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SS110 WT

Learning Log 2

Name: Glennon Jhon N. Malisa Section: IJ Date: 03/27/2022

Week:4 Lesson/Topic: WT Principles, Muscle training types, Nutrition and Body Weights

Complete briefly and honestly each statement in relation to this week’s lesson/topic.

I used to think that Body weight training was originally intended to make our bodies seem
manly, but it can also improve our health, burn calories, improve fitness, improve digestion,
enhance strength, be healthier for joints, and so on.

Now I know that Bodily strength training offers many advantages for my health, not only in terms of
beauty but also in terms of health. It's a wonderful idea to share this with those who want to train
their body weight and those who want to lose weight and become physically fit or healthy,
especially those who acquire weight in our current circumstances and are just alone home.  Young
individuals who are inactive in their spare time can also be taught basic weight training.
However, I am not sure If many people desire to be physically fit and healthy, it may be best if I
do it myself before telling others about this workout.

I plan to I utilise my thighs in my fitness goals because I want to develop my strength, endurance,
and muscle mass. Concentrating such as this would also increase my capacity, metabolism, and
blood flow in my muscles. Squats, elliptical usage, and running are three cardiovascular - related
exercises I would incorporate into my weekly program. Squats would be beneficial since they
improve leg flow, build muscle, increase range of motion, and therefore do not require me to still
be in the gym most of the time.

Overall, I am grateful because I learnt something new today, and I hope that it will inspire my
friends, family, and all of my loved ones to engage in physique strength training therefore that
they might be physically healthy.

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