runners. A plant for beginners. 23) Echinodorus x barthii Common Name : Double Red Sword A rosette plant with dark brown red elliptic leaves which are curved towards the outside. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for experience aquarist. 24) Echinodorus bleheri Common Name : Broad Leaf Amazon A rosette plant with medium to dark green lanceolate leaves. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for beginners. 25) Echinodorus bolivianus Common Name : Dwarf Chain Sword A rosette Plant with light green linear lanceolate leaves. Propogated from runners. A plant for beginners. 26) Echinodorus cordifolius Common Name : Spade-leaf Plant A rosette plant with medium green ovate leave with cordate base. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for beginners.


27) Echinodorus cordifolius 'Marble Queen' Common Name : Marble Queen A rosette plant initially with lanceolate leaves which turn into ovoid with cordate base with increasing maturity. Leaves are green in colour with white patches. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for experience aquarist. 28) Echinodorus martii (major) Common Name : Ruffled Sword A rosette plant with narrow oblanceolate, light green colour leaves with undulate margin. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for beginners. 29) Echinodorus 'Oriental Common Name : Oriental Sword A rosette plant with narrowly ovate leaves with acute base. Leaves are initially reddish pick in colour which turns to green as they mature. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for advance aquarist. 30) Echinodorus osiris Common Name : Melon Sword A rosette plants with olive green to brownish red leaves which are narrow elliptic to narrow lanceolate shape. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for experience aquarist. 31) Echinodorus 'Ozelot' Common Name : Red Leopard Sword A rosette plant with brownish red new leaves with dark red spots, older leaves turn greens. Leaves from elliptic in shape. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A good plant for beginners. 32) Echinodorus parviflorus A rosette plant with lanceolate leaves medium green in colour, frequently with dark crossvenation in juveniles leaves. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A good plant for beginners 33) Echinodorus parviflorus Tropica A small rosette plant with obovoid dark green colour leaves with slightly bullate lamina. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for experience aquarist 34) Echinodorus Red Flame Common Name : Red Flame Sword A rosette plant with elliptic leaves in shape. Leaves show concentrated drak red spot on a bright brown red basic colour, hence the name is red flame. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A good plant for beginners 35) Echinodorus 'Rose' Common Name : Red Rose Sword A large Rosette plant with narrow elliptic leaves. Juveniles leaves are dark red in colour which turn into dark olive green colour as they mature. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A good plant for beginners 36) Echinodorus 'Rubin' Common Name : Rubin Sword A large rosette plant with narrow elliptic leaves with slightly undulate margin. Juveniles leaves with deep brown red in colour with ribs showing green colour. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A good plant for beginners


37) Echinodorus schlueteri 'Leopard Common Name : Leopard Amazon A small rosette plant with cordate leaves. Green colour with intensly brown spotted leaves. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for advance aquarist. 38) Echinodorus tenellus Common Name : Pygmy Chain Sword A small rosette plant with narrow linear leaves light to dark green in colour, sometime brownish in colour. Propagated from runners. A plant for experience aquarist. 39) Echinodorus uruguayensis horemanii 'Rot Common Name : Red Ribbon Sword A rosette plant with narrow oblanceolate leaves with black red in colour. Propagated from adventitious plantlets on floral stalk. A plant for advance aquarist. 40) Egeria densa Common Name : Giant Elodea A stem plant with slightly recurved transparent pale dark green narrow leaves. Usually in four merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for experience aquarist. 41) Egeria najas Common Name : Pond Weed A plant with dark green linear, more or less strongly recuvred leaves arrange in 5 merous whorls on brittle stem. Propagated from cutting. A plant for beginners. 42) Eichhornia azurea Common Nane - Palm Hyacinth A stem plant with light green colour, linear leaves in alternate arrangements. Propagation by cutting. Plant for advance aquarist. 43) Eichhornia diversifolia Common Name- Star Hyacinth A stem plant with alternate leaves spirally arrange on stem. Leaves are linear & dark to light green in colour. Propagation by cutting. Plant for advance aquarist 44) Eleocharis acicularis Common Name : Dwarf Hairgrass A rosette plant with Filiform leaves with light to medium green in colour. Propagation by runners. Plant for experience aquarist 45) Eleocharis vivipara Common Name : Giant Hairgrass A rosette plant with Filiform leaves with light to medium green in colour. Propagated from plantlets on the tip of mature leaves. Plant for beginners. 46) Glossostigma platinoides A stem plant with creeping shoots rooted on almost on all nodes. Light Green Colour Spatulate leaves are present in opposite arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. Plants from advance aquarist. 47) Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" Common Name : Pygmy Carpetweed A stem plant with creeping shoot, light green colour rounded leaves. Propagation by cutting. A plant for experience aquarist.


48) Hemianthus micranthemoides Common Name Pearlweed A stem plant with creeping or erect shoots, light green colour lanceolate elliptic leaves are present in decussate arrangement or in 3-4 merous whorls. A plant for advance aquarist 49) Heteranthera zosterifolia Common Name : Star grass A stem plant with light green linear leaves in alternate arrangement. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for beginners. 50) Hydrocotyle leucocephala Common Name : Brazilian Pennywort A stem plant with upright or floating shoots with roots on all nodes. A light green colour reniform leaves present in alternate arrangement. Propagated by cutting. A plant for experience aquarist. 51) Hydrocotyle verticillata Common Name : Umbrella Pennywort A creeping stem plant with roots producing on all internodes, Medium green colour circular leaves with crenate margins. Propagated from cuttings. A plants for advance aquarist. 52) Hygrophila balsamica Common Name Aquarose A plant with thick stem & light green colour finely Pinnate leaves. Propagated by cuttings. A plants for advance aquarist. 53) Hygrophila corymbosa "angustifolia" Common Name : Willow Leaf Hygrophila A stem plant with light green linear leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for beginners. 54) Hygrophila corybosa "Siamensis" Common Name : Giant Hygrophila A stem plant with light green narrow lanceolate leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for beginners. 55) Hygrophila corymbosa "Stricta" Common Name : Temple Plant A stem plant with olive green to reddish brown ovate leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for beginners. 56) Hygrophila difformis Common Name : Water Wisteria A stem plant with light green pinnate leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for beginners. 57) Hygrophila polysperma Common Name : Dwarf Hygrophila A stem plant with yellow to medium green elliptic leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A good plant for beginners. 58) Hygrophila polysperma 'Rosanervig' Common Name : Sunset Hygrophila A stem plant with green to pink green variegated elliptic leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for experience aquarist.


59) Limnophila aquatica Common Name : Giant Ambulia A stem plant with light green to reddish brown finely pinnate leaves in 17 -22 merous whorls. Propagated from Cuttings. A plant for experience aquarist. 60) Limnophila aromatica hippuroides Common Name : Scarlet Ambulia A stem plant with narrow lanceolate leaves light red to purple in colour and in 3-6 merous whorls. Propagated from cutting. A plant for advance aquarist. 61) Limnophila indica Common Name : Indian Ambulia A stem plant with light green finely pinnate leaves arrange in 9 -10 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings & runners. A plant for experience aquarist 62) Limnophila sessiliflora Common Name : Dwarf Ambulia A stem plant with light green finely pinnate leaves arrange in 9 -10 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings & runners. A plant for experience aquarist. 63) Lindernia rotundifolia A stem plant with green colour ovate to roundish leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for advance aquarist. 64) Ludwigia arcuata Common Name : Needle-leaf Ludwigia A stem plant with narrow linear leaves in opposite arrangements, green to dark red in colour. Propagated by cutting. A plant for experience aquarist. 65) Ludwigia brevipes Common Name : Narrow-leaf Ludwigia A stem plant narrow elliptic to oblanceolate leaves in opposite arrangement green to reddish in colour. Propagated by cutting. A plant for experience aquarist. 66) Ludwigia glandulosa Common Name : Red Star Ludwigia A stem plant with olive green to wine red lanceolate leaves in alternate arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for advance aquarist. 67)Ludwigia inclinata Common Name : Orange Ludwigia A stem plant with olive green to orange red obovate leaves in alternate arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for very advance aquarist. 68) Ludwigia inclinata verticillata Common Name : Worly Ludwigia A stem plant with linear leaves in whorled leaf arrangement, light green leaves to reddish in colour . Propagated by cutting. Plant for experience aquarist. 69) Ludwigia palustris Common Name : Red Ludwigia A stem plant with olive green to blood red obovate leaves, in opposite arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for advance aquarist.


70)Ludwigia repens Common Name : Creeping Ludwigia A stem plant with wide elliptic leaves, olive green upper side, green to wine red under side in opposite arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for beginners 71) Lysimachia nummularia Common Name : Creeping Jenny A stem plant with light green colour ovate leaves in opposite arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for experience aquarist 72) Mayaca fluviatilis Common Name : Dwarf Mayaca A stem plant with light to reddish green small linear leaves with densely arrange alternate arrangement so appear like whorls. Propagated from cutting. A plant for advance aquarist. 73)Microsorum pteropus Common Name : Java Fern A fern with creeping densely scaled rhizome & lanceolate green leaves. Do note plant in substrate but tie on bogwood or stone. Propagated from eye on rhizome or plantlets on leaf. A good plant for beginner. 74)Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' Common Name : Stagehorn Fern A fern with creeping rhizome & with lanceolate green leaves which are pinnately branched at tips. Plant on bogwood or stone. Propagated from eye on rhizome or plantlets on leaf. A good plant for beginner. 75) Myriophyllum aquaticum Common Name : Parrot's Feather A stem plant with light to bluish green colour finely pinnate leaves in 4-7 merous whorls. Propagated by cutting. A plant for advance aquarist. 76)Myriophyllum tuberculatum Common Name : Red Myriophyllum A stem plant with brown red finely pinnate leaves with 4 - 7 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for very advanced aquarist. 77) Najas indica A brittle stem plant with dark green linear leaves in alternate arrangements and highly branched stem. Propagated from cuttings. A good plant for beginners. 78)Nesaea pedicellata Common Name : Red Nesaea A Stem plant with lanceolate leaves with brownish red to dark red colour in decussate arrangement. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for an advance aquarist 79) Nuphar japonica Common Name : Japanese Spatterdock Lily A rosette plant with transparent light green sagittate leaves on thick rhizome. Propagated from eye on rhizome. A plant for Advance Aquarist.


80) Nymphaea lotus red Common Name : African Tiger Lotus A rosette plant with tuber, sagittate leaves are brownish red in colour on upper side with dark brown spot and purple colour underside. Propagated through seeds & runners. A plant for experience aquarist. 81) Nymphaea micrantha Common Name : Leapord Lili A rosette plant with tuber which has brown red spot on light green background. Propagated by from plantlets on leaves stolone. A plant for experience aquarist 82)Nymphaea stellata Common Name : Red & Blue Water Lily A rosette plant with tuber which has brownish green colour sagittate leaves. Propagated by from seeds & runner. A plant for experience aquarist 83) Nymphoides sp. 'Taiwan' Common Name : Flipper Lily A rosette plant with thin rhizome leaves are reniform in shape & light green colour with long petiole. Propagated from plantlets on leaves stolone. A plant for experience aquarist. 84) Ottelia alisomides A rosette plant with juvenile linear leaves, light green in colour, mature leaves are ovate to cordate in shape. Propagated from seeds. A plants for advance aquarist. 85) Potamogeton crispus A stem plant with buried & often branch rhizome, brownish to dark green elliptic leaves slightly transparent & finely crispate in alternate arrangement. Propagated by cutting & runners. A plants for experience aquarist 86) Potamogeton gayi A stem plant with buried & often branch rhizome, linear leaves light to brownish green in colour, slightly transparent in alternate arrangement. Propagated by cutting & runners. A plant for experience aquarist. 87) Potamogeton wrightii A stem plant with buried & often branch rhizome, light to dark green lanceolate leaves slightly transparent & finely crispate in alternate arrangement. Propagated by cutting & runners. A plants for experience aquarist. 88) Riccia fluitans Common Name Crystalwort A floating plant consisting of highly branch thalli, branches narrow linear & upto 2 mm wide, light green inn colour. Propagated by fragmentation of thallus .. A plant for experience aquarist. 89) Rotala indica Common Name : Dwarf Rotala A stem plant, leaves olive green to red on upper side, underside red green to violet, lanceolate to wide ovate in shape and either decussate arrangement or in 3 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A good plant for beginners. 90) Rotala macrandra Common Name : Giant Red Rotala A stem plant with olive green to strong brown red lanceolate to wide ovate leaves in decussate arrangements. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for very advance aquarist.


91) Rotala najean Common Name : Green Whorly Rotala A stem plant with light green linear leaves with often reddish ting, arrange in 3-6 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for experience aquarist. 92) Rotala rotundifolia Common Name : Narrow Leaf Dwarf Rotala A steam plant with olive green to reddish lanceolate to elliptic leaves which are strong violet colour underside and arrange in opposite or 3 - 4 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for beginners. 93) Rotala wallichii Common Name : Whorly Rotala A stem plant with reddish brown to pink linear leaves arrange in upto 15 merous whorls. Propagated from cuttings. A plant for advance aquarist. 94)Sagittaria platyphylla Common Name : Giant Sagittaria A rosette plant with light green colour linear ribbon shaped leaves 10 -20 mm wide. Propagated from runners. A plant for beginners. 95) Sagittaria subulata Common Name : Dwarf Sagittaria A rosette plant with light to dark green colour linear leaves upto 6 mm wide. Propagated from runners. A plant for beginners. 96) Shinnersia rivularis Common Name : Mexican Oak-leaf Plant A stem plant with light green to reddish brown colour leaves in variable shapes & present in decussate arrangement. Propagated by cuttings. A plant for advance aquarist. 97) Utricularia aurea Common,Name - Bladdewort A root less drifting plant with finely pinnate alternate leaves, light to dark green in colour. Propagated by cutting. A plant for experience aquarist. 98) Vallisneria americana biwaensis Common Name : Corkscrew Vallisneria A rosette plant with dark green to brownish linear twisted leaves 10- 20 mm wide, Propagated from runners. A plant beginners 99) Vallisneria americana gigantea Common Name : Giant Vallisneria A rosette plant with dark green to brownish linear leaves 10 - 20 mm wide, upto 6 feet long. Propagated from runners. A very good plant for beginners. 100) Vallisneria spiralis Common Name : Straight Vallisneria A rosette plant with medium to dark green linear leaves, 6 - 8 mm wide and upto 4 feet in length. Propagated from runners. A good plant for beginners. 101) Vallisneria spiral is 'Tortifolia' Common Name : Twisted Vallisneria A rosette plant with dark green to red colour linear leaves, often irregularly produces twisted leaves. Propagated from runners. A plant for experience aquarist.


102) Vesicularia dubyana Common Name : Java Moss A dark green cushion forming moss with round flattened foliage, branch stem & reddish brown rhizoid. (Root hair). Propagated from fragmented shoots. A good plants for beginners. Plant on bogwood or stone by fishing line.


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