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Community-based approach to corrections as a way to

decongest the prisons involve the Public Attorney’s Office and TYPES OF NON-INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTION
the National Prosecution Service effecting the immediate PROGRAMS
release of detainees either on bail or recognizance and giving
priority to the trial of detainees who cannot be released on bail 1. Probation - It is a disposition under which a defendant,
or recognizance. after conviction and sentence, is released subject to
conditions imposed by the court and to the supervision of
It involves the efficient performance of the Boards of a probation officer
Pardons and Parole in the granting of timely release of 2. Indeterminate Sentence Law / Parole Program – it is that
prisoners and the effective supervision of released prisoners type of correctional program that enable the convicted
on parole or conditional pardon and those under probation by felon after serving the minimum imposable penalty maybe
the Probation and Parole Administration. Probation and Parole eligible for release on parole.
are two forms of non-institutional or community based 3. Executive Clemency – it is the power of the Chief
corrections. Executive to grant amnesty, commutation of sentence,
pardons, reprieve and remit fines and forfeitures to
convicted prisoners
NON-INSTITUTIONAL, COMMUNITY-BASED 4. Restorative Justice Programs – it refers to the program
CORRECTIONAL PRACTICES enacted under RA 9344 for CICL’s that required to
undergo after he/she is found responsible for an offense
The fact that our government is facing severe without resorting to formal court proceeding like diversion,
budgetary crisis does not augur well for the Criminal Justice intervention and Community based programs.
System most particularly the Corrections Pillar, which is the
last destination of society’s convicted offenders. 1 1
PROBATION - A term coined by John Augustus, From the
Latin verb "probare" - to prove, to test and “probatio” – testing
NON-INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS refer to that method of period.
correcting sentenced offenders without having to go to prison.
ARE: The origins of probation can be traced to English
criminal law of the Middle Ages. Harsh punishments were
1. Family members need not be victims also for the imposed on adults and children alike for offenses that were not
imprisonment of a member because the convict can still always if a serious nature. Sentences such as branding,
continue to support his family, not to be far away from his flogging, mutilation and execution were common. During the
children; time of King Henry VIII, for instance, no less than 200 crimes
2. Rehabilitation will be more effective as the convict will not were punishable by death, many of which were minor offenses.
be exposed to hardened criminals in prisons who will
only influence him to a life of crime; Royal pardons - could be purchased by the accused; activist
3. Rehabilitation can be monitored by the community thus judges could refrain from applying statuses or could opt for a
corrections can be made and be more effective; lenient interpretation of them; stolen property could be
4. Cost of incarceration will be eliminated which is devalued by the court so that offenders could be charged with
extremely beneficial especially to a cash-strapped a lesser crime.
government. An entire bureaucracy will be eliminated
which includes the salaries, benefits and perks of the
officers and staff, capital outlays, operating costs,
and ABJURATION offered offenders a degree of protection
maintenance of the facilities, subsistence of inmates, and
from the enactment of harsh sentences.
many others.
temporary release during which offenders could take measures
to secure pardons or lesser sentences. Controversially, certain  In 1841, John Augustus attended police court to bail out a
courts in due time began suspending sentences. "common drunkard," the first probationer.
 The offender was ordered to appear in court three weeks
In the United States, particularly in Massachusetts, different later sentencing. He returned to court a sober man,
practices were being developed. "Security for good behavior," accompanied by Augustus. To the astonishment of all in
also known as good aberrance, was much like modern bail: the attendance, his appearance and demeanor had
accused paid a fee as collateral for good behavior. Filing was dramatically changed,'
also practiced in cases that did not demand an immediate  He was also the first to apply the term "probation" to this
sentence. Using this procedure, indictments were "laid on file" process of treating offenders.
or held in abeyance.  By 1858, John Augustus had provided bail for 1,946 men
and women, young and old. Reportedly, only ten of this
To mitigate unreasonable mandatory penalties, number forfeited their bond,
judges often granted a motion to quash based upon minor  The first probation statute, enacted in Massachusetts
technicalities or errors in the proceedings. Although these shortly after this death in 1859, was widely attributed to
American practices were genuine precursors to probation, it is his efforts.
the early use of recognizance and suspended sentence that  The first juvenile court was established in Chicago in
are directly related to modern probation. 1899.
 Formalization of the concept of Intake is credited to the
Two names are most closely associated with the founders of the Illinois juvenile court.
founding of probation: Matthew Davenport Hill, an 18th century  Probation in New York State had its official beginning in
English barrister and judge, and John Augustus, a 19th 1901.
Century Boston boot-maker.
Fr. Rufus Cook – a chaplain in Boston, Massachusetts, who
As a young professional in England, Matthew continued the work of Augustus after the latter’s death and
Davenport Hill had witnessed the sentencing of youthful employed humane but unscientific approach.
offenders to one-day terms on the condition that they be
returned to a parent or guardian who would closely supervise The Probation Act of 1925, signed by President Calvin
2 2
them. Coolidge, provided for a probation system in the federal courts
(except in the District of Columbia). It gave the courts the
He eventually became the Recorder of Birmingham, a judicial power to suspend the imposition or execution of sentence and
post, he used a similar practice for individuals who did not place defendants on probation for such period and on such
seem hopelessly corrupt. If offenders demonstrated a promise terms and conditions as they deemed best.
for rehabilitation, they were placed in the hands of generous
guardians who willingly took charge of them. Hill had police HISTORICAL BACKGROUND of Probation in the Philippines
officers pay periodic visits to these guardians in an effort to
tack the offender's progress and to keep a running account.  Probation was first introduced in the Philippines during the
American colonial period (1898 - 1945) with the enactment
Matthew Davenport Hill – FATHER OF PROBATION IN of Act No. 4221 of the Philippine Legislature on 7 August

John Augustus, the "Father of Probation," is recognized as the ACT 4221 – THE FIRST PROBATION LAW OF 1935
“first true probation officer”.
This law created a Probation Office under the
 Augustus was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, in 1785. Department of Justice. On November 16, 1937, after barely
 By 1829, he was a permanent resident of Boston and the two years of existence, the Supreme Court of the Philippines
owner of a successful boot-making business. declared the Probation Law unconstitutional because of some
 It was undoubtedly his membership in the Washington defects in the law's procedural framework by the case of
Total Abstinence Society that led him to the Boston courts. People vs Vera which states that Act 4221 cause undue
 Washingtonians abstained from alcohol themselves and delegation of legislative power and violation of equal protection
were convinced that abusers of alcohol could be of the law.
rehabilitated through understanding, kindness and
sustained moral suasion, rather then through conviction In 1972, House Bill No. 393 was filed in Congress by
and jail sentences. Teudolo C. Natividad and Ramon D. Bagatsing. which would
establish a probation system in the Philippines. This bill
avoided the objectionable features of Act 4221 that struck PD 1257 – effectivity date, 01 December 1977; amended the
down the 1935 law as unconstitutional. period within which application for probation must be made
BP 76 – effectivity date, 13 June 1980; amended the maximum
The bill was passed by the House of Representatives, penalty for qualification for probation
but was pending in the Senate when Martial Law was declared
and Congress was abolished. PD 1990 - effectivity date, 15 January 1986; amended BP 76
back to original form and made probation and appeal exclusive
On 24 July 1976, Presidential Decree No. 968, also known as remedies
Adult Probation Law of 1976, was signed into Law by the RA 10707 – New Probation Law of 2015. Application ca now
President of the Philippines. be made after the appellate decision.

Fifteen selected probation officers were sent to U.S.A. PROBATIONER / CLIENT

for orientation and training in probation administration. Upon - is a person placed on probation
their return, they were assigned to train the newly recruited
probation officers. PROBATION OFFICER (now Probation and Parole Officer)
- is one who investigates (PSI) for the court a referral
The probation system started to operate on 3 January for probation or supervises a probationer or both
1978. As more probation officers were recruited and trained,
more field offices were opened. There are at present 204 field
offices spread all over the country, supervised by 15 regional FORERUNNERS OF PROBATION
November 23, 1989, EO 292 was promulgated which
added functions of supervising prisoner under parole and This originated in a compromise with the Church which
pardon with parole conditions. had maintained that a member of the clergy brought to trial in a
King’s Court might be claimed from that jurisdiction by the
PROBATION bishop or chaplain representing him, on the ground that he, the
3 3
prisoner, was subject to the authority of the ecclesiastical
It is a disposition under which a defendant, after courts only.
conviction and sentence, is released subject to conditions
imposed by the court and to the supervision of a probation 2. JUDICIAL REPRIEVE
This is a temporary withholding of sentence, either before
or after judgment; as where the judge is not satisfied with the
PD 968 - THE PROBATION LAW OF 1976 verdict, or evidence is suspicious, or indictment is insufficient,
- approved on 24 July 1976; effectivity date is 3 or he is doubtful whether the offense be within the clergy, or
January 1978 sometimes if it be a small felony, or any favorable
The PPA was created pursuant to Presidential circumstances appear in the criminal’s character.
Decree (P.D.) No. 968, as amended, to administer the
probation system. Under Executive Order No. 292, the
Probation Administration was renamed as the “Parole and 3. RECOGNIZANCE (BINDING OVER FOR GOOD
Probation Administration”, and given the added function of BEHAVIOR)
supervising prisoners who, after serving part of their sentence It originated as a measure of preventive justice, involving
in jails are released on parole or granted conditional pardon. the release of the person accused of committing a crime to the
The PPA and the Board of Pardons and Parole are the custody of a person of reputable character, who shall have the
agencies involved in the non-institutional treatment of responsibility of bringing the accused to court whenever the
offenders. court requires.

PD 603 – The Child and Youth Welfare Code of 1974 that This was chiefly a way of ridding the country of criminals;
provides probation for minors below the age of 18. it later developed as a plan for supplying new colonies with
cheap labor. It was also an attempt to substitute for brutal
punishment at home and an opportunity for rehabilitation in a
AMENDATORY LAWS TO PD 968 new country.


1. There is no single cause for delinquent behavior. Human
JOHN AUGUSTUS beings are extremely complicated.
2. Delinquent and criminal acts are symptoms a more
– “Father of Probation” in the US serious underlying condition.
– American pioneer of probation 3. That the individual has the ability to change and to modify
– The first true probation officer his anti-social behavior with the right kind of help.
FR. RUFUS COOK 4. The Central goal of the Probation Administration is to
– the successor of John Augustus that continued that enhance the safety of the community by reducing the
latter’s work on probation in Boston incidence of criminal acts by persons previously convicted.
5. This is of course not to say that probation should be used
MATTHEW DAVENPORT HILL in all cases, or that it will always produce better results.
6. By the same token, however, it is to say that probation is a
- is considered as the “Father of Probation” in England good bit more than the “matter of grace” or “leniency”
which characterizes the philosophy of the general public
TEODULO C. NATIVIDAD and of many judges and legislators on the subject.
7. Imprisonment as a sole cure for prevalence of crime is no
- Father of Philippine Probation longer recognized.
- primary author of HB 393 that later on became PD 8. It is generally conceded that probation is a matter of
968 privilege to be granted or refused at the discretion of the
- co-authored by Cong. Ramon Bagatsing State.
9. No violation should result in automatic revocation.
Act No. 4221 10. A judge should not pass judgment on a man without a
post sentence investigation report (PSIR).
– the first Probation Law of the Philippines
– this act became effective on August 7, 1935 4 4
– the Supreme Court declared this Act unconstitutional BENEFITS OF PROBATION
on November 16, 1937
a. Probation protects society
In People vs. Vera (37 O.G. 164), the constitutionality of Act 1. From the excessive costs of detention
4221 was challenged because of the following grounds: 2. From the high rate of recidivism of detained offenders
a) The said act encroaches upon the pardoning power
of the executive b. Probation protects the victim
b) That it constitute an undue delegation of legislative 1. It provides restitution
power 2. It preserves justice
c) It denies the equal protection of the laws c. Probation protects the family
1. It does not deprive the wife and children of a husband
PROBATION 2. It maintains the unity of the home

1. A more enlightened and humane correctional system; d. Probation assists the government
2. To promote the reformation of offenders; 1. It reduces the population of prisons and jails
3. Reduction of the incidence of recidivism; 2. It lessens the clogging of courts
4. Extending to offenders individualized and community- 3. It lightens the load of prosecutors
based treatment programs instead of imprisoning 4. It sustains law enforcement
5. Limited to offenders who are likely to respond thereto e. Probation helps the offender
favorably; 1. It maintains his earning power
6. The method is less costly than confinement. 2. It provides rehabilitation in the community
3. It restores his dignity

f. Probation justifies the philosophy of men

1. That life is sacred
2. That all men deserve a second chance TIME FOR APPLICATION
3. That an individual can change
4. That society has a moral obligation to lift the fallen The law says that the application for probation should
be made within the period for perfecting an appeal, or within
fifteen (15) days from promulgation of notice of judgment.

a. Probation prevents crime by offering freedom and aid only EFFECT ON APPEAL
to those offenders who are not likely to assault the society
again. The filing of application (for probation) shall be
b. It protects the society by placing under close supervision deemed a waiver of the right to appeal. In such case the
non-dangerous offenders while undergoing treatment and accused cannot, even by withdrawing his application for
rehabilitation in the community. probation, reinstate his appeal or right to appeal.
c. It conforms to modern humanistic trends in penology.
d. It prevents youthful or first time offenders from turning into
hardened criminals. RA 10707
e. It is a measure of cutting enormous expense in maintaining PROBATION LAW OF 2015
f. It reduces recidivism and overcrowding in jails and prisons. No application for probation shall be entertained or
g. It reduces the burden on the police forces and institutions granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal from the
of feeding and guarding detainees. judgment of conviction: Provided, That when a judgment of
h. It gives the first and light offenders a second chance in conviction imposing a non-probationable penalty is appealed
life and provides as opportunity for the reformation of a or reviewed, and such judgment is modified through the
penitent offender. imposition of a probationable penalty, the defendant shall be
i. It makes the offender productive or taxpayers instead of allowed to apply for probation based on the modified decision
tax eaters. before such decision becomes final. 
j. It restores to successful probationers his civil rights.
k. It has been proven effective in developing countries that 5 5

SUSPENSION OF EXECUTION OF SENTENCE There is nothing in the Probation Law which indicates
that the defendant’s right to move for a reconsideration of the
The court convicts and sentences the defendant but judgment of conviction, or his right to ask for new trial, is
the execution of the sentence, whether it imposes a term of waived or suspended by his application for probation, or that
imprisonment or a fine only, is suspended and the defendant is such application has the effect of an automatic withdrawal of a
released on probation. pending motion for reconsideration or new trial, although there
is likewise nothing in the law which suggests that the filing of
the application for probation interrupts the running of the period
PROBATION IS ONLY A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT for reconsideration or new trial.

Probation is not demandable as a matter of right. It is

a privilege. Its grant depends upon the discretion of the court. FORM OF APPLICATION
But, it will be declared as a right if the applicant is a minor
stated under Ra 9344 and it will also become a right when the The law does not prescribe any particular form and
probation order is already released by the court. therefore it may be in any form, written or oral. For recording
purposes, however, oral applications should be reduced to
Probation may not be granted except upon
application of the defendant. The Probation Law provides that “no person shall be
placed on probation except upon prior investigation by the
probation officer and a determination by the court that the ends


of justice and the best interest of the public as well as that of Probation Investigation Procedures
the defendant will be served thereby".
The probation officer shall submit to the court the The PSI gathers information on the petitioner’s
investigation report on an applicant not later than sixty (60) personality, character, antecedents, environment and other
days from receipt of the order of the said court to conduct the relevant information, including community resources which
investigation. shall be utilized in the rehabilitation of the client. The basic
The court shall resolve the petition for probation not tools used in PSI are interviews, records check, and
later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of said order. psychological evaluation and drug tests. All information
gathered is written in the PPA Form 3 or Post-Sentence
DENIAL OF PROBATION TO DISQUALIFIED OFFENDER Investigation Report (PSIR) submitted to the court for
However, there is nothing in the law which requires
that such an investigation should be conducted in every case Courtesy Investigation
as an essential condition before the court may deny an
application for probation. Full Blown Courtesy Investigation (FBCI)

COURT MAY ORDER INVESTIGATION SO LONG AS 1. Is a transient offender in a place of commission of the
APPLICANT IS NOT SERVING SENTENCE crime and/or a permanent resident of another place;
2. Has spent pre-adolescent and/or adolescent life in the
If there is an application and the defendant does not province or city of origin;
appear to be disqualified, the court may order such 3. Has attended and/or finished education therein; and
investigation only after a sentence of conviction by the trial 4. Have immediate family members and acquaintances
court for the reason that the same would be premature if made who are residents of the place of origin.
prior to said conviction, considering that the judgment might
eventually be an acquittal or, even if it be conviction, the court Partial Courtesy Investigation (PCI) – It shall be used for
might find as a fact in its decision that the defendant is a petitioners who do not fall within the purview of the FBCI and is
disqualified offender, in either of which cases the order for conducted by another PPO.
investigation would serve no purpose. 6 6


The Probation Law has no provision guaranteeing the
Under our Probation Law, the investigation for right to counsel in the investigation of a petitioner. The
probation is a post-sentence, not pre-sentence investigation; constitutional guarantee of right to counsel will not apply
meaning that the investigation is after, not before, the because the investigation by the probation and parole officer is
sentence. The sentence referred to is the sentence of the trial neither prosecutory nor accusatory in character.

The inquiry should be a thorough investigation into AVAILABLE
the character, antecedents, and environment, mental and
physical condition of the offender, and available institutional The information contained in the post-sentence
and community resources, as well as all other matters bearing investigation report shall be “privileged” and could not be used
the following questions: as evidence against any person, no matter how incriminating
the information may be.
(a) Whether or not the offender is in need of correctional
treatment that can be provided most effectively by his NO SUBPOENA POWERS
commitment to an institution;
(b) Whether or not there is undue risk that during the Probation and parole officer are not clothed with
period of probation the offender will commit another subpoena powers under the Probation Law. There is nothing to
crime; prevent them, however, from requesting the court to issue
(c) Whether or not probation will depreciate the subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses in their
seriousness of the offense committed. investigations.


SUBMISSION OF INVESTIGATION REPORT Barring disqualified offenders, the grant or denial of
probation is a matter of discretion on the part of the court.
The investigation report having been completed, the
Chief Probation and Parole Officer should submit his report to Probation shall be denied if the court finds that:
the court, “not later than 60 days from receipt of the order of
the court to conduct the investigation”. The same period is i. the offender is in need of correctional treatment that
merely directory, not mandatory, in the sense that an can be provided most effectively by his commitment
investigation report submitted after 60 days would still be a to an institution;
valid report. ii. there is an undue risk that during the period of
probation, the offender will commit another crime; or
NO COPY OF REPORT FOR APPLICANT iii. Probation will depreciate the seriousness of the
offence committed.
The investigation report as well as the supervision
history “shall be privilege and shall not be disclosed directly or ISSUANCE OF PROBATION ORDER
indirectly to anyone other than the Parole and Probation
Administration or the court concerned. A probation order shall take effect upon its issuance,
at which time the court shall inform the offender of the
NO RIGHT OF APPLICANT TO COMMENT ON REPORT consequences thereof and explain that upon his failure to
comply with any of the conditions prescribed in the said order
There is nothing in the Probation Law which entitles or his commission of another offense, he shall serve the
the applicant to submit any comment, or demand that the court penalty impose for the offense under which he was placed for
should consider the same. probation. In the event that violation of any of the conditions of
probation is established, the court need not revoke the
HEARING NOT REQUIRED probation; it has the discretion to revoke or continue the
probation and modify the conditions thereof.
There is nothing in the Probation Law which requires
the court to set for hearing the investigation report or the APPLICANT MAY REJECT GRANT OF PROBATION
application for probation, although it may of course, in its The law does not oblige the defendant to accept 7the 7
discretion do so, preserving at all times, however, the probation granted by the court. He should be allowed to turn
confidentiality of the report. down the same grant, especially since he might feel that the
terms and conditions thereof are too onerous for him.
The court is mandated to resolve the petition for
probation not later than 15 days after receipt of the GRANT OR DENIAL OF PROBATION NOT APPEALABLE
investigation report. The period, however, seem to be merely BUT CERTIORARI MAY LIE
directory, not mandatory.

BAIL OR RECOGNIZANCE PENDING PETITION FOR Probation is a substitute for imprisonment (including
PROBATION subsidiary imprisonment in case of non-payment of fine) and
other criminal penalties, not a mode of discharging the civil
Pending submission of investigation report and the liability, which is owed not to the State but to the offended
resolution of the petition for probation, the defendant may be party.
allowed temporary liberty under his bail filed in the criminal
case. In case no bail was filed or the defendant is incapable of COVERAGE OR SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF DECREE
filing one, the court may allow the release of the defendant on
recognizance to the custody of a responsible member of the A.Non-offenders not covered
community who shall guarantee his appearance whenever Consistently with the concept and purpose of
required by the court. probation, the Decree applies only to offenders.


The Decree declares, “it shall apply to all offenders”.
C. Disqualified Offenders

Not all offenders, however, fall within its coverage:

A drug dependent who is discharged as rehabilitated
1. sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of by the DOH-accredited Center through the voluntary
more than six years; submission program, but does not qualify for exemption from
2. convicted of subversion or any crime against the national criminal liability under Section 55 of the Act , may be charged
security or public order; under the provisions of the Act, but shall be placed on
3. who have previously been convicted by final judgment of an probation and undergo community service in lieu of
offense punished by imprisonment of not less than one imprisonment and/or fine in the discretion of the court, without
month and one day and/or a fine of not less than Two prejudice to the outcome of any pending case filed in court.
Hundred Pesos; Such drug dependent shall undergo community service as part
4. who have been once on probation under the provisions of of his/her after-care and follow-up program, which may be
this Decree; and done in coordination with non-government, civic organizations
5. who are already serving sentence at the time the accredited by the DSWD, with the recommendation of the
substantive provisions of this Decree became applicable Board.
pursuant to Sec. 33 hereof
6. It expressly excludes from its operation “those entitled to 13. When the time for application for probation already
the benefits of PD 603, as amended (otherwise known as lapse.
the Child and Youth Welfare Code) and similar laws.
7. Even if the offender does not fall under the terms of the
Child and Youth Welfare Code and the “similar laws” just WHEN THE COURT MUST DENY PROBATION
mentioned, he would not be entitled to the Benefits of the
Decree if he has not been convicted and sentenced. The court shall deny an application for probation
8. An offender who is already serving sentence or is otherwise whenever it finds that:
specifically disqualified under Sec. 9.
9. Under Sec. 264, BP 881 as amended by BP 882, 883 and a. the offender is in need of correctional treatment that can
884, which state, “any person found guilty of any election be provided most effectively by his commitment to an
offense under this code shall be punished with institution;
imprisonment of not less than 1 year but not more than 6 b. there is undue risk that during the period of probation the
years and shall not be subject to probation. offender will commit another crime; 8 8
10. Sec. 9, PD 1987 (An Act creating the Videogram c. probation will depreciate the seriousness of the offense
Regulatory Board, dated October 5, 1985) states “The committed.
provisions of PD 968, as amended shall not apply in cases
of violations of this Decree, including its implementing rules What will happen if the application for probation is denied?
and regulations. The offender will be sent by the sentencing court to prison
11. Sec. 12 of the Wage Rationalization Act (RA 6727) to serve his sentence
provides that the violators of the law shall not be entitled to
the benefits of the Probation Law. How many times can one be granted probation?
12. Violation of RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Only once.
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. Except sec 12, 14,17 and

 SECTION 12. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, a. The period of probation of a defendant sentenced to a
Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous term of imprisonment of not more than one (1) year shall
Drugs not exceed two (2) years, and in all other cases, said
 SECTION 14. Possession of Equipment, Instrument, period shall not exceed six (6) years.
Apparatus and Other Paraphernalia for Dangerous b. When the sentence imposes a fine only and the offender
Drugs During Parties, Social Gatherings or Meetings. is made to serve a subsidiary imprisonment in case of
 SECTION 17. Maintenance and Keeping of Original insolvency, the period of probation shall not be less than
Records of Transactions on Dangerous Drugs and/or nor more than twice the total number of days of subsidiary
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals imprisonment as computed in the rate established in Art.
 SECTION 57. Probation and Community Service 39 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended.
Under the Voluntary Submission Program
 SECTION 70. Probation or Community Service for a CONDITIONS OF PROBATION
First-Time Minor Offender In lieu of Imprisonment.
1. General or Mandatory Conditions


(a) Present himself to the probation (and parole) When can the Court Modify the Conditions for Probation?
officer designated to undertake his supervision at
such place as may be specified in the order within At any time during supervision after summary hearing when
72 hours from receipt of said order; the probationer violated any of its conditions upon application
by the probation officer or the probationer himself
(b) Report to the probation (and parole) officer at least
once a month at such time and place as specified Note: only the judge who heard and decided the case has
by the said officer. the power to grant, deny, modify, revoke and terminate
2. Special or Discretionary Conditions
The court may also require the probationer to:
(a) cooperate with the program of supervision; MODIFICATION OF PERIOD AND CONDITIONS OF
(b) meet his family responsibilities; PROBATION
(c) devote himself to specific employment and not to
change said employment without prior written A. Period of probation
approval of the probation (and parole) officer; The period of probation may either be shortened or made
(d) undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric longer, but not to exceed the period set in the law.
examination and treatment and enter and remain
in a specified institution, when required for the B. Conditions of probation
purpose; During the period of probation, the court may, upon
(e) pursue a prescribed secular study or vocational application of either the probationer or the probation officer,
training; revise or modify the conditions of probation.
(f) attend or reside in a facility established for
instruction, recreation or residence of persons on The court shall inform in writing the probation officer and
probation; the probationer of any change in the period and conditions of
(g) refrain from visiting houses of ill-repute; probation.
(h) abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages to
(i) permit the probation (and parole) officer or an
authorized social worker to visit his home and A. Concept of violation of probation
place of work; “A violation of probation shall be understood to mean any act
(j) reside at premise approved by it and not to or any commission on the part of the probationer with respect
change his residence without its prior written to the terms and conditions specified in the probation order.
approval; or
(k) satisfy any other condition related to the B. Arrest of the probationer
rehabilitation of the defendant and not unduly At any time during probation, the court may issue a
restrictive of his liberty or incompatible with his warrant for the arrest of the probationer for violation of any of
freedom of conscience the conditions of probation.


1. Fact finding investigation order of the court to the A. After the period of probation and upon consideration of the
CPPO report and recommendation of the probation and parole
2. The PPO prepare and submit violation report to the officer, the court may order the final discharge of the
CPPO probationer upon finding that he has fulfilled the terms
3. Filing of violation report to the trial court and conditions of his probation and thereupon the case is
4. Arrest of erring probationer (WOA) deemed terminated.
5. Hearing of violation in the court
6. Disposition of probation either revocation, B. Other ways of terminating probation:
continuation or modification 1. Termination before the expiration of the period
2. Termination by pardon of the probation
If revocation was decided = the court will issue a revocation 3. Deportation of the probationer
order and the accused will serve the original sentence 4. Death of the probationer


If fully terminated, the court will issue a TERMINATION City or Provincial Parole and Probation Office in the place to
ORDER which he transferred.


The final discharge of the probationer shall operate to
restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a result Absconding petitioner – a convicted defendant whose
of his conviction and to fully discharge his liability for any application for probation has been given due course by the
fine imposed as to the offense for which probation was court but fails to report to the probation office or cannot be
granted. located within a reasonable period of time.
Absconding probationer – a person whose probation was
granted but failed to report for supervision or fails to continue
CONFIDENTIALITY OF RECORDS reporting for supervision or whose whereabouts are unknown
for a reasonable period of time.
The probation records may be found, firstly, in the
court concerned. Secondly, in the office of the Chief Probation PROBATION AIDES (NOW PROBATION ASSISTANTS)
and Parole Officer assigned in the city or province. Thirdly and
fourthly, copies of these records are being forwarded to the Section 57. Qualifications: Functions. –
Regional Parole and Probation Office and the Parole and
Probation Administration (Central Office). a. The Probation Aides must be citizens of good repute
and probity,
SECTION 41. OUTSIDE TRAVEL b. at least 18 years of age on the date of appointment,
c. at least high school graduates
a. A Probation Officer may authorize a probationer to travel d. and preferably residence of the same locality or
outside his area of operational/territorial jurisdiction for a community covering the place of residence of the
period of more than ten (10) days but not exceeding thirty probationer and/or the CPPOs, SPPOs, and SrPPOs,
(30) days. PPOsII, and PPOsI.
b. A Probationer who seeks to travel for up to thirty (30) days e. Probation Aides so appointed may hold office during 10 10
outside the operational/territorial jurisdiction of the good behavior for a period of two (2) years, renewable
Probation Office shall file at least five (5) days before the at the end of each period
intended travel schedule a Request for Outside Travel
(PPA Form 7) with said Office properly recommended by
the Supervising Probation Officer on case and approved SECTION 59. CASELOADS
by the CPPO.
c. If the requested outside travel is for more than thirty (30) A. The maximum supervision caseloads of a Probation
days, said request shall be recommended by the CPPO Aide at any given time, shall be ten (10) probationers
and submitted to the Trial Court for approval. on minimum case classification
d. Outside travel for a cumulative duration of more than thirty B. three (3) probationers on maximum case
(30) days within a period of six (6) months shall be classification in addition to other duties.
considered as a courtesy supervision
ACT NO. 4103
as amended by Act No. 4225 and Republic Act No. 4203
A Probationer may file a Request for Change of
Residence (PPA Form 24) with the City or Provincial Parole Purpose
and Probation Office, citing the reason(s) therefore this request
shall be submitted by the Supervising Probation Office for the To uplift and redeem valuable human material, and
approval of the Trial Court prevent unnecessary and excessive deprivation of liberty and
economic usefulness. Penalties shall not be standardized but
In the event of such approval, the supervision and fitted as far as possible to the individual, with due regard to the
control over the probationer shall be transferred to the imperative necessity of protecting the social order (People v.
concerned Executive Judge of the RTC, having jurisdiction and Ducosin, 59 Phil 109). Under Section 5 of said Act, it is the
control over said probationer, and under the supervision of the duty of the Board of Pardons and Parole to look into the
physical, mental and moral record of prisoners who are eligible
for parole and to determine the proper time of release of such ZEBULON BROCKWAY FOUNDER OF PAROLE IN
prisoners on parole. USA
Extensive Parole in USA
PAROLE DEFINED (Elmira Reformatory)

 refers to the conditional release of an offender from a

correctional institution after he has served the minimum of Coverage
his prison sentence;
 a procedure by which prisoners are selected for release 1. General Rule: All persons convicted of certain crimes
on the basis of individual response and progress within under Philippine courts.
the correctional institution and a service by which they are 2. Exceptions / Disqualified (Section 2), law will NOT apply
provided with necessary control and guidance as they to persons:
serve the remainder of their sentence within the a) Convicted of offense punishable by death penalty or
community life imprisonment;
b) Convicted of treason, conspiracy or proposal to
it comes from the French word parole, referring to "word" as in commit treason
giving one's word of honor or promise. c) Convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition
or espionage;
PROBATION VS PAROLE d) Convicted of piracy;
e) Who are habitual delinquents;
PROBATION PAROLE f) Election offenses
g) Who escaped confinement or evaded sentence or
GIVEN BY THE COURT GIVEN BY THE BPP violated the terms of a conditional pardon;
h) Whose maximum term of imprisonment (imposed)
MINIMUM SENTENCE i) Convicted of terrorism, plunder and transnational
j) Undergoing trial and appeal 11 11
SUPERVISED BY THE PPA k) Whose penalty is suspension or destierro; and
l) Person already sentenced by final judgment at the
time this Act was approved (December 5, 1933).
The first parole law was passed in Massachusetts in a) Youth
1837. At about same time, Alexander Maconochie introduced a b) Aged
system whereby a prisoner was given a “ticket of leave “ c) Physical disability such as when the prisoner is
(the equivalent of parole ) after earning a certain required bedridden, a deaf mute, a leper, a cripple or is bind or
number of marks – known as the MARK SYSTEM. From this, similar disabilities;
Maconochie gained the fame as FATHER of PAROLE! d) Serious illness and other life-threatening disease as
certified by a government physician;
Parole was also a feature of the Irish Prison system e) Those prisoners recommended for the grant of
by Sir Walter Crofton which was established in 1856 based on executive clemency by the trial/appellate court as
an indeterminate sentence & the mark system. The Elmira stated in the decision;
Reformatory by Zebulon Brockway, likewise, had a limited form f) Alien prisoners where diplomatic considerations and
of indeterminate sentence and a method of marks similar to amity between nations necessitate review;
the Irish system, and parole based on marks.

PIONEERS OF PAROLE SYSTEM An indeterminate sentence is a sentence imposed for a

crime that is not given a definite duration.
AUSTRALIA) In addition, ACT 4103 provides for the creation of
Marks System the Board of Pardons and Parole, or the Board of
WALTER CROFTON FOUNDER OF PAROLE IN Indeterminate Sentence, provided in Section 3 of the said
Act tasked to look into the physical, mental and moral
Irish System
Progressive Mark System
record of the prisoners who are eligible to parole and to e) a member of the Philippine BAR.
determine the proper time of release of such prisoners.
Ex-Officio Member – Administrator of the PPA
The court must, instead of a single fixed penalty,  At least one member of the board shall be a woman
determine two penalties, referred to in the Indeterminate  Appointed by the President for 6 years
Sentence Act as the ‘maximum’ and ‘minimum’ terms.
It is indeterminate in the sense that “after serving the PROBATION ADMINISTRATION
minimum”, the convict may be release on parole, or if he is not
fitted for release, he shall continue serving his sentence until BPP PPA
the end of the maximum. It is the fixing of the minimum and UNDER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE
maximum terms, which generates a lot of confusion and is the HEADED BY A CHAIRMAN HEADED BY AN
constant source of error of some judges. (SEC DOJ) ADMINISTRATOR
The act should be applied in imposing a prison PPA & SUPERVISION
sentence for a crime punishable either by special law or by the APPROVES & REVOKES SUBMITS REPORT TO
Revised Penal Code. Under Section 1 of Act No. 4103, as PAROLE COURT AND BPP
amended by Act No. 4225, if the offense is punished by special RECOMMENDS EXECUTIVE RECOMMENDS THE
law, the court shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate CLEMENCIES TO THE REVOCATION OF PAROLE
penalty, the maximum term of which shall not exceed the PRESIDENT AND PROBATION
maximum fixed by said law and the minimum term shall not be RECOMMENDS THE CENTRAL OFFICE FOR
less than the minimum prescribed by the same. If the offense REVOCATION OF PARDON PPO’S
is punished by the Revised Penal Code, the court shall
sentence the accused to an indeterminate penalty, the
maximum term of which shall be the penalty imposable under
the same Code after considering the attending mitigating
and/or aggravating circumstances according to Article 64 of
the said Code. The minimum term of the same shall be within 12 12
the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the
Code for the offense.
 The Board of Pardons and Parole was created pursuant to
Act No. 4103, as amended. It is the intent of the law to
The period of parole supervision shall extend up to
uplift and redeem valuable human material to economic
the expiration of the maximum sentence which should appear
usefulness and to prevent unnecessary and excessive
in the Release Document, subject to the provisions of Section
deprivation of personal liberty.
6 of Act No. 4103 with respect to the early grant of Final
 grants parole and recommend to the President the grant
Release and Discharge.
of any form of executive clemency to deserving prisoners
or individuals
 reviews reports submitted by the Parole and Probation
Administration (PPA) and make necessary decisions
 a functional unit under the Department of Justice.
A client may not transfer from the place of residence
designated in his Release Document without the prior written
approval of the Regional Director subject to the confirmation by
the Board
Secretary of Justice who shall be its Ex-officio Chairman
a) sociologist,
A Chief Probation and Parole Officer may authorize a client to
b) one a clergyman or educator
travel outside his area of operational jurisdiction for a period of
c) one psychiatrist,
d) trained and experience person
not more than thirty (30) days. A travel for more than 30 days
shall be approved by the Regional Director. refers to the final report submitted by the Probation and Parole
Officer on his supervision of a parolee/pardonee as basis for
TRAVEL ABROAD AND/OR WORK ABROAD the latter’s final release and discharge;

Any parolee or pardonee under active WHAT IS EFFECT OF CERTIFICATE OF FINAL RELEASE
supervision/surveillance who has no pending criminal case in AND DISCHARGE?
any court may apply for overseas work or travel abroad.
However, such application for travel abroad shall be approved Upon the issuance of a certificate of Final Release
by the Administrator and confirmed by the Board. and Discharge, the parolee/pardonee shall be finally released
and discharged from the conditions appearing in his release
WHAT IF THE PAROLEE VIOLATED THE CONDITIONS OF document. However, the accessory penalties of the law which
PAROLE? have not been expressly remitted therein shall subsist.
1. The PPO shall produce a progress report
2. The PPO afterwards shall submit an infraction report
to the board of pardons and parole OTHER FORMS OF NON-INSTITUTIONAL CORRECTIONS
3. Upon receipt of an infraction report, the board may
of the client.
4. The board may recommend the cancellation of the - collective term for absolute pardon, conditional
pardon or cancel the grant of parole pardon, reprieve, amnesty and commutation of
The client who is recommitted to prison by the Board
shall be made to serve the remaining unexpired portion of the A formal petition for executive clemency addressed as follows
maximum sentence for which he was originally committed to shall be submitted to the Board before the question of said
prison clemency will be considered. 13 13

“The President of the Philippines

Thru: The Chairman
Parole Probation Board of Pardons and Parole,
Continue the remaining Serve the original sentence DOJ Agencies Bldg., NIA Road cor. East Avenue, Diliman,
maximum sentence in full Quezon City”



After the expiration of the maximum sentence of a  an act of grace proceeding from the power entrusted with
client, the Board shall, upon the recommendation of the Chief the execution of the laws which exempts the individual on
Probation and Parole Officer that the client has substantially whom it is bestowed from the punishment that the law
complied with all the conditions of his parole/pardon, issue a inflicts for a crime he has committed; pardoning power is
(CFRD) to a parolee or pardonee. However, even before the
expiration of maximum sentence and upon the  is a form of executive clemency which is exercised by the
recommendation of the Chief Probation and Parole Officer, the Chief Executive. It is an act of grace and the recipient of
Board may issue a certificate of Final Release and Discharge pardon is not entitled to it as a matter of right. The
to a parolee/pardonee pursuant to the provisions of Section 6 exercise of pardon is vested in the Executive, is
of Act No. 4103, as amended. discretionary and is not subject to review by the courts.
Neither does the Legislative Branch of the government
have the right to establish conditions nor provide
WHAT IS THE DOCUMENT REQUIRED BEFORE THE procedures for the exercise of clemency.
“SUMMARY REPORT” History of Pardon


The exercise of the pardoning power has always been
vested in the hands of the executive branch of the government, Under the present method of judicial procedure
whether King, Queen, President or Governor. Pardon dates justice is not guaranteed. It is possible to convict innocent
back to the pre-Christian era. in fact the bible contains an person as it is possible for criminals to escape the hands of
illusion where a criminal was released and pardoned by the justice. When an innocent convict has no more recourse
King at the time Christ was crucified. through courts, the remedy is absolute pardon. The power of
the President or Prime Minister to pardon offenders on the
In England, pardon was developed out of the conflict grounds of innocence is rarely exercised because the criminal
between the King and the Nobles who threatened their powers. procedures are liberal in granting a new trial in the case of an
Pardon was applied to members of the Royal family who offender has no more legal remedy will pardon of this nature
committed crimes, and occasionally to those convicted of be given. If so exercised, absolute pardon is granted after an
offenses against the royal power. It was the general view that exhaustive investigation is conducted and upon
the pardoning power was the exclusive prerogative of the King. recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.
In England today the power to extend pardon is vested in the
Queen upon advice of the Minister of the Interior. b. TO KEEP PUNISHMENT ABREAST WITH THE
In the United States, pardoning among the early American PRACTICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE
colonists was a carry-over of the English practice. The ADMINISTRATION.
pardoning power was exercised by the Royal governor through
the power delegated by the King. After the declaration of A criminal act, because of changing scheme of social
Independence, the Federal and state constitutions vested the values, may become non-criminal at a later date. Therefore,
pardoning power on the President of the United States and the persons serving imprisonment at the time of the repeal of the
Governor in federal and state cases, respectively. law abolishing the crime may be extended absolute pardon.
For example, a person serving imprisonment for black-
In the Philippines, the Jone’s Law Section 21 stated that “the marketing of gasoline when this commodity was rationed, may
Governor General of the Philippine Islands is vested with the after the repeal of the law on black-marketing be extended
power to grant pardons and reprieves and remit fines and absolute pardon.
forfeiture”. Currently, the pardoning power is vested in the 14 14
Prime Minister by Article IX, Section14 of the Philippine c. TO RESTORE FULL POLITICAL AND CIVIL RIGHTS
Constitution which states: OF PERSONS WHO HAVE ALREADY SERVED
“The Prime Minister shall have the power to grant reprieves, PRESCRIBED PERIOD.
commutations, and pardons, and remit fine and forfeitures,
after convictions for all offenses, except cases of The greatest number of application for absolute
impeachment, upon such conditions and with such restrictions pardon come from ex-prisoners who desire to be restored their
and limitations as he may deem proper to impose. He shall political and civil rights. In the Philippines, the Office of the
have the power to grant amnesty with the concurrence of the President laid down the policy to grant absolute pardon to ex-
Congress. “ prisoners ten years from the date of their release from prison.
Recently the policy was relaxed, thereby shortening the waiting
period of five years. The waiting period is required to give the
GENERAL TYPES OF PARDON offender an opportunity to demonstrate that he has established
a new pattern of conduct.
1. Special Pardon – Pardon given to a single individual CRISTOBAL VS LABRADOR
2. General Pardon - pardon given to classes or group of
person. The case where the Supreme Court laid down the doctrine
that the absolute Pardon removes all that is left of the
KINDS OF PARDON consequences of conviction, and that it is absolute in so far it
restores the pardonee to full civil political right
1. ABSOLUTE PARDON - the extinction of the criminal
liability of the individual to whom it is granted without any 1) CONDITIONAL PARDON
condition and restores to the individual his civil rights
The extinction of the criminal liability of an individual,
The purposes of this kind of pardon are- within certain limits or conditions, from the punishment which
a. TO DO AWAY WITH THE MISCARRIAGE OF the law inflicts for the offense he has committed
Conditional Pardon serves the purpose of releasing, - at least two (2) years of the minimum sentence if
through executive clemency, a prisoner who is already convicted of Murder or Parricide but not sentenced to
reformed or rehabilitated but who cannot be paroled because Reclusion Perpetua
the parole law does not apply to him. Thus a prisoner serving a - at least one (1) year of the minimum sentence if
determinate sentence or life imprisonment is excluded from the convicted of Homicide
benefits of the parole law. However, when this prisoner has - at least nine (9) months if convicted of Frustrated
already been reformed, he may be released on conditional Homicide
pardon. - at least six (6) months if convicted of Attempted

EFFECTS OF PARDON Nature of Conditional Pardon

1) It removes penalties and disabilities and restores full Conditional pardon is in the nature of a contract, so
civil and political rights; that it must first be accepted by the recipient before it takes
2) It does not discharge the civil liability of the convict to effect. The pardonee is under obligation to comply strictly with
the individual he has wronged, as the President has the conditions imposed therein; otherwise, his non-compliance
no power to pardon a private wrong; will result to the revocation of the pardon. (Art. 95, RPC). If the
3) It does not restore offices, property or rights vested in pardonee violates any of the conditions of his pardon, he will
others in consequence of the conviction. Under our be prosecuted criminally as a pardon violator. Upon
law, a pardon shall not work the restoration of the convictions, the accused will be sentenced to serve an
right to hold public office or the right of suffrage imprisonment of prison correctional. However, if the penalty
unless such rights be expressly restored by the terms remitted by the granting of such pardon be higher than six
of the pardon. years, the pardonee will be made to serve the unexpired
portion of his original sentence. (Art. 159, RPC)


Conditional Pardon may be commenced by a petition 15 15
1) It may not be exercised for offenses in impeachment cases; filed by the prisoner, his family or relative, or upon the
2) It may be exercised only after conviction by final judgment; recommendation of the prison authorities. The petition or
3) It may not be exercised over civil and legislative contempt; request is processed by the Board of Pardons and Parole . The
4) In case of violation of election law or rules and regulations, Board shall determine if the prisoner has served a sufficient
no pardon, parole or suspension of sentence may be portion of his sentence; his release is not inimical to the
granted without the recommendation of the Commission on interest of the community; and that there is likelihood that the
Elections. offender will not become a public charge and will not recidivate
5) During pendency of case or trial or during appeal in crime. If all these factors are favorable, then the Board will
6) Violation of Art. 157 – evasion of service of sentence for 1 endorse the petition favorably to the President . If the case is
year from the time of recommitment premature, the petitioner is so informed.
7) It cannot be exercised to violation of tax laws.
It is an elementary principle in political law that pardon can
only be given after final conviction. Cases pending trial or an IN DETERMINING THE FITNESS OF A PRISONER FOR
appeal are still within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts; RELEASE ON CONDITIONAL PARDON, THE FOLLOWING
hence, pursuant to the theory of separation of powers, the POINTS SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS GUIDES.
Chief Executive has no jurisdiction over the accused. a. The political, organizational or religious affiliation of
Prisoners who escaped or evaded service of sentence are the prisoner should be disregarded.
not eligible for executive clemency for a period of one (1) year b. Due ( but not undue ) regard should be given the
from the date or their last recommitment to prison or conviction attitude of the people in the community from which he
for evasion of service of sentence was sentenced.
c. The judicial history of the case should be carefully
d. The background of the prisoner before he was
He must have served at least one half (1/2) of the committed to prison – social, economic, psychological
minimum of his indeterminate sentence or the following and emotional backgrounds – should be carefully
portions of his prison sentence: investigated.


The purpose of conditional pardon and parole is the same – There are certain safeguards, however, against the abuse
the release of a prisoner who is already reformed in order that of the pardoning power. First is the constitutional provision that
he can continue to serve his sentence outside of the institution, the President may be impeached for a willful violation of the
thus giving him the opportunity to gradually assume the Constitution. This is enough deterrent for the Chief Executive
responsibilities of a free man. Both releases are subject to the to abuse this power. Second, is the policy of the Office of the
same set of conditions will subject the parolee or pardonee to Chief Executive, ever since the time of the American
be recommitted to prison. The only difference between the two Governors General, to approve pardon cases which are
is the granting authority. In parole the granting authority is the favorably recommended by the Board of Pardons and Parole.
Board of Pardons and Parole, while in conditional pardon, the Although this policy does not wholly bind the President,
granting authority is the President. seldom, if ever, has it been disregarded?


In the Philippines, the pardonee is given the same set of - Reduction or lowering, shortening of sentence
rules or conditions as the parolee. Among the conditions - an executive clemency changing a heavier sentence
usually imposed on pardonees and parolees are the following: to a less serious one, or a longer prison term to a
shorter one
a. That he shall live in his parole residence and shall not - granted by the president with the recommendation of
change his residence during the period of his parole the BPP
without first obtaining the consent of the Board of - granted after conviction but do not erase the fact of
Pardons and Parole. If the parolee or pardonee conviction of the person
leaves the parole jurisdiction temporarily, he needs - granted with condition of maintaining good behavior
not get the permission of the Board, although he may
so inform his parole officer (Municipal Judge) of his

b. That he shall report to the Municipal Judge ( of the He must have served at least one third (1/3) of the
town where he will reside ) or to such officer as may minimum of his indeterminate sentence or the following
be designated by the Executive Officer of the Board portions of his prison sentence consisting of Reclusion
of Pardons and Parole during the first year once a Perpetua:
month and, thereafter, once every two months or as
often as he may be required by said officer. - at least ten (10) years if convicted of Robbery with
Homicide, Robbery with Rape, or Kidnapping with
c. That he shall not indulge in any injurious or vicious Murder
habits, and shall avoid places or persons of - at least eight (8) years if convicted of Simple Murder,
disreputable or harmful character. Parricide, Rape or Violation of anti-drug laws
- at least twelve (12) years if given two or more
d. That he shall permit the Provincial Commander, sentences of Reclusion Perpetua
Philippine Constabulary or any officer designated by - at least twenty (20) years in case of two (2) sentences
the Executive Officer of the Board to visit him at for Reclusion Perpetua, provided that at least one (1)
reasonable times at his place of abode or elsewhere of the sentences had been automatically commuted
and shall truthfully answer any reasonable inquiries from a death sentence
concerning his conduct or conditions.
e. That he shall not commit any crime and shall conduct
himself in an orderly manner. “Reprieve” refers to the deferment of the
implementation of the sentence for an interval of time; it does
f. That he shall pay not less than P50.00 a month to the not annul the sentence but merely postpones or suspends its
cashier of the Department of Justice in payment of execution. The postponement / withholding or temporary stay
the indemnity imposed upon him. of the execution of a death sentence
g. That he shall comply with such orders as the Board or
its Executive Officer may from time to time make.
Reprieve is a temporary stay of the execution of the 4. Cannot be granted in cases of RA 9745 or anti torture
sentence. Like pardon, the President can only exercise law.
reprieve when the sentence has become final. Generally, 5. Cannot be extended to cases of civil and legislative
reprieve is extended to death penalty prisoners. The date of contempt.
the execution of sentence is set back several days to enable
the Chief Executive to study the petition of the condemned
man for commutation of sentence or pardon. EFFECTS OF AMNESTY

1. Looks Backward: Extinguishes Criminal Liability

- Amnesty totally extinguish criminal liability and

Death sentence shall be suspended when the accused is: 2. Restore Civil and Political Rights
- Amnesty restores all the civil and political rights lost
1. Woman, while pregnant; due to criminal and other actions or proceedings as a
2. Woman, within one year after delivery; product of conviction.
3. Person over 70 years of age.
4. The suspension of the execution of the sentence as PROCESS OF GRANT OF AMNESTY
regards a person over 70 years old is necessary to
give the President time to act, because only the 1. Proclamation of the president granting amnesty,
President can communicate the sentence. specifying the crime committed and specific names of
5. In cases wherein, a convicted prisoner became individual(s) that can avail amnesty
insane before the actual date of execution. 2. Concurrence of majority of the members of Congress
3. Application of the beneficiaries
AMNESTY 4. Admission of Guilt
5. Review by the ad hoc committee for qualification
- an act of the sovereign power granting oblivion or 6. Referral clearance by the ad hoc committee to DND if the
general pardon for a past offense usually granted in crime is against national security and to COMELEC if 17 17
favor of certain classes of persons who have against election laws for recommendation
committed crimes of a political character, such as 7. Decision of the Ad Hoc Committee to grant amnesty
treason, sedition or rebellion
- Also known as General Pardon or Blanket Pardon
- Forgiveness which one sovereign grant to the SALIENT POINTS OF RA 10592
subjects of another, who have offended by some
breach of the law of nations.  PERIOD OF PREVENTIVE IMPRISONMENT
1. Full time credit allowance for preventive imprisonment
1. Proclamation No. 75 made clear that the amnesty "shall
not cover rape, acts of torture, crimes against chastity  If the inmate agrees to the rules in writing that he will
and other crimes committed for personal ends." be treated as like a regular convicted inmate
(inmate’s manifestation)
Rules, procedures, and further requirements to implement  If didn’t agree to abide with the rules, the inmates will
Proclamation No. 75 were contained in Circular No. 1 of the be given 4/5 of the credit
DND Amnesty Committee.
Whenever an accused has undergone preventive
It included a condition where the applicant should have an imprisonment for a period equal to the possible maximum
"express admission" of participation and guilt, and a imprisonment of the offense charged to which he may be
"recantation of all previous statements" that are not consistent sentenced and his case is not yet terminated, he shall be
with the admission. released immediately without prejudice to the continuation of
the trial thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the same is
2. Cannot also be granted in cases of impeachment under review.
3. Cannot be applied to cases of violation of election laws
without favorable recommendation from the COMELEC


In case the maximum penalty to which the accused may 2. 3rd to 5th year – 23 days / month
be sentenced is Destierro, he shall be released after thirty (30) 3. 6th to 10th year – 25 days / month
days of preventive imprisonment." 4. 11th up – 30 days / month
5. -15 days / month for study and mentoring
May be granted by the Director of BJMP, Director of BuCor
OLD GCTA LAW ART 97. RPC and Provincial, City and Municipal Jail Wardens and can now
be granted even to a detainee while undergoing trial.
1. 1st 2 year – 5 days per month
2. 3rd – 5th year – 8 days per month DISQUALIFIED FOR GCTA
3. 6th – 10th year – 10 days per month
4. 11th – succeeding years – 15 days per month  Recidivist, quasi-recidivist and habitual delinquents
 Failed to surrender voluntarily after being summoned to
Granted only by the director of BUCOR to a convicted the execution of the sentence
inmate & cannot be applied in BJMP 3. SPECIAL TIME ALLOWANCE FOR LOYALTY (STAL)

Act No. 2489, otherwise known as the Industrial Good ART. 98 – deduction of 1/5 if the convict voluntarily
Time Law, provides that when a prisoner has been classified surrendered within 48 hours after the declaration of
as trusty or penal colonists, he is given an additional 5 days’ passing of calamities or conflagration or even man-made
time allowance for every month of service. A prisoner serving crisis
life sentence has his sentence automatically reduced to 30
years of imprisonment upon attaining the classification of trusty Art 158 – Evasion of Service of Sentence due to failure to
or penal colonists return within 48 hours after passing of calamity or
disorder. Surrendered after 48 hours shall also be charged
The abovementioned privilege will not apply if, with Art. 158 but must be given the mitigating
circumstance of voluntary surrender
 When they are recidivists, or have been convicted 18 18
previously twice or more times of any crime; and RA 10592 – deduction of 2/5 if the inmate stayed while
 When upon being summoned for the execution of disaster is present.
their sentence they have failed to surrender
voluntarily. "This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether undergoing
preventive imprisonment or serving sentence."
(RA 10592)

1. 1st 2 years – 20 days / month 1.


Granted by the president Granted by the president with concurrence of
1 pardon = 1 person 1 amnesty = group
Granted after conviction Even before trial or filing of complaint
General types of crimes For political crimes only
Accused/inmate’s Remedy Granted by When to be Availed
Pardon President After final conviction
Reprieve President After final conviction


Commutation President After final conviction

Amnesty President with the concurrence of the Before the prosecution of

majority of all the Congress criminal action, during trial
or before the judgment, or
even after conviction
Probation The court that heard and decided the Within 15 days following the
case promulgation of judgment
Parole The Board of Pardons and Parole After service of the
minimum period of
indeterminate sentence
GCTA The Director of the BUCOR or by the Every month upon showing
BJMP or by Provincial Jail good behavior
OLD RULE = 5,8,10,15
NEW LAW = 20,23,25,30
STAL The Director of the BUCOR or by the 1/5 of the sentence if
BJMP or Provincial Jail returned to jail within 48
hours after the
pronouncement of the
passing away of calamity.

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