Important Questions For Term 1

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Q1. Fill in the blanks.

i.        The Rigveda has been written in Sanskrit.
ii.        Inamgaon is situated on the river Ghod.
iii.        The Rigveda was composed about 3500 years ago.
iv.        Sanskrit is part of a family of languages known as Indo-European.
v.        The major gods praised in the hymns of the Rigveda were Agni, Indra, and Soma.
vi.        The dead were buried with distinctive pots, which are called Black and Red Ware.
Q2. True/False
i.        The river Ghod is a tributary of the Bhima. True
ii.        The oldest Veda is the Samaveda. False
iii.        Slaves were women and men who were often captured in war. True
iv.        Hymns were composed by sages (rishis). True
v.        In a hymn in the Rigveda, Vishvamitra used the word 'sisters' for the two rivers Beas and Sutlej. True
vi.        Roma, a plant from which a special drink was prepared. False

Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following is the oldest Veda?
(a) Samaveda (b) Yajurveda (c) Rigveda (d) Atharvaveda
Answer: (c) Rigveda

2. Who is the ‘god of fire’ according to Rigveda?

(a) Agni (b) Indra (c) Soma (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Agni

3. In which language is ‘The Rigveda’ written?

(a) Vedic Sanskrit (b) Vedic Hindi (c) Vedic Tamil (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Vedic Sanskrit

4. Which of the two rivers are studied in the Rigveda?

(a) Ganga and Yamuna (b) Beas and Sutlej (c) Saraswati and Brahmaputra (d) All of these
Answer: (b) Beas and Sutlej

5. When was the Rigveda written?

(a) About 3500 years ago (b) About 1000 years ago
(c) About 500 years ago (d) About 1500 years ago
Answer: (a) About 3500 years ago

6. On which bark was the Rigveda written?

(a) Neem Bark (b) Cinkona Bark (c) Tulsi Bark (d) Birch Bark
Answer: (d) Birch Bark

7. Where is birch bark found? In.

(a) Maharashtra (b) Pune (c) Delhi (d) Kashmir
Answer: (d) Kashmir
8. Who were the Priests in the ancient time?
(a) Brahmins (b) Sikhs (c) Muslims (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Brahmins
9. Which were the two words used to describe the people or the community as a whole?
(a) Jana and Vish (b) Aryas and Dasas (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Jana and Vish

10. In which region was the Rigveda composed?

(a) North-east (b) North-west (c) North-south (d) Western-east
Answer: (b) North-west

1. Where was the page from a manuscript of the Rigveda found?

Ans. This manuscript of the Rigveda, on birch bark, was found in Kashmir.
2. Why yajnas or sacrifices were performed?
Ans. Yajnas or sacrifices were performed to please gods and goddesses.
3. Which language belongs to the Dravidian family?
Ans. Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam belong to the Dravidian family.

4. Name 4 Vedas.
Ans. There are four of them – the Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda.
5. What do people at Inamgaon ate?
Ans. People at Inamgaon ate wheat, barley, rice, pulses, millets, peas and sesame.
6. How were yajnas performed?
Ans. Yajnas were performed by offering ghee and grains into the fire in order to please god and goddesses.
7. How slaves were treated?
Ans. They were treated as the property of their owners, who could make them do whatever work they wanted.

1. Differentiate between ‘Aryas’ and ‘Dasas’.

Aryas Dasas

The people who composed the hymns Aryas called their opponents Dasas or Dasyus. These were people who did
described themselves as Aryas. not perform sacrifices, and probably spoke different languages.

 2. What kind of evidence from burials do archaeologists use to find out whether there were social differences amongst
those who were buried?
Ans. Objects were found in the grave of the dead person. Sometimes, more objects are found in one grave than in
another. These finds suggest that there was some difference in status amongst the people who were buried. Some were
rich, others poor, some chiefs, others followers.

3. In what ways do you think that the life of a raja was different from that of a dasa or dasi?
Raja Dasa or Dasi
1. Raja was a powerful leader who used to rule. 1. They were often captured in war.
2. Raja was a free person. 2. They were treated as the property of their owners, who could
make them do whatever work they wanted.
3. The rajas led a luxurious life. 3. They led a miserable life.

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

i.        There are eight major religions in the world.
ii.        The upper castes acted in ways, which did not give the so-called "untouchables" the same rights as they enjoyed.
iii.        People form certain attitudes and opinions about others who are not like them.
iv.        We have more than 1600 languages that are people's mother tongues.
Q2. True/False
i.        Dr Ambedkar had also fought for the rights of the Dalits. True
ii.        There are more than a thousand dance forms. False
iii.        We feel safe and secure with people who look, talk, dress and think like us. True
iv.        Government jobs are open to all people. True

1. What does democracy mean?

(a) Equal right to vote (b) Unequal right to vote (c) Discrimination (d) All of these
Answer: (a) Equal right to vote

2. According to Universal Adult Franchise every adult has:

(a) No vote (b) one vote (c) multiple vote (d) All of these
Answer: (b) one vote

3. What is NOT the element of equality?

(a) Justice (b) Religion (c) Wealth (d) Health
Answer: (b) Religion

4.Whose autobiography is ‘Joothan’?

(a) Omprakash Valmiki’s (b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s
(c) Mahatma Gandhi’s (d) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru’s
Answer: (a) Omprakash Valmiki’s

5. What did the headmaster ask Omprakash Valmiki to do?

(a) To bring a glass of water (b) To sweep the school playground
(c) To teach the students (d) None of these
Answer: (b) To sweep the school playground

6.When persons are treated unequally what is violated?

(a) Dignity Cb) Religion (c) Caste (d) Practice
Answer: (a) Dignity

7. The Indian constitution recognises

(a) all people are equal (b) all people are not equal
(c) all people are economically sound (d) none of these
Answer: (a) all people are equal

8. Who drafted the Indian Constitution?

(a) Pt. J.L. Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Lai Bahadur Shastri (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Answer: (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

9. Who represent our problems in the Parliament House?

(a) Ourselves (b) MLAs (c) SHO (d) MPs
Answer: (d) MPs

10. Civil Rights movement of USA was about:

(a) Afro Americans (c) Both of these (c) Indo Americans (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Afro Americans

1. What prejudice mean?

Ans. Prejudice means to judge other people negatively or see them as inferior.

 2. What is seen as a key value that unites us all as Indians?

Ans. Equality of all persons is seen as a key value that unites us all as Indians.
3. Write the name used by government for Dalits.
Ans. The government refers to this group of people as Scheduled Castes (SC).
4. How do you think a person who is discriminated against might feel?
Ans. A person who is discriminated against might feel insulted, humiliated and hurtful.

5. What is Mahar?
Ans. Mahar is one of the communities which were treated as untouchables in the Bombay Presidency.
6. Who are untouchables?
Ans. The groups who were placed at the bottom of the ladder were seen as unworthy and called "untouchables".
7. What do you mean by stereotype?
Ans. Stereotype means fixing something into an image that society creates around us.
8. Who was the first person from Dalit community to go to England for higher education?
Ans. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the first person from Dalit community to go to England for higher education.

1Who are seen as dirty or impure?

Ans. Activities like cleaning, washing, cutting hair, picking garbage are seen as tasks that are of less value and people
who do this work are seen as dirty or impure.
2. Write one disadvantage of stereotypes?
Ans. Stereotypes fit large numbers of people into only one pattern or type. Stereotypes affect all of us as they prevent us
from doing certain things that we might otherwise be good at.
3. Why does discrimination occur?
Ans. Discrimination can take place because of several reasons. Diversity such as different language, culture, status,
economic background, religion etc. can also be a source of discrimination.
4. India is a secular country. What does it means?
Ans. India is a secular country where people of different religions and faiths have the freedom to practice and follow their
religion without any fear of discrimination. This is seen as an important element of our unity – that we all live together
and respect one other.

Fill in the blanks.

i.     The blue colour is used for showing water bodies.
ii.    A compass is used to find the main directions.
iii.  Brown colour is used for showing mountains.
iv.  A globe can be useful when we want to study the earth as a whole.
Q2. True/False
i.     A scale is necessary for a map. True
ii.    Direction is not a component of maps. False
iii.  A physical map shows natural features of the earth. True

1. Topographical map are those

(a) Smaller than the atlas map (b) Are used by engineers
(c) Larger than cadastral map (d) Are based on actual survey of small area
Answer: (d) Are based on actual survey of small area
2. Symbol on map that represent human and physical features on surface of Earth is classified as
(a) Legend (b) Grid (c) Key (d) Both a and c
Answer: (a) Legend
3. Which of the following is not the limitation of the globe
(a) Maximum distortion is seen in the region around the poles (b) Represents earth on the flat surface
(c) Details are not given in the form of symbols (d) Can study the detail part of the earth
Answer: (d) Can study the detail part of the earth

4. Atlas map are drawn on a ____ scale.

(a) Infinite (b) Small (c) Very large (d) Large
Answer: (b) Small

5. Plan is useful to show

(a) Details such as length and breadth of a room or place (b) To find the location of place of the map
(c) Details of counties river, ocean (d) Can be put together to make an Atlas
Answer: (a) Details such as length and breadth of a room or place

6. Which of the following is not among the cardinal direction

(a) South (b) North-east (c) East (d) West
Answer: (b) North-east

7. Boundaries between different states are shown in _______

(a) Political Map (b) Relief Map (c) Vegetation (d) Commercial Map
Answer: (a) Political Map

8. Usually top of the map indicates ____ direction.

(a) West (b) North (c) South (d) East
Answer: (b) North

9. Map showing the distribution of important crops, minerals, industries etc are called
(a) Distribution map (b) Political map (c) Divided map (d) Physical map
Answer: (a) Distribution map

10. In map Light brown colour is used to show

(a) Rainfall (b) Mountains (c) Rivers (d) Forest
Answer: (b) Mountains

1. What are the three components of a map?

Ans. There are three Components of Maps – distance, direction and symbol.
2. When should we use a globe?
Ans. A globe can be useful when we want to study the earth as a whole.
3. What are intermediate directions?
Ans. The four intermediate directions are north-east (NE), southeast (SE), south-west (SW) and north-west (NW).
4. What are the four cardinal directions?
Ans. There are four major directions, North, South, East and West. They are called cardinal points.

5. What are physical maps?

Ans. Maps showing natural features of the earth such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, oceans etc. are called physical
or relief maps.
6.. Define Political Maps
Ans. Maps showing cities, towns and villages, and different countries and states of the world with their boundaries  are
called political maps.

1. Distinguish between a map and a plan.

Ans. Difference between a map and a plan
1. A map is a representation or a drawing of the 1. A plan is a drawing of a small area on a large
earth’s surface or a part of it drawn on a flat surface scale.
according to a scale.

2. What is a sketch map?
Ans. A sketch is a drawing mainly based on memory and spot observation and not to scale. Sometimes a rough drawing is
required of an area to tell where a particular place is located with respect to other places.  Such a rough drawing is drawn
without scale, and is called a sketch map.

3. Differentiate between small scale map and large scale map.

Ans. Difference between small scale map and large scale map
small scale map large scale map

When large areas like continents or countries are to When a small area like village or town is to be
be shown on a paper, then we use a small scale. For shown on paper, then we use a large scale that is 5
cm. on the map shows 500 metres only on the
example 5 cm. on the map shows 500 km. of the
ground. It is called a large scale map.
ground. It is called a small scale map.

1. Topographical map are those

(a) Smaller than the atlas map (b) Are used by engineers
(c) Larger than cadastral map (d) Are based on actual survey of small area
Answer: (d) Are based on actual survey of small area

2.Symbol on map that represent human and physical features on surface of Earth is classified as
(a) Legend (b) Grid (c) Key (d) Both a and c
Answer: (a) Legend

3.Which of the following is not the limitation of the globe

(a) Maximum distortion is seen in the region around the poles (b) Represents earth on the flat surface
(c) Details are not given in the form of symbols (d) Can study the detail part of the earth
Answer: (d) Can study the detail part of the earth

4.Atlas map are drawn on a ____ scale.

(a) Infinite (b) Small (c) Very large (d) Large
Answer: (b) Small

5.Plan is useful to show

(a) Details such as length and breadth of a room or place (b) To find the location of place of the map
(c) Details of counties river, ocean (d) Can be put together to make an Atlas
Answer: (a) Details such as length and breadth of a room or place

6.Which of the following is not among the cardinal direction

(a) South (b) North-east (c) East (d) West
Answer: (b) North-east

7.Boundaries between different states are shown in _______

(a) Political Map (b) Relief Map (c) Vegetation (d) Commercial Map
Answer: (a) Political Map
8.Usually top of the map indicates ____ direction.
(a) West (b) North (c) South (d) East
Answer: (b) North

9.Map showing the distribution of important crops, minerals, industries etc are called
(a) Distribution map (b) Political map (c) Divided map (d) Physical map
Answer: (a) Distribution map

10.In map Light brown colour is used to show

(a) Rainfall (b) Mountains (c) Rivers (d) Forest
Answer: (b) Mountains

Choose the correct answer:

1.Which is the earth consisting of solid portion?
(a) The Atmosphere (b) Hydrosphere (c) The Lithosphere (d) All of these
Answer: (c) The Lithosphere

2. Which is the largest continent?

(a) Asia (b) Africa (c) Australia (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Asia

3.What is biosphere?
(a) Narrow zone (b) Broad zone (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Answer: (a) Narrow zone

4.Which gas is responsible for global warming?

(a) O2 (b) CO2 (c) N2 (d) H2
Answer: (b) CO2

5.The Arctic Circle passes through

(a) Asia (b) Europe (c) North America (d) All of these

6.Which longest river flows through Africa?

(a) The Ganga (b) The Yamuna (c) The Nile (d) None of these
Answer: (c) The Nile

7.Which of the following is the smallest continent?

(a) Africa (b) Asia (c) Australia (d) Antarctica
Answer: (c) Australia

8. Where is more than 97% of water found on the earth?

(a) In rivers (b) In wells (c) In ocean (d) None of these
Answer: (c) In ocean

9. Why do humans not use the ocean water?

(a) Too sour (b) Too salty (c) Too sweet (d) All of these
Answer: (b) Too salty

10. The earth surrounded by a layer of gases is called

(a) The lithosphere (b) The atmosphere (c) The hydrosphere (d) All of these
Answer: (b) The atmosphere
Q1. Fill in the blanks.
i. Life exists in the biosphere zone.
ii. Africa is the only continent through which the tropic of Cancer, the Equator and the Capricorn pass.
iii. The Andes is the world’s longest mountain range.
iv. Australia is called an island continent.
v. The world’s longest river the Nile flows through Africa.
vi. The Arctic Ocean is connected with the Pacific Ocean by a narrow stretch of shallow water known as Berring Strait.
vii. Europe lies to the west of Asia.
Q2. True/False
i.        The Atlantic Ocean is ‘S’ shaped. True
ii.        Biosphere is one of the layers of the Atmosphere. False
iii.        The South Pole lies almost at the centre of Antarctica. True
iv.        Africa is the second largest country after Asia. True
v.        Pacific Ocean is ‘L’ in shape. False
vi.        The coastline of Atlantic Ocean is highly indented. True
vii.        The atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen and argon. False

1. Why nitrogen considered as a significant gas?

Ans. Nitrogen is considered as a significant gas because it helps in the growth of living organisms.
2. Name the three main components of the environment.
Ans. The three main components of the environment are lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere.
3. Name the oceans that surround the continent North America.
Ans. Oceans that surround the continent North America are Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean.
4. Which two oceans surround South America on the east and the west?
Ans. On the east –Atlantic Ocean and on the west – Pacific Ocean
5. Why Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered as an important constituent of air?
Ans. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is important as it absorbs heat radiated by the earth, thereby keeping the planet warm. It is
also essential for the growth of plants.

6.Which is the world’s largest hot desert and where is it located?

Ans. The Sahara Desert, the world’s largest hot desert, is located in Africa.

7. What is ‘Global Warning’?

Ans. Increase in the amount of CO2 leads to increase in global temperatures.
This is termed as global warming.
8. What are the major components of the Lithosphere?
Ans. It comprises the rocks of the earth’s crust and the thin layers of soil that contain nutrient elements which sustain
9. Why the earth is called a blue planet?
Ans. The earth is called the blue planet because more than 71 percent of the earth is covered with water and 29 percent is
with land.

1. Write about Pacific Ocean.

Ans. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean. It is spread over one-third of the earth. Mariana Trench, the deepest part of
the earth, lies under the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is circular in shape. Asia, Australia, North and South Americas
surround it.
2. What is ‘Atmosphere’? Why atmosphere is so important?
Ans. The earth is surrounded by a layer of gas called the atmosphere. This thin blanket of air is an integral and important
aspect of the planet. It provides us with the air we breathe and protects us from the harmful effects of sun’s rays.

3. Distinguish between the lithosphere and the hydrosphere.

Lithosphere Hydrosphere

1. The solid portion of the earth on which we live is 1. Water covers a very big area of the earth’s
called the Lithosphere. surface and this area is called the Hydrosphere

2. It comprises the rocks of the earth’s crust and the 2. Water in oceans and rivers and in lakes, ice in
thin layers of soil that contain nutrient elements glaciers, underground water and the water vapor in
which sustain organisms. atmosphere, all comprise the hydrosphere.

4. Write a short note on continent Asia.

Ans. Important fact about Asia
     1.   Asia is the largest continent.
     2.   It covers about one third of the total land area of the earth.
     3.   The continent lies in the Eastern Hemisphere.
     4.   The Tropic of Cancer passes through this continent.
     5.   Asia is separated from Europe by the Ural mountains on the west
     6.   The combined landmass of Europe and Asia is called the Eurasia (Europe + Asia).

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