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ilm Level 3 Award First Line Management

The Level 3 Award in First Line Management is the introductory quali cation that has been specially designed to give practicing or aspiring rst-line Managers a solid foundation in their formal development as a Manager.
INDUCTION (1/2 Day) The Award is a concise qualification which gives an introduction to the basic skills, knowledge and understanding required by todays first line manager. The mandatory unit Solving Problems and Making Decisions is designed to develop practical techniques for tackling managerial problems and making decisions from gathering and interpreting information through to the effective communication of outcomes. Flexibility all candidates are able to choose from a diverse range of optional units to build their qualification. This high level of flexibility allows individuals or their employers to custom build a qualification focusing on the key areas of first line management that are most relevant to the demands of a specific role, industry or organisation. From managing health and safety to planning change in the workplace, this ILM First Line Management qualification can be fully tailored to meet the varying needs of learners across all employment sectors.

Quali cation Overview

Notional credit value * Guided learning Duration Structure Minimum 5 credits Minimum 34 hours Completion within one year Induction (1 hour) Tutorial support (at least 2 hours) One mandatory unit with a credit value of 2 Optional units with a minimum total credit of 3 Work-based assignment Depending on the units selected, a choice of: work-based assignments, reflective reviews, knowledge reviews, oral presentations, role-play/scenarios, written reports or centre-devised alternatives. There are no formal entry requirements, but participants will normally be practising or aspiring first-line managers with the opportunity to meet the assessment demands, and have a background that will enable them to benefit from the programme.

Assessment (mandatory units) Assessment (optional)

Entry requirements

To reserve a place, please call Jenna Blake: 01633 242736

01633 242736

DAY 1 Solving problems and making decisions Notional Credit Value (2)
Problems at work are inevitable the trick is to know how to deal with them effectively. As a manager or team leader, those above and below you rely on your ability to make well-informed decisions. Often, the best way to tackle work-related issues is to gather as much information as possible, before acting upon it. This module will show you how to find and analyse both quantitative and qualitative information, and make decisions based upon it. Youll also learn techniques to identify the root cause of a problem and generate creative solutions.

What will you learn?

When you have finished this module you will be able to: Identify the cause of a problem Distinguish between the problem itself and the symptoms of the problem Use a number of tools to define creative solutions to problems Analyse data to extract information Use appropriate statistics Take a structured approach to making and implementing decisions.

DAY 2 Building the Team Notional Credit Value (1)

Developing and maintaining strong team is a vital part of successful management. It will help you get the best performance from each team member in order to achieve your business goals. This module explores how you interact with others in the workplace, providing a clear understanding of exactly what effective working relationships are - and how to cultivate them within your team. Youll look at the key components of an effective team, and the symptoms of a dysfunctional one. Youll look at the stages involved in developing a team and how to manage each of them.

What will you learn?

When you have finished this module you will be able to: Identify the different types of relationships at work Define effective working relationships Use active listening and questioning techniques to build effective relationships Identify the stages in the development of a team Take the team forward through the development stages Build a well-balanced team.

01633 242736

DAY 3 Planning to work e ectively Notional Credit Value (2)

Its easy for a business to claim to be effective and efficient. But do you really understand what the terms mean - and why the planning process is key to achieving both? This module will help you to understand the terms effectiveness and efficiency. Youll learn how, in your role as manager, you can improve effectiveness and efficiency by measuring productivity, analysing work methods and implementing changes. It examines the four main stages in the planning process - identifying objectives and setting targets, planning work to meet those targets, applying monitoring and control techniques, and evaluating results and plans.

What will you learn?

When you have finished this module you will be able to: Understand the terms effectiveness and efficiency Know how to balance effectiveness and efficiency Identify the main stages in planning any work activity or project Define work objectives Monitor and evaluate progress

DAY 4 Organising and Delegating Notional Credit Value (1)

Your people are your organisations most valuable resource. Your role involves getting the most out of your people by managing them effectively and providing the support they need. Knowing when and how to delegate is a key skill for any manager. This module explores techniques for getting the best performance out of the people in your team. Youll be shown how to allocate work to specific team members, prioritise work activities to meet objectives, and identify current and future staffing needs. Youll look at the main benefits of delegation, identifies some of the common barriers to delegation - and gives practical advice on how to overcome them. Youll also learn how to monitor the progress of staff youve delegated tasks to, and provide them with constructive feedback.

What will you learn?

When you have finished this module you will be able to: Plan the activities of work team members Organise peoples work activities Define the main benefits of delegation Identify common barriers to delegation and how to overcome them Take a step-by-step approach to delegating tasks.

DAY 5 Understanding the communication process in the workplace Notional Credit Value (1)
There are many ways to communicate at work by telephone, email, face-to-face conversations, letters and even video conferencing. This module explores all aspects of communicating at work - from selecting the most effective communication tool for any given situation, to understanding body language and learning to listen actively. Youll look at the importance of two-way communication and developing good questioning techniques. The module also considers the benefits that effective communication can bring to everyone in the workplace, as well as the dangers of communicating badly with your team. Youll also learn the importance of feedback in the communication process.

What will you learn?

When you have finished this module you will be able to: Identify the main communications tools available within the workplace Define the strengths and weaknesses of each Choose the most effective medium in any given situation Identify common barriers to communication and know how to overcome them Use body language, active listening, feedback and questioning techniques to communicate effectively

Next ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management, commences July 2011: Thursday 7th July 2011 Thursday 14th July 2011 Thursday 21st July 2011 Thursday 28th July 2011 Tuesday 2nd August 2011 What our delegates thought The tutor delivered the content in an easy to understand manor and developed a productive yet relaxed environment. - ILM delegate There are many things covered in this course that I will practice at work. - ILM delegate Very enjoyable course! - ILM delegate

CallJenna Blake now to book your place 01633 242736

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