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do the
Goodwil Corporation Lid senior m a n a g e r s
and encouraged
eariy rarning
Lid. Mr Abhishe him a way t o get
wil would gve through
h e president of Good felt this or
n o t be

facilitare upward nals that would found that many

wanted t o
ukherji., cpt:on. ita Mr Mukherji
policy was a good formal cnain of

He believed an open-door
open to all employees
door w a s
announced that his own

He insisted that the manager come to the m e a

employces who used the open-door policy had been

with the company for years and were comfortable talk- willing to listen and without hostity towards Ar:
through During the meeting. Anand's manager listered a-
ing to the president. Sometimes messages

about inadequate policies and procedures. Mr Mukherji tively and dispBayed no ili wiil. He learned the pro
at the from Anand's perspective and realized he was ov
would àise these issues and explain any changes
next senior managers' meeting. The most difficult com- head in his new job. After the meeting. the muna33
he was relieved. He had been premoted r:o
ptaints handle were those from people who were not
from a technical position just a few monts eri.
zerting along with their bosses.
had no management or planning experienc.
One empioyee, Anard, complained bitterly that his
comed Mr Mukherji's offer to help him do a bes
manager had over committed on behalf of the depart-.
ment and put everycne under tremendous pressure. of planning
Anand argued tha: long hours and low morale were major Questions
prr.bierrs However, he wesld n: allow r Mukherji to
. VWhat techniques increased Mr M-kherjis <
etier bring the manager into the d.scussion or seek out .ation eitectiveness
her empoyees to conírm he compiaint. Although 2. Do you think that an open-door poicy v
r Mukherji suspected that Anand might be right. he way to improve upward communicat.or
i d not let the matter le and säid, "Have you consid- techniques wouid yos suggest?
ared leaving the company?' This macie Anarnu realizn that 3. What problems do you think an
meeting wirh his im!nediate boss was unavoidable. reates? Do you thnk many emp: yes
oicre tiree-party "meeing, Mr Mukheri con
o use t? Give reasons for yur answer.
3Ca Anand's marager and explained what was 2oing

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