Document - 2022-07!29!144643adverse Claim Certified Receipts Proof of Delivery

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Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the Worls Hrorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and ‘Americana Islands <> ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ ‘The True and Be Jure Natural Peoples — Heirs of the Land ‘& ~LS.L.AM. ~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Lina Maria Hidalgo Harris County Judge 1001 Preston, Suite 911 Houston, TX 77002 We are putting you, Lina Maria Hidalgo, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attomey, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. ‘They are all third-party interlopers and 1 command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al. Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud; and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected Judge, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the cath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and Wwe require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-4998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead ‘orignal and Indigenous Peoples Documents: Northwest Umexem/ North Qirica / Worth dincrca "The Moroccan Empire! ~ Continental United States: 'Jemple ofthe .Moon and Sun: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident. Non-Subject Reng the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors ofthe Land. ok = o gs > @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government ~ ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ ~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the Works Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands > ~ Temple of the Hoon and Sun ~ > The True and Be Jure Natural Peoples — Beirs of the Land & ~LS.LAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Ed Gonzalez Harris County Sheriff 1200 Baker Street Houston, TX 77002 We are putting you, Ed Gonzalez, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost atsea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B, Nutter & Company et al It is already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud; and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected Sheriff, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the ath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate, Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A9®8_ Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead ‘original and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Worthwest Gmexem / North fia / North dmerica | ‘Fhe Moroccan Empire’ ~ Continental United States: ‘Semple of th Moon and Sun’: Non — Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land. ok & @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World orthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands m» ~ Temple of the Hoon and Sun ~~ ‘The True and We Jure Natural Peoples — Beirs of the Land S ~LS.LAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Ted Heap Harris County Constable Precinet 5 17423 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77094 We are putting you, Ted Heap, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We ate not lost at sca. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attomey or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. ‘They are all third-party interlopers and | command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al. Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail Sraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud: and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected official, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the oath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. SSS Page 1 of 1 MACN-A%98 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead original and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Werthwest mexer / North ditica/ Worth dmerica ‘Fhe Moroccan Empire ~ Continental United Stats: ‘Semple of the Moon and Sun’: Non ~ Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non Subject ~ Being the ‘Rightfal Heirs and Inheritors of the Land. & @ Moorish National Republic Federal Govermment ‘» ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Mauvikanos ~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands » ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ ~ ‘The True and Be Jure Natural Peoples — Heirs of the Land ‘ ~LS.LAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable John B. Scott State of Texas Secretary of State P.O. Box 12887 Austin, TX 78711-2887 We are putting you, John B. Scott, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost ‘at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attomey or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attomey over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al. It is already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud: and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected official, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the ath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A998_Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead ‘original and Fndigenous Peoples Documents: Vorthwest tmexem / North ivca/ North dmeriea/ ‘The Moroccan Empire ~ Continental United State: ‘Temple of the Moon and Sun’: Non —Domestic, Non — Resident, Non-Subject ~ Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land. Cc il Se 8 = e Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ Moorish Divine and Hational Movement of the Worlds Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining elantis and Americana Islands ‘> ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ The True and Be Jure Matural Peoples — Heirs of the Land & ~LS.LLAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Warren Kenneth Paxton Junior State of Texas Attorney General P.O. Box 12548 Houston, TX 78711-2428 We are putting you, Warren Kenneth Paxton Junior, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint conceming an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al. Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud: and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Seetion 513). Being that you are an elected official, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the ath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A98_ Moorish National Republi Federal Government Letterhead Aboriginal and Indigenons Popes! Documents: Worthwest Ganexem / Worth diiee/ Worth dmerica/ ‘Fhe Moroccan Empire ~ Continental United States: ‘emple of the Moon and Sun’: Non - Domestic, Non — Resident, Non-Subject ~Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors ofthe Land. @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government » ~ Sotietas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Hrorthiwest Smexem / Southwest Amexem / Central mexem / Adjoining Atlantis and ‘Americana Islands ‘> ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~~ ‘The True and Be Jure Matural Peoples — Heirs of the Land ‘& ~ LS.L.A.M. ~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Sylvester Turner City of Houston Mayor P.O. Box 1562 Houston, TX 77251 We are putting you, Sylvester Turner, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing altomey, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have teceived numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al It is already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security: bank fraud: and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected City of Houston Mayor, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the oath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind ‘as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate, Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Leiria ‘@ooriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest inexem/ Won divca/ Worth danerca/ The Morvocan Empire’ ~ Continental United States: ‘Semple of the Moon and Sua: Non —-Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject - Being the ‘Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land. oes SA s = @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government >» ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ x Moorish Divine and ational Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and ‘Americana Islands ‘> ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ ~ The True and Be Jure Matural Peoples — Heirs of the Land & ~LS.LAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Taneshia Hudspeth Harris County Clerk P.O. Box 1525 Houston, TX 770251-1525 We are putting you, Taneshia Hudspeth, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui Juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental ageney has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I ‘command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B, Nutter & Company et al. Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security: bank fraud; and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected Harris County Clerk, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the oath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Leticrhend Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples! Documents: Vorthwest @mexem / North Wivica Worth dmerica “Fhe Atoroccan €mpte ~ Continental United States: ‘Semple of the ‘Moon and Sun’: Non — Domestic, Non — Resident. Non-Suibject ~ Being the Rightful Heirs and Inberitors of the Land. S @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government » ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Stlantis and ‘Americana Islands ‘> ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ x The Crue and Be Jure Natural Peoples — Beirs of the Land & ~LS.LAM.~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Marilyn Burgess Harris County District Clerk 201 Caroline, Suite 420 Houston, TX 77002 We are putting you, Marilyn Burgess, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney ‘over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. ‘They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property, We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud: and utering a Counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected Harris County District Clerk, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the oath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead oorginal and Indigenous Peopkes! Documents: Norwest mexem | North ica / Worth inerca/ The Moroocan Empire’ ~ Continental United States: 'femple ofthe oon and Sun: Non - Domestic, Non Resident, Non Subject Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritrs of the Land. ok < si 8 @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae €a Al Maurikanos ~ ~ Moorish Divine and ational Mobement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Lelantis and ‘Americana Islands > ~ Cemple of the Moon and Sun ~ > The True and Be Fure Natural Peoples — Beirs of the Land & ~LS.LAM.~ ‘> July 21, 2022 Honorable Chief Justice Nathan Lincoln Hecht Supreme Court of Texas P.O. Box 12248 Austin, TX 78711 We are putting you, Nathan Lincoln Hecht, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B. Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al. It is already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security: bank fraud; and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected offial, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the ath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. Page 1 of 1 MACN-A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Gverament Letterhead orignal and Indigenous Peoples Documents: Northwest mexem/ North ditica/ Worth dineriea | "The Morvocen Empire’ ~ Continental United States: ‘Semple of the Soon and Sun: Non-Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subject~ Being the [Rightful Heirs and Inherits ofthe Land. Bai = s & @ Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Mlaurikanos ~ ~ Moorish Divine and Mational Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Islands >» ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~~ ‘The True and Be Jure Patural Peoples — Heirs ot the Land ‘& ~ LS.L.A.M. ~ July 21, 2022 Honorable Antony John Blinken, United States Secretary of State United States Department of State 2201 C Street NW, Room 2206 Washington, DC 20520-2204 We are putting you, Antony John Blinken, under penalty of perjury. We are Bruce Huff Bey and Evelyn Huff El, American Moors, living sentient beings, in Proprio Persona, sui juris, in Proprio heredes and in Proprio solo at this time and at all points in time. We are not lost at sea. We are man and woman in the flesh, and we command you to honor and follow through on your oath of office to protect and secure the rights of the people. We have not granted any power of attorney or any other similar instrument to any “person”, government, or any agent thereof and no governmental agency has power of attorney over us or our property. Enclosed is a strong complaint concerning an illegal and unlawful foreclosure relative to our right of defense by way of an adverse claim. We have sent out multiple Writs relative to our right of adverse claim, to Jim Nutter, acting as President and Chief Executive Office of James B. Nutter and Company corporation, the acting representing, attorney, Michael J, Schroeder and Jerry Rivera acting as Lead Compliant Specialist for James B, Nutter and Company corporation. They are all third-party interlopers and I command that you get these rouge and belligerent agents to halt all illegal and unlawful ‘Unam Sanctum operations against us and our right of claim to our property. We have received numerous threats by way of “mail fraud” from Jim Nutter acting as President and Chief Executive Officer, of James B. Nutter & Company et al Itis already known by stare decisis that if one “USD” is given, or demanded, by any of the agents HJR 192 is overridden and all instruments have become “bogus financial instruments” involving private creditors and “enjoined in the fraud” may be prosecuted under conspiracy; mail fraud; uttering a false security; bank fraud; and uttering a counterfeit security (18 U.S.C. Section 513). Being that you are an elected official, we expect you to carry out our commands and demands to the best of your ability per the oath and obligations you have to the people. Please respond in kind as our lives have been threatened and we require an advocate. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to princip: Page I of 1 MACN-A998 Moorish National Republic Federal Government Letterhead original and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest mexem / North Arica / North dimerica "Fhe Moroccan Epics! ~ Continental United States: ‘Semple of the oon and Sun': Non — Domestic, Non ~ Resident, Non-Subjcet Being the Rightful Heirs and Inheritors of the Land. JAMES B.NUTTER & COMPANY (16) 531-2045 WESTPORT/PLAZA OFFICE [800) 876-7334 4153 BROADWAY P.0. BOX 10346 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64171-9996 June 17, 2022 Ms. Evelyn Huff 3327 Honey Creek Drive Houston, TX 77082-1424 Documents Dear Ms. Huff, James B. Nutter & Company (the “Company”) would like to follow up with you concerning recent communication it received on June 13, 2022, regarding the above referenced matter. An envelope was delivered to our office, via the United States Postal Service's certified mail. The sender information listed Bruce Huff Bey and yourself, along with the above referenced property address. Upon opening the envelope, it was discovered that it contained multiple documents with information regarding qualified immunity, general civil orders, among other topics. However, there was no signed written request from You. After reviewing these documents, the Company is providing this response. At this time, we would like to advise you that after a thorough exam of the documents sent to our office, the Company is unable to ascertain is the issue or what the Company is being asked what to do. ‘Additionally, there do not appear to be any questions regarding the origination or servicing of your loan, However, we do want to advise you that as of the date of this letter, the loan is paid through June 1, 2021, and default action has begun. Any question regarding this action can be directed to the Foreclosure Department, which can be reached at toll-free (800) 798-3946, during Company business hours. For your information, are hours are from 8:15 a.m. CS.7. to 5:00 p.m. CS.7,, Monday through Friday, and a Representative will be able to answer your questions. |f you have any questions regarding the contents of this letter, please feel free to contact me via electronic mail at, or telephonically at (816) 531-2345, extension 7559 and | will be happy to speak with you. Sincerely, vo Pn Lead Compliance Specialist Compliance Department NMLS 10.8 2087 wun jamosbnutter‘com i a QUALIFIED IMMUNITY NOTICE To ALL Police Officers & Public Officials fee sola retel Vata e coi comes SUPREME COURT RULINGS ON QUALIFIED IMMUNITY: 1 Malley v. Briggs, 476 U.S. 336 - “A Police Officer or Public Official Loses Their QUALIFIED IMMUNITY When They “Knowingly Violate the Law” Or Are "Plainly incompetent.” &- Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 487 U.S. 800 - "Government officials performing discretionary functions, generally are shielded {rom liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct... DOES NOT Violate “Clearly Established” Statutory or Constitutional Rights of which a reasonable person would have known." 3 United States v. Gantt, 194 F.3d 987 - “There is NO good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule for police who DO NOT ‘act in accordance with governing law." 2. United States v Loper-Soto 205 F.3d 1103 - "Police Officers MUST Properly Understand the Law that they are entrusted to enforce and obey 5. Ashcroft . Al-Kidd, 563 U.S. 781" - Qualified immunity shields a government official from money damages UNLESS... 1 The official Violated a Statutory or Constitutional Right, and... 2. That Right was “Clearly Established’ at the time of the Challenged Conduct” Owen v. City of Independence, 445 U.S. 622 Amunicipality has NO immunity from liability under U.S.C. 42 § 1983 flowing from its Constitutional Violations. and may not assert the good faith of its officers as a defense to such liability. THE SUPREME COURT ON PROBABLE CAUSE AND REASONABLE SUSPICIO! Terry v. Ohio, 392 US. 1 erst for a Police Officer to detain a Person... “The police officer must be able to point to SPECIFIC and ARTICULABLE Fag ouinich, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrant that intrusion’ "Simple "good faith” on the part of the arresting officer is not enough” Delaware v Prouse 440 U.S. 648 ceaiecs there is at least ARTICULABLE and REASONABLE SUSPICION that a motorist is unlicensed, an automobile is not registered, or the either the vehicle or an occupant is otherwise subject to seizure for violation of law” stopping an Gutomobile and detaining the driver to check his driver's license and the registration of the automobile are un sesonable under the Fourth Amendment.” Hilbel v Nevada 542 U.S. 177 ‘An officer may NOT arrest suspect for failure to identify himself If the request for identification is not reasonably related to the circumstances justifying the sto Brown v. Texas, 443 U.S. 47 ‘Apolice officer may not detain a person and require them to identify themselves without Reasonable Suspicion that person involved in criminal activity.” FEDERAL LAW AGAINST DEPRIVATION of CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS: ue 42 US. Code 881983... “Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any Brake oF Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any Citizen ofthe United stuneegy otra aesren within the jurisdiction thereof to the Deprivation of Any Rights, Privileges, or Immunities secured by the Conseearon nt laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.” Also ‘see secs. 1885 61986 Criminal Conspiracy for Deprivation of Rights. 7020 1290 OO0L 1394 BaLy 20 4290 OO0L 1394 L357 esa wih Ti Seg. ck: 8633 eer) Oo. 827) 4364 98/0722029 eA Goacal Meri Lcioy 7020 1250 USPS Tracking’ Fags Track Another Package + Remove Tracking Number: 70201290000182718831 Your item was delivered to the front desk, reception area, or mail room at 1:43 pm on July 29, 2022 in HOUSTON, TX 77094. 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