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17 Best Benefits Of Guava Leaves (Amrood ke Patte) For Skin

And Health
September 6, 2017 by Saba

Most of us know about the health benefits of guava fruit. But we are unaware of the fact that
even guava leaves (Amrood ke Patte) in Hindi have several medicinal properties and offer
an array of health benefits. Being packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-
inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins, fresh guava leaves are considered as a natural
pain reliever. The chemicals contained in these leaves such as polyphenols, carotenoids,
flavonoids and tannins can be extremely effective in treating various diseases.
Owing to the side effects resulting from the usage of medicines and drugs, herbal plants are
being increasingly considered for the treatment of various diseases and guava leaf is one of
them. Due to its medicinal properties, guava leaf supplements are nowadays available in
the form of capsules and guava leaf tea.

Uses Of Guava Leaves

Guava Leaves Benefits For Health
Guava leaves are regarded as herbal treatment for several diseases due to their medicinal
properties. The health benefits of guava leaves are given below.

1. Aid in Weight Loss:

Guava leaves aid in weight loss by preventing the complex starches from being converted
into sugars. For this purpose, the carbs must be broken down in the liver for use by the
body and guava leaves prevent the transition of carbohydrates to usable compounds.

2. Beneficial for Diabetics:

According to research conducted by the Yakult Central Institute in Japan, guava leaf tea
can effectively lower blood glucose in diabetics by reducing the alpha-glucosidease enzyme
activity. Moreover, it prevents the absorption of sucrose and maltose by the body, thereby
lowering blood sugar levels. Drinking guava leaf tea for 12 weeks lowers the blood sugar
levels without increasing insulin production.

3. Lower Cholesterol:
Research has proved that drinking guava leaf tea for 3 months can lead to reduction in LDL
or bad cholesterol and triglycerides without any adverse effect on good cholesterol.
Besides, the guava leaves are a great liver tonic.

4. Treatment of Diarrhea and Dysentery:

Guava leaves are herbal remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. For treating diarrhea, boil 30
grams of guava leaves with a handful of rice flour in 1-2 glasses of water and drink this
concoction twice a day. In case of dysentery, cut the roots and leaves of guava plant and
boil them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. Strain the water and drink
in moderation until relieved.

5. Aids in Digestion:
Guava leaf tea aids in digestion by stimulating digestive enzyme production. The powerful
antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut and stop proliferation of toxic
enzymes by bacteria. Guava leaves are particularly beneficial in case of food poisoning as
well as soothing, vomiting and nausea. To relieve stomach ache, boil 8 pieces of guava
leaves in 1.5 liters of water and drink thrice a day.

6. Treatment of Bronchitis:
Guava leaf tea is effective in treating bronchitis by opening up the lungs, loosening mucus
and soothing coughs.

7. Treatment of Toothaches, Sore Throats and Gum Disease:

Due to their anti-inflammatory qualities, fresh guava leaves can relieve tooth ache, heal
gum and mouth sores and treat sore throats when used for gargling. The antibacterial agent
in these leaves protect the teeth and gums and therefore, guava leaves are used as an
ingredient in toothpastes and mouth fresheners. Guava leaves can even be made into a
natural paste at home for brushing the teeth and gums.

8. Beneficial in Dengue Fever:

Guava leaves are considered a natural remedy for dengue fever. This is because guava
leaf extract can increase the number of platelets in the blood and is not toxic at all. For this
purpose 9 pieces of guava leaves should be boiled in 5 cups of water until 3 cups of water
is left. After straining and cooling, a cup of this concoction should be given to the patient
thrice a day.

9. Prostate Cancer:
Guava leaves can be beneficial in case of prostate cancer and enlargement.

10. Reduction of Allergies:

Guava leaves prevent the release of histamine. Moreover, the compounds found in guava
leaves are effective in blocking all allergic reactions.

11. Sperm Production:

Consumption of guava leaf tea has proven to be effective in increasing sperm production,
thus helping with conception.

12. Treatment of Wounds and Infections:

Guava leaves have great healing properties that can treat wounds such as cuts, impact
abrasion etc. The antibacterial agents prevent infection and reduce inflammation of the
uterus to accelerate the healing of wounds. Guava leaf tea can help in curing ear infections
as well.

[ Read: Health Benefits of Jackfruit Seeds ]

Guava Leaves Benefits For Skin
When it comes to skincare, guava leaves can greatly help in improving your skin and
treatment of various skin disorders. Following are the benefits of guava leaves for skin.
13. Treatment of Acne and Black spots:
Acne and black spots are quite annoying as they adversely affect the appearance of your
skin. Guava leaves are effective in eliminating acne and black spots from the skin. They
contain an antiseptic that can kill acne causing bacteria. For this purpose, mash some
guava leaves and apply it on the acne and dark spots. Rinse with water after sometime.
This should be done daily until the skin is clear.

14. Removal of Blackheads:

For the treatment of blackheads, blend the guava leaves with little water and use it as a
scrub on your nose to remove blackheads.

15. Anti-ageing Benefits:

Guava leaves contain antioxidants which destroy the free radicals that damage your skin,
thus protecting your skin from ageing as well as improving skin tone and texture. A
decoction of mature guava leaves can be applied on the skin for tightening it.

16. Relieves Itching:

Skin itching can lead to serious problem if not treated immediately. Guava leaves are an
instant cure for getting rid of itchiness as they contain allergy blocking compounds.

[ Read: Fig Juice Benefits ]

Guava Leaves Benefits For Hair
Being rich in nutrients and antioxidants, guava leaves help in promoting healthy hair growth.

17. Natural Remedy for Hair Loss:

To stop hair loss, boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for around 20 minutes.
After cooling, apply it on your scalp and massage rigorously.

2 Health Benefits of Guava Leaves (No.1 Doctor

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Guava is known well as tropical fruit which rich in nutrients throughout the world. People loves to eat it as it has sweet and
juicy flavor. Not only consumed as food, guaya also being used in medicinal purpose. The fruit, leaf and other parts of guava
has been proved may give benefits to human health.

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Guava plant or Psidium guajava is a small tree or a large evergreen shrub member of Myrtaceae family. It can grow until
15m in height. This plant is native in Mexico and other Central America countries. Since it tropical plant, guava can only
adapt to warm climate. Nowadays, after more than 300 years introduced in United State, guava is cultivated in many
countries in Asia and Africa with various varieties.
Many researches have been conducted to found the scientific evidence of guava in medication including guava leaves.
Health benefits of guava leaves have been used by people to treat digestion problem such as diarrhea and thrush. Guava
leaves contains many potential bioactive components such as saponine, tannins, flavonoid, eugenol and tritenoids.
Flavonoids ( more than 1.4 % ) and tannins are dominate the polyphenolic component of guava leave.


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Guava Leaves Advantages 

Since guava leaves contains many active phytochemical, it provides many health benefits those are :

1. Cures Diarrhea
Guava leaf in medicinal purpose is mostly used to treat diarrhea. Diarrhea is a condition where the colon cant absorb water
due to bacterial infection of Staphylococcus aureus. Study reported that guava leaf has strong anti-bacterial compound such
as tannins and essential oil which very effective to fight against S. Aureus infection and inhibit those bacteria growth.

The way to use guava leaves to cure diarrhea is by taking 6 guava leaves, then wash it. Then, boil it through and squeeze
the leaves. Next is you get the leaves extract. Then, just drink it straight once in two days until you feel much better.

Related: How to Prevent Diarrhea

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2. Decreases Cholesterol level

It is surprising that guava leaf can reduce the level of cholesterol in bloodwhich can cause many health problems. Studies
reported that guava leaf contains active phytochemical compounds such as gallic acid, cathechin and epicathecin which can
inhibit pancreatic cholesterol esterase which slightly reduce cholesterol level.

Related: Foods That Lower Cholesterol – Health Risks of High Levels of Saturated Fat and Cholesterol

3. Prevents Obesity
Obesity is being an epidemic nowadays since the change of people lifestyle. Obesity can cause many health problem such
as diabetes and heart disease which are the main cause of mortality in most countries such as United State. Guava leaf
contains compound called quarcetin which can inhibit the fat cell formation and the cathechin that has fat burning effect in
the body.

Related: Health Risks of Obesity

4. Prevents Diabetes Type 2

Cathechin in guava leaf is not only can burn the fat but it also can control the blood glucose level or in other name it has
hypoglycemic effect to the body. This may help to prevent the development of diabetes especially type 2 that also become a
consequent along with developing obesity.


 Diabetes Treatments
 Types of Diabetes
 Symptoms of Diabetes In Children

5. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke

Quercetin has a strong antioxidant effect to the body. It can help to reduce oxidative stress which caused by free radicals.
This effect of quercetin is lead to inhibit the LDL or low density lipoprotein formation. LDL is known as bad fat which can
cause atherosclerosis or plaque in the blood vessels. By consuming guava leaf, you can reduce the risk of develop
atherosclerosis and prevent you from heart disease.


 Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women

 Heart Attack Symptoms
 Benefits of Garlic for Your Healthy Heart

6. Prevents Cancer
Many studies have been conducted to found the components and benefits of guava leaf. One of best benefits that you may
found in guava leaf is anti-cancer activity. It has been proved that guava leaf can reduce the risk of several types of cancer
such as gastric, breast, oral and prostate cancer. This benefits performed by the antioxidant contains in guava leaf such as
quercetin, lycopene and Vitamin C. Those components can induce the apoptosis or self-killing activity of cancer cells
according to a study which published in 2011.


 How to Prevent Cancer

 Symptoms of Bone Cancer
 Symptoms of Colon Cance

7. Prevents Cholera
According to study by Rahim et al, the extract of guava leaves has strong anti-microbial activity against Vibrio cholera.
Cholera is usually become an epidemic disease in many countries and guava leave is suggested to be given to people who
suffer from cholera.

8. Prevents Inflammation
Guava leaf has identified to have strong anti-inflammatory activity which performed by ethanol extract contained in it based
on study by Dutta and das. While other researcher, Kawakami found that guava leaf has anti-proliferative activity that can
inhibit the catalytic activity of prostaglandin endoperoxide which trigger inflammation. Matsuzake et al reported that
glycosides from guava leaves extract showed significant effect in histamine ( protein which trigger inflammation ) inhibition.

9. Protects Liver
Guava leaves benefits also very important for liver. Liver is an organ which play important role in detoxification process.
Guava leaves have found to have hepatoprotective activity which can cure liver injury induced by paracetamol consumption
according to study by Roy and And. It also has strong effect to protect liver from some enzyme which can damage liver cells
such as aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin.

Also Read

10. Prevents Dermatitis

A study reported that ethyl acetate compound in guava leaves extract can inhibit the chemokine expression in keratinocytes
which lead to dermatitis ( skin inflammation ) and other skin disease.

11. Fights Allergy

Guava leaf contain quarcetin is known as anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory which can inhibit the development of allergy
such as food allergy, asthma and skin reaction. Quercetin makes guava leaf tend to be one of best natural way to fight

12. Reduces Pain

Arthritis is a condition as a symptoms of autoimmune disorder and causing joint pain. The quercetin in guava leaves has
significant effect to reduce the pain of arthritis. It is also reported that quercetin can help to lower the effect of infection and
remove its pain.

13. Treats Stomach Ulcer

Guava leaves contain methanol extract that composed by volatiloill, flavonoid and saponine which can be useful to treat
stomach ulcer. This methanolic extract of guava composed by tannins and flavonoids also can promote healing effect of
gastric wound

14. Keeps Oral Health

Guava leaves is known to keep oral or mouth health. It is believed that chewing guava leaf can protect mouth from
developing dental plaque.The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in guava leaves also can protect from gum
inflammation and get rid of bad breath.

Related: Benefits of Chewing Gums for Mouth Health

15. Treats Cough

A study by Jajar et al found that guava leaves showed anti-cough effect by soothes the muscles on respiratory tract.

Beauty Tricks with Guava Leaves

16. Prevents Hair Loss

It is believed that crushing guava leaves and rub them on scalp can prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

17. Relieves Itchy skin

Itchy skin is sign of allergy or other infection. If its not being cure, it will be serious problem, guava leave contains anti-
bacterial and anti-inflammation properties which can reduce skin itching. Just crush the leaves and rub to itchy skin to get
this benefits.

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18. Keeps Skin Young

Strong antioxidant effect of guava leaves can protect the skin from damage which caused by free radicals. Free radicals can
be harmful to skin, since its damage the skin cell and the main culprit in aging. Consuming guava leaves tea regularly can
keep your skin firm and young.


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19. Cures Acne

Having acne on your face is sometime annoying. Guava leaves can be used to treat acne, it contains anti-bacterial
component which can get rid of P. Acne, the bacteria which cause acne. The anti-inflammatory components in guava leave
also can reduce redness and inflammation on skin.

Related: Prevent Acne and Pimples Naturally – How to Get Rid of Acne

20. Increases Man Fertility

A study which published in the African Journal of Medicine showed that guava leaves has potential effect in increasing the
sperm count in Wistar rats and improve fertility.

Related: Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

21. Treats Dengue Fever

A study also reported that guava leaves can be used to treat dengue fever since it has an effect to increase the trombocyte
or platelet level in blood serum. This makes guava leaves as an effective alternative home remedy to cure dengue fever.

22. Reduces the Symptoms of Bronchitis

Bronchitis is a condition which the bronchus of respiratory system being infected. Guava leaves can promotes lung opening
and loosen the muscle of bronchus that may soothe the cough.

How to Process Guava Leaves for Traditional Medicine

1. Take 4-5 guava leaves

2. Wash the leaves till it gets clean
3. Then, boil the guava leaves with 1 liter water
4. When it gets boiled, then filter it
5. Pour the water, that’s the extract water
6. It’s ready now to drink
7. Also, you can add honey to make it perfect.

Meanwhile, the recommendation is you need to drink 100 ml guava leaves extract water for once in two days. Also, drinking
it in routine may bring benefits to cover body health. Then, there is also another alternative to consume guava water, which
is making it as tea.

How to Make Guava Leaves Tea

To get all those benefits you can start to consume it by making guava leaves as tea. Below is several steps to make guava
tea :

15 Amazing Benefits Of Guava

The potential health benefits of guava include its ability to help in preventing cancer,
regulating blood pressure, and treating diarrhea. It also aids in weight loss, improves
the skin, treats cough and cold, constipation, dysentery, and scurvy.

Table of Contents

 What is a Guava?

 Guava Nutrition Facts

 Health Benefits of Guava

o Prevents Cancer

o Antioxidant Properties

o Controls Diabetes

o Improves Eyesight

o Regulates Blood Pressure

o Improves Thyroid Health

o Treats Scurvy

o Eliminates Diarrhea & Dysentery

o Relieves Constipation

o Improves Brain Health

o Treats Cough & Cold

o Weight Loss

o Skin Care

o Reduces Oxidative Stress

o Dental Care

 Uses of Guava

 Guava FAQs

What Is A Guava?
Guava is a sweet and delicious fruit cultivated in tropical climates. This seasonal fruit,
scientifically known as Psidium guajava, is round or pear-shaped and is light green,
yellow or maroon in color when it ripens. It has a white or maroon flesh, depending on
its type, and has small hard seeds enveloped in its soft, sweet pulp. The common types
of guava include apple guava, yellow-fruited cherry guava,strawberry guava, and red
apple guava. It is mostly eaten raw (ripe or semi-ripe) or consumed in the form of juice,
jams, and jellies.

Guava’s believed to have originated from Mexico or Central America. It is now very
popular in Asian countries and is also increasingly available in American countries,
particularly after its health benefits have been revealed.

What makes guava special is that increasing the shelf life of this fruit does not require
excessive use of chemicals or pesticides as in the case of grapes, apple, and other
“exotic” fruits. It is one of the least chemically treated and sprayed fruits.

Guava Nutrition Facts

This popular fruit is a powerhouse of nutrients. Guava is a goodsource of energy,
dietary fiber, and vitamins such as vitamin A,vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B6,
folate, thiamine, and riboflavin. It also contains
essential minerals like calcium,phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Health Benefits Of Guava

If the traditional adage says that, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” in Europe
and America, the phrase can be probably changed to, “a few guavas in the season keep
the doctor away for the whole year,” in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world
where they typically grow. Let’s find out why;

Prevents Cancer
One of the most important benefits of adding guava to your diet is its ability to inhibit
the growth and metastasis of cancerous cells. There have been numerous studies done
in recent years on guava’s effects primarily on prostate, breast, and oral cancers. Guava
leaf oil acts as an antiproliferative and has actually proven to be more effective than
some leading modern medicines in reducing cancer cell growth. Guavas are also rich in
lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can reduce prostate cancer risk. The same
antioxidant has also shown its efficacy in inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells,
though more tests are to be done to support this finding.
Antioxidant Properties
The naturally high content of vitamin C in guavas, which is four times higher than the
content found in oranges (the traditional vitamin C powerhouse), helps boost the
immune system. Antioxidants are the major lines of defense against the proliferation
of free radicals in the body, which are one of the main causes of serious conditions like
cancer and heart diseases. Therefore, adding guava to your diet helps you stay healthy.

Controls Diabetes
The intake of guava can also help patients suffering fromdiabetes. High level of dietary
fiber in it helps lower blood glucose levels in the body. Studies have shown that
consuming it can help prevent the appearance of type-2 diabetes.

Improves Eyesight
Guava is an extremely good source of vitamin A, which is well known as a booster for
vision health. It can help slow down the appearance of cataracts, macular
degeneration, and improve the overall health of the eyes. It helps protect the cells in
your eyes and can also prevent deterioration of eyesight.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Guava helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from thickening, thereby
maintaining the fluidity of blood and reducing blood pressure. Studies have shown that
the food that lacks fiber (such as refined flour) adds to blood pressure. This fruit, being
very rich in fiber and hypoglycemic in nature, helps reduce blood pressure.

Improves Thyroid Health

Guava is are a good source of copper, which is important for regulating metabolism by
helping to control hormone production and absorption. The thyroid hormones play a
significant role in energy regulation and metabolism in the body. So guava can help
maintain your health in many ways.
Treats Scurvy
Guava can outdo many fruits, including orange and other citrus fruits, in terms of
its concentration of vitamin C. A  deficiency of vitamin C can cause scurvy and the only
known remedy for this dangerous disease is proper intake of vitamin C. In fact, guavas
contain 4times more vitamin C than oranges, which are often heralded as the absolute
best source of that beneficial vitamin.

Eliminates Diarrhea & Dysentery

Guava has astringent properties that help treat a number of digestive disorders like
diarrhea and dysentery. Whether you chew guava leaves or eat a raw guava, the
astringent qualities add substance to loose bowels and reduce the symptoms of
diarrhea. These astringents are alkaline in nature and have disinfectant and anti-
bacterial properties, thus helping cure dysentery by inhibiting microbial growth and
removing extra mucus from the intestines.Furthermore, other nutrients in guava such
as vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium, strengthen the digestive system while
simultaneously disinfecting it. Guava is also beneficial in treating gastroenteritis for the
same reasons stated above.

Relieves Constipation
Guava is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber among fruits and its seeds serve as
excellent laxatives. These two properties of guava help the formation of healthy bowel
movements, aid in retaining water in the body, and thoroughly clean your intestines. It
is said that constipation alone can lead to 72 different types of ailments, so any help for
constipation is beneficial. Your overall health is affected undeniably by
proper digestion, and more importantly, by proper excretion. Frequent consumption of
guava can ensure both.

Improves Brain Health

Another tremendous benefit of guava is the presence of vitamin B3 and B6 in
them. Vitamin B3 (also known as niacin) can increase blood flow and stimulates
cognitive function, whereas vitamin B6 is a great nutrient for brain and nerve function.
Eating guava can help relax the nerves and enhance concentration.

Treats Cough & Cold

Juice of raw and immature guavas, or a decoction of its leaves, is very helpful
in relieving coughs and colds by reducing mucus, disinfecting the respiratory tract,
throat, and lungs, and inhibiting microbial activity with its astringent properties. Guava
has one of the richest sources of vitamin C and iron among fruits and both effectively
prevent colds and viral infections. In some areas of India, roasted ripe guava is used as
a remedy against extreme cases of cough, cold, and congestion. Ripe guava should be
avoided by people who are suffering from cough and cold, as it can exacerbate the
problem. Also, avoid drinking water immediatelyafter eating a guava as it can lead to
a sore throat.
Weight Loss
Guava is very helpful for people wanting to lose weight without compromising their
intake of proteins, vitamins, and fiber. As guava is high in roughage, it has no
cholesterol and has a low number of digestible carbohydrates. This combination makes
a filling snack that satisfies the appetite very easily. Guava, especially the raw one, has
far less sugar as compared to apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruits. Add a medium-
sized guava to your lunch and you will not feel hungry until evening. Ironically, it can
also help lean and skinny people to gain weight. This is probably due to its wealth of
nutrients, which regulates the metabolism and promotes proper absorption of

Skin Care
Guavas can improve the texture of your skin. They can help you avoid skin problems
better than beauty creams and skin toning gels. This is chiefly due to the abundance of
astringents available in the fruit (with more astringents present in immature guavas)
and in its leaves. Your skin can benefit from either eating the fruits (this helps tighten
your muscles apart from your skin) or by rinsing your skin with a decoction of its
immature fruit and leaves. It will tone up and tighten the area of loosened skin where it
is applied. Guava’s rich antioxidants and detoxifying properties help keep your skin
glowing and free from signs of premature aging, wrinkles, and other dermal disorders.

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Guava juice is rich in vitamin C and a number of other important phytonutrients that
can help eliminate free radicals and slow down oxidative stress in the body. It is a very
popular beverage in tropical and subtropical regions. Furthermore, guava juice can
help balance blood sugar, thus lowering your risk of developing diabetes.

Dental Care
Apart from guava fruit, the leaves also have many benefits. The juice of guava leaves
has been known to cure toothaches, swollen gums and oral ulcers, and it speeds up
the healing process of wounds when applied topically. Finally, it reduces the frequency
of convulsions, epilepsy, and bacterial infections.

When consuming guava for medicinal purposes, you must perform your due diligence,
and be cautious while adding any new medicinal form of guava to your diet. It is better
to stick to eating guava in its natural form as a raw fruit.

Uses Of Guava
Guava leaves are used in the preparation of herbal medicines to treat several diseases
like diarrhea, diabetes, infections, and obesity. The leaves of guava have been an
important constituent in folk medicines as these contain palmitic acid and palmitoleic
acid. Intake of guava seeds also helps treat common problems like constipation and
other gastrointestinal issues. It works as laxatives as it contains a lot of dietary fiber. It
can help bulk up your stool and will pass through your system without any problem.

Guava FAQs
What is a Guava?

A guava is a tropical fruit that is found most often in tropical and subtropical areas and
is rarely grown in temperate climates. With the scientific name of Psidium guajava, this
fruit is one of many similar species in the same genus, but “apple guava” is the
common form found in most markets around the world. They are roughly the size of
apples, or are slightly smaller, and some variations are similar to plums in size and

How to Eat a Guava?

 Pick a fresh, ripe guava that does not have any blemishes.
 Wash the fruit under running water.

 Cut the guava into small pieces. If you want you can scoop it out using a teaspoon.

 Enjoy the fruit by seasoning it with salt, pepper, sugar or vinegar.

There are plenty of ways to consume a guava, ranging from juicing the fruit and
drinking it as a beverage, slicing it, and putting it on top of ice cream to jams and jellies,
or including it in your next veggie or fruit smoothie. Adding sliced guava-cubes to your
salad can make a healthy breakfast.

Can you eat Guava seeds?

Yes, you can eat guava seeds without any negative effects. In fact, people intentionally
eat the seeds because they help with gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation,
because there is a lot of dietary fiber in these seeds. They can help bulk up your stool
and will pass through your system without any problem.

What is Guava good for?

Guava helps to protect the immune system, regulate blood pressure, and lower the risk
of diabetes. It further helps strengthen the digestive system. Due to the unique and
high concentrations of minerals and vitamins, guava can also help increase energy,
relax the nerves, and decrease the number of stress hormones in the body.

How to grow Guava?

If you live in a tropical or subtropical region, growing your own guava tree actually isn’t
that tough. Guava trees respond very well to mulch, so clear out a 2-3 inch space in the
soil where you can plant the tree. Then, water the tree once a week and fertilize the
tree once a month. Adding more mulch is required, but the tree should grow rather
quickly. Thinning out excess branches can also promote more growth.

How many calories does Guava contain?

One of the best things about guava is the low level of calories – only 38 calories in an
average fruit. Given the impressive amount of minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients
that are found in guava, this low-calorie count is what so many people love about this
fruit. It can provide energy and the nutrients needed to get through the day, without
increasing the number of calories.

What to do with Guava?

Guava should be halved and then the fibrous center and the seeds can be removed.
The seeds can be saved and used later as a stomach cleanser. The fruit can then be
used as a topping or eaten raw, made into candies or jellies, or blended in a
fruit/vegetable smoothie. Alternatively, guava can be juiced, making a delicious and
healthy beverage.

Where does Guava come from?

Guava comes from the guava tree, a species native to Central America and Mexico.
These fruiting trees actually come in many different species, but all of them do best in
tropical or subtropical regions. Since guavas have been found to not only be delicious,
but also highly beneficial to human health, these fruits have been exported all over the
world, but guava cultivation and consumption is still centered in the tropics

The Benefits of Guava for the Skin

by TARA CARSON  Last Updated: Aug 14, 2017
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and its condition speaks volumes about your health.
Rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and oily, dry and aged skin, may reflect stress, lack of exercise or
a poor diet. Improving your skin's health is possible in a variety of ways, including adding more skin-
supportive nutrients in your diet. Guava is a tropical fruit that tastes like a cross between a
strawberry and a pear, and it provides several nutrients that support skin maintenance. Including it in
your diet may help you make progress toward the beautiful complexion you want that is more than
just skin deep.

Vitamin K

Treat skin discoloration, such as dark circles, spider veins, rosacea, acne irritation and overall
splotchiness, with vitamin K. It heals because it improves blood coagulation, which is impaired in
cases of skin redness and irritation. A guava provides 1.4 micrograms of vitamin K, which is about 2
percent of the 80 micrograms Food and Drug Administration daily value.

Vitamin C

The amount of vitamin C in a guava is more than twice the 60 milligrams of the FDA daily value,
which is good news for skin healing because it contributes to generation of collagen, the substance
that gives skin its firmness. Include more vitamin C-rich foods like guava in your diet to improve the
tautness of your skin and reduce the impact of aging.


A guava provides 2.9 grams of lycopene, an antioxidant that protects healthy cells from toxins that
accumulate in the body due to metabolism and environmental pollution. The damaging effect of
toxins includes premature aging, because they damage DNA in charge of growth and development.


A substance that provides health benefits, including hydrated skin, is water. While drinking water
helps you meet the eight glasses each day the body requires, an additional source that provides the
remaining requirement is food. A guava provides 81 percent of its composition as water. Slice the
juicy fruit and serve it in a tropical fruit salad with coconut, pineapple, papaya or mango, or juice it
and benefit from its nutrients served over ice.

Soap Out of Guava Leaf Extract for a Science

Investigatory Project
  08/17/2017 6:40 PM

Unless you're a high-schooler building a nuclear fusion reactor , the hardest part of a science
investigatory project  often is coming up with a good idea. You want it to be cool yet feasible,
novel but still useful.
That's why Ai-ni Bautista's science project on making liquid soap infused with guava leaf
extract is so perfect — it's fun, easy, and fresh with a very practical outcome. This do-it-
yourself soap will smell of lavender (and guava, of course) and even has health benefits for
your skin.
Guava leaves contain phytochemicals that are astringent , allowing them to tone and tighten
your skin. Guava leaves can also protect against ultraviolet radiation , a "major environmental
factor" in "skin wrinkle formation and hyperpigmentation." The American Journal of Chinese
Medicine even found that guava leaves' anti-inflammatory properties can be helpful in treating
Don't Miss: Build a Simple Paper Bridge as a Science Experiment
To make it even easier to ace your science investigatory project, we've deconstructed this
chemistry experiment into step-by-step instructions. For the full video tutorial, be sure to check
out the end of this article. Since the video has been made publicly available online, you can
go right ahead and use it for your science fair or project — no need to ask permission!

Safety First!
This experiment will involve working with both sodium hydroxide and extremely high
temperatures, so it will require safety precautions and definitely adult supervision. This guide
will cover the important safety measures, but you can alsoread more about sodium hydroxide
What You'll Need
If the below information seems a little intimidating to you, you can try  making hard
soap instead of liquid soap. It's a little less involved, requires fewer ingredients and
equipment, and is just as good as a science investigatory project. For details on that,  check
our full guide.
 about 50 guava leaves
 16 oz. water
 4 oz. sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as lye or caustic soda
 20 oz. olive oil
 8 oz. coconut oil
 a few spoonfuls of lavender-scented oil  (or any other scent you prefer)
 a few drops of food coloring , any color you like
 vinegar (in case the lye comes in contact with skin)
 stove or other strong heat source, preferably an outdoor stove
 large pot
 three small containers (make sure they can all withstand boiling water!)
 gloves
 safety mask
 safety goggles
 whisk or stick blender
 strainer
 kitchen scale
 funnel
 empty bottle or soap dispenser
Make sure that none of the equipment you use contains aluminum, tin, or zinc because lye will
corrode all of those metals — and potentially produce highly flammable (read: dangerous)
hydrogen gas. Stainless steel would be ideal. The sodium hydroxide may also produce fumes,
so as much as possible, this experiment should take place outdoors or under a fume hood. If
that isn't an option, make sure the room you use is well-ventilated (switch on the kitchen fan
and open every window you can).

The following guide will make enough soap to fill a bottle of hand soap, so adjust your
proportions accordingly if you want to make more.

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Step 1Extract Guava Leaf Essence
Bring approximately 8 oz. of water (weigh it out using your scale) to a boil in your pot, then
add about 50 guava leaves. Keep the water at boiling temperature, and stir occasionally.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
Step 2Strain Out Guava Leaves
After half an hour, take your pot off the stove, strain out the guava leaves, and transfer the
guava leaf extract to a container. You can use a sieve or a pair of utensils.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
Step 3Prepare Your Flavors
At this stage, you're going to prepare a mixture of water, oil, and your chosen scent and food
coloring (you're going to add the sodium hydroxide to this later, making your soap). The ratios
we've provided here are based on a recipe that Ambra, a soap-making hobbyist from
Iceland, posted on her blog , but you might want to tweak it with some trial-and-error to get the
soap to the consistency you prefer most.
They Say Oil & Water Don't Mix
It's true. Oil and water don't mix — they're immiscible together. Heck, most definitions of
"immiscible"  even use oil and water as their illustration. That's why you usually need
a chemical emulsifying agent  to completely combine oil and water, but heating your oil-water
mixture, which is our next step, will achieve a similar effect.
Add about 8 oz. of coconut oil and 20 oz. of olive oil to 8 oz. of water in your pot. For soap-
making, measure all your reagents by weight , and not volume, because the density of different
oils can vary significantly. The mixture should immediately begin to form  micelles, bubble-like
concentrations of oil, especially at the surface.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
Cover and bring the mixture to a boil, removing the lid to stir occasionally. Your oil-water
mixture should be bubbling from the heat, but better combined than before.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
Stir, then add the guava extract. Stir again, and add scented oil, and then the food coloring.
We suggest adding the food coloring in small doses while stirring, as it takes a while for the
coloring to disperse and arrive at a settled color. Throughout this process, keep your mixture
at a boil. Boil for 30 more minutes.

Step 4Saponification
Saponification is a chemical reaction between an ester and an alkali, producing a carboxylate
ion and an alcohol. It's also what we're about to do next! That's because saponification, in less
scientific terms, is soap-making (the linguistic root of "saponification" is  sapo, the Latin word
for soap). The coconut and olive oil we're using contain esters, and the sodium hydroxide is
an alkali. These react to form a carboxylate salt compound — soap!
Ready, Set, Saponify
Put on your goggles, gloves, and mask. Adding the sodium hydroxide to the mixture will cause
the temperature of your mixture to skyrocket to temperatures of up to 200º F, according to the
Soap Queen's safety guide.
It's not just the sheer heat of your mixture that's now dangerous. That spike in temperature
means some water particles are going to reach boiling temperature, and that rising steam will
carry with it trace amounts of unreacted sodium hydroxide, which is  poisonous . If any sodium
hydroxide makes contact with skin, pour vinegar over the affected area to neutralize the
burning alkali.
Using your kitchen scale, weigh out 4 oz. of sodium hydroxide. Slowly and carefully add it to
your mixture in very small amounts. Keep your face away from the mouth of the pot as you
add the sodium hydroxide to avoid inhaling the fumes.

Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube

Step 5Stir
When the mixture is no longer producing steam, turn off the stove and remove the pot from
the heat. Allow it to cool slightly, then stir with your electric blender. Stir for fifteen minutes if
stirring by hand. The mixture will behave somewhat like egg whites, foaming up and
thickening as your stir.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
After stirring, allow the mixture to cool and settle into a more liquid form. If you would like a
cleaner-looking soap, you can skim off the foam from the surface. Transfer your finished liquid
soap to a bottle or dispenser using a funnel.
Image by Ai-ni Bautista/YouTube
Voilà! You have your very own homemade soap.

Follow Along with the Video

If you want to watch the entire process in sequence to familiarize yourself with the experiment
first, or just have the video handy for reference as you conduct your own experiment in DIY
soap-making, be sure to check our Ai-ni Bautista's video tutorial below.

If you're inspired by the success of your soap and enjoyed the excitement of working with heat
and sodium hydroxide, why not try other "explosive" scienceprojects, like cooking up your own
rocket fuel?

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